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but you're using it wrong
string first= "Muh";
string last = "Kuh";
var user = new User() {FirstName = first, LastName = last};
:7000472 : Could you please tell me which part am i doing here??    user = new User()
                FirstName = firstName,
                LastName = lastName,
                Language = language,
                Country = country,
                Zipcode = zipcode,
                State = state,
                TimeZone = timeZone,
                Sex = sex,
                Month = month,
                Day = day,
                Year = year,
                Occupation = occupation
that would be correct, if those variables firstName, lastName and so on would exist
public string firstName
//if (user == null) return string.Empty;
return user == null ? string.Empty : user.FirstName;
user.FirstName = value;
thats something different
why are you creating a new user in the first place?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace MVCXMLTest.Model
    public class User
        private string _firstName;
        public string FirstName
            get { return _firstName; }

                if (value.Length > 50)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter with 43 char");
                    _firstName = value;
 public interface IUserView
        string firstName  { get; set; }
        string lastName   { get; set; }
        string language   { get; set; }
        string country    { get; set; }
        string state      { get; set; }

        int zipcode       { get; set; }

        string timeZone   { get; set; }

        User.Gender sex { get; set; }

        string month      { get; set; }
        string day        { get; set; }
        int year       { get; set; }
        string occupation { get; set; }
please don't just copy everything here in the chat
most if it is totally irrelevant
are you following a tutorial?
user = new User() {FirstName = user.Firstname, ...} may work
but why are you creating a new user object that is completely the same in the first place?
:7000596: Ok.
@BeatMe could you plz assist me here stackoverflow.com/questions/14146902/…
sorry, no experience
hello, Windows Phone app developers here?
I guess no
@BeatMe : How can i fill the properties??(sorry to bother you so much)
are you doing this on your own?
@BeatMe : yes.
@BeatMe : I'm trying to understand MVC pattern in winforms.
you have some serious misunderstanding of how c# fundamentally works, this isn't related to mvc. And apparently I can't explain it. Maybe you should try following some beginner tutorials first
@BeatMe : ok.
Hi all
I have a question regarding webserice
I created a service enabling the soap & rest on same
good morning C# programmers :)
Issue comes when I use single service interface for both
Isn't it possible
this is error I got
more than one endpoint configuration for that contract was found
I have a question regarding webserice
good morning @SteffenWinkler
@Neha as I'm not a web programmer I may be wrong but...that sounds more like a server/configuration problem than a programming problem. Did you try your luck over at serverfault?
no, Actually the two endpoint of the service for rest & soap using same contract as error shows but I want them to use the same. so hw to?
< no clue about that. Maybe RudiVisser would know something about that, but he won't be here for at least another 30 minutes.
ohh ok
Neha der?
user image
lol, so true
@codebrain yes
@Neha: You cannot do that i guess..
steffen: !>?
I'm confused @codebrain
but why i need a different contract for the same method
codeproject.com/Articles/425702/… look at the config code using same contract
but i dnt know why am geetting issue
working a bit of like debugmode.net/2011/12/22/…
but with same contract
@Neha : i actually can understand. but enabling soap & Rest (as u mentioned) i guess it involves some configuration changes. anyways try posting it as a question ..u ll get expert advice on the same..
ya sure thanks
I think I need to completely redo my EF models. GAH
@BeatMe : I figured it out the mistake:
 user = new User {
                FirstName = firstName,
                LastName = lastName,
                Country = language,
                Zipcode = zipcode,
                Day = day,
                Language = language,
                Month = month,
                Occupation = occupation,
                Sex = sex,
                TimeZone = timeZone,
                State = state,
                Year = year

            } ;
public string firstName
            get { return textBox1.Text; }
                textBox1.Text = value;
@BeatMe : Is it the correct way of doing it?
again, why are you creating a new object that is just a duplicate?
does it work?
@linguini define get set in user class itself..
@BeatMe : yes.
@codebrain apparently it's a view for winforms, he does have other definitions in his user class
@linguini does it work without the line?
@BeatMe : which line?
user = new User...
@BeatMe : No.
@BeatMe : if i don't call/use the constructor then how can i pass the text values?
just wanted to test something
@BeatMe : ok
morning people
Morning gentlemen
there are no gentlemen here
how'r yall fu**wads today
hello @Sean @SamyS.Rathore
hiee steff
morning @SteffenWinkler
@Sean where is your easter bunny?
i just got aware of the problem with -ve z-index and anchors
any1 can suggest a way out
@SteffenWinkler Every time I looked at it I saw the playboy bunny so I got rid of it
you say that like it's a bad thing
yeah, I'm not in the habit of selling myself for sex
but what if you are Heffner?
That's a good habit to have.
happy new year (sorry its late, was on holiday) :>
same to you @Cylen
omg, I actually like one of my customers
if I was Hugh Heffner I wouldn't need to sell my body for sex, I would just stick a 30-second appearance in the avengers and ride the profits for a few years
he just encountered a software bug...quote after we reproduced the bug which affects a pretty important part of the software (but he's the only one that somehow manages to get that exception): "Oh, would be really great to have that working in 2 or three weeks!"
haha brilliant
no sarcasm ?? O.O
after I told him that the bug will likely be fixed on tuesday, he went on like he just won the lottery and I was the one that gave him the numbers to cross
@SamyS.Rathore nope
I've no clue what he takes but damn it must be good stuff
Winforms radio buttons data binding is it possible??
Morning n00bs
@RudiVisser Morning Dude.
Hola @Derek
morning @RudiVisser
Bon giorno fellow programmers
Hola @SteffenWinkler
Hi Guys, radio button data binding winforms??
Hola @ActionHank you dirty old bastard you
 public User.Gender sex
                if (rdMale.Checked)
                    return User.Gender.Male;
                    return User.Gender.Female;
                if (value == User.Gender.Male)
                    rdMale.Checked = true;
                    rdFamele.Checked = true;
omg @linguini
@RudiVisser : I couldn't figured it out.
Good morning all
haha @Cylen I got 3...
morning @RudiVisser, @ActionHank
@RudiVisser you're just jealous
@Sean my man
oh, and @AndréSilva, missed you there
@Sean Morning!
@ActionHank I would love to be, but I have higher priorities (that doesn't mean I don't want regular sitreps :))
Hi !
@AndréSilva Morning!
Hi @codebrain
@Sean missed me?
@AndréSilva I missed you as much as is expected for someone on the other side of the world I barely know ^_^
Wassup @Rudi ..
:) @codebrain Hi
Guys, I have a question on Database storage. I'm extremely restricted for a certain project I'm working on. We have a small app thats used by an internal department. Its built is c# and uses an Access Database as a back-end database. Some 12 users have read / write access to the database and they are constantly modifying the data.
The Access Database file sits on a network share. We dont have SQL server space, and i'm looking for an alternative data storage to access. Is there anything else i could use in this scenario?
@Sean So, you didn't miss me at all ?
@AndréSilva Pretty much! =P
@Sean Okay. :(
@Derek What do you mean by "don't have SQL server space"?
@codebrain Only the ceiling
Andre Hi..was stuck with jQuery since morning..now its done!
Am from India..how about u guys ?
Brazil ftw.
sigh another day in ASP.net hell
@RudiVisser, we have no SQL Server mate, i cant gain access to a SQL Server for this one. The databse needs to be shared by 12 users.
Action : yes..
@Action MVC?
Andre : Cool ..
@Derek would love to, but no. I'm halfway into the project, too costly to start over in MVC
UK,Brazil,India :-P everybody here..
@Derek Yeah but I mean why can't you just stick an instance on somewhere shared? Express will do so long as your DB doesn't exceed 10GB
@Derek I would suggest compact but I'm not sure it has sufficient locking to be used over a network drive (mind you I'm not sure Access does)
@ActionHank There's nothing wrong with WebForms
hides in the 'ignoring MVC flamers' bunker
hello everyone...does anyone have any sample application that has a mapping layer between domain entites and viewmodels in mvc?
@RudiVisser, I initially setup a machine on the network that hosted SQL Server 2008, and used that, but I.T Security blocked it.
runs after @Sean
@Sean Get the fuck out
@Sean but you are reading ;-)
Fuck webforms !
@Derek Bastards. I was just trying find out if LocalDB supported mounting a network-shared file but I can't find anything to say that it does :(
@Sean Ha Ha!!!!
@JamieTownsend +1
@RudiVisser It doesn't mate, SQL is pretty much out of the question doing that unless you do some really under hand stuff. The app has been working fine with the rather limited access database, but a year down the line, its starting to play up, and where catching intermittent exceptions when a connection to the database is made.
@RudiVisser apparently some magic man has made some alterations to our network share, it could be caused by this, but I may need to find an alternative if its someting that will persist. Arrgh!
@Derek Yeah that's probably the inherent file locking that's going on as each user accesses it over the share. I guess depending on what your database is storing you could go flat-file and read/process it yourself, but that would only really work with certain (very restricted) data types
I can't believe my M100s are still backordered :(
@RudiVisser Yeah, the weird thing is that for over a year, this has never happened. I'm going to try and reduce the size of the access database, its a mere 2.5mb lol, but it may have become corrupt in some way shape or form. I was advised when i did this that Access was buggy..
@RudiVisser What is an M100?
@RudiVisser but I had no real alternative.
@Derek Yea Access aint great but if you're forced..
@Sean Headphones
Aaah, right
Good Morning :D
I am new to .net and sql.. I have a store procedure to update name and phone of a user ..input parameter is user id.. update works fine.. now i just want to know in codebehind if that procedure was a success or not ..how to return value and what value?
Buba: Good evening..
Morning @Buba1947
@codebrain If it doesn't error, there's a chance it was successful :)
morning @Buba1947
@codebrain But for updates/deletes, you can get out the affected rows, just stick SELECT @@ROWCOUNT at the end of your sproc
@Rudi : ITs universal truth! , I want to do some process if its success ..:-D
@codebrain (I'm not sure if you need to explicitly enable row counting in sprocs, ask @JamieTownsend)
@Rudi: Thanks ! oh..I ll talk to Jamie..
@JamieTownsend: Hey..! Could you answer my problem!?
Well there is a NOCOUNT scope setting but I think that just suppresses a message, which means @@ROWCOUNT will work fine
@codebrain you could stick the stored proc around a try catch. At the end of the try you can return a 'true' string and in the catch you could return a 'false'
simple solution
Yea straight from MSDN - The @@ROWCOUNT function is updated even when SET NOCOUNT is ON.
@JamieTownsend Yea but depends on the determination of 'success', meaning if it's had a row updated, or just executed fine. and tbh you'd expect an sproc to execute fine
@Jamie : Thats positive! thanks..
Ah I see what you mean
But he asked if the stored procedure worked ok, not that a row was updated. Unless I missed something
Well that's what I said initially
I have shit to write so going AFC
whats afc ?
If you need me ping me!
Away From Chat :)
@RudiVisser I need you.
What's IC?
For sexy fun time.
@Billdr Duh it's Saturday tomorrow we'll meet then as usual..
!?!?!? Rudi : Cool..Its great u both helped ! Jamie invented IC
If you wanted to check if a row was updated, I think you can just at the end of the proc use something like SELECT (@@ROWCOUNT) as [RowsUpdated]
It's just so hard to wait.
IC = I see lol
@JamieTownsend ;)
Guys, Back to MVC lol, when do you choose to use External Login Providers, whats the real benefit?? If i allowed users to lgin via google account for example, what is the benefit? I'm new to this, so please dont shoot me down lol :-)
Anyway yea cyaaaaas
@Derek just easier for people to use your site. I for one hate having millions of logins at different places
@Derek There is no benefit (for you as the developer) per se apart from people don't explicitly have to register with your site if they come from a provider with OAuth, means you can get some of their data (name etc) from Facebook/Google/Twitter/MS/Whatever (and they can login with that external account)
:-P I am writing some code..I Imagined something very complicated like AFC !
The real benefit is that users don't have to manage multiple logins, and so they'll be more inclined to sign up for your site.
Rudi: Bye..
.method public newslot virtual final instance void OnStart() cil managed
@Jamie @RudiVisser, @Billdr, Thanks guys. Apart form a Users name, what other data could you pull?
Tons of stuff. But you have to request access to it.
You'd need to check the documents mate
@Derek It depends on the OAuth provider
@Derek The default WebSecurity OAuth providers just pull firstname/lastname/email afaik
@RudiVisser, can you assign Roles to these logins mate?
@Derek Yes they're just a normal account, they still get a UserProfile
@RudiVisser Cheers mate, I do appreciate the help!
@Derek You can even create a local password for that account so that their external provider(s) just become an additional method of authentication, rather than the method
No problem bye for now
@RudiVisser Bye!

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