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Freedom of speech
@ChadRuppert We turned into a family in here... I respect a lot of people in here more than I respect some of my family..
I think I know why it's broken
this is not a government run site.
If your company filter it, that's your problem not anyone elses
When I tell @RudiVisser to fuck himself, I really mean that I love him ( no homo )
i was in my 20s once too
I'm nearly not in my 20s :(
then how can you be soo FUGotMine?
@ChadRuppert How does age have anything to do with how much people swear?
I'm making a wall with post-its with all the wrong stuff that my coworker says...
its an FUGotMine attitude, not the swearing
@AndréSilva <3
I'm not always correct, but the stuff he says is amazingly wrong..
@RudiVisser <3
I don't know what FUGotMine is, unless you're talking about sex
@ChadRuppert Fair enough, misinterpreted your point
Chad, the discussion was about being banned for saying fuck that's all
@RudiVisser "Screw you cos I have everything I want/need."
What's that got to do with age
Fsck You. Got Mine. thats what fuGotMine means. It means that as long as I am happy, I am happy to screw over everyone else.
Its very common as we are younger.
@RudiVisser "Your problem, not mine. I will ruin everything for you just cos I can."
Oh, I do that
@RudiVisser And younger people tend to have that attitude, in general.
@RudiVisser No shit Sherlock.. thanks Stuart
That's nothing to do with my age, I just don't like people
and having responses like "
If your company filter it, that's your problem not anyone elses" are an example of that. Not to pick on you @JamieTownsend
@AndréSilva "No Shit Sherlock" FTFY
Anyway right now, I don't have everything I want. WPF is being a little bitch
@StuartBlackler Yeah, I messed up with Can't see shit captain from Star Trek meme..
So help me so I can go back to ruining your lives..
It is Chad. Why should I have to act differently just because your work is anal
Anyone messed around with Stackless Python?
@JamieTownsend LOL ANAL
I actually have no filtering here. I can browse porn all day if I like. HOWEVER I know a significant portion of developers are under a corp umbrella. to say lets deny them resources because i cannot choose to use a big boy word instead of whatever curse I use is the FUGM attitude like crazy?
Then they shouldn't be in a chat room .....
a chat room thats supposed to be about programming help? where one can get instant answers?
Yes, and in which I help loads of people
but I only get shit flagged up
This discussion looks like Republicans vs Democrats...
I was right in the middle of helping someone and got banned for saying Fuck
is it really hard not to swear though?
I am not allowed to swear at home, I need an outburst lol
if you choose to help loads of people you certainly can make the choice to use big boy words and not post pictures of south park human centipedes and then go "what the heck did i do wrong, its a cartoon!"
It was a bloody joke
@StuartBlackler As I said before, we treat each other as a family, that is why we curse all day in this chat..
It did not offend anyone, if it did they need to die
more fugm
O fuck off
@AndréSilva We should not curse our family...
@StuartBlackler Well, I treat my family as friends of mine. I rather give my family permission to say everything in my face than reserve words and accumulate anger..
I tell my mom to eat shit and she answers me to go fuck myself. And we are a lovable family.
However I don't see the point in pointlessly swearing just to make a point
You mean just like what you was banned for @Sean
My point is if you have to use profanity to get your point across, or needlessly using profanity, you're doing it all wrong
I wasn't trying to make a point, I was trying to get some idiot off my case cos I wasn't answering them instantly.
@Sean The moon is far away. Looks like a nice statement right? But lets say, the moon is far as fuck. Dude, that is fucking far. That statement is fucking right and can't argue with it, because he fucking imposed an opinion.
Look, I'm not saying its inherently evil to swear. I swear a truckload. You just can't complain in a public forum when people call you on things they find offensive.
I don't Chad. I'd rather they did
but they don't they just flag and say nothing
We all know that everyone is nice on the internet.
flagging is a way to complain.
Complain to me !
Be a fucking man
lul was @Sean banned
No, flag is a way to bitch to superiors to do something because the bully stole your toy.
He got banned for an hour
yes, its chicken, but its understandable. why disrupt a conversation to ask someone to be civil?
@JamieTownsend Yeah except they won't cos you'll just swear back. That's not being in any way "a man" it's just intimidating people
@AndréSilva I don't see your point.
OMG Pick on Jamie day ?
You bring it on yourself
It's ok they were picking on me earlier
I can swear if I want to
Saying I was too awesome for them to comprehend
@Sean Using swear in opinions make it like a real thing..
Which is understandable
@JamieTownsend Then you should accept the consequences, one of them being that people will flag you if they find it offensive. Man up.
No1 would come up to me in real life and tell me not to swear cause I'd tell them to fuck right off
@JamieTownsend I have flagged you before and will continue to in the future if I feel that you have taken things too far
Ok @StuartBlackler CUNT! That too far ?
@AndréSilva As opposed to using an equally emotive statement without swearing?
@JamieTownsend Yes, you're doing it for a rise =P
@Sean It is hard to explain intonation without speaking..
Reading stuff are monotone...
No reason or need for it is there? =P
@JamieTownsend can't you just be nice...?
Ok I'm going to lunch now. Cya fuckers.
Can't you stop flagging like a little bitch ?
Everyone is now going to swear in every sentence for the next week just to try and keep up their point. Sweeeet. =P
@JamieTownsend I have an idea, put <3 at the end of everything you say directed at someone
Good idea
Lloyds are awesome, I needed to pay Sweden but they wanted to charge me £31 for the privilege of IBAN..... Just got a coupon code to get it FREEEEEEEEEE yay
I just went to Natwest to pay a cheque into my business account. This machine was aweome, it took the cheque worked out how much and that was it. Took 2 seconds and I was out.
Who needs to pay salaries. Use the machine lol
Can't stand Cheques
I know
I'd rather bank transfer but what can I do ? lol
Hmm, I haven't eaten today
I still can't believe cheques still take so long to process. It's stupid
I have just ordered my daughter a bed and mattress. Do you think my work will mind it getting delivered here ? haha
It's cos they want them gone but the system is still there
They tried to get rid but it got out voted
Too many old people with Cheque books and no internet
Fuck those people
It's almost impossible to get a cheque book now
Not that I want one, but you can't get one even if you ask
I got one? In fact I've got 2
One for my personal and one for business
And two paying in books, also pointless
I'm sure paying in books are just pre-printed versions of what they give you at the counter anyway
I've heard of loads of people struggling to get cheque books
I get chequebooks for each new account also
I got one the other week
obviously more to it then
You live in the middle of nowhere?
He prob has the same bank account my 2yr old has
I've never asked for one
so not allowed one lol
good morning!
@JamieTownsend Yes Jamie because they allow wages to be paid into savings accounts....
"Sorry sir, you claim to be Mr but your hair says otherwise. We're restricting your use of cheques."
@JamieTownsend Twat =P
yes they do
Still account no and sort douche
right well whatever
lmfao FAIL !
you can have a flag anyway, sick of being pissed all over
Talking of fail, went to ASDA to get fuel. It's card only. No station to pay. All the machines was refusing everyones cards
it was sooo funny
This is why you keep getting flagged, cos you don't think about what you're saying
I was sat there for 10 mins just laughing
wtf have i done now ?
You called me a twat, I called you a douche....
I'm surprised more people haven't ignored le obvious troll.
Oh I've not flagged those
Piss off kendall
question: In a gridview there is code like this


Where "Finding" is a class, but I don't see where its insantiated. I read online that it goes to the parent containers datatype, but that data type is a database row and in he same gridview it uses this:


Where "IsNewProposalDatePending" is a column from the database--- which makes sense. What doesn't make sense is the Finding.xxxxx calls, where Finding isn't instatiated on the aspx page, and its a non-static paramete
@KendallFrey I don't know how to ignore. its not on the line item dropdown.. where is that stupid thing?
@ChadRuppert Click on user and ignore
Click the user avatar.
@JamieTownsend You know what the best trick is for those machines
hahah thanks guys. so useful
Pay with a tesco clubcard ?
They pre-auth, and bank cards have a buffer for pre-auths only
@Steve Is Finding a field in the database? Or some sort of FK?
So if you had a balance of let's say £1, it will still preauthorise the £99 required to use the machine
lol why would you purposely want to go overdrawn ?
@Steve Databinder.eval is much the same as a javascript eval call, it uses reflection to see if it can find a property with that name in the databound object
Because if you had to pay £5.5k to 2 big financial companies who want your ass on a plate and you're left with no personal money available, you kinda gotta go to extremes, or pay 50% tax to get monies out of the business..
@KendallFrey No, Finding is a class in the application, and IsCapApproved is a parameter in that class
lol Rudi
@Steve Classes don't have parameters.
and the latter is not something I want to do right now
@KendallFrey clearly means properties
Oops, i mean property
Yeah it sucks balls, my accountant doesn't like it when I just use the business card for random shit
1 min ago, by Sean
@Steve Databinder.eval is much the same as a javascript eval call, it uses reflection to see if it can find a property with that name in the databound object
Is it an instance property?
lmao I've bought a packet of crisps on my business card, the accountant was like WTF is this ? hahaha
@Sean Yes, but the databound object isn't a finding object, its a database result set
@KendallFrey yes
As long as it's a public property on the page class you're using it'll still get that, although not sure why it would work
You could just as easily write <%= Finding.IsCapApproved %>
@JamieTownsend I bought a TV on mine
But even then its not static
@sean gotta disagree with you on the eval explanation. :)
TV is ok, I'd say it's for the office lol
... and flights, and hotels, and restaurants. This was a few years ago though, so to be fair I was 18 and artificially rich cos technically it was all the business' money and I never paid myself anything
Like I just bought a printer, it's all for business :)
@ChadRuppert go right ahead, I don't know what I'm talking about anyway
it just randomly has Finding.IsCapApproved (among other properties), without any other ... calls to "Finding"--either to a constructor or anything, i'm so confused
js eval will execute whatever you give it. the databinder.eval call is a correct description.
I must have read it somewhere though, as I don't go digging into the framework
@JamieTownsend Yea well I used it for all expenditure pretty much :p
@RudiVisser It's all good. You just won't have enough money left to cover tax lol
@Steve It doesn't need to be static, only public
@JamieTownsend Well yeah exactly, hence I got shouted at a lot :)
But it's ok, cos then I got sued and shut down the company 2 days before CT/Accounts/Annual Return were due
Good Morning
I am taking a dividend out at the end of the financial year once tax is paid. Want a new car :)
@Sean okay thanks!
@Steve I make public functions for calculations etc all the time and just call them like <%# DoCalc(DataBinder.Eval("Shizm")) %> with the function being something like public string DoCalc(object shizm)
Yup ofc
@Sean The value of IsCapApproved changes on every databound row in the gridview though, how does it repopulate the instance?
it pulls a new value from the db
@Steve Oh in that case what I've told you is all wrong
@Steve And I have no idea what you're talking about
limited knowledge ftw
I don't even know whats going on in this code, so you're not alone
I'm going to explode
@RudiVisser good
@Sean stfu
WPF is being really really shit
It's ignoring anything (including MergedDictionaries) in Application.Resources
It hates you
I thought that, but it's wholly reproducible
If I ignore MergedDictionaries, and put the <Style ../> straight into Application.Resources, it ignores it
If I put it into a <ResourceDictionary ../> within Application.Resources, it ignores it
But if I put the styles into /Themes/Generic.xaml <ResourceDictionary ../> it works just fine
Visible='<%# Convert.ToBoolean(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Finding.IsCapApproved"))%>'

so on every row, a new subtaskid is pulled from the datatable which is bound to the gridview. On every row, its visibility is determined by the value of "IsCapApproved". IsCapApproved is determined by the Finding class by using the subtaskid(via database).

If this makes it clearer for anybody to take a stab at it.... Finding is obviously not instantiated on the aspx page, its just randomly used.
@Steve It can't pass it through if it's not being referenced. There must be something else
exactly! this is driving me nuts!
roid rage
Welcome to the Thursday-Insanity-Club @Steve
My cold is coming back....
Well, hopefully it won't get that far again
Gotta love sick pay :D
lucky you
I really want to scream
woo, coming to you live from Physics lab

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