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(But hi @ShotgunNinja)
@RudiVisser ask in the WPF room
Only @Maverik could help with this but he's AFK I think, and regardless, I think it's an actual WPF bug
@RudiVisser Do what I do.
@RudiVisser You're sure only mav could help? There are no other users in that room?
@KendallFrey Do it the way that works but isn't ideal? Okay
I just discovered that WPF does not support the control I need. So I'm happy that WPF is above such a stupid control.
@Steve I didn't really say anything... I thought I would have confused you more. But uhm... You're welcome?
@RudiVisser Is Maverik better at WPF than me?
@KendallFrey You're not in the WPF room.
@KendallFrey Moreso, you haven't provided me with an answer
That's because I don't hang out in dupe rooms.
Why do my styles work when in /Themes/Generic.xaml, but not /App.xaml...
@KendallFrey yes because WPF being available to VB and C# is exclusive to the C# room.
Do they never work at all in App.xaml?
In any project?
@Sean This room is tagged WPF.
@KendallFrey I just attempted to recreate it in a fresh project, still doesn't work. Also tried retargeting 3.5 instead of 4.0 to see if it was some bug in new WPF
@Sean it always helps to have somebody else tell you that you aren't crazy, and to tell you there HAS to be something else, also me writing it out helped me understand better :)
The last thing I need is another room to lurk in.
Right whatever
@Steve Wooden programmer / rubber duck / dog / whatever the hell you want to call it
@KendallFrey I only discovered this because I had it in an external project, and was using MergedDictionaries to bring it in. If I embedded the mergedictionary into Window.Resources where it was being used, it works fine, but if merged into Application.Resources, it doesn't.
This makes no sense to me at all.......
Perhaps I'm wrong, but I had assumed (and I'm sure I have used this in the past too!) that App.xaml's ResourceDictionary was applied globally. Because if not, what is the point of it?
Let me test it.
I can give the project if you want?
@RudiVisser No pls.
Well then note that this is perhaps some caveat of forcing theming for a custom control by overriding DefaultStyleKeyProperty
public class ThemeWindow : Window
    static ThemeWindow()
        DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(ThemeWindow), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(ThemeWindow)));
<Style x:Key="{x:Type testing:ThemeWindow}" TargetType="{x:Type testing:ThemeWindow}">
    <Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels"
      Value="true" />
    <Setter Property="Template">
            <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type testing:ThemeWindow}">
                        <SolidColorBrush Color="Red"/>
                        <ContentPresenter />
Why did you do that?
The produced Window is black if the Style isn't loaded (which it isn't in App.xaml, but works in /Themes/Generic.xaml)
Because I'm producing a base window
Oh right, this is what my office looks like. Gotta be honest, working from home seems better.
What's the targettype of the style?
@KendallFrey It's all up there ^
It's for ThemeWindow, MainWindow uses ThemeWindow as the base
I've somewhat come to terms with it not working, but I would like to know why since it makes no sense. Might be an SO Question in the making
I don't think Styles work on derived classes.
Is that designed to make it work?
I've never seen that code before.
DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(ThemeWindow), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(ThemeWindow))); changes that
That is how Window applies its default style, despite being derived in every possible use
In no case can I find any side effect of that code.
So it works for you?
Depends what it's supposed to do.
It only applies styles when you specify the exact type.
Whether I use that line or not.
It's been so long since I asked a question, that I forgot you get rep for accepting answers.
yeah, i have 2 total questions asked. one of which i answered.
@KendallFrey If you have MainWindow, and add the ThemeWindow class, then derive MainWindow from ThemeWindow instead of Window, you will see it shows up black when the style is not present and/or within App.xaml
Hey everyone, Is there any way to have a single required validation message for three properties like dobdate, dobmonth, dobyear using data annotations in mvc 3?
<testing:ThemeWindow x:Class="Testing.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
        <Button Content="Button" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="125,83,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"/>

@RudiVisser I think that x:Class might be the problem.
@Yoda I convert it from a TextBox into 3 dropdowns/textboxes with JS, and update a hidden field. That way DateTime still gets the validation
@KendallFrey Why, that is the class for MainWindow
NVM, ignore me.
I still need that, ThemeWindow is just the base Alright
Just a thought, what if you put Window in XAML instead of ThemeWindow?
MainWindow still inherits from ThemeWindow.
No it doesn't, they're incompatible
For some reason
cos partial
partial should have nothing to do with it.
Basically, you couldn't apply a global style to Window either, ThemeWindow is somewhat a stopgap measure to get the global styling working for that element by overriding the DefaultStyleKey
sigh Error 1 Partial declarations of 'Testing.MainWindow' must not specify different base classes
Would you say 460 byte chunks is good enough for data per packet? I want to keep my packets under 512 which leaves 460b for actual data. I have the ability to have more than one packet carrying data though. (This is UDP and I will re-assemble the packets at the other end together)
@StuartBlackler Seems OK to me, without further details.
@KendallFrey The idea is to just send parameters, like user id's etc to another node so that node can do the processing
@RudiVisser I don't know how to fix it, because I've never done something like this, because I think inheriting from custom windows is a slightly idiotic thing to do.
Sort of related question, what happens if you are sending data in chunks of say, 1500 bytes and your router's MTU is set to 1024 or something smaller.
@Sean packet fragmentation
so IPv4 will fragment the packets, IPv6 will return an error IIRC
@StuartBlackler That's it? It's that simple?
@RudiVisser Mind telling me what you're doing that requires inheriting from a custom window?
@KendallFrey How so? How would you apply custom chrome + effects/actions to all of your windows?
@Sean think so
@StuartBlackler Fair enough, so you would have to re-assemble them on the other side?
@RudiVisser You want to apply Glass effects to all of your windows? I had that done, let me help you.
@RudiVisser UserControl maybe.
@Eve Not at all, quite the opposite
@KendallFrey But I can't replace the base type of all of my windows with a UserControl, because XAML can't be derived from
No, you just place your usercontrol in every window.
@StuartBlackler Just thought of the XBox MTU issue, dunno why. Then I though "But what about TCP and UDP streams? =O =O"
@RudiVisser You just derive from Window and override the DefaultStyleKey. What error did you get?
How does that help to remove the borders
@KendallFrey An UserControl for that is useless overhead.
@Eve I have done this, it works fine....
@Sean erm, if the router fragments it in TCP, I think TCP reassembles it for you
@Sean UDP is connectionless, so there is no stream FYI
@StuartBlackler Makes sense
this is what I am working on: docs.google.com/spreadsheet/…
If my Style for this derived type is in App.xaml (or a MergedDictionary into the App.Resources), it doesn't work. If, however, it's placed into /Themes/Generic.xaml, it works fine... (or if it's placed straight into Window.Resources on the derived control)
@StuartBlackler Oh I've never used UDP properly, makes sense though
Are you using the style in the same app or in an external lib/app?
It will be external, but for now I'm testing it locally just to see if the externalness was the problem
I still don't understand. Is your Window in the same assembly of the Style you defined?
@StuartBlackler That's cool =]
If not, then you have to use Generic.xaml.
It is for this test, yes. But it won't be
I'll see if I can reproduce your error but from what I understand its result won't be useful in the end anyway because you'll use the Style externally.
Consider this @Eve:
<Style x:Key="{x:Type testing:ThemeWindow}" TargetType="{x:Type testing:ThemeWindow}">
        <Setter Property="Template">
                <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type testing:ThemeWindow}">
                            <SolidColorBrush Color="Red"/>
                            <ContentPresenter />
The Button is styled fine, the ThemeWindow isn't, when in App.xaml
Alright, let me see. ThemeWindow derives from Window, correct?
Yes, the code is up ^
BTW, that same code placed into /Themes/Generic.xaml, the ThemeWindow is styled, but the Button is not
It's pretty special (but at least understandable because Button will get it's Style from elsewhere)
@Sean I am using UDP for my dissertation so I am designing the packet structure and rules around the communication at the moment. I am basically going to create a set of nodes using python. Clients will be able to connect to the nodes and say "using x, process this data im sending you and give me the results only". I am creating it so that the work item is generic but for my dissertation I am going to be using recommendation algorithms based of the SO data set (so its text-based recommendations)
@StuartBlackler I got as far as distributed computing
@StuartBlackler Then lost you
@RudiVisser Works for me.
What is your code for MainWindow?
@Sean think recommendation systems (like film recommendations) in a distributed manner. My target is large scale websites
I just added a new Window, called it ThemeWindow, then from my MainWindow: new ThemeWindow().Show();
I love the number of ways you can fool our system.
@Eve No no no no
@Eve 1 moment I will up the project
Database is the wrong version and can't upgrade? No problem, I'll edit the version field manually.
@StuartBlackler So you're going to have nodes connect to your server, the server is then going to go and read these websites, make a recommendation and send that back to the requesting node?
it all makes sense in my head, but I need to draw diagrams to explain it to everyone, which is not good
erm, let me draw a picture in paint, two mins
No it's about standard
A picture speaks a thousand words
@Eve rudiv.se/Testing.rar, no bin/obj just source
@Eve Basically, it only works when Twat.xaml is renamed to Generic.xaml
@RudiVisser I'm taking a look.
Best diagram ever
Looks like a blimp carrying a waterballoon
So does your mother. ba dum tsss
@StuartBlackler Ok so, does your program sit in the server farm? Or on the nodes?
posted on January 17, 2013 by Eric Lippert

Today, a puzzle for you. We’ve been talking about how the Roslyn C# compiler aggressively optimizes nested lifted unary operators and conversions by using a clever technique. The compiler realizes the inner operation as a conditional expression with a non-null … Continue reading →

I feel like I'm having a conversation with myself except I'm playing the role of my mum or sister and you are me @StuartBlackler... "Noo..... like this....."
Ok, so a recommendation comes from the web tier to the master node (box #1). Box #1 then makes a recommendation (data could come from anywhere) and returns it to the web tier. My code is the standardisation of the communication between the processing nodes... hope that makes a bit more sense? @sean
Probably not a good sign for me
Seven blog posts on micro-optimization regarding a specific type. Eric Lippert must be seriously out of material.
@StuartBlackler No not really =\
hmm... :(
@StuartBlackler I'm sure it all works in your head. I don't need to understand it =]
Stop wasting time on me and go code =]
@RudiVisser After you define your style for ThemeWindow, add this: <Style TargetType="testing:MainWindow" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type testing:ThemeWindow}}" />
my last attempt....
Styles don't automatically apply to derived classes, you have to specify with the BasedOn attribute.
Not sure why it'd work through Generic.xaml, no time to look into that.
@Eve Yeah but that's what the override is for in ThemeWindow
The override is in ThemeWindow but not MainWindow.
Otherwise it entirely defeats the purpose
But MainWindow is extending ThemeWindow and so its static constructor will be called
It'd be the same if you tried to define a style for Window and expect it to apply to MainWindow.
@Sean You visit SO, you answer a question. After you answer a question you receive a recommendation of other questions that you may be interested in answering. What I am doing for my dissertation is looking at the issues in making those recommendations (Scalability etc.)
@StuartBlackler So far I understand that you will be taking data from websites into node #1. Then node#1 sends a request round the other nodes for what they think of a certain film, then sends the verdict back to the website that asked for it?
@Eve Which is what the framework does, and it does it the same way I did, check in dotPeek/Reflector
I know that recommendations are going to take a long time to do, so I am building in distributed capabilities from the start (hence the multiple nodes)
@StuartBlackler I don't see how that is relevant to needing UDP. I would just build a massive server >_< this is why I'm in a shit job wasting my life ^_^
@Eve It does it this exact way because otherwise how would Window ever be styled?
@RudiVisser Through the themes and not resources for the app.
@Eve Overriding the DefaultStyleKeyProperty forces it to use styles made for Window, so it's not needed to define that you need to use it for every window created ever. That's exactly what I'm trying to imitate, and it works fine, but only from a specific place which makes no sense
I'll see if I can figure out why then.
@StuartBlackler I only just saw this message
I've been trying for like 2 hours :D But yeah through themes, but surely the theme xamls are included in pretty much the same way?
Now cannot delete my emo post, /wrists
@Sean if one node has too many requests to deal, it can off load the new requests to other nodes that are less busy (in turn, returning the result faster). So the smaller the UDP packet the better (for the network)
@RudiVisser I'm not really sure of how the engine figures its way through themes.
@StuartBlackler Like a load balancer
Distributed computing, makes sense now
@Sean pretty much yea
Man this is going to suck explaining it to my supervisor tomorrow
I just didn't get the link between film recommendations and multi-node ditributed computing over UDP
@Eve As far as I'm aware, the theme xamls are just resources in PresentationFramework.]Theme], which is exactly why to use Aero you just stick it in as a MergedDictionary
Once I get all the details out of my head and onto paper, it will make more sense to everyone
@RudiVisser I'm back bellend. :(
@Eve The thing is, that works perfectly fine for types that aren't inherited for obvious reasons, ie. Button etc because they don't (well, rarely) get extended by something else. Window is the bitch that must be inherited for use, and I'm pretty sure each theme doesn't try to override that
It's quiet niche so should get me a few extra marks for being complicated :D
@AndréSilva Hey uglyfuck <3
That could be true, I'll see if I can find something.
@StuartBlackler No, just explain it in that order that you just did to me.
1. Many sites have a recommendation system
2. It can potentially take a long time to generate these recommendations
3. Keeping that in mind, as well as the problem of incoming load, I am splitting the processing out to other nodes
4. My solution uses UDP to distribute the load across multiple nodes and send the final recommendation back via the master node
@RudiVisser Everything ok asslicker? ( I'm out of swear words )
Thanks, I'm gonna head home in like 30 mins so will post it as a Q on SO before I go and you can get some rep if you figure it out :D
Although it totally sounds to me that defining themes and styles as resources are two different things.
@RudiVisser HELL YEAH !! METAL \,,/
@Eve But look at /Themes/Aero.NormalColor.xaml in the PresentationFramework.Aero.dll, it's just a resource
@Sean I am glad you wrote that, I am not thinking straight, havent eaten properly in days... thanks!!
Yes, what I say is that I don't think that they're treated in the same way as App resources.
That's why we just do Source="/PresentationFramework.Aero;component/themes/Aero.NormalColor.xaml"
First of all, they overwrite resources defined elsewhere.
@StuartBlackler No bother, get some food in you
Planning too :D Either a very large Spag Bowl or Tuna Pasta Bake, cant decide yet :)
@Eve Sure, but that was my point with the red button test. In App.xaml it works, in Generic.xaml, it's already been overridden by Aero.NormalColor.xaml (or whatever theme is applied), and so it doesn't look for the style in Generic.xaml
@StuartBlackler Computer use is particularly bad as it burns sugars in your brain faster than other activities, causing you to lose concentration. Eat man, EAT!
Mmmm sugar
@StuartBlackler mmmm spag bol gets my vote
So you eat more sugar, and the sugar level in your brain returns to normal. Then you have eaten so much sugar that DIABEETUS.
I bet the diabeeties rate amongst programmers is really high
@KendallFrey Yeah if you're stupid. Sugars in your body are generated from all different types of food, not just sugary crap
Sugary crap sounds like a waste of sugar.
I probably have diabetes
type 3: fat bastard diabetes
@StuartBlackler It's probably linked to the obesity rate.
actually Type 3 diabetes is know by another name
hey @Sean do you have a link for the sugars brain concentration thing? That would be interesting to read
Are any of you familiar with the 'make invalid states unrepresentable' rule?
@KendallFrey it sounds simple enough. You just make invalid states unrepresentable.
> overeating, American-style.
^ That
< this
what >
@ChadRuppert No it was just drilled into me every time I got angry on a game and my mum had to put me in my place
^ yum
OH SHIT IT'S @KyleTrauberman
I have a dilemma. I need to store either two dates or no date.
doh. could be mumfiction then
Now it is me
Now fixc it
Previously it was just one date, so I used DateTime?
@ChadRuppert Maybe. But it makes sense.
@KendallFrey 3 fields: Date 1, Date 2, HasDates
Now that I store two dates, is there a way to still adhere to the 'rule'?
composition kendall
@KyleTrauberman That makes invalid states still representable.
@RudiVisser I understand your issue now. I don't know why exactly it happens, but I guess they just want you to use a theme for your custom controls (since it even adds Generic.xaml in VS2012 when you create one). The cause of that is unknown to me.
@KendallFrey serialize both dates into one field?
DateSet and override ToString() @KendallFrey
Would be a decent question for SO though, so you should ask.
@ChadRuppert What does ToString have to do with it?
@Eve Weird, isn't it? :D
define presentable in your case
presentable has nothing to do with representable
then forget the tostring i misread that part. still, composition.
What does composition have to do with it?
compose an object consisting of your dates. and if one is null when reading either property throw an exception.
I can't be sure but I'd guess that when you declare something like <testing:ThemeWindow x:Class="MainWindow /> the style for ThemeWindow must be in the same context of the element using it (in your case MainWindow's resources) or Generic.xaml.
Should I make a Nullable that stores two values?
that's another way to do it
@ChadRuppert No exceptions, please.
Nullable tuple?
@Eve I was actually wrong btw, I tried putting the <Style .. /> into MainWindow, and it still didn't work
I'm not going to store tuples.
Unless you want a mutable nullable tuple...
@RudiVisser Try to make a Custom Control based on say, Button and add a style in App.xaml.
what is a nonrepresentable date at this point, nullable right?
@KendallFrey KeyValuePair :P
er, null
@SPFiredrake I said tuple, not Tuple. a pair is a tuple.
@ChadRuppert There is no 'non-representable' date.
i think null is.
@KendallFrey I know, I'm just randomly throwing ideas out.
@ChadRuppert In my case, null means, 'no date'.
so then how do you tell the api consumer that its meant to be nonrepresentable. js does NaN for numbers. What are you going to do for a date?
I don't get what you're asking.
My previous implementation had several valid states, no date being one of them.
@ChadRuppert Nullable date. If it's not representable it's null
Of course it's representable. It's representing the lack of a date.
Right well you're screwing yourself over by making it impossible to understand
you wanted this pair to have a nonrepresentible state or not?
What are the states? List them.
and examples
because you obviously mean something different to what these words mean
No date, and one state for each possible DateTime.
Now, there will be these states:
for example in js, you indicate a nonrepresentable state of a number by returning NaN
@ChadRuppert I don't think you get what I mean.
then please explain
I'm not talking about storing values that represent 'unrepresentable'.
i get that. you want to indicate to the api that a state is unrepresentable?
So you want, null, or a DateTime, so you used DateTime?
You want to do that with two datetimes, but in one object
where not having either datetime should turn it to null, or something
whats that something?
@Sean Well, I was hoping for a solution that would make invalid states unrepresentable.
@all Hi
Ideally, it would be impossible to store only one date.
@ShotgunNinja Hey, you there?
@KendallFrey I'm not sure you can do that without throwing an exception from a serializer or using some custom get/set functions
thats what i was saying @sean
you have to throw, or have a single method that represents IsComplete or something.
Yeah but I get sick of watching kendall make people go round in circles breaking their skulls on baked clay
So I'll go write guard code then. I figured I'd have to, just wanted to bounce it off you guys.
Fair enough
i would enforce this by not having a default ctor. overriding the gets on a field that checks the other fields for null. and throw in that case or just return null if any of the fields are null
You could call the class DoubleDate hurr hurr
@ChadRuppert That would most likely seriously fuck up my existing code.
well, then you can't do that and you are going to have to have guard clauses everyplace. :)
I'll just make sure calling code does what it's supposed to.
i think my solution covers your intent better. but that works too. Write an extension method maybe to provide that neatly?
if you dont want to pollute your class with it
Neat code will probably be rejected by this app's immune system.
I was only about 30% kidding there.
oh no, i believe you. i deal with crap code regularly.
I deal with it more than regularly, sadly.
no unit tests, no seams, no open-closed principle, and on and on
Ha! You think that's bad.
SOLID is not even a dream to these folks.
I cannot believe I just typed this:
/// <summary>
/// public summary
/// </summary>
Q: WPF Style for base window not applied in App.xaml, but is in Themes/Generic.xaml

Rudi VisserI am in the process of creating a base window class for most of my windows to derive from. Obviously the best solution for this was a separate class, and a style that applies to it. The issue is that the <Style ../> I have is not being applied when it is in App.Resources. That is, if it's ...

@RudiVisser Thanks but I don't really have enough time today to answer, surely someone else will.
@Eve No problem, just letting you know it's posted ;)
@Rudi +1'd to try and get some interest for you :)
@StuartBlackler Thanks!
omg last.fm is jank today
FYI, there's a new constraint in the previous problem. There is now a string that cannot have a value if the dates do not.
Don't worry about it though.
there's that tostring thing i mentioned. :)
ToString has nothing to do with it.
oh a third value, not based from the dates, just related to them
It can always be null, but not always have a value.
i hope your models can be nice and rich
There's no pattern here. There are things that act sort of like models though.
@RudiVisser is there any way to define the group: {dateofbirth: "dobdate dobmonth dobyear"} to define a group for those textboxes like we do when not using unobtrusive in mvc for validation?
not just flattened graphs?
Me@9:15AM: The model validation is fucked. We need to replace it.
Lead@9:16AM: No, you're doing it wrong. Here.
Lead@9:25AM: Huh, maybe we need this small change.
Lead@10:38AM: The model validation is fucked. We need to replace it.
classes as flat records. just properties, no logic
no deep structures.
@Yoda Not sure honestly, like I say I've always just done it the very manual way
Anyway hometime, will be back online later perhaps :D
No logic? LMFAO
I have logic in setters to update collections.
in the models. you said you have things that sometimes act like models. thats why i was asking about richness and graph depth.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
nevermind then man
I'd love to be rich though.
ive seen many many many projects where the models were nothing more than glorified DTOs. That contained no business logic in the models, all external in services in the like. those platforms are rarely fun to work in.
Neither is this one.
I failed to plan ahead, and scope creep destroyed it.
I blame management.
Even though I wrote 99% of the code.
Oh, right. I forgot that Blend raped rewrote my XAML, so now it's next to impossible to write layout code.
you should know better than to use the modern version of frontpage. :)
I did NOT touch it.
Blame the girl using it.
oh. whack her with a mallet. its the only way they learn
or roll back the views to the pre-torture rev?
Margin="11.5,8.5,23.5,25.5" Stuff like that everywhere.
it is frontpage. or a print designer learning html/css
@ChadRuppert Then she'd have to do it again.
They asked for a GUI overhaul and told her to do it.
and she has no idea how to use xaml?
Fortunately or unfortunately, she's not checking in code directly.
EWWWW I just saw a Canvas!
hey! miss x knows what colors look good. she can totally do a markup language!
Did I say she made nice colors?
She literally took several random bright colors and threw them together.
im sure someone who assigned it assumed so. thats typically how that sort of things happen.
Oh, god this is terrible.
There's this Grid, OK?
And we want an image in it.
The solution: Just put a canvas in the first cell of the grid, and place the image using pixel coordinates.
I'm pretty sure Expression Blend came about when (something very bad happened).
@KendallFrey im not sure the edit was necessary :P
I'm not in the mood for a ban right now.
I want me some lunch.

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