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if you want to make apps on a salary for people
Cylen: #4 : Invest in Shares !
dont expect much
I want to get away from this rule and regulations bound country
lol, already do that, im a quant
And go live and work in a country I can be proud of
lol hank, holland is fun
Move to America as a decent programmer and you get tons of money. Until you get ill, then you're fucked, but besides that.
@ActionHank Well in that case I had looked into Germany before and they do tend to be least affected by tax (in the grand scheme of things, not just PAYE-esque tax) with higher salaries than most of Europe
@Cylen do you follow the news? at all?
Hey All, what are difference between Programmer and Developer???
@Cylen something like foreach (Transaction newTrans in transactionsOfThisDay){transferOneCentToMyAccountFromTrans(newTrans);}
@unique Nothing, they're pretty much interchangeable.
Developer can be a variety of other things, too, depending on context of course.
Could even be a graphic designer.
@RudiVisser OK
@RudiVisser I know right? It's a very stable country, financially speaking
@RoelvanUden Thanks
It is driven by production rather than 'services'.
@ActionHank That's because it takes all of the monies going into the EU ;D (and has a war machine) wait that was the 40s
thinks by the way, would it do any harm if I'd set the money in my bank account to something like 99999999€?
not taking it from somewhere, just...letting it appear
@SteffenWinkler you should work in banking
@SteffenWinkler Someone would eventually find you out and end your life
hank, i follow the news that is relevant to me
i dont care what goes on in other peoples lives
i make my own opportunities
@RoelvanUden there's this company I drive by every day which states 'VAN UDEN' in big blue letters
@ActionHank lol :D. I guess I couldn't make it any worse so... ;)
How cool is that
@SteffenWinkler Or.... Incompetent bankers will think they've been blessed with some magical donation and lose it all, in which case they probably won't care where it came from and they'll take it off someone else and give it back to you anyway
@ActionHank If you are from the Noord-Brabant area it's a very, very common name. :P
uhoh, the anti finance people are here
always been
best to pretend i work for an NGO
@Cylen Haha not anti-finance, just anti-moron
@RoelvanUden Gouda, but maybe some of those Brabanders dared to cross the river
I help clothe poor people
i work in primark
loser =P
@ActionHank Haha, perhaps.. :P
@Cylen its okay you're a quant
define clothe; define poor; define people; @Cylen
define help;
help: put them out of their misery
@Cylen Plus, investment bankers are easy targets cos they have fucked up, there's no denying that =P
clothe: sell them clothes that cost me leess to make
@Cylen interesting choice of words
you really should aim your gun more heavily at the pension funds
and the ratings agencies
than the banks
the governments had a hand in it too
banks were there, but anything involving big money must involve a bank
yeah, I know, but we were talking about bank accounts
so its a bit of a truism
    // Setup the primary consumer
    dynamic mainClient = new Ljund.Common.Runtime.IPC.Client.IpcClient<IZService>(zServiceData.ServiceName);
    ServiceMainClient = mainClient;
This feels so hacky that it's awesome
the crisis was caused by the natural risk vs. return being disturbed by outside forces
@RudiVisser I saw that ;)
both state and private
@RudiVisser since you used it...what is the difference between 'dynamic' and 'var'?
@ActionHank You saw NOTHING
@SteffenWinkler dynamic is resolved at runtime, var is resolved at compile time
I saw it, too @RudiVisser
@SteffenWinkler Damnit, well I have nothing to blackmail you with :(
p.s. prediction for the yeart
thanks for the explanation @RudiVisser
the world economy will slide
in a big big way
quite probably
@Cylen as long as I get my pizza once a week I'm fine.
the politicians have used up everything to keep it afloat for the pastfew years
FatalExecutionEngineError was detected
Message: The runtime has encountered a fatal error. The address of the error was at 0xa89118b1, on thread 0x2d0c. The error code is 0xc0000005. This error may be a bug in the CLR or in the unsafe or non-verifiable portions of user code. Common sources of this bug include user marshaling errors for COM-interop or PInvoke, which may corrupt the stack.
@SteffenWinkler you'll probably be making it, but :P
I've never understood how businesses and banks and such expect the world economy to keep growing, at some point you hit a cap on something
@Cylen ... :(
That's a fun error
sean, if you want to realise, what a massive con we've been sold for the past 20 years
look at this
@Sean exactly, never got that part, too.
for reference: the S&P 500 are the top 500 companies in the US (read the US economy)
also because of that any company that goes to stock market is stupid. You can't grow into infinity. And believe me because I tried.
and hte 50's-70's were the golden years of the US economy
growth rate = sensible
so we're looking at a MASSIVE drop
to get to read values
everythign that goes up must come down, so to speak
not true
@Cylen well isn't there an instrument to regulate growth then?
interest rates :)
dont forget what the objective of a company is
its to make money for its shareholders
and ONLY that
I'm not entirely sure I get the point. from that graph
look at the growth the US economy had
So their share price has gone up constantly (minus a few dips here and there) over the last 50 years
during its golden age
(they arent the same companies), just the top 500
enron will have fallen out, facebook goes in
so when the US was the king of the world
ok, so the growth wasn't that massive
it grows at a steady rate
and we're expected to believe
that despite recent crashes (87, 94, etc.)
but it's gone up quite substantially in the last 30 or so years
its gone up by that much?
anyway let's go back to happy things
yeah it's growth wasn't massive
here a picture of @RudiVisser
what happened in the last 30 years
but it's gone up considerably in the last 30 years or so
was credit,
@SteffenWinkler Yep, chicks stroke me often. They normally take a gentle nudge to run away though
the growth isnt real
god fuckin damnit that posted twice, oops
If some one has time, just google : Largest Corruptions in india.
@Cylen I get it man, good to hear it from a financial person for a change
yeah, I heard someone say somewhere that rich people live on constant credit
But isn't this a question of 'demand'? I mean, everybody nowadays buys cars, tvs etc on credit
Maybe they shouldn't =P
In a way, isn't this our own fault?
Of course it is, but lack of regulation or whatever from people that could see the bigger picture won't have helped
Like all the REALLY risky lending
Why bother? Someone has defaulted on 15 loans and you give them a 120k mortgage?
@Sean that's where accountability comes in
(probably would never happen but you get the point)
Oh I thought you meant coorporations and pension funds
Ex sister in law, earning 20k a year - got a 150K 100% mortgage - What do they expect to happen ?
@JamieTownsend luckily in NL we have 'some' regulations about that now
No deposit at all?
Nope, this was before it all changed
Man I wish I could buy a house with no deposit xD
all she had to pay was solicitor fee's
@Sean deposits aren't sacred. What does a 10k deposit do on 150k in the long run? Not very much
@RudiVisser, I finally managed to get that MVS Seeding thing working lol
Guess what? She had to give the house up because she couldn't afford it. Surprise surprise
But then the credit system has gone overly strict now, to the point where you can't even rent a house if someone living there NOT PAYING RENT has a bad credit score
@Sean that's just wrong...
@ActionHank No but they're asking for bigger and bigger deposits now. The thinking being if you invest so much you're not gonna bail out, I guess...
Rent is just stupid, I had to pay 1K deposit to rent. When I moved out it took 3 months to get it back
@ActionHank I know, tell me about it =P
Okay... maybe NL isn't so bad after all :P
@Jamie There always quicker to take your mone the give it back
@JamieTownsend Yeah renting is a massive ballache but without 10 or 20k spare it's all you can do nowadays
@JamieTownsend We have the DPS now, so long as you harass the agent and threaten to complain to the DPS, you'll get it back the day you move out (provided checkout is completed)
our housing prices are through the roof though, thanks to mortgage tax deduction
the rich dont live on credit
No you dont rudi. It takes ages for the DPS to decide who gets what
they have the cash, that other peoples credit
based on evidence n shit
@JamieTownsend I never said open a dispute with them, I said threaten
.method public virtual instance string  GetPath(valuetype [zService.Shared]zService.Shared.PathType A_1) cil managed
  .override [zService.Shared]zService.Shared.IZService::GetPath
  // Code size       31 (0x1f)
  .maxstack  3
  .locals init (object[] V_0,
           string V_1)
  IL_0000:  ldc.i4.1
  IL_0001:  newarr     [mscorlib]System.Object
  IL_0006:  stloc.0
  IL_0007:  ldloc.0
  IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
  IL_0009:  ldarg.1
  IL_000a:  stelem.ref
  IL_000b:  ldstr      "GetPath"
  IL_0010:  stloc.1
Does that look right to you guys?
@Cylen That makes more sense
Well they disputed it as I refused to pay 300 quid for someone to fill a hole in the wall - where I hung some curtains lol
@RudiVisser Yeah looks absolutely fine to me. And I'm fluent in IL.
How do i use Server Explorer to add a connection to this database :- Target database is: 'aspnet-MvcSeed-20130104100623' (DataSource: .\SQLEXPRESS, Provider: System.Data.SqlClient, Origin: Configuration).
@Cylen why don't you explain this financial stuff over a beer? You're in NL right?
@Sean I'm serious n00b
@RudiVisser So am I
@RudiVisser Why would you even believe me? xD
I'm not believing you
I'm thinking that the reference to the dynamic object is being invalidated once it goes out of scope
oh... I'm serious, n00b
not "I am a serious n00b"
right, off to lunch
Dynamic View = The name '$exception' does not exist in the current context
haha I totally read that wrong
You've got something going out of scope that you're trying to reference later on? Of course that won't work...
No, it creates a dynamic proxy for itself (basically a type with all of the interface's methods being proxied through to _backingObj which is the instance)
Then stores that, it certainly shouldn't go out of scope, it's stored in a class level variable
I'm just wondering if the dynamic reference in the dynamic proxy is somehow being invalidated, but inspecting it, it's not..
sure thing hank
currently 2 minutes from dam square
I remember when I was interested in programming enough to want to figure out what you've just said.... Good times...
I'm not interested, I just want it to not corrupt the stack
Save the stack, do your thing, reload it afterwards
0xc0000005 is memory access violation right and the only thing that generated IL up there does is call CallMethod on a dynamic object
  IL_0012:  ldfld      class [Ljund.Common]Ljund.Common.Runtime.IProxyable zService.Shared.dynProxy_IZService::_backingObj
  IL_0017:  ldloc.1
  IL_0018:  ldloc.0
  IL_0019:  callvirt   instance object [Ljund.Common]Ljund.Common.Runtime.IProxyable::CallMethod(string,
is aware what he just said is stupid
Infact, in this instance it's not even dynamic, it's IProxyable
Which basically contains a definition of CallMethod
public class IpcClient<ContractInterfaceT> : DynamicObject, IProxyable
        where ContractInterfaceT : class
tl;dr whats up @rudi
I am a mean fucker... "You had your break Sean?" no not really but you can fuck off... 'Yeah I have..'
hey all :)
hi peeps
Lots of hi.
In other news, I'm going to go bash my head against some SharePoint walls. Lovely.
lol sharepoint
FatalExecutionEngineError was detected
Message: The runtime has encountered a fatal error. The address of the error was at 0xa89118b1, on thread 0x2084. The error code is 0xc0000005. This error may be a bug in the CLR or in the unsafe or non-verifiable portions of user code. Common sources of this bug include user marshaling errors for COM-interop or PInvoke, which may corrupt the stack.
The IL up there is fucked
But I can't see why
reboot and see if the same happens again
It's not an issue with the actual IPC, which works fine via dynamic invocation a la:
dynamic mainClient = new IpcClient<IZService>(zServiceData.ServiceName);
string path = mainClient.GetPath(PathType.Application);
But as soon as I invoke dynamic type generation to harness IL at compile-time a la:
dynamic mainClient = new IpcClient<IZService>(zServiceData.ServiceName);
IZService test = mainClient;
string path = test.GetPath(PathType.Application);
It prematurely explodes in my face
Maybe to you
@ActionHank waiting on the drink offer :P
Anyway @StuartBlackler, tl;dr: Fix my IL!
can you statically type it instead of using dynamic
aaand future is there: i.imgur.com/eYd9E.png
@Cylen I think he already went for lunch
and see if that works
No, because it's resolved at runtime
Those methods don't exist, only on the interface
hahaha, today's xkcd is brilliant
They're proxied through to a backing stream to communicate with another process
and that works fine
The generation of the proxy object (which is just generating IL for each method on an interface to call CallMethod) doesn't work
Does anyone know how I can breakpoint IL of a dynamically generated type?
did you write the IL
My code did, yes
and it's worked fine
Infact, let me try another method to confirm it's not just this
Yeah, it is just this
Which basically leads me back to my original conclusion that this IL is foobar'd
.method public virtual instance string  GetPath(valuetype [zService.Shared]zService.Shared.PathType A_1) cil managed
  .override [zService.Shared]zService.Shared.IZService::GetPath
  // Code size       31 (0x1f)
  .maxstack  3
  .locals init (object[] V_0,
           string V_1)
  IL_0000:  ldc.i4.1
  IL_0001:  newarr     [mscorlib]System.Object
  IL_0006:  stloc.0
  IL_0007:  ldloc.0
  IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
  IL_0009:  ldarg.1
  IL_000a:  stelem.ref
  IL_000b:  ldstr      "GetPath"
  IL_0010:  stloc.1
It's not even invoking CallMethod on _backingObj, just managed to stick a breakpoint in there
IL_000b: ldstr "GetPath" doesn't make sense to me
Why not?
why would the IL counter go from 9 to a to b then back to 10
and ldstr is load string on to the stack
Because my local declarations are inline, but ildasm doesn't decompile like that
@Sean I don't really understand it. I know what conditioning is but why condition them on loud music?
ldstr pushes "GetPath" onto the stack, stloc.1 pushes that string into local variable 1 (ie. V_1 ie the method name)
That part is fine
@SteffenWinkler The box looks like a car window. He's trying to condition them to fly into boy racers' car windows when they drive past with insanely loud music on
Oh crap.
I think I know why
Anyone good with report viewer ?
@AndréSilva Not me
No one ?
@SteffenWinkler Please confirm my assumption that Stelem_Ref won't push an enum to the stack because it's a value type
@RudiVisser Value types go on the stack, reference types go on the heap, no?
Actually wait a sec
@Sean Look at the IL, the point is that A_1 is an enum (PathType). It's using ldarg.1 to push A_1 into V_0 (object[]). Meaning ldarg.1 puts A_1 on the stack and then uses stelem.ref to replace index 0 (as the ldc.i4.0 (int 0) above denotes) of V_0 with the stack (ie. A_1)
That's the best way I can describe it
and ofc an object array can hold an int, in which case I'm again confused as fuck
I'm gonna change the sig of the method to actually accept int rather than the enum and see if it still breaks..
slinks away behind the cardboard cutout of himself
You don't need me
I know I don't
But right now you're my talking dog that helps me get to the solution by myself
So thank you for that
@Andre : Noo
That's what I was getting at ^_^
Nah, that still fails
I don't see what this can be
my problem is in not understanding IL at all
It works with a string
It just can't like value types
box it up before you try and put it in?
it's hacky anyway
There has to be another Stelem_NonRef type thing
@RudiVisser no clue what stelem_ref is.
@Sean ah, thanks
Stelem_I pushes a native int
So that would prob work, but now I need to work out the type of the argument
@SteffenWinkler All part of the service
I don't get it
Ldarg_1 is ambiguous
Does it push the value onto the stack if it's a value-type and a reference to the object if it's not?
The ldarg.0 instruction pushes the argument indexed at 0 onto the evaluation stack. The ldarg.0 instruction can be used to load a value type or a primitive value onto the stack by copying it from an incoming argument. The type of the argument value is the same as the type of the argument, as specified by the current method's signature.

Arguments that hold an integer value smaller than 4 bytes long are expanded to type int32 when they are loaded onto the stack. Floating-point values are expanded to their native size (type F).
What a stupid question
Ok... since no one knows anything about reportviewer..

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