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@kush I don't believe so
@AdnanAl-Husain that's creating a thread via an anonymous method
=> is Lambda stuff
@RudiVisser you don't believe I am listening to it?
@kush "@RudiVisser omfg is that you ellie?" - I am not Ellie Goulding
GEMA why you so stupid?
@Ellie you're currently in 47th place.
@KyleTrauberman wasn't a dig that it was borked. Didn't know if you cared or not. Figured you'd want to know
@KyleTrauberman HAH I'm winning
@yas4891 Ah yeah but you have to speak english to get it, not just any other language than German =]
@RudiVisser well, that's me failing twice then.
@Sean well actually.... there's the "German" word 'Rektum' - "German" because of the Latin origin of said word in the English and German language
@ChadRuppert it has do with how I'm setting up the DB connection
Woo, I get to be in a group photo with my coworkers!
@KyleTrauberman yeah, i know.
@kush ..
cool, I'm in the top 50 over at that star highscore thing
@yas4891 Ah maybe it's because ours has a c rather than a k
@RudiVisser remember when I posted some rudi.jpegimage and you said that's not you?
a colleague just proposed 'read only Friday'
@kush Yeah; It's cos I'm Ellie Goulding.
as we have some issues around a particular system right now
@Sean yes indeed. That helps a lot
@RudiVisser omfg. I love that one song that you sang.
@ActionHank lol
@ActionHank that's a brilliant idea
@kush I liked the remix better.
@RudiVisser, finally figured out the issue with my MVC seeding fault, I was Initialising a SimpleRoleProvider from the WebSecurity Class before i was rinitialising the default connection! Criminal!
@kush Personally I'm a fan of my Figure 8 track
@ShotgunNinja is it on YouTube?
@ShotgunNinja I didn't like it at all
@Derek Ahhhhhhh :D
@kush Yeah, here you go: youtube.com
@RudiVisser Ha Ha.. I told you I would not be beaten!
thank heavens for headphones
@ShotgunNinja Oh you weren't just saying that cos we were trying to wind Rudi up then.... Damnit.
@RudiVisser even if its took three days of my life lol
@RudiVisser Im a noob afterall.
Talking of headphones, @Sean do you want to buy my old V-Moda Crossfades off me so you no longer have a poor person's set of cans?
@Sean Check out the link, lol
@ShotgunNinja :(
@ShotgunNinja DISCLAIMER: I have never heard these tracks so I can't not like any of them yet, not even remixes
@Derek That's alright, I spent 3 full days writing dynamic code generation just to get IntelliSense working off my interface
@RudiVisser No. You can give them to me though
The remix I like (CAUTION: DUBSTEP) youtube.com/watch?v=Imixg3jrJS8
That's just about the only dubstep song I still admit to liking, other than that crazy violin/dubstep song.
@ShotgunNinja Haha, every dubstep track should have that on the label or whatever... "WARNING: DUBSTEP"
ok. why is my "random starred message" a RegExp for god's sake?
Dubstep is alright in small doses or if it's really good
@RudiVisser Painful? lol
1 hour ago, by Chad Ruppert
oh lord. the stereotype nerd creeper stuff is in full swing.
^ what is this all about? @ChadRuppert
@Sean I will not give you my expensive headphones
@Sean Blame @Ellie
@Derek Yep but somewhat worth it, until it broke this morning
@Sean @ShotgunNinja
                foreach (Type type in types)
                    if (!type.IsClass) continue;
                    var implementedInterfaces = type.GetInterfaces();

                    // If we need to use the 'Debug Type Comparison' ie strings
                    if (_options.UseDebugTypeComparison)
                        if (implementedInterfaces.All(iface => iface.AssemblyQualifiedName != _options.ForceImplementation.AssemblyQualifiedName))
It's done!
@RudiVisser It's beautiful.
@RudiVisser But you're not using them any more....
@ShotgunNinja its not @Ellie's fault. its the nerds that can't behave themselves when there is a possible double x chromosome nearby.
@Sean My gf will buy them off me, lol
@RudiVisser You tight bastard! xD
@ShotgunNinja <3
@ChadRuppert Thank god for friends with benefits.
@ChadRuppert Oh right, I see.... Thought it might have been =]
Also, for some reason, I'm reminded of the time I went up against Fatal1ty at E3...
Oh, right, the Quake III network stuff is still up in another tab.
It's funny; I guess he plays League of Legends now.
            var discoveryOptions = new Ljund.Common.Extensibility.DiscoveryOptions();
            discoveryOptions.UseDebugTypeComparison = true;
@RudiVisser Please report.
It wants to convert that to use the object initialiser, producing:
            var discoveryOptions = new Ljund.Common.Extensibility.DiscoveryOptions {UseDebugTypeComparison = true};
Thread newThread = new Thread(()=>
{Stream myStream = null;
OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();

openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\\";
openFileDialog1.Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*";
openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2;
openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;

if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)});
newThread.Join(); Invalid Expression term @ } and )
So it's ignoring the pre-processor conditionals, which isn't a huge bug, but still
@RudiVisser Well, for some big code frameworks, that could be quite fatal.
@ShotgunNinja This message and the two above are completely random and have my brain confused... WTF?
@AdnanAl-Husain I didn't know what you wanted to put in that if statement, you've to put your stuff in there
@Sean You're right, they are random. There was no reason for them to occur, based on things in the chat.
@AdnanAl-Husain at least make a {} behind the closing bracket of the if statement
@ShotgunNinja Indeed, I wonder why they never reported it as a bug at this point: stackoverflow.com/questions/1790085/resharper-gotchas
That being said, when I went to E3 in 2010, I played Quake 4 against Fatal1ty, the World Champion.
It was a promotional stunt hosted by G4TV.
At one point, I stripped off his armor and took him down to like 60 health.
LOL @kush this image should prove my point about her being scary at times
A direct rocket hit would have killed him, and I ended up sidestepping off the edge of the map.
the error is @ DialogResult.OK)}); ...if statement has {
My brother work at Rockstar games on GTA5 in edinburgh, and he expects me to buy the damn game! No Chance, that has to be a freebie!
I have a hijacked video of the game on my Facebook somewhere, from my camera.
@ShotgunNinja Ah right, fair enough =]
ok guys, got2go. Have a nice weekend (I guess I'll sign on during the weekend)!
Adios, @Steffen
steffen you too man ..thanks alot brother
@RudiVisser What are we looking at in that picture?
@Sean Ellie Goulding..
@RudiVisser The bug report, ignore me...
@RudiVisser Or not
@ShotgunNinja I like how everything is always my fault. :P
Is that supposed to be one of the hot moments?
@Sean Gosh, I hope not.
@Ellie You're female and you're out of the kitchen. Of course it's your fault.
@Ellie Well, it's not (mostly ;3) my fault...
@ShotgunNinja My thoughts exactly
If anyone wants to vote or whatever... youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-337056
@KendallFrey If a Window.Resource and a StackPanel.Resource type theme share the same x:Key=, what is that saying?
@Sean Hell no
Please, I'd like to share a funny animated picture, anyone against that ?
@RudiVisser Oh good
@AndréSilva ME! How dare you bring humour to this room
It worked perfect..thanks alot.
@RudiVisser I love how that's already been assigned to Ivan Serduk.
:( Okay
@Sean Well played.
@ShotgunNinja Is, too!
@AndréSilva as long as its not NSFW, post it.
@AndréSilva Don't ask whether or not you can post funny pictures. Just post them, and we'll flag them if inappropriate.
@ShotgunNinja That's automated I think he's the QA guy or something
It is me, using WPF.
lol he didn't know it was an animal
guys you're making it really hard for me to convince my boss that im working
when im afk and these images pop up
@Ellie Thank you, I'm here all we.. I lie. I'm here for another 70 minutes, so any queries or confessions will have to come before then.
Sorry @Cylen I asked and they authorized me.
@Sean Bleh, I'm here for another 6 1/2 hours
So lets talk a little so it disappears.
@Cylen then don't idle in chat when you're afk
@KendallFrey, so:
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="toShare">Yellow</SolidColorBrush>
<StackPanel Margin="10">
<LinearGradientBrush x:Key="toShare"
who's confessing to what?
fk me
@klut Alright
@StuartBlackler It was all I could think of to make my really not funny sentence slightly humerous. I don't think it worked very well....
Any one guys knows how to create sql server table column that calculate moving average stackoverflow.com/questions/14146902/…
@Ellie Oh that sucks... Please don't take it the wrong way when I say: "I GET TO GO HOME BEFORE YOU, NYYYAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"
@Ellie Goulding is shit.
@Sean well ive just re-joined, i could have missed something juicy...
@RudiVisser sticking things through something that looks like my gravatar might be dangerous with its sharp edges
@ShotgunNinja Awww, you're so sweet
@Ellie what do you do at your internship? responsibilities?
@StuartBlackler I haven't seen any big raw steaks floating around, I think you're safe on that front
@Sean It-it's... not l-like I l-l-like you or anything, baka! Don't get the wrong ideas!
@SteffenWinkler It worked perfectly..thanks alot man.
She has 2 good songs (Starry Eyed, Figure 8), and a great use of her crappy voice in Calvin Harris' "I need your love", but apart from that, it's like something is ripping my eardrums out
@Sean Haha. Well that wasn't rude at all.
@ShotgunNinja Is that from Star Wars, or X3?
@Steve Programming, some web development, and maintenance of my own applications.
Oh, and some database administration
nothing along the lines of this then @sean meatpacks.co.uk/Our_Meat_Packs/SteakLoverPack
@klut You make a good point
@RudiVisser Hahaha
@ShotgunNinja Well at least I now know where it comes from
@StuartBlackler I temporarily hate you while I don't have steak.
I dont have steak either :(
Hope you all enjoy your time...thanks alot & take care
is that good value though? I am a noob at buying meat
Well it sure beats buying a meal from a restaurant so I'm gonna go with yes
@klut They're in two separate dictionaries, so it's fine.
In reality, I have no idea
@KendallFrey thanks
If I have money and I want it, I buy it, this is my thought process
Divide cost by servings per unit.
Then compare against the accepted value per serving of that type of meat, and calculate percent error.
it's half 4 and I haven't eaten my lunch, god-fuckin-damnit
I mean... damn Physics labs.
@Sean half past 4?
@ShotgunNinja half 4
@Sean Okay.
denied xD
@RudiVisser you around ?
@JamieTownsend Oui monsieur*
@Steve You around?
easy question, but you owe me a couple of vote ups :)
@JamieTownsend We don't owe you shit, lol Asking for upvotes is against the ruuurrs, isn't it?
Rudi does, I've done it for him so sit down
I do, I had answers that were being outweighed by blatantly incorrect ones
He's not asking for upvotes he's collecting his debt :p
@CCInc yes
@Steve Did you hear about OutlawLeamur/Kinected?
woo, paycheck
@CCInc no, what happened
ok you down voting wankers lol
did he get banned again?
well what happened then?
@Steve But he said to defend us teenagers (excluding Kendall) from Kendall and Rudi.
I'm having way too much fun 'applying' for a job here. In my job description under Bath & Body works, I put "I made everyone try out the lotions. I was the best at putting the lotion on the skin. I never got the hose again."
2 days ago, by Kinected
@CCInc get on tomorrow morning and tell @Steve I said Hi and to defend me
@Ellie Who are you trying to be, salad fingers?
okay... why
@ShotgunNinja ((shrug)) I'm just bored
@Steve Rudi and Kendall were being haters.
Salad fingers!
@Ellie Likewise, lol. I really don't want to go back to copying files onto the websites.
@CCInc ah
@ShotgunNinja >.> Don't remind me.
@KendallFrey Gaaah, isn't it creepy?
@Ellie Too bad, it's what we're getting paid for, might as well do it in a timely manner.
@ShotgunNinja PFFT. Timely manner? No way. I got my IT work ethic from construction workers. Pay me by the hour, and I'm gonna taaaake myyyy tiiiime.
Is __makeref a keyword alternative to TypedReference.MakeReference? I can't seem to find a way to use the second with a variable.
2 days ago, by Rudi Visser
I think we should just ban under 17s
@Ellie lmfao
@Ellie Well, IT != Software Engineering, but I hear you.
2 days ago, by Kendall Frey
Though if we could...
2 days ago, by Rudi Visser
ie. make it only available to talk for certain peeps, approve everyone by default, then find out they're young stupid and mute them
@ShotgunNinja IT, software, it's all the same. We do things others don't understand.
@CCInc I fully stand by my statements
@Ellie Except that my boss understands what I'm doing better than I do, so there's no real excuse... I took advantage of the interview to set the bar reasonably low.
@CCInc It wasn't hatred against you, you were being a couple of dickwads
@ellie I do things i dont understand, they just work :D
Still, though, if he knows that I just chat for most of the day, he's not gonna be too happy.
everybody in here is a dickwad
@Steve Agreed.
@ShotgunNinja My boss knows how to do what I'm doing, but what he doesn't know is how fast I could really be doing it.
my rty keys don't like to work very much
@Ellie Bahaha, yeah.
@Eve Does __makeref(variable) not work?
@Ellie see, I made the mistake of working really hard at the beginning, now everybody knows how fast i can work, so when I start to slack even a little bit, its very well known... dumb me
@Steve BIG mistake
dude tell me about it
@Steve I did that, so now I just accept work, hire 2 other people to complete the job quickly and cheaply whilst doing absolutely nothing (read: on here and/or designing another platform/project) apart from functional and code QA when applicable and taking profit
That works well
@RudiVisser You sly bastard. Well done.
@RudiVisser thats the way to do it
@KendallFrey It works but Resharper doesn't recognize that keyword and marks it as red which bothers me a lot.
Meanwhile, I'm debugging a website that sells music to churches, and slacking all the way, ho ho ho.
@RudiVisser I've got my first client on my support hour 'ticket system' I was telling you about. 5K in the bank. Zero work done yet :)
@JamieTownsend Congratulations!
thanks bud
@JamieTownsend Kudos mang.
@JamieTownsend I thought you were using it internally?
I am, it's just for my contracting shit
Room topic: C# - Mopping floors and ripping off clients.
@JamieTownsend Ohhhhh so you mean they prepaid for hours? Even better
My current employer want to use it at some point too. But needs much more work yet for that
@ShotgunNinja I just saw mop and started paying attention
yeah, hours in advance :)
But seriously, even if it's not an alternative to __makeref, how do you use TypedReference.MakeReference? It confuses me.
@Ellie Damn, girl.
@RudiVisser I think she looks beautiful in that photo
@kush I don't...
good night all,
have gud weekend ja
Night @Cylen
@JamieTownsend I used to have a retainer system with my past companies, in the T&C it stated that they would expire, which only 1/5 clients actually read, which means people put a lot of shit up rather then incremental :)
@ShotgunNinja Damn, girl is the name of K'Ronikka's music tour
@ShotgunNinja ;)
@kush That's interestingly strange
@RudiVisser Or strangely interesting?
@RudiVisser Happy days
@Eve Well, __makeref is undocumented and subject to change. I'd expect Resharper to have a problem with it.
@RudiVisser thank you
@kush No problem
@ShotgunNinja Definitely the former :)
@KendallFrey Well, of course, I'm not blaming Resharper for that.
If anyone wants any entertainment, watch me PWN JAB's program
@KendallFrey What's the SQL for IndexOf?
In full 1080p
@KendallFrey CHARINDEX, found it, nvm
@StuartBlackler aww thanks <3
@CCInc Define "PWN"
man i need to go home nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww i'm tired of being here wasting time
PWN aka hack his anti-piracy system
with his permission, of course
@CCInc Gotta love white-hat cracking.
<3 :D It was fun.
In fact, out of vanity I am going to watch that video again.
What was his "anti-piracy system" written in?
can you write restful applications with the mvc framework, or just restful knockoffs
I would send you the decompiled code, but I am sure he would not be happy about that.
anyone know much about graphics cards at the mo
depends, ask your question
Depends, @Stuart. What do you want to know?
BTW in R#, can you get/delete all unused varibles?
what are the nvidia 650's like? Are they any better than say a ATI 7850
Personally, I feel that most nVidias are better than ATIs, if only because nVidia's driver support is way better.
i'm an nvidia guy, i dont use ati, so i can't give an unbiased opinion
I use ATI, and next chance I get I am going to switch.
Heck, my friend Chris works for nVidia, and he's told me wonder stories about their software support crew.
same here - i was a loyal ati / amd person until recently - now i've gone keplar and my next system will be intel
They're hiring a huge amount of application and driver developers.
I feel bad though, because my good friend works for AMD.
@JTRex, Austin TX
AMD Global Business Units marketing for APUs, CPUs, GPUs,SW developers, HSA. Soccer coach, runner, kayaker.
640 tweets, 1.1k followers, following 281 users
i hear amd is done making processors
I was AMD/nVidia, back when that was the cheap entry-level way to do it.

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