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As Cartman would say "I hate you Kyle" !
Screw you guys, I'm going home!
@Ellie The guy who loves Twinkies in Zombieland is in it, and he plays a blind guy who works for a beef & cattle company as a phone receptionist. Will Smith asks that about him in the first 5 minutes.
@KyleTrauberman Yeah :D
@Ellie Good. I need my question answered
@Ellie No... screw you :-)
@Ellie this isn't home to you?
@ShotgunNinja Ahhh. I'll have to watch that, then.
Where the fuck is @Sean when I need a non-vocal code buddy
@All: I'm not actually going home. :P Don't get your hopes up. And, yes, this is a little like home to me,.
@Ellie It's a great freaking movie. Subtly very romantic with a touch lot of sadness.
@Ellie You should make VS2010 your new home ;-)
@ShotgunNinja It's the sadness I'm afraid of. I heard I'll cry my eyes out.
@RudiVisser dunno he was here earlier
@yas4891 2012, baybayyy
HAHA@ update @ShotgunNinja
@Ellie If you have anything resembling a human heart, you will.
@Ellie what? no no no! That's new! That was created after I learned coding. That has to be wrong
@ShotgunNinja Eh, questionable, but we'll figure it out.
@yas4891 Lol. It's new to me, too. 2010 is my home, but 2012 is where I live now.
@Ellie I've been desensitized by the anime series Clannad: After Story. Bonus points to anyone who has seen it.
@SteffenWinkler ROFL here.. have another star
@yas4891 ?
Now, a serious question.
the image you posted 7h ago @SteffenWinkler
@yas4891 ah, great thanks :)
@SteffenWinkler you are welcome - or should I say: Bitte sehr?
@ShotgunNinja I totally have! Tomoya and Nagisa are the Ross and Rachel of my life!
Should I recode some Web frontend error handler, written in JS, to have a custom "You are not logged in" error mode, or should I just leave it as "Unable to add to wishlist".
@Ellie Oh my god you are awesome.
@ShotgunNinja I'm bs-ing you, man. haha Googled the name. I'm sorry, but that was fun.
@Ellie T~T
@yas4891 to that I'd reply with 'Dankeschön'
@SteffenWinkler frickin' awesome, mate :D Where are you from? I live near Munich
@RudiVisser Sorry, still on the phone
Has interface: zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication, zService.Shared, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Is zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication the same as (with ==)  zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication? No
Is zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication the same as (with .Equals) zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication? No
@ShotgunNinja it's always nice, as a user, to know why I can't do something. So I'd say 'You are not logged in' would be better
I have to admit, well played.
@ShotgunNinja there is an anime series called Clannad?
Alright, gotta go argue with our Network Admin about my permission to do things on the network. This is killing me. I'll be back later... Possibly with a black eye.
@yas4891 opposite side of Germany: Hamburg :D
@Sean But this problem is not complex and so I have no means of solving it on my own :(
@Ellie Good luck; have fun.
@Ellie fight him, network admins are easy to beat
@ActionHank Yes. It's rather good, if awkward and clumsy at first.
@Ellie just plug in a RJ45 cable into two wall sockets.
@SteffenWinkler Oh, you're evil.
@Ellie he'll hate you for that but you can blackmail him :D
@KyleTrauberman Forgive me, if I have asked that before, but do you know a company that has challenging projects and would like to host a graduate (Bachelor in CS + Electrical Engineering) for 5 months (no costs) ?
@ShotgunNinja you know there is a hymn band from wales (or something) called Clannad, right
@ShotgunNinja let's just say you find out very interesting things when you are bored at school...for example taking down the entire network
@Ellie nipple flop him. Your get all the permissions you need
@ActionHank That's where they stole the name from, lol.
@SteffenWinkler nice. What's the weather like up north?
@ShotgunNinja Japanese stealing thiefs, they
@SteffenWinkler and where are you working?
@yas4891 cloudy but no rain ;)
@SteffenWinkler Done it before, when taking IT classes in high school.
EVERY time I go in there, he's busy! WTF?
@yas4891 small company, won't go into detail
@ellie build him an etherkiller
@Ellie my oh my... you need to learn some things about BOFHs
@ActionHank Nah, it was a mistake, actually. They wanted an Old English word for "family" or something, since that's the focus of the series.
@Ellie he has wireshark up and running, as soon as you stop chatting he assumes that you come to him so he 'does stuff' until you are chatting again
@SteffenWinkler Do you fear of being reported to your superior?
not really
that'd be my boss and he knows that I chat
@SteffenWinkler ok. Why the secrecy?
these chats are saved forever
@SteffenWinkler Should you not have looked at my profile already: I work for the Bundeswehr ^^
@RudiVisser customer on teh phone, gimme time man
but I am on vacation - obviously
people google your name and the company you used to work for, they can read what you chat about, and sometimes (we all are like this) its inappropriate
@Steve Yep. All of our discussion of boobs and porn is filling up some hard drive somewhere.
@Sean :( :( :( But I just need to know how IRuntimeApplication isn't an IRuntimeApplication :( I'm going throw my machine out the window
thats just what future employers want to read
us chatting about boobs and porn
We once googled a potential new employee. Turned out she had been done for benefit fraud few months before lol
@steve that's for you
@yas4891 why?
gnah this compiling time is killing me...
you asked why the secrecy, i told ya
@SteffenWinkler Compiling time? What are you doing, C++?
@Steve because of the really obvious "these chats are saved forever"
Well, I had gotten in trouble for getting to Facebook through a tunnel proxy client back in high school... I wasn't the only one, nor was I the one who figured out how it worked, but I was the programmer on the robotics team, and we didn't have sports teams.
@RoelvanUden you don't need C++ for that. Java can be pretty slow as well ;-)
@yas4891 some people come in and didn't know that these chats don't get deleted and are google-able
@yas4891 no need to be a dick, because i thought it was obvious why people went for secrecy in here
@Steve "Googable". Lovely.
lol there you go
Hence the name and photo having nothing to do with me personally.
The Universal Rule of The Universe: As soon as someone else comes to see what's broken, the object in question starts working again... leaving you looking like an idiot.
@Steve I would probably share your concerns, where it for intimate details or something of importance. But the employer?
@RudiVisser Right, no moar phone. Post codez
@Ellie Oh, I hate that.
@RoelvanUden nah, C#. But the solution has ~20 projects and I currently have to try to fix a bug in one of the projects 'deeper' down, so each time I've to compile nearly everything
I've badmouthed my previous employer, since they were absolutely retarded in how their company was run.
var ints = type.GetInterfaces();
                    Trace.WriteLine("Interface comparison for " + type.AssemblyQualifiedName);
                    foreach (var cint in ints)
                        Trace.WriteLine("Has interface: " + cint.AssemblyQualifiedName);
                        var same = cint == _options.ForceImplementation;
                        Trace.WriteLine("Is " + cint.FullName + " the same as " + _options.ForceImplementation.FullName +
                                        "? " + (same ? "Yes" : "No"));
@yas4891 his name is steffen, his resume says he worked for xxx company, they google his name + employer name and what do you get? these chats
@SteffenWinkler I'm in roughly the same situation right now.
Interface comparison for zSoftware.Sacrifice.Application, zSoftware.Sacrifice, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Has interface: zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication, zService.Shared, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Is zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication the same as zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication? No
Is zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication the same as (with .Equals) zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication? No
.Contains(zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication, zService.Shared, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)?
@Sean I do not see how this is possible
@ShotgunNinja ha, I'm not the only one, yay! :)
@SteffenWinkler how long does it take you? We had a java application that took a full 8 minutes to compile
say, does the solution you've to 'debug' stem from .NET 1.1, too?
@Sean The only thing I can think of is that it's comparing on more than the name and the assembly it came from
But that wouldn't make any sense
@SteffenWinkler check out redgate .net demon
~3 minutes
@SteffenWinkler uuhh. that's ugly as hell
@ShotgunNinja It was awful! Yesterday, my computer was giving me a permissions error when I was trying to put stuff in a folder. Today, works JUST FINE
@Ellie BOFH :D
did you reboot or log off/on @ellie?
@RudiVisser Right so cint is an integer representation of an interface... You might want to look up exactly what that returns
that will fix a lot of those things
@JamieTownsend '.NET Demon compiles your code continuously, so you see errors as soon as they are introduced.' ...I now only wait until my boss puts his phone down
@RudiVisser It probably doesn't do what you think it does
@yas4891 yes. It is.
@ChadRuppert I tried all that yesterday.
@yas4891 BOFH??
The worst part, though, is deploying to the testbed server... Every changed JSP file, every JAR, every config file, has to be not only manually transferred via FTP, but also I have to rename the files in the backup folder, and copy the previous files from the running folder to the backup folder. This takes hours.
@Sean I have, cint is a Type
@ShotgunNinja or a community on Google Plus
@Ellie Bastard Operator From Hell?
@ChadRuppert Are you aware of the fact that your website gives an error message ?
you don't know him?
@ShotgunNinja automate it man
@kush My God, that's an old message.
@SteffenWinkler Lol I like it
@yas4891 indeed. not much interest in the ol' blog at this point
@Steve If I had an automatable (see: non-GUI) tool that I could use for transferring, it'd be done already.
@RudiVisser What is _options.ForceImplementation ?
@ShotgunNinja I prefer vintage
@Sean typeof(IRuntimeApplication)
@ShotgunNinja how about nAnt?
@yas4891 its blogengine.net spamposts have malformed my xml. oh noes!
@ChadRuppert OK. I anticipated that answer. Just wanted to be sure
@ShotgunNinja we built our own :/
@yas4891 Well, when I say FTP, I'm saying it for convenience; it's a proprietary transfer tool, and I have no clue how it really works.
@RudiVisser Trace.WriteLine the two values and see how they differ? I dunno how that will help but at least it will tell you if they're the same or not
@yas4891 Nono. Leave that as 'make sore' hahaha
@ShotgunNinja ROFL :D
@Sean I did, cint == zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication, zService.Shared, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null and ForceImplementation == zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication, zService.Shared, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
@ShotgunNinja Go and reverse-engineer it. That will be a lot of fun
instead of the .net Demon look at NCRunch. its the awesome
everybodys giving me attitude today wtf
@Sean They are for all intents and purposes exactly the goddamn same
dont give redgate monies. :)
@Ellie No... I'm not that kind of guy :D
@ChadRuppert but NCrunch doesn'T compile on time
@yas4891 I'm fairly certain my boss wouldn't like me installing Wireshark and writing some custom C application or something to emulate the packet layer, just for transferring a file with the right credentials. Such a tool would be really bad if it got out. (He'd totally appreciate the talent, though... He likes it when people are more clever than him, especially when they work for him.)
.net demon = £20 - NCRunch = $159
it compiles constantly in the background and continuously runs your unit tests.
its badassery.
ncrunch != evil. redgate== evil
@RudiVisser Hnnnngh.... Cast it explicitly to an int and trace that out?
@ShotgunNinja FTP is not propiertary o_0
@SteffenWinkler It might not be exactly FTP...
@Sean Why would I cast a Type to an int
@ShotgunNinja also what would be bad about looking into packages?
@RudiVisser that output is generated by two lines next to each other?
@RudiVisser I don't know. It's called ints and cint
@SteffenWinkler Packets, first off. Second, some Googling has shown me that it's just a secure FTP client.
@RudiVisser AppDomains goddamnit
@yas4891 ?
@Sean You did give me an idea tho
HC int: 49959374, HC comp: 33579358
Is zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication the same as zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication? No
Is zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication the same as (with .Equals) zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication? No
@RudiVisser Compare the FullName of the type?
The HashCodes are different
@Sean That was my last resort
@ShotgunNinja currently I'm building a small tool/server browser for Xonotic. I used Wireshark to look how Xonotic queries it's master server and the game servers to get informations from them
But yeah, I may have to
@SteffenWinkler In light of documentation?
@RudiVisser That article says if the assembly is loaded more than once (which I know yours is) then they won't compare the same
@RudiVisser oh ok. I found your code way up. Sorry that I missed that.
@RudiVisser Which is kind of evident now you printed the hash codes
@Sean Yeah, just read it. Makes sense since they're from different types indeed
@Sean Well no, it doesn't make sense, they are the same
@RudiVisser FullName it is then!
@Sean But I understand it
@RudiVisser I said evident, not that it makes sense ;D
I will use AssemblyQualifiedName to ensure that the SNKs match etc
@RudiVisser looks like a really interesting problem. I figure you already cleaned and rebuilt your solution? Any chance that somehow the type you are looking up was compiled against the same interface as your test code?
@RudiVisser Good thinking batman
You know it's going to be a good day when one of the highest up men of the company walks in with a laptop and says, "I can't get this dang thing to work... Here ya go" and walks away.
@RudiVisser please just forget everything I ever said ;-)
@Ellie That sounds super fun. It's for a similar reason that I left the previous company I worked for. They were an industrial manufacturing/sales/service company in induction heat treatment, and they didn't understand that programmers & engineers want to be treated differently than shop floor workers.
ALTHOUGHHHHHHHHHHH @Sean I don't believe they are from different assemblies
@ShotgunNinja Oh, it is. Best part is, we got it to boot up just fine.. No problems that we can see.
@Ellie Have you tried turning it off and on again?
@Sean Technically zService.Shared is already loaded, so would it really reload it from the directory that the loaded type is from?
@ShotgunNinja what do you mean 'In light of documentation'?
@RudiVisser Are you comparing one type from the server and one from the client? Because they're different AppDomains
@yas4891 Haha don't worry thank you, it's been driving me mad
@Sean Nonononononononono
var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(fInfo.FullName);
var types = assembly.GetTypes();
foreach (Type type in types)
@yas4891 You're brilliant!
It's just LoadFrom
that'll create a new appdomain
@RudiVisser oh... so you're loading that class manually
interesting... didn't know this
you just know it is
@Ellie I am most certainly not, the IT crowd is :)
@ShotgunNinja Oh yeah, it's tough. But this guy is like 70 and has basically worked here his whole life. He's the top cattle salesman, meaning he brings in like 2/3 of the money we make, TOTAL. I'm not about to tell him no to anything.
@SteffenWinkler ideally they'd have documentation of their app-level packet descriptors.
@yas4891 I love that show with all my heart.
@Sean I had assumed as much, buf if the version loaded in the host mismatches the one that the loaded assembly uses, it will throw a type not found exception..
@RudiVisser What are you trying to do exactly?
@Ellie Understood. The guy I worked for was the son of the owner of the parent company; nobody respected him as a CEO, since he was handed the position.
@RoelvanUden Compare a Type which shouldn't be different, but evidently is
@RudiVisser But that article says if they're loaded in different appdomains they won't compare the same
@ShotgunNinja I'd have a little bit of an attitude right there.
@Sean It's saying that if there are copies of the Assembly (which there are in the build directory of the loaded type), but from experience if that same assembly is already loaded it wouldn't try
No. Ignore that, my experience is taking that .dll out of its native habitat away from any possible duplicate, it's probably loading it in this case, and wouldn't if it couldn't find it locally/GAC'd
In my opinion, it all comes down to respect. I have respect for talent and for those who are respectable. If someone comes and tries to tell me how to write software, or manages my decision-making process on a large-scale application when he doesn't understand how to write software, then I'm not going to respect that person.
@ShotgunNinja You should write software with Visual Studio 2012 and .NET 4.5 runs away
@Sean sec I'm just gonna try something
@RudiVisser I was using C# for that job... along with Flash.
@ShotgunNinja TO HELL WITH YOU
my boss wants me to thank you for suggesting that .NET demon tool @JamieTownsend
@Sean I didn't choose them; I came into the project and took it over when the previous guy quit.
@ShotgunNinja oh, the protocol is the Quake III protocol but I was too lazy to search for the documentation
Flash... isn't that that thing that all the websites were made with back in the 2000s ?
@yas4891 No. Nobody ever made websites with Flash. They made toys, not websites.
AL int: E:\Development\z Software\z Software\zSoftware.Sacrifice\bin\Debug\zService.Shared______fuuuuuuu.dll, AL comp: E:\Development\z Software\z Software\zSoftware.Host\bin\Debug\zService.Shared.dll
@SteffenWinkler Okay, cool. I have to look into that myself someday, lol. It's just frame-synchronization with initial game state updates?
Interface comparison for zSoftware.Sacrifice.Application, zSoftware.Sacrifice, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Has interface: zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication, zService.Shared, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
HC int: 62068736, HC comp: 62068736
AL int: E:\Development\z Software\z Software\zSoftware.Host\bin\Debug\zService.Shared.dll, AL comp: E:\Development\z Software\z Software\zSoftware.Host\bin\Debug\zService.Shared.dll
Is zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication the same as zService.Shared.IRuntimeApplication? Yes
Oh look, I take away the local copy of the Type and it works fine :)
That could've been a total bitch if it was the other way around when it came to deployment...
@ShotgunNinja you mean the Quake III protocol?
Hi guys...would you take a look on this stackoverflow.com/questions/14146902/… .. how would I create a column to calculate moving average ?
I was only interested in 'Query Masterserver' and 'Query game server for general informations' (name, max players, players on the server, map being played...)
@SteffenWinkler Yeah. It looks even simpler than I expected; it's just a tagged message protocol with only one packet type being a complicated struct.
@ShotgunNinja it's a UDP package
Oh god, the Q3 protocol.
@RudiVisser sorry phone again
It is so very bad. :P
@ShotgunNinja you are right. We all know that real websites are built with Ruby/Rails runs for dear life
what I had trouble with understanding was how Wireshark got that 'Data' area ...took me some time to understand that I just have to create a 255 255 255 255 prefix
@SteffenWinkler Well yeah, but I expected it to be less... texty.
@RoelvanUden it works :p
@Sean It's ok I fixed the shit out of it
Q3 protocol is awesome
@SteffenWinkler You can hijack query responses.
It's a terrible leaky situation.
That's why it's awesome
@RoelvanUden so?
it's a game ffs.
Can you believe people still play it today?
Millions of people
So redirecting traffic from a target server is fun?
Granted they don't even know it, but they do
That shouldn't happen.
@RudiVisser I play Xonotic which is based upon Quake III
Quake III is awesome. It fits on a 1GB flash drive, easily.
@SteffenWinkler I was referring to Call Of Duty but yeah :D
Plus, they open-sourced it, lol
@SteffenWinkler your welcome, you can stop flagging me now
@JamieTownsend I'll enhance my tolerance level. Yesterday I was ...an asshole.
idTech4 is better
Personally, I have yet to rip apart the Doom 3 source code, but I'd love to do so.
I spent most of high school ripping into the Source Engine (2003)
Using if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) I got Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made exception while I'm using [STAThread]
@ShotgunNinja well, not so much of a game programmer. But there is only one Xonotic Server I play on and that thing has a very short 'fill' time. And since Xonotic doesn't support alt-tab yet, I had to come up with something ;)
@ShotgunNinja Does that mean that there are 3 game REs/"hackers" in this room now?
@AdnanAl-Husain is that dialog called in a Thread?
@RudiVisser I haven't done much reverse engineering on it... I just wanted to see how it worked, so I could someday go into game dev for myself.
@ShotgunNinja Or are you talking about actual source code
@RudiVisser what does RE mean?
Ah right
@SteffenWinkler Reverse Engineering
nvm, got it
@RudiVisser Actual source code, from the Source SDK on Steam.
Dialog called in button_Click
Yea fair enough
visual studio c#
yeah Events are tricky
They expose all of their public C++ headers; you can't really run the game without the engine bootloader, though, which is proprietary, protected, and authenticates through Steam.
@ShotgunNinja Well that's what I meant by "another" person to deal with that, but nvm :P
It's a brilliant setup, if a bit complicated.
@AdnanAl-Husain just for the heck of it, could you spawn a STA thread in there that itself just does that dialog thingi?
Anyway, do you reckon string comparison is faster than Type comparison
So Business doesn't like the word "Wizards" to describe.... well a Wizard tool, a tool that does something for you. any suggestions to alternatives?
@RudiVisser Not really. The type information itself is just stored in one place; they just do a single pointer compare.
@ShotgunNinja That's what I'm thinking too, so I may wrap an #if DEBUG around the string comparer
oh man. I remember the days, when there where at most 13 people in this room
@klut Automation Tool, Setup Tool, Installer, Guide Tool, etc.
this is the code part [STAThread]
protected void Button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Stream myStream = null;
OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();

openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\\";
openFileDialog1.Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*";
openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2;
openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;

if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
@RudiVisser well, at least that would make the most sense... Don't ever compare strings if you don't have to.
Yea exactly
@klut Assistant/Generator, depends on what it really is. I haven't seen a real "Wizard" since WinXP
Along the lines of the AppDomain thing mentioned earlier, I'd assume that unless you're using different domains, you should be able to do the compare.
@AdnanAl-Husain that STAThread bracket only works on the main method, if I remember correctly...could you do this instead (wait a moment)
@ShotgunNinja Well this is the thing, in debug mode when I compile it's going to clone the assembly into it's compilation dir, but I don't want to have to copy it out each time so I'm happy with a string comparison in this instance
@RudiVisser The term "tool" usually sounds a lot better than "wizard", just like "cruise control" is more accurate than "auto pilot".
ok guys... There was once a pinned message telling people about gist.github.com or pastebin.com - where is that message ?
I'm back suckers.
@yas4891 pins expire after 14 days, so it's somewhere on the star list.
hello kyle
(I know you were already here, but I wasn't when you came in so that doesn't count)
@KyleTrauberman I'm*
welcome back
@ShotgunNinja In a real deployment though, it will be standalone in a plugins directory, so it would never find a separate copy of the Type
@KyleTrauberman oh... interesting. didn't know that
@ShotgunNinja and yea, I was giving additional alternatives to yours not replacements :D
@KyleTrauberman HI KYLE
protected void Button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Thread newThread = new Thread(()=>
{Stream myStream = null;
OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();

openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\\";
openFileDialog1.Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*";
openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2;
openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;

if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)});
it's inside main ..public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
{ and just before the button click handler
@RudiVisser ok
@KyleTrauberman So weird that you remember that name
it is?
@Ellie Redfield?
@ShotgunNinja Just remembered, this assembly resolver/searcher is in a separate library which will always be Release mode since it doesn't change. I'm going to have to add something on DiscoveryOptions like UseShittySlowTypeComparison or something lol
I don't want to be weird, so I shall cease remembering it.
@klut Magnets.
@klut was wondering the same thing
@ShotgunNinja ?
@KyleTrauberman I don't mind. :3 You'll be shouting that name sooner or later hahaha
@Ellie Hot damn. Also, Claire Redfield, vidya gaem character.
@Ellie I remember that name
@ShotgunNinja Damn, she is hot.
I'm feisty today, boys.
why work blocks pastebin, i don't know
Of course you are @Ellie
mine does too @kyle
@Ellie what's new?
Ha ha ha... They really discuss minting a 1-billion-USD-coin? Talk about the European Debt Crisis again, suckers :-)
Oh Tumblr, funny beast you
@KyleTrauberman Nothing. Applying for a job at my own company to run a test. WOO haha
@ActionHank How's your super secret fun time going?
on helpdesk chat to a company
im telling the guy how to use his own produicts
@Ellie I mean't aren't you always feisty?
@Ellie This is a test of the Automated Job Application System. Please remain calm.
@KyleTrauberman ok I compared the speed between i++ and checked { i++; } looks like the checked takes twice the time. Not really important/useful :)
whats the odds if i say "is there anything else i can help you with" i'll get cut off
@RudiVisser it's not fun time when you need to compare string arrays yourself
@ActionHank I didn't mean that, but alright :P
@JohanLarsson well, it has to push/pop the naming context, lol
@ShotgunNinja I'm making up some fun stuff. Just said that I have a felony on my record and I'm being asked to describe it. XD Oh, this is hilarious.
@KyleTrauberman Absolutely
@RudiVisser when are you coming to visit the flatlands
@ShotgunNinja I don't understand, was there something dumb in my code?
@ActionHank I could probably come over sometime in Feb if you're around. Haven't been for years now..
@Ellie Describe it as being sexual assault of a minor or something, lol
I updated the leaderboard last night guys
for those that were asking
@KyleTrauberman LINK
@ShotgunNinja I said I ran over a cop
Febr. sounds cool
If I'm <16 I'll be angry
omg 8th
Hey there!
@KyleTrauberman borked for me
I've halved my last place! I'm so happy right now
@JohanLarsson No; but just how do you think the system knows that you won't be able to access stuff declared within those blocks? It has to push a new local context, and pop it when done. Funny though, I'd have imagined that the compiler is smart enough to optimize that out.
i got an open datareader exception
fine now though
@Ellie Nice.
oh.. I finally changed my gravatar \o
@ActionHank Q tho, will you murder me or something?
@Sean LOL. What's so funny about "Reichtum" ?
I'm up from #40 to #30. Woo!
@yas4891 looks like rectum
@yas4891 Rectum.
@WileyMarques nice
@ShotgunNinja ok, I had no idea at all and were doing factorials where I wanted performance, ran the test for fun
Damn near killed em
@RudiVisser I'm off the phone again, did you fix it?
@RudiVisser my own blueprint clone? No way man. I couldn't copy myself anymore. Might kidnap you though
@Sean LOL ok... you have to be a foreigner to see this one
@Sean Yes..
    /// <summary>
    /// When Type equality has a chance of failing (For example a Type being loaded from
    /// multiple assemblies), enable this option to use 'Debug Type Comparison' which will
    /// instead compare the AssemblyQualifiedName of the Types instead.
    /// </summary>
    public bool UseDebugTypeComparison
        get { return _debugTypeComparison; }
        set { _debugTypeComparison = value; }
She's so pretty.
@JohanLarsson I've seen that happen in a C compiler during an embedded systems course.
@yas4891 Just english-speaking will do
@JamieTownsend lol, my boss just installed the trial and tested some stuff...now he is mad at himself for not having detected that thing earlier (.NET demon)
@kush We discussed Ellie Goulding at length the other day with @Ellie. We determined she's only hot in certain situations
@ChadRuppert yeah, that leaderboard is poorly written- was a weekend project that I've had no interest in expanding on
its OSS though:
@RudiVisser Haha brilliant
@SteffenWinkler for the little money it costs, it is a great tool
@ActionHank That's fine :)
@RudiVisser Like when singing Lights?
@RudiVisser omfg is that you ellie?
@Sean that's what I meant: Not a native German speaking person
@RudiVisser And at certain angles
i find this difficult to fap top
@Cylen There's an Edit Message system... hit the up arrow, or use the drop-down on the left of the message.
@kush who is this?
@ShotgunNinja Never seen any of her videos, I just admire 3 of the 11 available Artist Images that fade through when listening to her album
yes I am listening to that song right now
Thread newThread = new Thread(()=>
c# ?
@JamieTownsend but damn, now I've to work and can't chat so much anymore
@Ellie Fair enough
@AdnanAl-Husain Yes

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