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meh. mines right next to seizure.js
Mine runs in the message options popout :P
Jesus christ
gross, but amusing :)
and it changes randomly
Why would one ever
...practical joke.
pretty much yea
Ehehehehe }:D
@ShotgunNinja you'll love this one as well. I like to keep it on my GF's laptop in a bookmark
(function() {
    var s = document.createElement('style');
    s.textContent = '.trololol:hover{-webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);';
run in your console.
then try to use the page (mouse around)
So far so good.
What does it do? Not gonna try that on my work computer.
@rlemon Epic.
only works in webkit browers that support classList
Ugly-@$$ text much
does it just rotate all text upside-down?
@ShotgunNinja all the page
@WileyMarques Oh.
@rlemon - What is funny is that if you hover over the scroll bar it rights the page.
but only when hovered over the body
yea it really screws with you
the page is still functional... hard to use
I guess that's for tablet/smartphone users?
oh lovely.
Well I'm out guys. Cya tomorrow. :)
nearly impossible
another one for trolling at the office.
adios Andre
/* Simulated lag.
   Setup for upto ten seconds of random lag, randomly, every zero to ten seconds. */
function lag(n/*seconds of lag*/) {
    var now = new Date().getTime();
    while( (new Date().getTime()) - now < n*1000 ) {}
function run() {
    setTimeout(run, Math.random()*10000);
run this in a co-workers console or install it as a userscript
The easy way to test on IE ^
Why would anyone use IE...
I wonder if on IE it removes all lag.
/* Makes links jump around while users try to touch them.
   Note: Changes the margin, therefore also often shifts other elements on the page */
function r(l)   {return Math.floor(Math.random() * l) + 'px';}
function e(m)   {m.addEventListener('mousemove', o, false);}
function o(n)   {'A'===n.target.tagName&&(n.target.style.margin=[r(100), r(100), r(100), r(100)].join(' '));}

last one
5 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
read the method names left to right with arguments top to bottom
r(l)e(m)o(n) - tee hee
That was already obvious.
if you guys ever make any - add them here please
that is the messages script
hrm... nice. but I'm so used to Killit now :P
but it is not malicious
in the JS room I just bin shit
If I make a mean one I will try to remember your gist
@TravisJ I love how I have the first comment on that, lol
I know an easy way to automatically filter 2/3 of obscene content.
replace all gravatars with memes would be fun :D
ignore Jamie!
@ShotgunNinja - first ! :)
And I got 3 upvotes on my comment, lol
Guess what.
You got laid!
I discovered today that our enterprise application might have to support environments that disable javascript.
@TomW That's called "graceful degradation".
Now you get to do fun stuff like html caching, and the always fun, put it all together server side approach.
this is a slight problem when the frontend supplied as a pre-built solution by a partner builds the UI with JS on the client side.
My company's offerings are set up to not require javascript for any main site functionality.
@TomW - You will have to cache the UI
@TomW Awww.... that's lame.
Here's the solution. Run a browser in your server that executes the JS, and just refresh the client whenever the DOM changes.
@AndréSilva c ya!
If you have javascript off and try to use this platform it will not allow you access to any advanced features.
Do really someone turn off Javascript?
Evil people do occasionally.
Q: What resources besides the available source code provide a Razor ViewEngine grammar or similar descriptive document?

jcolebrandWhat resources besides the available source code provide a Razor ViewEngine grammar or similar descriptive document? Specifically, I want to study how the fundamentals of the view engine are derived and tokenized/parsed before it is compiled, and I feel like there is some formal definition that ...

@KendallFrey wat
You're welcome to turn off javascript, but don't be surprised if nothing works
it's like buying a car, then complaining to the manufacturer that you can't drive
Turning off javascript and expecting things to work is like turning off your hard disk and trying to boot up.
I have heard that parts of the UK government still use IE6 and won't permit any other browser
The browser that allows the script to manipulate the registry. So secure.
I suppose that's why they turn it off
@TomW a lot of government organizations because they have paid a lot of money to use certain apps
@KendallFrey lol
I'm not sure when/if that got taken out.
@KendallFrey nah, I could do that with Chrome. It would just have to give a nag-warning
It's still in IE
now i'm just screwing around in the chat
$('body').append('<style>.avatar img { -moz-transition: ease all 100ms; -webkit-transition: ease all 100ms; -ms-transition: ease all 100ms; -o-transition: ease all 100ms; transition: ease all 100ms;   } .avatar:hover img { -webkit-transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(1.2); -moz-transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(1.2); -ms-transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(1.2); -o-transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(1.2); transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(1.2);}</style>');
That's why the Java exploits are so damaging, they aren't sandboxed. Most plugins aren't. Chrome nominal plugins are sandboxed
Microsoft deserves to have very horrible things done to them.
then mouse over a gravatar
many of enterprise sector still use IE6 too
@KendallFrey he says in a chat about Microsoft products ...
written on a Microsoft platform
C# is an ECMA spec.
You have no proof I'm on Windows.
@TravisJ var els = $('.avatar img'); els.each(function(i,el) { var ind = Math.floor(Math.random()*i), tmp = els[ind].src; els[ind].src = el.src; els[i].src = tmp; });
Well duh, I constantly complain about Oracle/Sun not fixing old legacy shit in Java.
@rlemon nice!
@rlemon Random avatars?
first one spins them - second one jumbles them around
@rlemon Make the avatars blink.
I couldn't find a way to make them all memes
and @KendallFrey i'm working on blinkify me actually
@rlemon: Make everything marquee, lol
@KendallFrey no, but I have proof the SE team writes their code on Windows
@ShotgunNinja he mean't like physically blink. like eye balls.
lemonmeme.com like here
@KendallFrey speaking of, is there a published spec on Razor?
^ Blinkify me will do this automatically (Hopefully)
@jcolebrand No fapping clue.
Oh, just a facial recognition system?
yea and the 'drawing' of the eye lids
@KendallFrey - Check out my class structure for my drawing application - i.imgur.com/6rDY1.png
@SpencerRuport wut
The components are there, they exist, and some of them can be replicated with minimal effort.
@SpencerRuport What are you trying to make>
If you have a document to parse, doesn't the parser normally use a "grammar"? that is the right word for the process, right?
@KendallFrey - Just the project that's been keeping me so busy lately.
@jcolebrand Yup.
What kind of UML diagram is that?
@SpencerRuport Well, I'd show you the class structure for mine, but it doesn't have any structure.
@ShotgunNinja A non-UML one.
@ShotgunNinja - I'm writing an application for some elevator engineers. Basically they draw up these diagrams with a bunch of shapes, lines and text and then run some code against it with some job specific data and it fills in the blanks.
@KendallFrey Good; I was worried there was some minute aspect of UML I haven't encountered yet.
@SpencerRuport Rational Rhapsody?
Oh and yeah my diagram doesn't conform to any standard. :P
Those are the best.
What's that @ShotgunNinja
@SpencerRuport Model-driven development tool, from IBM (Used to belong to Rational, before IBM bought 'em out)
@KendallFrey - Not sure if serious... ;) I dunno I never could quite get a handle on standard diagramming.
I know this is random, but have you ever tried to talk while listening to yourself in headphones?
@ShotgunNinja there are easy JS face detection libs.
@KendallFrey I know this is random, but yes.
If so, can you talk more than 60 WPM?
animated gifs are easy peasy
@rlemon Hmm?
Yes, but how well can they locate eyes?
I made a facial recognition program in HS - basically you guess with some degree of accuracy
@ShotgunNinja - Ah yeah I suppose it would be similar to that. Only real difference is that the diagrams represent circuits and components.
@KendallFrey, there was a paper that won an IgNobel prize for showing that you can completely stall someone's speech if you direct it back to them with a small delay.
There's a prize for that?
I know the shape of your head, the position of your nose and chin relative to your ears.. I can guess where your eyes are
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh someone linked to a Rational product! :( this makes baby jeebus cry.
What practical use does that have?
@SpencerRuport So, something more along the lines of Multisim?
Oy, what is the average age of this room right now?
I feel like most of you are between 14 and 23
@ShotgunNinja - I should just record myself using it.
@ChadRuppert Yeah...
Hang on.
26!! Woot!!!
I am above the curve!
Then there was @KendallFrey, our child prodigy...
@Liqua Who is this?
I find it funny that non-regulars are chiming in with their ages.
They are aspiring regulars.
be nice to them. one day they could be your boss.
They could be your boss right now
do i qualify as a regular at this point?
everyone I work with is, by my standards, old
Who says i'm not already ....
@Liqua Not with such minimal posts as that.
@jcolebrand no the nanny program I put on his computer assures me job security.
Note also the lurkers are older ... so far ;-)
@rlemon Bahahaha. Bill Gates reference?
im no lurker dammit
I get pulled into rooms because of interesting sidebar messages flying by
I'm probably the youngest person working at my current company.
and im the g.d. old man apparently
all of you! off my lawn!
I'm pretty young in my office, a few might be comparable but not many
@ChadRuppert g.d. = Grumpy Diuretic?
uh, gosh darned?
@ShotgunNinja I started my professional career around 15-16 / I was defiantly the youngest.
but more offensive-y
@ChadRuppert I like "Grumpy Diuretic" better.
<shrug> that works too
@rlemon For a second, I thought you misspelled "definitely"... one of my pet peeves.
yesterday I was at a conference with 8 MVPs
the one I reckon was the youngest looked about my age but I expect he's a bit older
@TomW MS Valued Professionals?
@Billdr Ewww Courier New.
That baby logic scares, i'm bout to get married.... thats what life is going to be for me soon i know it
@KendallFrey I didn't make it.
its worse than the onesey indicates @Liqua
Because there's no function for pooping?
I might be single soon
because those rules change a lot
@rlemon Whose decision?
After almost three years I just learned something very disturbing about my GF
She doesn't like Monty Python.....
she's a man?
I find that I agree very much with this on programming fonts.
@rlemon WAT
meh, mine doesnt like star wars.
told me she thought it was "stupid"
@rlemon How about the 3 Stooges?
@Billdr Did you make that shirt...?
only issue is the bracket on the start of the if is the wrong way and there's no closing bracket to the while. So build error... what does that mean the baby doesn't compile
I'm afraid to ask.
@Eve Obviously.
my fwb hasn't seen Repo: The Genetic Opera.
@ShotgunNinja Consolas for me.
@ShotgunNinja ...who has?
@Billdr So your if blocks look like if (condition) } //Do something { ?
inconsolata for me.
@Eve I was being sarcastic because I had said that I didn't make it about ten lines up.
Oh sorry, I didn't even see.
Also, I really like Consolas. The slashed-zero is great.
De nada
Three movies everyone should watch
"Dazed and Confused"
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"
"Revenge of the Nerds 3"
XAML compiler Y U FAIL ME
"Gotta love those highschool girls"
also "To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar"
Wesley Snipes makes a sexy woman
dont forget ferris bueller's day off.
That is a given :P
if you haven't seen that I don't want to know you
Maybe that should be my first question to all new people I meet. "Breakfast Club or Ferris Bueller's"
man, wikipedia is good for chemistry pron
huhuhuh. Rod.
thats the first time i felt old. picking up a pizza or something one night, and the tv had the danke shon scene from Ferris bueller. The girl behind the counter and stuff asked who that was singing like that. so much fail on so many levels.
Sees spinner. Shits self.
I tried to search for Curlz MT but for some reason it's not on Win8.
god dammit. Yeah, it's a wiki featured image. It's probably several mb.
why does it look like that codes is comic sans?
what font is that?!
@Eve proportional fonts! tell my parents I love them! dies
Yes, they're lovely, aren't they?
cough gag
Before some of you start thinking it's for real -- No, I don't use Comic Sans size 25 in my code. Consolas 9.
Size 25? 0.o
For that screenshot I've set the size to 25.
And the onebox shrunk it back.
But the little expanders have the same size.
I'll show you an expander.
@Billdr btw the baby logic from 20+ mins ago is missing an end curly brace
Guys, I need more things that are wrong with that jpg I found on the internet and randomly shared with someone who might enjoy it.
i apologize for instinctually code-reviewing your onesie
I really am deeply invested in the validity of someone elses' pseudocode.
and a missing space on line 4
and what parent would put a baby in an all white onesie knowing its going to get stains on it
just saying
one word: bleach :)
^ ah good point
i just graduated from hardknocks.edu
these are things i've obviously yet to experience or learn in life
@SteveKonves Two words: skin irritation
5 words: bleach plus extra rinse cycle
soooo who can answer networking questions?
@klut Ask.
CCNAs can answer networking questions.
Glad I could help.
<---big helper. My mom says.
        m_sockBroadcast = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
        m_sockBroadcast.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.Broadcast,1);

        m_localhost     = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(m_localHostIP),BIND_PORT);
        m_remotehost    = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Broadcast,SCAN_PORT);

        m_sockBroadcast.BeginReceiveFrom(m_rxBuffer, 0, m_rxBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref m_HostEp, new AsyncCallback(ReceiveBroadcastData), m_sockBroadcast);
@Billdr Cisco Certified Nursing Assistants?
thats not a question.
that is my function
the m_localHostIP is a IPv4 address
cool story, what's wrong with it?
Stop leaving your socks lying around, it's cluttering the place up
that is also the LAN card
I see where this is going, and I don't like it.
I am receiving data on my WLAN as well, why? There is a 6TO4 tunnel in my ipconfig -all
use more usings.

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