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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

@Kendall - How should I implement this? I have a list of id's which are int. I have a list of objects each with an id. I need the list of objects to be in the same order as the list of ids. Any ideas?
Hey Travis
Just brute force or is there a one liner somewhere
Or do they need to be ordered for storage?
I got my wife to get a steam account. She's buying my entire wishlist. <3
They are going to be displayed, and the order is the order they should print in. But when I get them from the database, they are ordered numerically
@bill - nice! :)
Can't you sort before displaying?
Yeah, but I wasn't sure if there was an easy way to do it or if I should just manually write a sort method to do it.
Is the ID stored in the object?
Then what's the list of ID's for?
It was sent from a post to get the objects from the database
Is it necessary? Can't you just use the ID's in the object list?
List<int> Ids = { 2192, 5254, 486, 912, 1512, ... };
List<myObj> objs = { 486, 912, 1512, 2192, 5254, ... };//this is the order of .Id
I fetch the objects based on the ids
.Where(obj => Ids.Contains(obj.Id))
I'm confused.
Can you explain why you're duplicating data?
There is no duplication, I will explain why
Ok, I have a method which accepts a list of ints. It then takes that list which are primary key identifiers for a table. It goes through the table and fetches each record with that primary key. It then places all of those records in a list to return.
The return list is ordered by its primary key number, however, I need it to be in the same order as the list of ints was (with regards to the primary key).
So can't you build the list in the order specified in the first place?
e.g. ids.Select(id => data[id])
Nope, because that would be very inefficient on the database query.
Well then your database is broken.
Picture what you are saying... You want the database to look from 0 to length for a number, and do that for each number, instead of just grabbing them as it goes.
No no no.
Does mysql use the primary key field like an index?
It better would.
I don't think that you can use an index like that.
Like what?
obj => obj[index]
not with linq to sql
That's example C#.
translate it to whatever your situation requires.
Multiple trips is never good for speed.
Then use one trip. Surely you can cobble together a SQL query for that.
Isn't MySQL smart enough to use an index in the first place? I'd almost expect it to...
!! knockout is not knockouting correctly. :(
I'm perfect, the plugin is flawed.
I'm going to read through this code, and replace all instances of X with Y! starts skimming quickly through code Nope, this isn't gonna work.
Why would you do that?
Well, as long as you've thought it out.
What is this 'thought' you speak of?
Its the thing you do when your code doesn't do what you intended.
It does do what is intended.
My job is to make it better.
well, make mine better instead.
I'm grumpy.
This code sucks.
And no one knows what it does.
Stop looking cute!
boxer puppy does not understand your command.
Tell me a joke.
Did you hear about the one legged chicken who was scratching the dirt? He fell.
Notepad++, your find results is broke.
.OrderBy(obj => Array.IndexOf(Ids.ToArray(), obj.Id)).ToList();
was an accepted answer for this scenario where it was argued that it will be more efficient to have the ordering be done in c# versus inside of the sql server.
i loled
I used notepad++ a long time ago
Go on @KendallFrey, be grumpy at that.
self.calcBets = function(funds) {
    var bet = [];
    var maxBet = .1;
    var i = 0;
    while (i < funds && i < maxBet) {
        i = i + .01;
    return bet;
typeof bet == ?
smart alec.
is it an array or a single numeric type.
is what?
the return of self.calcBets
[0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.1]
According to my biological interpreter.
it is a string
That's what I thought.
It's a string?
in javascript?
bet is an array?
you bet
it is a string.
typeof bet == "undefined" will be true if bet is not defined, "Array" if it is an array, etc.
I call bull
var bet = [];
return bet;
typeof bet returned "object."
like kendall predicted.
actually, I think if you want to check for array you should use instanceof
the string "object"
because typeof is next to useless. It should return double[], imo.
if you try to compare that to the literal object it will be !=
silly static typers
var a = [];
typeof a == '[object Array]'
That'd make sense Travis. But we're talking about Javascript, it's not supposed to make sense.
It's supposed to be "easy."
fucking loosely typed bullshit
var a = (function(){ var b = []; b.push(1); return b; })();
typeof a == '[object Array]';
data.free and free are getting interrupted as the same object. So effing dumb. Alright, I can fix this.
function Game(data, bets, free) {
    this.gameSession = ko.observable(data.gameSession);
    this.playerScore = ko.observable(data.playerScore);
    this.splitScore = ko.observable(data.playerSplitScore);
    this.dealerScore = ko.observable(data.dealerScore);
    this.playerHand = ko.observable(data.playerHand);
    this.dealerHand = ko.observable(data.dealerHand);
    this.gameOver = ko.observable(data.gameOver);
    this.showNewGame = ko.observable(data.showNewGame);
    this.showCommonControls = ko.observable(data.showCommonControls);
how do I get easy SO fake internet points?\
good answers
Answer dumb javascript questions like mine.
dafuq, how is that "object"
just is
I mean, I know it is, but whyy
an array is just an object with extra methods
like push
when does typeof return something other than object? Apart from null?
and slice
its violent, really
var a = [];
a instanceof Array;
@Billdr typeof NaN == "number";
You're kidding me.
This is why Mozilla is losing to Google.
typeof "42" == "string"
var a = 42;
typeof a == object?
typeof true == "boolean"
var a = 42;
typeof a;
var a =42;
typeof typeof a;
NaN instanceof Number
@Billdr duh
instanceof > typeof
I think so Travis.
the appeal of typeof seems limited.
lol travis
1 instanceof Number == false
you lose
You are right about array though
lol dafuq, why isn't 1 a Number
you know what I mean :P
It's not an object instance though.
nor of Boolean or String
typeof new Number(1)
var a = 1;
a instanceof Object
typeof 1
new Object(1) instanceof Object
so what is a an instance of?
new Number(1) === 1
new Number(1) == new Number(1)
var a = 1; what is a an instance of?
var a = 1;
a instanceof undefined
TypeError: Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got 1
woah, this was cool
var a = 1;
a instanceof function(){ return Boolean; }
Object instanceof Function
Function instanceof Object
Hello, is any issue about regex in c#?
Please ask again in English.
So that block I posted earlier? Where we add .01 to the value?
It returns [.01, .02, .03, .04, .05, .0600000000000000000005, ...]
Totally not surprised.
Now I'm surprised.
Invalid edit?
sorry, didn't memorize the nonsense.
still not surprising
why would i = i+.01 do that?
rounding errors
That's a pretty significant rounding error.
How does .01 round to anything other than .01?
nope, completely run of the mill
self.calcBets = function(funds) {
    var bet = [];
    var maxBet = 10;
    var i = 0;
    while (i < funds*100 && i < maxBet) {
        i = i + 1;
    return bet;
bet that'll work
Probably. Still dumb.
owait forgot funds
no, you're good.
You're supposed to know these things.
.01 is not .01
oh, it's doing a float not a double?
no, a double.
I thought doubles were ints with decimal points. Maybe I am mistaken.
They are, just not in base 10.
well, the rounding error is gone. Thanks for the work around
I have an issue
If you ever need help or have questions with IEEE floating-points, you know who to ask.
@CCInc Well, more than one.
@Billdr :(
Ha. Ha.
Anyway, I have a label that has two sections of text and I want to easily be able to set one
@KyleTrauberman Why does my version work, and Billdr's doesn't? They are almost the same...
He probably doesn't know. :P
I <3 you in a completely platonic, non-committal, and non-exclusive way, Kendall.
@CCInc two labels
But how do I position them sidebysidie?
or flowlayoutpanel lols
Fine, I will look at WTF again
No, not the mirror. WPF.
Can I just copy-paste all of my WinForms to WTF?
No, and you shouldn't.
If you could, it would be WinForms.
Fine, I will look into rewriting my interface in WTF
Ok, in WTF how do I solve my label problems?
Call the wtf label extension
wtf is a wtf label extension
yes it is
either use two labels, or runs
two labels is easier
wtf is a run?
Will someone give me a Interface idea for WTF?
I'm too lazy for WTF right now, maybe later.
"Windows System Last Error: The operation completed successfully. (0)" STAHP WINDOZE
Something is amiss.
            label1.Location = new Point((form.Width/2) - (label1.Width/2), label1.Location.Y);

            label2.Location = new Point(label1.Location.X, label1.Location.Y);
Why is Label2 not at the same location as label1? It's x is the same but the Y is different
debug it
I did, the Y is the same but it displays at a different point
And what are you adding the labels to?
the form?
Are you sure?
Not a panel of some sort?
Strange actually, my label1 should eb on a panel but it is not
Ah, that appeared to fix it.
Hello, person-whose-intelligence-seems-to-fluctuate-in-cycles.
gf's nerd score^^
I already told her it sux
Call me a n00b, but why does "message" return ""?
Happy holydays. Can I get some stars for Christmas?
    private static string _message = "";
    public static string message { get { return _message; } set { _message = message;} }
Browser.message = "Getting IE History";
Let me outline the flow.
You could have used a debugger, too.
which I did
set_message is called, passing "Getting IE History"
get_message is called, which returns ""
_message is set to ""
so I change what to what, mr code vending machine?
The solution is to either rtfm or wait for me to tell you to use value.
the latter
Ok, I rtfm and I fixed it
If I wanted to port to Mac, should I use Mono or should I rewrite it or is their another solution?
Hmm, can I copy-paste MOST of my WinForms code?
I don't know.
Mono uses GTK#
My code fails, and I have no idea why it fails. Everything looks tip-top. This is my least favorite situation to be in.
try a cast (TipTop) CODE
There are no errors. So.. everything syntax wise is fine. It's my logic that's broken.
I guess I can make a jsfiddle and simplify the problem.
well, this is broken in the exact same way my thing is broken, if anyone wants to play with knockout. jsfiddle.net/ms5Yx/1
nerdtests.com: "Wow, it seems you spend more time in front of a computer than with people." YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY?
ah. Now I r smr
I have:
        <SolidColorBrush x:Key="BlueBrush">#FF08CBD1</SolidColorBrush>
        <SolidColorBrush x:Key="OrangeYellowBrush">#FFFFD51A</SolidColorBrush>
<UserControl x:Class="TrayHandlerSimulation.TrayView"
Looks fine at designtime but throws at runtime
Provide value on 'System.Windows.StaticResourceExtension' threw an exception.'
I think I know what it is, I use some voodoo to show the window. Is there a way to force App.Xaml to be Initialized?
@JohanLarsson Try setting Color as an attribute instead of content.
@KendallFrey I have narrowed it down somewhat, it works if I start it the vanilla way
However if I show the window like this:
        public static ManualResetEvent ShowModeless()
            var manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            Thread newWindowThread = new Thread(() =>
                                                        // Create our context, and install it:
                                                        SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new DispatcherSynchronizationContext(Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher));
App does not get initialized and that is not strange
The questions is how I can explicitly initialize/reference it when showing the window this way
No, the question is why are you making a GUI on multiple threads. WHY?
@KendallFrey Christmas magic.
I didn't think you'd know.
afaik, they should both return identical results. Ask @rlemon
unless its some crazy javascript floating point handling.
Why ask @rlemon? I can answer just as well.
he might know
ok, cya
I'm sad at the amount of floating-point knowledge in our 'expertise' here.
@KendallFrey The same reason there are modeless windows I guess, I want to be able to fire and forget
Still no reason to use multiple threads.
Maybe not but that is a different question, any idea how to make the references to App.Resources work when done this way?
I don't care.
I don't support stupid code.
Except at work.
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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