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Bored :-( Working alone sucks
Working alone is the best. Especially if it's on your own code.
alll byyy myyyselffff.
Billdr : Yeah working alone is best ! But not if its weekend and all your mates are off to home!?
Cylen : :-) great!
Morning peeps
@Billdr played DarkSiders II ?
Hey Maverik
No, I fell off at the end of the first one.
i haven't played the first one, but i just got II last night and man... its awesome!
I'd believe it.
Oh yeah, today I'm programming.
i mean i've died 8 times already due to falling off ledges and cliffs but still!
So, here comes the questoins.
The first one was pretty good. Lost my save to a hdd crash. I bought the second one, haven't even downloaded it yet.
Is there a way to use report viewer in wpf ?
getting hang of wall scaling is getting really hard
morning @Maverik
morning mate
trust you slept well?
I'm not sure
and why not? were you up playing DarkSiders II as well? :P
if not.. you should! :D
I got up at the right time, so it can't have been that bad but I remember going to bed at around 11, waking up at 11:27 thinking I was going to be late for work then tossing and turning until about 1 ish when I stopped looking at the time
mm not bad then :)
I was on a run as well, 2 days in bed at a decent time and straight asleep
i went around 11ish too.. then up at 3 and then i played Dark Siders II until i was really late for office :)
fuckin thursdays, I hate thursdays
hey mav
happy new year :)
happy new year to you too mate
@Sean It's Friday, right?
well.. its a mind state isn't it :)
...you guys are scaring me.
I love Xbox Music's description for "Basshunter": Swedish computer nerd Jonas Al.....
@Billdr But last night was thursday, and I didn't instasleep (C) (TM) so thursdays get some more hatin
botten anna
Also turns out they don't have the "LOL (^^,)" album so I'm gonna have to source that myself again :(
any plans for tonight @Sean?
what are your plans for the next 5 minutes mav?:)
@Maverik Was gonna go get fucked up with my homies
sounds good then!
Of course I don't have any plans xD
@Cylen if its only 5 minutes - i'm finishing my relentless :)
I was eyeing up level 15 on star wars online though
i vba'ed pasting in a formula into a cell, and then filling it down
@Sean i'm just wondering if i should plan for LoL night or DarkSiders night
I can fit a few games of LoL in though
and it only fills down 1 row
when it should be a lot more
ws.Range("K14").Formula = "=IF(AND(J13<>0,J14<>0),IFERROR(J14/LOOKUP(2,1/(J$13:J13<>0),J$13:J13)-1,""Bad""),""Bad"")"
Set sourceRange = ws.Range("K14")
Set fillRange = ws.Range("K14:K" & i)
sourceRange.AutoFill Destination:=fillRange
ws.Range("H14").Formula = "=IF(AND(G13<>0,G14<>0),IFERROR(G14/LOOKUP(2,1/(G$13:G13<>0),G$13:G13)-1,""Bad""),""Bad"")"
    Set sourceRange = ws.Range("H14")
Set fillRange = ws.Range("H14:H" & i)
sourceRange.AutoFill Destination:=fillRange
oh my eyes!
ignore hte formula
the stuff i have is in H13 and K13
and i is
i = Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
No, I slept worse than I thought. I just rubbed my eyes for a second and got that warm tucked up in bed feeling complete with an image of dark bedroom and covers around me. Damnit D=
Quiet body, papa's gotta bring home the dough!
stop distracting him sean
aye aye cap'n
O.o Sean is my life support - he can't distract :)
@Cylen i dont get.. whats the problem in that code?
actually.. make a sheet and just give me the link :P
Hey..can you give me some tips to develop programming skills .. !? I started to work since august ..
i'll try a different definitino for i
see if it recounts it
@codebrain google a lot - be curious - and keep at it :)
Ladies and gentleman, I give you the Jingle Baaasssss. Merry Christmass
Damn, best Christmas song ever and I didn't get to play it until now
its amazing
have you seen the
ho ho fucking ho song
@Cylen It is, I only heard it on YouTUbe before and could never find it on an album. Didn't even know there was an international version of LOL
Yeah im doing that ..@Maveric ..!
just get vdownloader
Nooo I have his discography here now :D
7 albums and some extra tracks
Although 8 if you count both swe/int versions of LOL
the album
called LOL
oh ye
I believe it has "^_^" in there as well
i just stripped his tunes from youtubby
Yea like his first mainstream album with dota/boten anna/sverige/strand tylösand etc
I don't even listen to his music
It's LOL (^^,)
17 mins ago, by Rudi Visser
Also turns out they don't have the "LOL (^^,)" album so I'm gonna have to source that myself again :(
what's that for? I never said nuthin
Ah this takes me back to 2007
Basshunter and 5.1 surround sound pretty much fuelled my business
right, time to go get my munch then ring the customer I was supposed to be contacting instead of the other one I've been speaking to all morning
Well, that and severe procrastination such as making a bot called Anna
back in 10
Bye @Sean
I'm off back to work now I've got my Basshunter also cya l8rs
@Cylen :How to change linkbutton's visible property in jQuery~?
such a simple question, i will leave that to maverik to solve
@Maverik you're assistance is required
LoL :-D Maveric !? i think he "LoL"ing
@Maverik : $('#lbedit').****!?
I think he might be sleeping, doubt he's LoLing at work
@Sean +1
Who wants to have a heartattack?
@codebrain $(..).css('visibility', 'visible'); but display is a better choice if you're planning on hiding something as visibility will keep its layout properties intact too thus not giving up the space the element was in before (plus, with display you can use the convenience of .hide()/.show())
@AndréSilva Not me.
@RudiVisser: Thanks..thought you were gone..
I was, but needed to google something
So checked msgs also
Plus by "gone" I'm simply in Visual Studio/Word, can still ping if you need me :p
@RudiVisser Ping.
If he doesn't say pong, he's a loser.
I'm happy to be a loser on that account
ok bye
Rudi: Enjoy "LoL"ing.. Here.. In codebehind i did : lbedit.visible=false; ..and after a loop if its success lbedit.visible = true; in jquery it isn't working..!?
@RudiVisser: Its working! no help needed now..
@codebrain You can't set server side properties through jQuery, only client side stuff
idk what codebehind .visible does but I'm assuming it just alters CSS, can check exactly what it alters just inspect the element and change the same property/ies with jQuery
@Sean : OMG , nothing goes smooth in c# :-(
@RudiVisser You're horribly wrong. Codebehind .visible prevents the control from being rendered at all if it's false
@Sean Sorry, I only use frameworks with a slight tidbit of merit to do my work... In light of that I know nothing of WebForms
gotta love developers, slagging off old systems as soon as a new one comes in that's slightly better
Rather than .visible use control.attributes.add("style", "display:none");
When in fact there's nothing wrong with the old system
The system didn't work, it was horrible and clunky and I'm not slagging it off
There is @Sean - we have old webforms 2.0 at my work, it is awful to work on
Bloody ID's of controls..... Don't even get me started
Cos you're used to something different now
I even chose PHP over WebForms
That's cos you're stupid
No this was back when I was deciding what to work with
I stay far away from it now
PHP is a step backwards, in the direction of classic asp
Don't even worry about that
Hi, I want to test my c# win form application Is there anyone help to me?
F5 ?
@unique Sure, hit F5
new years resolution #3 Be less helpful
what do you mean by f5?
Cylen: Whats #1 and #2 ?
Ahhhhhh fire alarm is going off flips back to Visual Studio
@unique F5 is "Debug" in Visual Studio. It will go far in the way of testing your application
Be richer
and be stronger
i know Rudi, i think he's looking for some user input
as in, try it out
@codebrain sorry buddy, I dont do web development
That wasn't aimed at you, mistag sry
but plenty of others here do
I was reading your resolutions as typing
@Maverik: Its ok..By helping me here .. Rudi and Sean had a great time !:-D
@SteffenWinkler are you there?
@RudiVisser You mean just F5 and run the application?
Yes No, debug the application :)
@ActionHank yes?
Ha, morning
morning ...?!
Test it
well, hello @ActionHank
I was wondering what a programmer in Germany would make
make what?
as a salary
oh. Huge bracket
I don't want brackets. I want euros
my current income is 2.5k€/month before tax
@RudiVisser Thanks I am wonder this is the way test win form application ??
@unique It most certainly is the way
I know people that make > 4k/per month AFTER tax
What does the tax do to that figure?
reduce it to ~1600€
programmer is far too varied
@SteffenWinkler It's a trap, he just wants to prove that he's richer!
if you do financial programming
crazy money
if you're good
@RudiVisser no, seriously no

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