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I spent the day renaming stuff =/
@KendallFrey I offered advice no one listened :)
@TravisJ you were lucky/picked a good day imo
RENAME TABLE first TO second;
... thanks for making it easy for once mysql
did you manage to make something good out of the c# connector?
it's been a few months since I heard your stories about it
No, I was promised action by their lead engineer but he gave up. His eventual response last month was "don't use linq with mysql connector".
So far, I have a simple workaround in place. But in the future, I think what I am going to do is construct the object graph from parallel tasks which all query the database at the same time.
Pretty much overriding the functionality of Include.
leaderboard updated, fools
@ShotgunNinja - More ambiguity? Sure, I will just rename all of my database tables to dbT1, dbT2, etc. and each field can be f1,f2. This will save space from naming, and should reduce query lengths. Good idea!
marketing sucks.
@KyleTrauberman I'm > @zneak now, that can't be right
its right
I have to sneeze but can't...quick, someone throw an exception!
@TravisJ sneeze unhandeled
throw new SneezeException("@TravisJ");
Didn't work :( my sneeze was lost in the wind
@TravisJ you need a try catch statement
I think the finally{} block is what I was missing
@TravisJ what would you put in it?
The truth.
finally { true; }
that unfortunately wouldn't compile
but that's the idea
finally{ if(true) }
@zneak No if you created a type it would work
finally { var True = Travis is Gay; } // that kind of truth?
@JABFreeware you can't have a statement that has no side effect in C#
@zneak what do you mean? I'm a semi-beginner
@KendallFrey - No, I get laid more often than you take a shower.
Or the non-scandalous kind?
@JABFreeware you can't write a statement that does nothing
like 1;
that's a compile-time error
@TravisJ So, whenever you get around to it, right?
@zneak oh, I guess so. Wasnt thinking
@Kendall - The truth I was talking about was the reason why you are here.
Is there a int.ToString() that does this?
That you are a slave, Kendall. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.
runs like heck
@TravisJ oh crap!
@TravisJ Wait a second!
takes the blue pill
@KendallFrey why not the red one?
@JohanLarsson, there's string[] numbers = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", /* snip */ };
Because programming is fun!
oh I see
that might take a while
@TravisJ Maybe you even replace shower more often than Kendall gets laid?
He dies just as often as I get laid.
@KendallFrey But if travis is right why would you want to stay in prison?
@JohanLarsson i.ToString().Length! ;)
@JABFreeware I like it here.
Plus, I don't know to fly a hovercraft.
@zneak Perl does it, and it has to be British English
Oh come on, it isn't that hard. They practically drive themselves through those narrow spaces with like 5 inches of room to spare.
It looked hard to me.
@KendallFrey I can fly a hovercraft
@JohanLarsson write it in perl? :)
not a bad idea, I have never written any perl and this could be a good time to start
I don't even have any idea what perl is.
They are really pretty.
My New Years resolution was to stop lurking on forums and in chat rooms. I don't think I am doing it right.
My new years resolution is to limit myself to one new years resolution. I like easy goals.
I did it right.
@Katy At least you stopped lurking :)
@KendallFrey I like that!
@KendallFrey Yeah, you did.
I made no new years resolution
I never did before.
I figured I'd start simple.
@KendallFrey good idea, just like programming
When new start simple
My new years resolution is to win the world chess open in philidelphia this year
@TravisJ oh yeah? I'm good at chess
Last year it was to survive the end of the world, so I have a good track record
@JABFreeware - cool :D how good?
I'm good at chess when I play average people.
@TravisJ Im pretty good
bet I could be you!
Elo rating?
@katy - This is neither a forum, nor a chat room.
@JABFreeware - as W or B
@TravisJ It's not a chat room?
@TravisJ where am I???
@TravisJ I dont have a rating
@katy - The matrix has you ;)
@JohanLarsson time will tell if that was the right decision
@JABFreeware - ok, you want to be W or B? We can play right now
@TravisJ OH, I thought that was a red hot I was eating earlier... whoops
@Katy you will know in a couple of minutes if you read today's transcript. I advice you not to do it though :)
static readonly string[] numbers = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eightteen", "nineteen"};
static readonly string[] tens = {"twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"};
public static string ToEnglishString(this ushort number)
	StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
	if (number > 999)
		ushort thousands = number / 1000us;
@katy - These things happen. Now, I am going to have to insert this mind altering device into your head and teach you kung fu.
it's untested, hopefully it compiles.
You wrote that now?
yeah, I was bored
@TravisJ Hang, CC Inc is going to show me something
with screenshare so I cant
@JABFreeware - well, I will make the first move then, and you can think about it
@JABFreeware - c4
@JohanLarsson taking advice
@TravisJ I dont play that way
I have to have a board
@zneak ok, I started, got worried I was gonna make typo's got bored and started to chat here instead :)
Then I do not think you could beat me :P
@TravisJ okay, here
@zneak int extensions much?
@TravisJ I want to be white
I can play either way but if you are so good (and maybe you are) then you shouldnt have any trouble!
I am better at B, let me create one
@JABFreeware lichess.org/fkdttjaf
@JABFreeware if only there were a lichutesandladders.org
@JohanLarsson I did it on ushort because I was too lazy for checking for numbers bigger than 9999999 or smaller than 0.
@TravisJ Im on
@JAB - Did you join the link?
or is that someone else
@TravisJ yeah trying
should I make a new one?
Keeps saying reconnectin after I move
@TravisJ yeah
If I don't add .TopLevel=false, an error comes saying "A top-level control cannot be added to another control." If I add that line, then an error comes saying "Error creating window handle"....WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!
@TravisJ LOL you didnt accept the draw!
@TravisJ CC Inc is ready to show me
JAB has somewhere to be...
I'll will play you in about 10 minutes though!
And so do I.
@JAB - Just make a move in 10 minutes, I have work to do atm anyway
cc/urban atm
@CCInc [atm](http://atm.urbanup.com/3359819) at the moment or at this moment

(gamer lingo)
Go red go!
Umm...There is a time running @TravisJ
I will add more
@TravisJ k
Wish I could stay and watch, but I have a hockey game :)
@KendallFrey maybe you will be on later when we resume
Prolly not.
@TravisJ did you start playing?
@Johan - Yes, but JAB is busy for 10 minutes or so
en.lichess.org/548znnrpl0x1 is the current game
@JohanLarsson Im ready now!
@TravisJ Im ready!
@JohanLarsson here you are: en.lichess.org/548znnrpdir5
@TravisJ Are you ready?
@JAB - We are starting another?
@TravisJ no
I moved
@zneak Really impressive considering you did not test it, only found a few minor bugz
@TravisJ Getting worried?
@JAb - I am winning ;P
@TravisJ Thats what my last oppenent said that I beat
right before, that is*
Besides, if you do win im out of practice
@TravisJ You taking a long time to move
Not because I am a natural master :P
My boss is here
@TravisJ oh!
@JAB - you are taking a long time to move :P
@TravisJ well that blunder a few moves ago has put me in a bind, otherwise you would be in a bind
@JAB - Nah, you lost when you gave up your pawn on a4
@TravisJ not true
@JABFreeware looks painful
@JohanLarsson for who?
@JABFreeware for white
You played very well though :)
@JohanLarsson yeah
@TravisJ truly?
Well thanks for play me!
You played better!
Good job!
star for winning
@JohanLarsson hey, uprate a few of my answers for loosing, please!
@JABFreeware post a few here but i only upvote if a) I understand b) I think it is good
@JohanLarsson well look at a few and uprate if you like them
@JABFreeware delete that if it is not too late
@JohanLarsson too late, why?
@JABFreeware I don't think it is ok with SO to ask for rep like that
@JohanLarsson oh, well you didnt give me any anyway
@JABFreeware I found one or two
Okay, well I got to go
see you!
@JABFreeware you there?
@zneak you want the code back? I fixed a few minor things.
I desperately need help
@DemCodeLines Still the winforms thing? I have no clue if so, sry
Yes, :(
This is awful!:(((
I am sorry, it is sad that you get so little help here
I am in serious need of help. If you are not able to help, at least don't make fun of it.
@DemCodeLines I was not, what made you think I was?
You said I get very little help here, and I know that you have seen me ask a ton of questions here, so you must not be serious
@JohanLarsson sure, that could be cool
@zneak, are you any good with winforms?
not really my thing but ask away
unless it requires me to read tons of code
because I'm leaving in a few minutes
it doesn't
I have not done exhaustive testing, twelwe was missing and it wrote eightyzero, hundredzero and some smallish
I have a MDI form.
@JohanLarsson yeah, I can't count to 20 in English lol.
MDI because its already embed into another form.
are you sure about this part though:
the problem is I need to embed that MDI parent into another form, which is giving me trouble
                result.Append('-' + numbers[unit]);
oh I see
char + string = bigger string
sounds good then.
yes, MDI form?
@zneak it was according to a spec I found on Wikipedia,
@DemCodeLines, have you tried anything about that
@DemCodeLines I am dead serious, i will try to help you everytime I can and have time
Actually forget all I said. I am trying to embed a form inside a panel
and I get "Error creating window handle."
@zneak @JohanLarsson ^
I'm afraid I'm not good enough with winforms to be helpful
also, it's 10 pm, so I'm going back home, especially since we might have to come on saturday
so good luck with that, and good night everyone
10 pm is no reason to stop coding imo :)
1 hour later…
So I was reading this and something made me curious:
Name an indexed property Item. For example, see the DataGrid.Item Property. Follow this rule, unless there is a name that is more obvious to users, such as the Chars property on the String class. In C#, indexers are always named Item.
What does that even mean?
That the conventions says the indexer should be named Item?
List<T> declares public T this[int index] and Dictionary uses public TValue this[TKey key]. Am I missing out on something?
ok, true but if you check them with reflection I think they are called item
No, they're called what I wrote.
And there's no such DataGrid.Item property either, neither static nor instance.
PropertyInfo propertyInfos = typeof(List<>).GetProperties().Single(x=>x.Name=="Item");
I'm really tired, not making much sense
Hmm, your code works, but in the decompiled source there's no such property.
There's IList.get_Item and IList.set_Item though, but even then, what sense does it make to have a naming convention for properties that can't even be found?
Ah, that was for .NET 1.1... I guess that stuff has changed.
@Eve idk, all properties look like get_ & set_ when looking at them in reflection
Not really...
public int Count
      [__DynamicallyInvokable, TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")] get
        return this._size;
Maybe properties overridden from interfaces... I don't know.
Eh, it still appears in 4.0. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/…
@JohanLarsson are you there?
@Billdr you know anything about physics? I am are you any good at it?
I don't know formulas, but I have a pretty decent understanding of the concepts from a laymens perspective
Why does it help to pull your hand back as you catch a hard-thrown ball? Use I-M principle to explain.
@Billdr ^ How about that?
Because you increase the time allotted to decelleration
I'm not sure what the I-M principle is.
But I need it in terms of the impulse-momentum principle
which is:
The impulse acting on an object produces a change in momentum of the objet that is equal in both magnitude and direction to the impulse.
I know where you can find a good explination of this.
Google "physics death gwen stacy" there's a book by the physics professor at the university of Minnesota. He goes into crazy detail about this, and he's spoken about it a ton outside of his book.
at 2:18 he gets into the formulas.
so, force*time=mass*change in velocity. From there it's playing with algebra.
@Billdr thanks for much :) I appreciate it :)
I'm glad my unprecedented level of awareness of nerdy things has helped someone.
@DemCodeLines now, was driving gf to work
@Billdr and star for that imo
Hey, thanks
This has been the best xmas ever, been geekin' so hard!
Did I say something wrong?
I don't expect to make much sense now
hi all
I was wondering why your christmas was geeky, @JohanLarsson.
Hi Tiru
@Billdr I've been coding 20 hours a day :)
can you tell me System.Web.Http.Dependencies available in .net framework 4.0
for dependency injection in webapi
I can tell you all sorts of things if we're not worried about truth or actual knowledge.
@Billdr i do that to, try to remember to write when I guess
@tiru i use ninject, does that library do di?
that is why c++ room is better, they notice if one slips
I need to make some progress on my dayjob project tonight
be back on my work pc in a minute
yes i used ninject for dependency, but in implementation System.Web.Http.Dependencies not found, mean it ''Error 2 The type or namespace name 'Dependencies' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web.Http' (are you missing an assembly reference?) D:\\Projects\AppMvc\App\AppAPI\Infrastructure\NinjectDependencyScope.‌​cs 5 23 AppAPI
where r u from..??
IEnumerable<T>.Distinct(), HashSet<T>.Add(T), HashSet<T>.Contains(T) are all O(n), right?
hi ;)
@BeatMe i facing cast problem
TIL separating concerns into different projects inside a solution is a crappy idea.
@Billdr why
I've got an EF project called "data layer." It has all the methods to create and seed the tables. However, I cannot see a way to trigger those methods.
@BeatMe public class clsa
public int eid;
public int ename;
public int edept;
public class clsb
public int eid;
public int edept;
is this relevant to the same problem I had a two days ago? Sharing interfaces between projects?
when i want to use like this its telling implicit conversion not allowed
List<clsa> a = new List<clsa>();
List<clsb> b = a;
how to solve this problem
my solution was adding a common project all others can reference to which includes the common interface
actually, I think I just figured it out... maybe.
@RajkumarReddy clsb would need to inherit from clsa
besides that, you seriously should consider using other class and variable names
but here i have not inherited
still s it possibe to cast?
yes, but you need a method for implicit conversion
Hi guys,
Hi guys, how things are going :), any volunteer to assist here stackoverflow.com/questions/14146902/… , creating a column to calculate moving average
  private void b_Register_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            user = new User(FirstName = FirstName, LastName = LastName, Language = Language,
                            Country = Country, Zipcode = Zipcode, State = State, TimeZone = TimeZone,
                            Sex = Sex, Month = Month, Day = Day, Year = Year, Occupation = Occupation);

                using (var saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog())
                    var commonDataPath = @"C:\test\";
is thiw wrong way of doing it??
@RajkumarReddy public static implicit operator clsb(clsa c)
			return new clsb( {edept = c.edept, eid = c.eid});
but I wouldn't classify this as good design
IEnumerable<clsa> a = new List<clsa>();
IEnumerable<clsb> b = a
where clsa : clsb
*I think/hope*
where would this where clsa : clsbgo?
inheritance public class clsa : clsb
7 mins ago, by Rajkumar Reddy
but here i have not inherited
but yeah, thats how it should be done :D
try ConvertAll() or Select() then
@linguini doing what?
I'm getting null error at 'user' ?
@BeatMe I'm getting null error at 'user' ?
then something in your constructor went wrong, I guess
:7000191 In the class (model), this is what i have: public class User
        private string _firstName;
        public string FirstName
            get { return _firstName; }

                if (value.Length > 50)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter with 43 char");
                    _firstName = value;

        private string _lastName;
        public string LastName
and where do these variables you call in your user = new User(xx) come from?
and your mixing two things together
:7000212  private User user;

        //Button to create a XML file
        private void b_Register_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            user = new User(FirstName = FirstName, LastName = LastName, Language = Language,
                            Country = Country, Zipcode = Zipcode, State = State, TimeZone = TimeZone,
                            Sex = Sex, Month = Month, Day = Day, Year = Year, Occupation = Occupation);

                using (var saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog())
i was talking about FirstName = FirstName
This is a mvc approach an example project for my understanding. FirstName = FirstName. Iuser = Implemented class member.
@BeatMe This is a mvc approach an example project for my understanding. FirstName = FirstName. Iuser = Implemented class member.
and again, you either use it like user = new User(firstname, lastname,...) with the constructor you have in class user or use the parameterless constructor with user = new User() {FirstName = firstname, LastName = lastname,..)`
but I'm not sure where those variables are coming from, but it's circular
@BeatMe Tried in both ways, still i have the same issue. If i may, can i share this small testing project.
int i = i; doesn't make much sense, you're doing the same
@BeatMe Trying to understand the mistake, i have done in this small project.
you're trying to initialize a new objects with a Object Initializer

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