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I have a feeling Kinected is going to be banned real soon...
I sure hope so
1 min ago, by Rudi Visser
                name: "DefaultApi",
                routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
                defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
Damn, if I was annoying when this was 13 I wish I had been shot
But alas I wasn't
I am now instead
@RudiVisser hoovered over the star for that one
Anyway guys it's bedtime
No it's not.
Good night
bye night
It is for me
@RudiVisser nite
Hopefully the children will have dispersed by morning so we can have the normal intellectual conversation about women and stuff C# with @JamieTownsend etc
Strange. Compared to Kinected and CCInc, RudiVisser is mature.
@RudiVisser - I had to go to a meeting, but I have a solution to that anchor situation, give me a few minutes
@TravisJ Tag me, will hit it up in the morning :)
Strange, compared too Kendall and Rudi and Kinected, CC is mature.
I am sure @JohanLarsson will take my side
@CCInc to*, and no you're not
@CCInc get on tomorrow morning and tell @Steve I said Hi and to defend me
Sleigh away (unless the sleigh is gone and I'll just fade)
@CCInc you are ok CC, all are really, we should just try to help each other keeping a decent signal-to-noise-ratio
@Kyle since you are the only one anyone takes seriously, are we mature
@KyleTrauberman Am I generally mature?
cc/tell RudiVisser "Hater"
If you have to ask if you're mature, you're not.
@Kinected Command hater does not exist.
Although, what @KendallFrey just said is very true
@KendallFrey What is with the hate?
Remember when we took down Nadal guys? And now your hating on me?
Given a million monkeys programmers, how many years does it take for one of them to figure out the tell command? The answer, apparently, is a million years.
@Kinected I hate annoying people. Got a problem with that?
@KendallFrey I am suprised you live in America
Who @Kinected ?
@Kinected I dont?
Because I think Kendall lives in CANADA
Ontario, Canada
But you used to?
Kendall Frey, Ontario, Canada
13.2k 1 14 37
Too bad I like Canada too much to insult it.....
Kendall, have you not gained 1k rep a week in a while?
Naw, chat is more fun than SO.
Plus, my job is less boring now.
@RudiVisser - Here is the magic:
function manualAjax(element, options) {
        var method;
        $.extend(options, {
            success: function (data) {
                var update = element.getAttribute("data-ajax-update");
        options.data.push({ name: "X-Requested-With", value: "XMLHttpRequest" });
    var anchor = $(anchorSelector)[0];
    manualAjax(anchor, { url: anchor.href, type: "GET", data: [] });
Speaking of rep, I'd love an answer to my latest question right about now.
I feel sorry for @Kinected ...
Coming back to a friend that hates you...
That happened too me last year...
Epic :) Nothing like taking jQuery source code and bending it to your will mwuahaha
@CCInc Kendall and I were frenemies........
Then he got cocky.
Come on now, I was the highest answerer in the ! What did you expect
I'd say something about maturity, but that's tired out.
I find it amusing how Kendall keeps referring to my lack of maturity while he himself has less.
I find it amusing how CCInc lies blatantly.
What are some good converters that can convert a whole project from C# to VB without messing everything up?
Actually, I don't. This chat is boring as heck right now.
Take it to a private room guys
@DemCodeLines There aren't, and shouldn't be.
Hello guys... How a website can understand when human visiting the site and when is robot (computer programmatically)? And how I can bypass it?
Hmm, now @Kinected seems to be in charge again...
@DemCodeLines The best way is manually.
This chat is a queer place.
@Loclip Usually by the user agent string, I think.
I would stop using that word, it doesn't help
@CC How close is your project to finishing
@KendallFrey thank you I will try to find about it on google
gtg dinner
@KendallFrey even using user agent its still block me
What did you set the user agent to?
"user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; Windows NT 5.1; rv: Gecko/20100611 Firefox/3.6.4"
Try using a robot-like user agent.
Like GoogleBot.
Your user agent string tells the server what browser you are using.
Since bots don't browsers, they use their own user agent names.
I'd suggest "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)"
when i add header like that it tells me Specified value has invalid HTTP Header characters. Parameter name: name
Don't know.
I just copied what I saw on a website.
how would i make the transparent of a listview transparent?
@DemCodeLines what?
@DemCodeLines Xaml?
sorry I meant How can I make the background of a listview control transparent. It says it doesn't support transparent background, but there must be some way.
@DemCodeLines where does it say that?
@DemCodeLines In WPF?
in WinForms
@DemCodeLines Copy the Glicial thing from this page codeproject.com/Articles/4012/C-List-View-v1-3
I really, really wish people would stop trying to make pretty UIs in WinForms.
Anyone here ever used the 2+2 poker hand evaluator?
What I mean with those WPF questions is, if I just take a listview in WPF and put it in WPF container in winforms, will the appearance look the same on XP as it does on Windows 7?
I am going to miss my hats when they are gone :(
@KendallFrey interesting questions ;)
@BeatMe Did you use pre-existing code to generate the lookup?
I'm looking to rewrite it possibly.
too slow?
Hopefully I can grok the algo, then I can output it to different formats if need be.
@BeatMe Haha no way.
are we talking about generating the lookup table?
what do you need?
Nothing, really.
I just asked two questions on improving the actual lookup
Q: Speeding up array lookup after traversing?

BeatMeI have a 123MB big intarray, and it is basically used like this: private static int[] data = new int[32487834]; static int eval(int[] c) { int p = data[c[0]]; p = data[p + c[1]]; p = data[p + c[2]]; p = data[p + c[3]]; p = data[p + c[4]]; p = data[p + c[5]]; return d...

Q: How can I allocate and use native memory with VirtualAlloc with C#?

BeatMeIn order to maximize performance of a critical method, in another question it was suggested that I allocate and use the memory of the array natively instead of fixing it. I'm working in C# and have no experience with unsafe code and using P/invoke. I haven't found any relevant examples on Googl...

Anyone know the default Windows tile size?
You mean for WinRT apps?
no, the regular desktop icons
what's the size of their image?
20 x 20?
50 x 50?
The icon? 32x32 I think.
I think what I'll do is run the C++ generator as a reference, then try to replicate it with JS.
But first I'll wait for VS to update...
did not work with JS yet
For some reason my panel shows a box with a red X in the middle...it works like its supposed to, but does not display the proper background image...
can anyone help
also happy new year
I was trying to switch to Klaatu-Evaluator instead of SteveBrecher for the generation, but not successful :D
@DieVers More details, please.
Okay I have created a Windows Form C# in VB.net 2012
I added one button and a panel
C#, or VB?
relative path?
Microsoft Visual Studio C#
You seem exceedingly confused.
are you sure the image is where it's supposed?
"Microsoft Visual Studio C#" does not exist.
yes. I'm not confused, sorry I'll try to explain it better
I'm using the Microsoft Visual Studio program 2012 ultimate edition...are you familiar with that?
So, VS 2012 Ultimate.
I'm sure it's legit :D
I have 2012 Express and 2010 Pro.
I bet it's unrelated to the version
Yes. Then I click new project. Then I click Visual C# and new Windows Form
is it clear so far?
What did you try, what happened and what did you expect?
@DieVers Yes. Code please.
where is the image located?
Wait before we go there I need to make sure I didn't lose any one
If you did, they won't be of help anyway.
KK...After I created the form I added 1 button and one panel
Every C# dev knows how to create a new project.
in the panel's properties I
Oh Okay then...
Continue on...
k in the panel's properties I selected background image and loaded my image
it displayed fine in designer
but the main function of my code is to open a program in that panel
I hate the youtube player...
May I ask why you didn't use PictureBox?
I will try that
I've never used it before...
What's the hats thingy?
Ok :3
@KendallFrey what are you doing with a JS version?
Thanks you guys are so helpful.
See you later.
Is it not possible to make the listviewitem text background transparent
@BeatMe Maybe make a poker server.
@DemCodeLines Yes, it's possible, no, it's not easy.
As with anything else in WinForms.
why not a slower evaluator that doesn't require a big table?
Can you recommend a simple evaluator that isn't a pain to implement?
well, depends ;)
Didn't see any astonishingly simple evaluator.
what exactly do you mean with simple?
depends on the performance you need
That looks like a 5-card evaluator.
I need 7.
Also, that looks naive, and I'd like to avoid those.
Do it right, or not at all.
but all the non-naive are not simple ;)
Naive isn't simple either. I tried to invent one, and just gave up.
I have no clue why icon images are not showing up in runtime when they show up in the designer
hey , can someone help with linq to sql?
Wow, @Kinected was here.
@Billdr is here
How's it going sirs?
I missed you
Where've you been?
can someone look at the sql ??
'"SELECT TOP 13 (city+', '+state) As CityState FROM zipcode WHERE (city+', '+state) LIKE @prefixtext + '%' GROUP BY (city+', '+state)
is that the same as this linq?
(from a in db.zipcodes.Where(x => (x.city + ", " + x.state).ToLower.Contains(prefixText))).Take(13).ToList
Maybe I don't understand linq as well as I thought. Why are you mixing a and x?
a is a dynamic version of the table , x is used for the lambda for what to select out of a
I guess I'd approach it differently.
I don't know how to convert LIKE in sql , I just do .ToLower on both and .Contains()
not that much differently. I'd just use one letter for the whole thing
seems valid to me.
You know the dataset better than I do
I just never seen that (city+', '+state) As CityState before
that confused me
@Billdr You'll defend me against the haters right
Why are you culling hate?
@Billdr They are all haters
Yeah... Kendall and Rudi
I wouldn't stress about their evaluations of you as people.
Their opinions on code, however...
(also, fuck css)
@CC just use your spam on both of them
@Kinected I will show you it in the other room
hey.... Linq has a StartsWith() - fucking awesome , I never knew that
    display: inline;
    position: relative;
    top: 5px;
    right: 5px;
What do I need to do to put myId in the top right of it's parent div?
do I need to use float?
it depends
are other elements dependent on its position?
I have other divs that are inheriting properties. Maybe I should force them to be inline as well?
I would do absolute if you always want it in the top right and other elements in the same parent dont depend on its position
the other way is making everything inline
if I do absolute it breaks out of it's parent
no it wont
take that back .... make the parent relative positioned
let me double check.
if you make the parent relative positioned , the children can't come outside - unless you force them too with like left : -50px
Okay, if the parent is relative and the child is absolute it works as expected.
oh , sun of a bitch , how do I do this? I have about 100 different zip code all with the city of "Chicago" because there are so many zipcodes in chicago , If I add .Distinct() to my linq query it doesn't help because they are not actually distinct rows
present a list to the user?
for radius search , and the min is 15 miles , the first zip that will come frmo the list is 60601 , which is the center of downtown chicago , so I'm ok with it picking that for everyone that clicks on chicago
@ScottSelby Explain please. I know of no such LINQ method.
@KendallFrey - this is my linq (vb but i'll convert if you want me too)
From a In db.zipcodes.Where(Function(x) (x.city + ", " + x.state).ToLower.StartsWith(prefixText.ToLower))).Take(13).ToList
StartsWith has nothing to do with LINQ...
I want only results where the city , state is unique
oh, well I had no idea StartsWith even existed
but the query works fine , I just want to limit it to only unique city/state
Also, that's a strange combination of query/method syntax.
I know , Im just converting ,
oh , actually - its because that is how we got unique results back from sql when it was sqlcommands
because I want to show Buffalo, NY Buffalo, NJ ect , and sql to know those 2 aren't unique
but I don't want Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL ect..
does that make sense?
Why doesn't a simple Distinct() work?
@ScottSelby No offesne, bu kendall is not the most helpful on here, I might be able to help you, though
thats awesome if you can
@JABFreeware Offense taken. :)
@ScottSelby whats the trouble
@KendallFrey thats good!
I have a linq query above that selects rows from db that start with what the user typed
I want to return results only when the combination of city/state are unique
@ScottSelby unique?
no duplicate records are to be returned you mean?
Again, Distinct should work.
@KendallFrey thanks for your input :(
its not though :(
@ScottSelby okay please continue
Why not?
(trying to look it up, MSDN is down :( )
oh .... i think I know , maybe because of how its written , if I put in the query select a.City , a.State - instead of returning the whole row THEN to .Distinct() that might work
@KendallFrey well you are not too clear sometimes!
because right now it returns zip 60601 , 60602 , ect... and they aren't unique but when I pull city and state out of a foreach loop of results then I get all Chicago, IL
@KendallFrey nope its not for me
@JABFreeware I'm not a code vending machine, remember?
you should have a paypal donation button in the chat for you
@KendallFrey Oh I know, but why is that, everyone else doesnt mind throwing in a little code
@ScottSelby yeah that might get him going! :D
I want people to learn.
@ScottSelby you still need help?
I'm gonna see if that works
Few things annoy me more when people simply plop code into place, with a total lack of context.
@KendallFrey Sometimes showing code is the best way to teach someone
@ScottSelby okay
I learned jQuery from part of a book and completely from here , so I take time to answer a lot of jquery queastions on here ..
@JABFreeware Guiding someone through the solution is the best IMO.
@KendallFrey I dont ussually just give someone the code they need, but example code
that means they have to understand it
Or if they promise me points I go ahead and give them the code
Kendall has helped me out a lot
@KendallFrey you can guide them with code
but "Distinct Should work" really was no help
@ScottSelby He sometimes gets on my nerves :)
@ScottSelby I'm encouraging you to figure out why it doesn't work.
ok.... maybe it did a little
purposely steps on JABFreeware's nerves
works now anyway , that's all that matters :)
@KendallFrey - whats wrong with mixing .Contains() or .StartsWith() or .ToLower() in lambda query ?
@KendallFrey what?

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