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I wish I had a good 3g or at least a wifi here so I could watch some Tim Minchin :(
YES! My API finally spits out data.
Until you have an API that spits, I won`t be impressed.
My human's API can spit.
The bot is working now, honest. And it remembers stuff for longer than ever before. That is, when it is working. $help is now supported on the bot.
@KyleTrauberman (bool)
Data Access Layers using EF: stuff all query methods into repository and only expose IEnumerables is a nice purist strategy, but is problematic when you have a complex query spanning many tables. At the same time, I don't like having to expose IQueryables to upper layers, since:
a) IQueryable may be implemented differently by providers others than EF and b) I feel that queries have to be constructed in a special way to enable performance. Any thoughts on structuring complex queries and general business logic in EF/ASP.NET apps?
What's your opinion on this esoteric language idea? Sample program: 0/0$/$<1/(.+)1$/0$>$1
Does it look esoteric enough? :P
I think (.+) looks like a boob with a third nipple.
You just gave me a whole new idea.
Looking at boobs? It's a fine idea.
@KendallFrey Are you going to attach a third nipple to your chest?
Even better. Programming by making boobs.
I like it and would like to subscribe to your news letter.
Todays news. Loop boobs.
So now I need a name for this language. (The non-boob one)
Something to do with regex.
I'm thinking of all the synonyms we have on boobs..
<.><.>( . Y . )()()([])([])(o)(0)
Hello World^
Oh ! I know ! Name it Rack it !
The non-boob one.
Visual Regex
@TravisJ That sounds Microsoftish...
@KendallFrey 5318008
There will be nothing visual about it.
@KendallFrey There is no fun in boobs if there is no visual...
@AndréSilva he's going for the hands-on experience
I'm not making a boob language right now, got it?
Probably not before I'm 18. :)
@KendallFrey Esogex
... Dude... no boobs then ?
Esoteric-Regex = Esogex
irregular expression? ._.
Most regex libraries today are not regular.
.NET's is far from regular.
(a good thing)
Azure reset all my database stuff. I assume this is because it was mostly empty, still... not cool.
Anyone knows what curiosity found last month that nasa would just release to everyone today ?
for some odd reason, google isn't working here...
Nasa announced organic molecules found on mars a few days back.
They said it was from the previous rover.
Not originating from Mars.
Nasa said that they found something on Mars that they would just release on December 5th and it is something that would be in all history books...
So, anyone got a link or something to it ?
They made a mistake.
That's from yesterday
It was from the first Rover.
What do you mean by first Rover ?
They are building hype to try to build public support for the next trillion dollar mission.
They do deserve actually... Their discoveries are very useful for future studies..
Yes it is important, but I don't like being told there is new discovery when it was residue.
So, they found some wet excrement on mars and told everyone it was something revolutionary ?
organic molecules surviving on the surface of mars is kind of a big deal.
wet excrement... not cool
And molecules can't just die.
no, but they can break apart.
@Billdr How goes the gambling addiction?
@Sean need to get my website talking to my database, then we'll see.
hello second js room
Q: list from jquery ajax not showing up properly

Scott SelbyI have an ajax call which creates a list based on what is returned: $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "Home/FillTags", data: "{ 'mydataishere' }", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (msg) { $('.placetags').html(''); $('...

@Billdr Cool cool, eta?
I'm out.
Cya later.
I've been getting an error similar to the one described on this page: ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/workitem/27321 Has anyone ever encountered this before?
Hi, can someone explain me how does session ID work with load balancing configuration?
@rhs Have you given your HTMLEditor an ID attribute? e.g. <AjaxControlToolkit:HTMLEditor runat="server" ID="htmlEditor1" /> ?
@sean yeah I gave it an ID
@Ezequiel I believe you have to use a database as the backstore for your session variables otherwise the user will have to stay on one server for all their requests in order to maintain Session variables, given that the default Session mode is InProc (in process memory which of course can't be shared between servers)
@Ezequiel I don't know if there's a way to constrain the user to one server for all their requests, and if there is I certainly don't know how to do it
@Sean hi, what i want to know is whick key to use to store in DB
@Rhs Ah that's the extent of my suggestions, sorry
I can´t use sticky sessions
whick key should I use for the key/pair in DB
@Ezequiel Have a look at this: blog.maartenballiauw.be/post/2007/11/…
I can´t use the asp.net solutions for storing sessions in SQL Server. I have to implement my own solution
@sean no problem thanks
I tried using sessionID for the key, but sometimes it changes in the middle
perhaps I´m loosing something that I don´t know
@Ezequiel I guess that's because the request is coming from a different server and they assign it a different Session ID?
Or rather, the request is hitting one of the other servers
yes, I was sure that sessionID was a cookie and was kept always the same, but seems to be changing
@Ezequiel Have you implemented your own SessionState module?
no, i am doing all manually
in the master page I have something like SessionKey = session.sessionID
(I should have used the MS solution, but its late now he)
Yeah I'm not sure that will work. Because you're not telling the session module that it's load-balanced it won't think to correlate Session IDs as it thinks it's operating on its own
I think I wil replace to sessionID for a cookie
and use that cookie as the key for the database session table
what do you think?
As a dirty solution, you might try creating a web service on both servers that would keep track of your Session IDs and check with each other that there is no session under a specific ID before it creates a new one
Or you could do that yeah, set your own session ID cookie
I will go with the cookie option. Its very unsafe but i´m in a hurry
Well, it's only as unsafe as the ASP.Net solution, if you can snoop someone else's cookies you can steal their session by using their session ID cookie
yap, well thanks for your support
Although ASP.Net might do some extra checks to validate that the cookie is from the right device
I have read that I should store the IP in the cookie and validate it in every page
to avoid the hijkacking
Which you could easily do by getting the endpoint address for the client and check that the address is the same, it's highly unlikely that an attacker would be on the same network unless you're really pissed off that your dad ate the last of the cookies
Or that Ms. Flower in accounts ratted you out to Ms. Rose and told her about all those poems you've wrote about her
Or something equally ridiculous
hehe, yes, it a marketing app we are designing so we are not handling confidential info...I think cookies will go right
@Billdr I saw you were using a hashtable to store the cards, how are you doing that?
My sister suggested I write an application so we could play aces to kings when I'm not at my mum's so I'm gonna start on that for something to do
I've been told it's like rummy, but I don't know what rummy is so I can't say
@Sean HashSet<Cards> hash = new HashSet<Cards>(); you can treat it like a list for the most part, although I did convert it to a list when I was done with it.
So, the TFS solution that comes with an Azure subscription does not support the latest build of azure.
@Billdr So do you know have List<Cards> list = new List<Cards>(); or..?
My mad level: so
That's disgraceful...
Yea, List<Cards> deck = new List<Cards>();
Is Cards a list class? Liked a linked list to store a player's hand or something?
I'm not sure I can roll back the azure api
Cards is a class, it has a cardName and cardValue type in my solution.
Shouldn't it be named Card?
cardName is something like "2c" (as in two of clubs) and a value (2)
Ah, I would have called that Card instead of Cards but maybe I'm crazy xD
Yea, I don't remember why I put an s on it
probably for being dumb
Refactor ALL the Cards's!
Would you mind sharing an outline of what you have at the moment with me? It's always nice to have someone else's take on something to go off
after I get the damn thing to deploy
Is there anyone here who's really good at regex?
@KendallFrey Fragment. Consider revising.
Oh, god. Not Word.
@Sean I'm not sure what you're asking for
@TravisJ why can I not download the random exe linked here?
@KendallFrey I have a knowledge, I can try to help....
@KendallFrey Refactor ALL the Cards classes.
Right. So, simplify this: (?<!(?<=(?<!\\)(\\\\)*)\\)/
@KendallFrey Being a picky little git now =P
@Billdr A class outline?
@KendallFrey Is that for HTML tags?
@Johan - Not sure? I didn't want to click on the download button but none of the comments said they couldn't download it
I just simplified it a bit: (?<=(?<!\\)(\\\\)*)/
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

Sean cards { string cardName, int cardValue } deck {list<cards> cards, int deckSize, int cardsDelt, List<cards> shuffleDeck()}
Basically, it matches a / preceded by an even number of \
@TravisJ I clicked :)
@KendallFrey Ok that's more helpful ^_^
there's some other stuff in there for database stuff
@Billdr Ok thanks =]
@TravisJ How do you unit test EF queries? I was thinking of passing a List<T> into the query method.. what T is, is a problem.
I made a change to a namespace of one of my web controls/button. Does anyone know why my designer.cs file keeps generating the old namespace of that button instead of the new one?
I'm using visual studios 2012 btw. Is there some cache that I need to clear?
@Lews - I don't do unit testing very often, Johan might be more knowledgeable on mocking that. However, what I would do, is create a mock database by seeding data, and then querying that. Just mock a few rows of data.
@Lews - T is going to be the class which maps to the database table
@KendallFrey (\)\1/
@KendallFrey No sorry
@TravisJ Do I have to stub the class? I don't want it making db calls.
@Lews - When I was having issues with EF and mysql connector Slauma mocked something similar, it might help you. It was very well written. stackoverflow.com/a/11767741/1026459
@KendallFrey You want it to match \\/ but not \/ or \\\/?
@TravisJ Thanks, I will have a look at it!
Also match / and \\\\/
@KendallFrey And can we use the beginning and start characters? $^?
If it finds \\\/ it should completely discard the match and not just return the \\/ part as well?
Or can we match the \\/ part of it and just pretend like the extra \ isn't there?
Well, it's not supposed to actually match the \. only the /
Does anyone know how to change the azure target version in the .Azure solution?
So would ((\\)\2)*(?<theSlashWeWant>/) work? You can get rid of the name for the / group
No, it needs to only match the /
That would find a match if it had more than two but it would pretend like the extra odd one didn't exist
Nope, not allowed.
See, I'm thinking of how to split a string by / while still allowing / in the individual strings.
Ah I see, and you want to do that by escaping it with \\
so you need it only to match the \ to use in a split operation
/ not \
Oh yeah, sorry
@KendallFrey I can't think of a way to do it
Along the same lines, does it make more sense for a\bc\/def to turn into abc/def or a\bc/def?
I think you've got it as short as it will go
@Sean Cool. It's not terrible, so I might use it.
@KendallFrey I don't understand what you mean
For escaping characters in the resulting split string.
Well unless you've said that you can escape characters by using a \ then I would go with a\bc/def
Because the \ is there for a reason, I wouldn't take characters out just because you don't like them
Oh wait....
Argh no I still don't fully understand what you're trying to say
\ is for escaping /, but should it escape other characters as well?
Eh, might as well. Less confusing that way.
People might assume it does
Yeah, so you saw my earlier esoteric program?
All I need yet is a name.
But you're not writing a general-use thing are you? If you say that any / characters must be escaped by a \ but specify in comments or docs or whatever that it only escapes a / character I don't see how people could complain
No I didn't see it, in which case I can assume you are writing a general use program?
Making the above statement somewhat redundant =P
I can think of a problem with strings ending with \
It could get confusing if \ - and not \\ - means \
I see what you mean
The thing is though, what would \b or any other character mean?
meeting gtg
So you're effectively getting rid of the \ characters in any string if you don't allow them or say that they have to be escaped using another \
Which isn't very good if you ask me
@Sean Any better ideas?
@KendallFrey Leave them in?
So what about \\/? Does that mean "\/" or "\" then split?
Isn't that what \\/ is meant to mean? Split?
Your regex matches \\/ to split
Yeah, but the \\ isn't part of the split string.
Oh I see, so because your regex only matches the / you still have \\ in the first string
So, the question is, should it be parsed as (\\)(/) or (\)(\/)?
Definitely easier to parse the former.
Yeah, do it as the first one
So people would know that if they had C:\Users\Sean\\\/C:\Users\Kendall\` they would still have the trailing slashes because \\/` is special
oh bugger off formatting
But \U would become U
This is blagging my head
What you want is to make only \\/ special and nothing else
No, because then escaping would be inconsistent
Make it so people need to enter it as \\\\/
No that's silly..
Well just make it so people need to escape \ and /
Because they have special meanings
So in order to preserve their slashes and split it would need to be "C:\\Users\\Sean\\\\\/C:\\Users\\Kendall"
People are used to doing that anyway
5 backslashes sorry, not 4
So if in your resulting string after escaping you have \\/, it splits
And then just dump any backslashes
So "a\b\c\d" would just be "abcd"
For consistency
Which is kinda sucky but it's their own fault if they didn't read the docs
@Billdr Have you just hardcoded the collection in for the deck?
I'm back. Women, contain your orgasms
Oh god, who starred that? Lmao
The same people who star it every time you say it?
@TravisJ thank god, I need to catch up to @JohanLarsson , he's already so mean, need to take him down a peg.
@Pheonixblade9 That is the most starred message (on most separate occasions)
How do I implement GetType() for a class?
I'm stuck on how to make the Type
Or can I just do typeof(this)?
@Pheonixblade9 I can cancel those stars for you.
Nevermind it doesn't work like that anyway
@KyleTrauberman nooooo, my precious fake internet points :(
typeof(ClassName) works
are you sure?
please confirm your choice by typing @#$^EFGHW#%#EFDGHa
@Travis you wanna see markup? Check this out for adding lines between nodes in a wpf treeview. Probably generated by Blend
@Johan - Jeez! All of that for a dropdown list? No wonder wpf causes more headaches than facepalm.

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