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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@DrTJ its Sunday night on Halloween. Did you expect a flurry of activity?
hi all
3 hours later…
anybody there...........
3 hours later…
hello, indeed
Oh excellent, I'm on my own - some breathing space from the madding crowd.
Has anyone ever used the 'yield' keyword?
yield? sure
There is life! So when did you use it? I was brushing up for an interview and came across it. I can't say I can think of when I'd use it...
You use it to build iterator methods
..ok - so why would you build one of those (iterators) - that's to do with enumerators isn't it?
hi guys i am trying to display help file behind a button using HtmlHelp hWnd, App.path + "\" + HelpFileName, HH_HELP_CONTEXT, topic but when execution passes over it nothing happens.
are you in C++?
i am in vb
If the question has a definitive answer, you should still post it on the main SO site
And if you're using VB, shouldn't you be using & to concatenate strings, not +?
@LasseVKarlsen - are you at work?
I probably shouldn't keep you then :) Or are you trying to avoid work? Just havingabreak?
Waiting for the build
I can't promise I will answer all the time, but as long as I'm here, I'm here :)
Ha - no worries :) I'm in Singapore looking for work, currently based in NZ. How long does your build usually take?
Depends on how much it has to build, currently it has about 10 minutes left
It's the build server that is slow, from next version we will rewrite all our build scripts
Then it does everything in about 2 minutes
I must admit I haven't done much continuous builds (I assume that's what you meant by build? surely it's not 10 minutes for a "straight" compile??
Cheerio - see you next time :)
Morning all
I'm able to speak in the chat now!
please help me
i have a string like "flow_jfkljkg flow_ fjdkfjdflow_hjdofhd" i need to create a `List<String>` with the above string seperted by "flow_".so the list will contain 3 items like
flow_ fjdkfjd
Q: Is there an easy way to split a String with a String in C#

KieranI would like to split a string into a String[] using a String as a delimiter. String delimit = "[break]"; String[] tokens = myString.Split(delimit); But the method above only works with a char as a delimiter. Any takers?

How is everyone this fine autumn morning?
Or spring afternoon?
@balpha , thank you............. fed up of Regular expression
@Sres Not too bad, probably shouldn't of skipped breakfasts though
@Kragen you foreigners and your upside down seasons :)
@JamieKeeling It's the most important meal of the day apparently.
@Sres Even the moon is upside down here!
@Kragen where is here?
@Sres When it comes to it though I'm never hungry so I skip it. Fast forward an hour later and I feel like im dying of starvation. I can't win =[
@JamieKeeling The only solution is bacon
@Sres Exactly, it never lets you down.
I actually believe that Bacon is the cure for the worlds ills
Cut your leg, put some bacon on it
What does Int32.Parse(true) do?
@Raynos Checking with IntelliSense there doesn't seem to be an overload for a boolean
@raynos why would somebody do this?
Never mind I'll use Convert.ToInt32
@raynos this is a redundadant statement
@jaminator Some languages have more generic .parse methods
@Raynos Which language are you using may I ask?
@Sres I really want bacon now =/
@Sres Australia (so its actually the evening)
@raynos yes they are, but can plz explain 4 me the correlation b/t tht and Int32.Parse(true
@jaminator I thought parse might convert booleans to 0 and 1.
@jaminator I guess if you want to convert a boolean to an integer - (true = 1, false = 0), but you would be much better off using an inline if, e.g. myBool ? 1 : 0
@raynos noted tht
@Kragen bah, was about to post that int i = t ? 1 : 0;
Anyone here had any experience using view engines to do code generation?
Convert.Int32(true); when reflected does exactly what @Kragen posted @Raynos
so technically you can cut the overhead of the Convert function by just doing the inline yourself.
@sres And it makes it more explicit whats going on (in some langauges -1 is true)
@sres Convert is slightly more readable and thats such a minor optimisation
@Raynos I guess, @Kragen -1 (you see what I did there?)
Never heard of a view engine before, I really should poke my head above the code parapet sometime and find out where languages are going.
@Sres I was thinking of the Spark View Engine, although I'm not really sure if view engine is really the correct term.
Q: ASP.NET MVC View Engine Comparison

McKAMEYEDIT: added a community wiki answer to begin capturing people's experience with various View Engines. Please respectfully add any experiences you've had. I've been searching on SO & Google for a breakdown of the various View Engines available for ASP.NET MVC, but haven't found much more th...

Ah - thanks.
Wish I had time to look into new tech...
Well its useful to see a list of all view engines, but the post doesn't really mention how difficult it is to get them working outside of IIS.
Guess I'll just have to experiment and see what does / doesn't work.
I love revisiting old code and wondering why I wrote it in such a way...
@Sres I remember back in the day writing an xna application and putting EVERYTHING into the one class.
@JamieKeeling just getting into XNA atm, interesting stuff, that's one of the areas that I'm playing with at home if I can be bothered to sit in front of the PC to code after a days coding.
@Sres It's awesome, making a game for Windows,Xbox 360, WinPhone7 is so much fun.
@JamieKeeling I'm a business app developer so it's a big change from what I usually write.
1 hour later…
rovio !
Does "rovio" mean anything? Like "Hello"?
Ignore is your friend :)
dim ravio as GetAttention
ravio.Repeate = C#.Room.People.Ignore
Spam much?
Was there a reason why you posted those questions?
@jjj I don't understand what's funny.
i got your attention...
Not in a good way
If you need to experiment, please use the sandbox
thanks .. @lassevkarlsen
for telling as
@LasseVKarlsen Yes, "Rovio!" means something :)
Posted by Jeff Atwood on November 1st, 2010

I’m a big fan of annoying my coworkers. Problem is, I don’t have any coworkers because I work remotely from home. An impossible conundrum. Or is it?

Enter Rovio, the wi-fi enabled robotic WebCam.

Rovio got mixed reviews, but we decided to give it a shot anyway. You control Rovio through a web browser interface, with full (but low-res) video and audio. Here’s a few shots of us driving around the New York World Headquarters.

Like explorers from the old world, we created maps of the New York office as we discovered it. Rovio is surprisingly full featured for an inexpensive little ‘bot: …

2 messages deleted
@jjj Please stop getting on people's nerves just for the heck of it.
guys.. how can i fill a DataSet variable from an ObjectDataSource?..using C# .. onbuttonClick
DataAdapter.Fill() ?
not exactly
i want to take the data from ObjectDataSource and put it in a DataSet variable
if there is any
clear ... understood
You should post that question on SO
Because that's what it's for? That question has a definitive answer, so it belongs on Stack Overflow
Someone else might have the same question, and if it's answered on SO, it may help more people, not just you
.. ok..i get it..^_^
i'll post it tomorrow..
it has to be understandable .. and organized .. Cya L
isn't the channel description wrong?
surely: var future = await CSharp5.Create();
(unless the CSharp5 class inherits from Task<T>)
Doesn't it just have to implement a GetAwaiter method?
Can't believe I am not subscribed to that blog yet... doh! Thanks for the link
Hi new in C# from Flash, PHP and Java
hello @user217582
Do anyone use MonoDevelop?
Hi Tim!
@user217582 Welcome to C# and to the chatroom!
@user217582 is your desktop Windows or Linux? If your on Windows I would suggest MonoDevelop's awesome parent project SharpDevelop
I was in urgent to get some advice on IDE, can I use C# library on Monodevelop?
I see
@user217582 usually - are you looking at any library in particular?
MIDI library, it strange that AIR 2.0 to Java sending MIDI code cause issue
If anyone know what can be done with AIR's Nativeprocess if not, I will have to rebuild with C#
@user217582 MonoDevelop is a subset of SharpDevelop and mainly targets linux. It only targets C# using the Mono framework. That code targets .Net version 3 or greater (infered from the System.Linq includes). I suspect that Mono will work, but I couldn't tell you with any certainty...
@user217582 try it on Mono and see
the project page mentions Visual Studio as a requirement, but it doesn't say that Mono doesn't work
I too noobie to try it out
@user217582 download the zip, open a command prompt in one of the directories, and type xbuild
this library appears to require Windows, though
since it requires Windows, you could just use the free Visual Studio Express instead of Monodevelop
any limitation on free VS express? but can it be use for commercial?
"there are no licensing restrictions for applications built using Visual Studio Express Editions"
great, but we may include Flex/Flash for interactive in the near future, it seem a bit hard to get both working together
to get C# and Flash working together?
The alternative is going Java althoughter
Yes, I would like to get C# as a virtual keyboard and display score and Flash for 3D animations created by designer
grr spotify has stopped working...
@jjj "i'll post it tomorrow.. it has to be understandable .. and organized .. Cya L" ... and they wonder why they have a hard time finding answers ... sigh
@user217582 Is there a reason you have to use Flash for your 3D animations? Is there a reason you have to use C# for a virtual keyboard? Seems like you're trying to reinvent too many wheels.
@user217582 All the major platforms I know of (OSX, Windows, Linux-desktops) have on screen keyboards by default, so why can't you just use the native?
@user217582 I can't imagine coupling together 3 runtimes just to get a UI element to work. How complicated of a setup are you making? Sounds like YDIW...
random cross-site request, see if you guys here can shed any light (yeah, right, uh huh ... hey, it's worth tossing out there) ...
Q: On windows 7 my volume icon is missing from the system tray

drachensternSo unexpectedly my volume control is missing from the system tray on Windows 7. I goto the start menu and type volume and choose "Show or hide volume (speaker) icon on the taskbar" and it's disabled in there and set to off. I then click "customize notification icons" at the bottom and on the list...

greetings all
i have a question that you may be able to answer or tell me the better way, but i want to have an if like this: if(variable != null && variable == "true") ... but I am wondering if it is null will that second thing give me an error, or will it quit out before it gets there if the first thing evaluates as false (since it's null)
ignore the "true" part as it could be anything that was just an example
just do: if (variable == true)
i mean it will evaluate as true if it's null
Tim: you mean if(variable) ?
ah: if (variable == null || variable == "true")
@Travis no, I meant to put quotes round it
it will quit before giving you the error
ok so if it is null then it won't give me an object reference error on that second part
@TimRobinson ah
look into "short circuiting"
there is no error
for both && and || it will quit as soon as it knows the answer
this is safe in C#: if (null == "true")
which might not evaluate the whole thing in order to know the answer
woa wth
@gmagana yeah, short circuit evaluation is a handy thing
but that will always be false obviously right
short circuit evaluation: abort early because we don't need to do the rest of this or it might have unintended consequences
aka: nested if evaluation, for the lazy programmer (which is good, we should all be lazy)
I'm using System.Windows.Forms.Timer in .NET CF 3.5. The events don't seem to be firing ever. Are there any gotchas I need to worry about?
if(variable != null && variable == "true") is that the same thing or will that work?
i dont like the "lazy"term... it;s better to say "doe snot do unnecessary work" rather than lazy, which implies "corner cutting"
but that's just me... :-)
i want to only do the thing if the variable == "true" (it's a dictionary so the string could be many things in the DB but for this case it only can be true) but i want to make sure it's not null
@Shogun that will work
awesome you guys rock
these two are the same:
if (variable == null || variable == true)
if (!(variable != null && variable != true))
@TimRobinson haha @ use of DeMorgan's to confuse the unwitting
right but without the !() it's the opposite right
@gmagana I think it's important to stress that it's really a nested if
wait i mean
De Morgan's is not confusing...
mine is (variable != null && variable == "someString")
@drachenstern heh, I thought I'd post the Wikipedia article but there's no programming example on there
so if variable is null it will just evaluate as false
@TimRobinson lol, seriously?
@Shogun right: right
@Shogun yes it will keep evaluating ... grrr, this is tricky apparently ... or my coffee hasn't kicked in
@drachenstern it's written from a propositional logic point of view
ok cool just had to clear that up, thanks
@drachenstern it will keep evaluating?
@Shogun Not all languages do short-circuiting though, but with C# you are safe
@Shogun you just want to avoid variable being false, right? if it's nullable then you want to continue processing if it's null, then if (variable == null || variable == true) is what you want, yes.
I normally do something more akin to if (object != null && object.Length > 0) but that's really contrived too
var variable2 = variable ?? "true";
if (variable2 == "true") ...
@Shogun it's easier to conceptualize if you think about it like @drachens says: it's nested if-then
i only want to do the code inside the if {} only if variable == "someString" but i want to make sure that i dont get an object reference error if it is null, is what i mean
but remember that bool by itself doesn't support null
is variable a string?
if so, then you would really prefer to: if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable) )
if (a || b || c)

is the same as

if (a)
if (b)
if (c)
(lol, screwed up, that's for &&
but you get the idea
that clears the first case of "is it null, will I get a NullReferenceException"
as soon as the runtime knows that a certain answer is assured, it stops evaluating
but (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable)) isn't also specifying a specific string value
@Shogun what should happen if the variable is null? Do you want to go inside, the {}, or not?
@Shogun so then you concat a second test, but that avoids the "what if it's null" conundrum
Short-circuit evaluation, minimal evaluation, or McCarthy evaluation denotes the semantics of some Boolean operators in some programming languages in which the second argument is only executed or evaluated if the first argument does not suffice to determine the value of the expression: when the first argument of the AND function evaluates to false, the overall value must be false; and when the first argument of the OR function evaluates to true, the overall value must be true. In some programming languages (Lisp), the usual Boolean operators are short-circuit. In others (Java, Ada), both...
see "possible problems"
the variable is a string, it pulls from a data source that is a name value pair, and the data might not exist at all so then it would be null, i only want it to go inside the {} if it is = to a specific string, and thus not null, if it IS null then i dont want to get an error when i try to see if it == a specific string...
@Shogun don't worry about null
@Shogun do if (variable == "whatever") and move on
@Shogun == is safe to use with nulls
I routinely test my variables like: if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable) && variable == "myFinalValue" ) and I don't have any issues, but in actuality I rarely have null strings, I'm worried about those for passed values from returned datatable entries from a database that has nullable fields, and so if I'm working with user input, it's always string.Empty in which case there is no null value
ok, i'll just do a quick test to verify, thanks guys
@TimRobinson it is?
@drachenstern yes
@TimRobinson interesting ... /facepalm
@drachenstern if variable is null or empty, then variable == "myFinalValue" is false
it's no shave november!!
no shaving :)
otherwise how would variable == null ever work?
hmmm good point Tim
@TimRobinson I get that if variable is null or empty, then it would never be true, hence my negate op in front of the test. I wasn't aware, however, that if (variable == "whatever") would be null-safe during the test
@Shogun I don't shave normally (and my gravatar pic doesn't reflect that)
so if I do if(Something == "fart") and Something is null it won't be like 'object reference failure!'
this is null dangerous: if (variable.Equals("whatever"))
this is null safe: if (variable == "whatever")
cool, TIL
@TimRobinson it would work if I were to string myString = null; and then if (someCondition) myString = "someValue"; and then if someCondition isn't met, then a later test for if (myString == "value") ... NRE or not?
@TimRobinson Ahhhh, nice
@TimRobinson I was not aware of that distinction
@TimRobinson Who does this for strings on a regular basis? Is it really faster or something? Maybe I should go reflect that method. Just seems like the second case of == is easier to type anyways, and reads faster for most C-style coders....
@drachenstern i'm not even allowed to shave 'around' my beard
@Shogun religious practices?
no blade must grace my body
no it's just no shave november
me and my buddies we all compete
if a blade or a wax or anything touches your body, you lost
google it
it's suppose to be for prostate cancer awareness or something like that, but we just think it's a fun manliness test
@drachenstern you very rarely see it; normally if you've got a string in an object variable and you want to compare it to a string
when I went to the interview for my current job (5+ years ago now), the dev team was fighting a tight deadline, and had all agreed to grow "playoff beards"
@drachenstern rather, an object variable that might be a string or some other type, and you want to safely compare it with a string
unfortunately, my beard put them all to shame when I went to interview...
@Pete that's awesome
@TimRobinson Interesting. I'll have to remember that compare case the next time I come across it. If I think it's a string tho, I typically just .ToString() it and run my ==
@drachenstern I tend to write: "whatever".Equals(variable)
@drachenstern which is safe is variable is null and if variable doesn't contain a string
Is there some kind of c# online muck console?
.netpad, never mind thanks lasse
@TimRobinson spiffy trick. Mine tend to be more object1.Equals(object2) style comparisons (like I said, database inputs) ... actually, I don't think my codebase has more than 6 .Equals() in it, I'll have to look. couple hundred thousand lines.
@drachenstern I hardly ever use .Equals directly
eh, i wish someone could answer this question
Q: Mapping C data structures and typedefs to .Net

entensI'm trying to write an interface for communicating with a network protocol, but the IEEE document describes the protocol at the bit level with information split accross a single byte. What would be the best way to go about handling a C typedef such as typedef struct { Nibble transportSpecifi...

[stupid sticky shift key, making nbsp when i dont want it]
@entens btw, C data structures can't span bytes either; it's hard to implement this in C too - erk, this is wrong
i know. damn rfc doesn't take that into account D:
actually, you can do this in C, using bit fields
@entens the answer is lots of & and |
IEEE is the epitome of looks good whitepaper, and the source of programmer suicide...
@TimRobinson i was starting to think i should just grab the byte and mangle it unto submission using byte nibble = (bigByte << 4);
@entens I can't think of a better way
@TimRobinson the problem is trying to make this bit banging transparent to my existing implementation.
Windows programming question: When you develop a windows app and need to push updates to the client... is that usually in the form of dll updates (assuming proper DI & IoC programming techniques)
@entens the same as any other API wrapping exercise: wrap it with nice C# properties and methods
@ChrisKlepeis that's one way, a new installer is another, and auto-update with patching is a third
@ChrisKlepeis depends on the context of the update and what exactly gets changed.
Its just a very general question... something I want to think about before actually diving into code
@TimRobinson oh yeah, thats my complaint, this needs to be fast because its dealing with a high precision time protocol in the first place.
oh well, guess i can suck it up and hope for the best
@entens alternatively, come up with a sensible-looking C# API, and convert to and from the wire protocol when needed
@TimRobinson thats basically what i have in psuedo comment code right now...
and on that note, its time for greasy pizza to motivate me to get started...
mm greasy pizza, lubricate that noggin
@TimRobinson @entens I would go for a sensible looking API and convert to/from the wire protocol as needed as well. I've done stuff like that before, and that was the sanest way for me (granted it was simple serial commands over RS232 but still)
Greasy pizza does sound good for lunch, shame I have three women who would probably hate me if I suggested greasy pizza (and the walking distance restaurants to here are much better than greasy pizza) ... may have to find a dive tho this weekend for greasy pizza
@ChrisKlepeis how big of a program are you writing? How complex is it? I just let my installer handle all of that (but I tend to write small programs) or if I'm deploying an ASP.NET app we tend to do that by hand (since most of the time we're installing to a new server and have to configure everything anyways, so an extra ctrl-c ctrl-v doesn't kill anyone ...
@drachenstern It would be pretty big... full fledged order management / inventory management app
@ChrisKlepeis so this is a mind-experiment then? Since SAP and many others have a bit of a lead on you?
you have three women, dang, I don't even have one, I demand redistribution of wealth /s
Without going into all of the details... its for a niche market
lol, I would only willingly part with the third. I'll say no more about the second, except that my wife is as interested in her as I am (polyamorous) so ...
salt lake city?
@ChrisKlepeis they normally are
@Shogun nope, just run of the mill weirdos
I already created one that is used now... its web-based... i want to move away from that
I've never hidden where I live, I'm sure it's around on the intertubes somewhere (like my twitter probably has some GEOtagged home locations)
What's wrong with web-based apps?
Hell that's all I seem to write anymore
i could probably trace your IP from this chat session if I tried hard enough couldn't I?
then again, maybe not.. i'd need access to the servers this is running on I guess
Nothing, but when you want to do intensive reporting, etc - I'd be more comfortable just building a windows app
speaking of, here's one: I was dicussing with my wife about keeping up with our family photos, and doing so on a private website, and getting something setup with a facebook style tagging interface, so we could do the obvious stuff like "find all pictures with drachenstern" or whatever, and so we could do location and time tagging as well. Anybody seen off the shelf that does that or should I just tack it onto my existing list of shit I will get around to someday?
@Shogun I'll give you the local IP ;) :p
ah ha, I found you, it says you live in close proximity to router city
drachenstern, Shreveport, LA
1.8k 2 15
lol@router city
I'm pretty sure my onebox says enough
i feel so anonymous
i forgot you could place you location in there
Shogun, Between Chair And Keyboard
2.5k 18 48
ok, /afk
i just thought that crab was so damn cute
looks tasty
not very filling though
Any news on Wasp?
I sure hope not :S
and... it begins
[Humorous, relevant and/or witty comment]
eh, everytime someone posts wasp i flash to these guys blackwasp.co.uk
@TimRobinson remember that nullable thing we were talking about earlier, I forgot one thing... .ToString() lol
if (ViewData["EnableLDAPAuth"].ToString() == "True")
that def fails when the viewdata is null for that string
hold on I'm going to try to remove the .ToString() but I think that is what is causing it
not really sure why I am sharing this now, lol NVM
Hor.net? what are you guys talking about
hi folks!
@Vidar howdy
looks pretty slick this chat thing!
then again I wouldn't expect anything less! :)
@Vidar SO in general has impressed me with how much is possible in web apps these days
I've had to eat my words several times with the stuff they keep coming out with in the web world since the beginning
hello @Simon
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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