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At least this won't happen in the release mode
I agree, and also smell really nice today for some reason
@AndréSilva Just hit Ctrl-F5 if you don't need the debugger for the test
Oh yeah.
I bet you stink and the lack of sleep is causing your sense of smell to malfunction
Well, it happens too..
@Sean Nope, I smell beautiful
@RudiVisser Second opinion?
Yes, I had it confirmed
did you stand up, put a mask on, jump on your desk and go "Somebody smell me!"?
I did not
aww =[
Did you guys know about the debugger keyword in JavaScript?
@RudiVisser Yeah, you just hop over to the JS room and throw words at @rlemon
login_details += "http://www.wline.com/forgssword.aspx?id=<%Request.Querystring('id')%>"
@Sean I clarified..
@Nileshpatel Wow, if that works, you're really not explaining your issue clearly
this not working
except it won't cos ' is the comment in VB
how to make querystring AND SET IN email
wtf. I come on SO this morning and i'm already getting grief from here AND the PHP room....
Jesus. :P
@rlemon I literally only said that cos I saw you pop in
@Nileshpatel You'll need to give us more code
@Sean help me
@Sean Help him it! (idk what Nilesh is)
@Sean hehe
@Nileshpatel Is this in javascript?
no not in javascript
Function Load_Data_Send_Email(ByVal email As String) As Boolean
Dim record_found As Boolean = False
Dim login_details As String = ""

dbcomm = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM tbl_users_details WHERE user_account_email = '" & email & "'", oSqlConn)
dbread = dbcomm.ExecuteReader

' Dim user_password As String = dec
While dbread.read
Dim id As String = dbread("user_account_id")
Dim dec As String = base64Decode(dbread("user_account_password"))
' login_details += "http://www.wilddivineonline.com/forgotten_password.aspx?id=" & id.ToString()
why did you try the <% %> stuff then? Ok that's better.
@RudiVisser see code
@Nileshpatel Please put it back to Fixed Font
@Nileshpatel Well if you're concatenating two strings you can ditch the .ToString()
@RudiVisser how
Surely that would work ?! login_details += "http://www.wilddivineonline.com/forgotten_password.aspx?id=" & id
@Nileshpatel login_details += "http://www.wilddivineonline.com/forgotten_password.aspx?id=" & id
@Nileshpatel You just removed it!
@RudiVisser It really should
@RudiVisser @Sean i will check
@RudiVisser @Sean yahoo thats working thanks a lot
@RudiVisser We should have waited for @KendallFrey
@Nileshpatel No problem =]
string.tostring() is valid.... why did that work? o_O
bye guys
cya later =]
Bye @Nileshpatel!
@RudiVisser I just used var in a program, are you happy now?
Your next challenge is to use dynamic
actually I haven't used var cos VS won't let me use select and stuff
.Net 3.5 has linq...
select and stuff?
how did you do that @RudiVisser?
@SteffenWinkler It's a tag
and wtf, instantssl.com - Comodo are doing EV for £41
@RudiVisser nevermind I forgot you start it with from not select
@Sean Meh I haven't used the LINQ-QL for a long time
I can't even get that to fucking work....
FUCK IT, I need to loop them anyway
@RudiVisser I know that it is a tag but how did you let it appear as a tag?
you know, how did you tag the tag?
@SteffenWinkler [tag:tagname]
was a test
this is taking too long..... should have had this done hours ago >_<
Crap, Debug.WriteLine() is conditional
How have I only just found this out now?
Cos you don't use it usually?
Ah I do, I just don't normally compile Release mode when developing
That's why, nvm
@RudiVisser the Debug should've been a hint at that.
oh goddamnit now I have to try and figure out how to pass arguments to a command line utility again
and re-route its output
@Sean args?
@SteffenWinkler Well yes but it's not like you can't read the debug log when it's not in debug mode
Main(object[] args) @Sean
or what do you mean?
@SteffenWinkler I want to procces.start a utility but I can't just do Process.Start("stsadm -o migrateuser -blah something -blah somethingelse")
Trace.WriteLine(), thank you my darling
@Sean Actually, you can with an additional ", " after stsadm
yeah that
it's ProcessStartInfo
@RudiVisser que?
or well that's the class to use
@SteffenWinkler Yes, yes it is, thankyou
Process.Start("stsadm", "-o migrateuser -blah something -blah somethingelse")
oh right
that one too
that works?
the amount of programming I actually do nowadays is sickening, I'm rusty
Yes, the string,string overload is processName, arguments
quick help
hey @SamyS.Rathore
how can i geocode based on zip codes in google maps API
i'm doing that in Asp.net
In JavaScript, how can you do a regex match and retrieve offsets as well?
@SamyS.Rathore https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/output?address=[ZIP]&sensor=false
starts typing C:\\Program Files\\Common Files and realises you can just do @"C:\Program Files\Common Files, is an idiot
that 2nd link is broken @RudiVisser
It's not a link.
oh, got it
@RoelvanUden try going to the javascript room and asking @rlemon =]
He's in here as well though
@Sean you should really use Environment vars for that stuff
@SteffenWinkler Will it always pull the x64 path rather than the x86 path if I expand %commonfiles% or whatever it is?
@RoelvanUden you gotta explain much better than that
I don't mind typing it as it never changes anyway
also, avoid regex
strPlaca = "ASY1234";
Regex.Match(strPlaca, @"\w{3}-\d{4}").Success || Regex.Match(strPlaca, @"\w{3}\d{4}").Success
Why is that returning false? Lol
@Sean well it get's ugly when you've another language on a computer (well at least in Windows XP) or if someone put his system stuff on D:\ or anywhere different
also you limit yourself to Windows only
@rlemon I have a regular expression that I wrote in PHP (/<([\w]+)(.*?)(\/)?>/is) and want to have the same result in JS. I wrote it as template.match(/<([\w]+)(.*?)(\/)?>/gi). It does not return sub-matches or offsets at which the match was found.
The cause is likely to be global matches, but that is essential to match more lines o_o
using Environment path stuff and System.IO.Path.DirectoryDelimiter is one of the easy things you can do to make your program run with mono
@SteffenWinkler That's not something I'm concerned about. It's SharePoint, it's always in the same place and it's always on Windows 2008R2 x64
how boring
@SteffenWinkler Buuuut... I know what you're saying =]
I also can't remember the name of that environment variable
@RoelvanUden jsfiddle a demo?
oh wait it might be in one of my other tabs
also, is this for the DOM tags or for strings
if DOM tags..... stop now
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

I will refer you to the famous answer
@Sean Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.*)
BUT.... still put up a fiddle
Hi all anyone can answer this question..."would uniform cost search still be optimal if step costs are negative?"
this ain't working
i tried with 50323
@SteffenWinkler System.IO.path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Comm‌​onProgramFiles), @"Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\bin\stsadm.exe") magic
@rlemon jsfiddle.net/86xda this writes into the console with the expected <html> and <b> matches, but I need their tag name and offset as separated content as well.
don't use regex to parse HTML
simple answer
walk it
Can't. No DOM, besides it is a template compiler.
Need to match.
no DOM? what is the environment?
Still, I don't want a different solution. I need to match using a regex. Every language can do this easily.
Except JS?
seriously... you'd be better using the DOM implementation in node then walking it
parsing HTML with regex is not a good thing to do
Please, if you can answer the question, do it.
The moral behind my choice is mine to worry about :)
I am.
If you try to fix a car with a banana i'll tell you you are doing it wrong.
@rlemon You're really not though =P
You are looking to find index/length info for a match?
@KendallFrey Yes.
bah - you're all a buncha trolls. Ask the JS guy for his advice and then because it's not advice you were hoping for ignore it.
@rlemon I'm not asking for advice, I'm asking for a way to do what I want. Not your interpretation of it.
That's generally how it goes, yep
you cannot reliably parse HTML with regex... and if you try you'll end up with a heap of mess.
this is a bit out of context, but is there any device commercially available for running only a single app?
you need a DOM and you need to walk it
@rlemon It depends.
no depends.
YES depends.
If you're doing simple tag matching, Regex is fine.
@rlemon So how do the nodejs and other such parsers do it?
It's only the recursive nature of HTML that's a problem.
@Sean parsers may use a form of regex but on a much lower level and they are forming the DOM... not reading it and manipulating it. they are the master, you are the slave.
client side regex (js engine) sucks.
you do not parse the HTML from the source... you parse the DOM
do then you're writing single regex for multiple DOM implementations
if it's a HTML string then you're a bit better
but there is still MAJOR caveats.
Oh god and this is why I never hang on chat systems with the open source gurus (nodeJS and so forth). They are all forcing their tiny little perspective on you and expect you to abide by them.
it's 1000X easier and safer to throw it into a DOM and walk that
@RoelvanUden I think I've got your answer.
you're an idiot.
go, shoot yourself in the foot.
You'll need to use exec instead of match.
Hm, exec, I'll look at that one. Thanks Kendall.
when you have a huge pile of mess to work with and you think "fuck I need a DOM" you'll think of me.
Dude I'm converting a template compiler I wrote in PHP to JS
There wont be issues.
Dont assume everyone does the same thing.
lol, I am not assuming. It's the wrong approach. Might work, but not the right way to do it (in js)
yup. bend over and back up.
@Steve straight in there with the highly offensive, highly inappropriate remarks, love it
i know
i actually censored myself. my original message was much worse
so feel special
wheeeee at least I know my code for redirecting the output works
"Access denied"
@KendallFrey Exec works exactly as intended.
I'm working on a fiddle.
	var beginning_regex = /<([\w]+)(.*?)(\/)?>/gi;
	var match;
	while((match = beginning_regex.exec(template)) !== null) {
		delete match.input;
@KendallFrey whats your biggest fear in life?
being poor
fixing a bug after you tried to find it for a week

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