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What do you think happens when they click the subscribe button?
A magical unicorn knocks on the door to take their credentials and then flies back to PayPal HQ to setup the payment?
No, but i think they are sending all properties on paypal,which set all settings on paypal. i just want to know the all those parameters
I think you're misunderstanding, of course they send the parameters over to PayPal with regards to the payment itself, but the end user will always be redirected to PayPal..
Hi @AndréSilva!
@Sean These fuckers have put Absolute Christmas on or some crap
ok, Thanks @rudi_visser
for anyone curious, I asked a friend about my dynamic question
A: How can I dynamically call a method on a dynamic object?

TrillianOne way to go about it is to mimic what the C# compiler outputs for method invocations on dynamic objects. This requires the usage of a bunch of types marked [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] in the Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder namespace, so they will not be visible in Intellisense....

@rudi_visser how are you?
I didn't know about EditorBrowsableState.
@rudi_visser Slade, Mariah Carey, all that?
@Abhishek Good, yourself?
@Sean Yep all that crap
fine dear @rudi_visser
@zneak I don't understand that question
You can tell you're screwed when at the age of 20 (only for another 7 days) you stand up and both your knees crack, your hips, you can crack your elbow just by stretching it, same with shoulders... Oh and the neck!
@KendallFrey Can I borrow your calculator like brain?
do you have Devexpress free controls? that was a offer in devexpress but I forget to download free devexpress control from devexpress website..
@Abhishek Nope sorry
@rudi_visser I like the Slade christmas one
I need free controls for windows app..
@Abhishek Make some! :D
@rudi_visser Not sure about whatever else they're playing though
All sorts of shit
if your friend have downloaded then pls inform me..
@Billdr What's your problem? I'm kinda good at maths. If I don't get it I'll defer to the almighty Kendall
I'd like to know the maximum number of cards that can be played in a two player game of blackjack.
4 1's, 4 2's, 3 3's
so, 11
Run the rules by me again.
for one player
@Billdr Search numberphile on youtube, I'm almost sure they explained the formula...
@rudi_visser can u pls ask your friend if they have thoes free controls?
@Abhishek Sure
face cards are worth 10. Dealer must draw cards until their hand is worth at least 16. The player loses if they go over 21.
@Sean Do you have DevExpress free controls?
ok @r
Although Rudi might have hit on the answer straight up. Would not surprise me if he knew it off by heart.
ok @rudi_visser thanx
@rudi_visser No
@Sean ok np
@Abhishek No he doesn't sorry
@rudi_visser Taking bets on how long it takes...
@Sean :D
ok.. @rudi_visser @Sean thx
@Abhishek Sorry, I might have had them on my old PC but definitely not now
well, old HDD
@KendallFrey Aces are either 1 or 11
ok @Sean..
1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4 is the most you can go without going over 21.
Okay, that's one player.
er, nvm
@Billdr That adds up to more than 21
So, the dealer draws the same cards for both, correct?
@Billdr It depends on the rules of that specific blackjack game. Some (rare) casinos have a 5-6 card Charlie which rules automatic win
Well, player the player goes first. They draw up to 21, then the dealer goes.
If the player busts, the dealer does not draw cards.
So, player 1 draws 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4. 20.
player 2 does the same.
dealer does 5,5,5,5
So if the player gets 21 in 11 cards (4 1s, 4 2s and 3 3s) then The dealer has only one 3, and 4 4s then his next draw he's screwed
So rudi was right, 15 cards
sorry, player 1 and the dealer are the only parties.
That's 8 + 8 + 5
I told you =P
which is...
@KendallFrey I win! I win! it's 15!!!
google it xD
Dang, no, 22.
No, no no.
Without the second player, I get 16.
Where's the difference?
Does the dealer never draw to 16?
@rudi_visser I'll have to look into charlies. I don't think I've ever seen one happen.
@KendallFrey Dealer can stop at 16, yes.
Ah wait no Kendall's thinking is better...
What about:
Has to stop at any value at 16 or greater, unless it's exactly 16 and one of their cards is an ace.
...blackjack is effing complicated.
Player: 1,1,2,2,3,4,4,4
Dealer: 1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4
@Billdr wtf rules do you play
That's 16.
@Billdr Local casino near me has a 6 card Charlie for some reason, basically if you're in play with 6 cards you win
@rudi_visser dealer hits soft 16, it's meant to give the player a bit more of an edge.
@KendallFrey Yeah, 16 until someone goes bust. So I'd add an extra slot assuming one player goes bust
And the dealer doesn't stop until he has to.
Casinos would never give the player the edge
@rudi_visser I'm sure it's a thing, I've just never seen anyone get it.
@KendallFrey Thank you
@Billdr Is this for figuring out how much space? I'd have 18 slots. 9 per player. Although you could potentially deal the player more cards.
@rudi_visser with soft-16, doubles on 10 or 11, and splits on any card the house still has ~1% edge.
@Sean when you will be able to give me free devexpress controls.. I need it for my app.
I have drop box.
@Billdr Say the dealer deals the player all the 1s, all the 2s and then 3 3s, that equals 21. So you need 12 slots per player at least in case someone is stupid and can't count
@Sean I'm trying to "shuffle" my deck using Random, but it can take forever
1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3 That's more than 9 slots.
@Abhishek I said I don't have them any more =] my old HDD might have had them on but it died so I don't have them anyway =]
@Billdr Can? What shuffle algorithm is it?
I suppose I could shuffle the first 30 cards, that'll be more than enough for a game with one player and the dealer.
@KendallFrey Yeah I pointed that out ^_^
while (hash.Count < 52)
                int i = rng.Next(0, 51);
                Cards card = deck.cards[i];
                if (!hash.Contains(card))
ohhh sorry @Sean, nop
@Sean Missed it. I was typing.
@KendallFrey No problem =]
@Billdr Never.
@Sean thank will meet later.
I see my mistake.
for i = 0 to 51
    r = random(0, 51)
    swap(i, r)
That's the basic shuffle.
Copy-pasting to email.... Need this for my game =D
I need to read every effing class in .NET apparently.
or learn to identify pseudocode.
isn't it something like Random.NextInt(upperLimit) ?
oh nevermind
I'll shut up =P
randomObject.Next(52) I think.
the next(0,51) sets the range
Here's what I could do.. remove items from deck.cards as they're put into the hash.
I'm sure the Random class has overloads that automatically round and cast your number to what you want
r.Next(51) would do, zero is the min limit
Or am I thinking of Java?
No it only has an overload for Double.... WTF?!
The only overloads are Int/Double/Bytes
And that's only between 0 and 1
Yeah I'm going freakin nuts
Yea and the byte one isn't a cast it just populates a byte array randomly
        public Deck shuffle(Deck deck)
            var rng = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            HashSet<Cards> hash = new HashSet<Cards>();

            while (hash.Count < 52)
                int i = rng.Next(0, deck.cards.Count-1);
                Cards card = deck.cards[i];
                if (!hash.Contains(card))
            deck.cards = hash.ToList();
There you go Sean.
Ew @KendallFrey.
Mine is better.
Mine does the job.
You said yours is slow!
The old way was, this is not.
new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks) <-- wtf
is that not obsolete? Or does the .Net framework use something other than ticks?
Not my full seed
I would expect the framework to use something else anyway, they usually get things from hardware and whatnot to randomise don't they?
@Billdr Thanks =]
.NET uses ticks, or some similar property of DateTime.Now.
Wow. That's rubbish.
Ticks or milliseconds are what I see the most.
How would you get a better random seed then?
It takes any int you want to put in there, Sean.
Because it's not really random or even trying to be
Fuck this shit, I'm going home
No such thing as a computer generated random number.
Well, the seed doesn't have to be random.
Later Rudi
@Billdr I know that but there are ways to make it better
Like dropping in the contents of a random address in memory
Which you could derive from ticks
FTR, Environment.TickCount
yea, there are a lot of ways to do it.
@Sean Will let you know tomorrow if I'm not dying anymore
@Sean That's not really much better.
@rudi_visser Sure thing, try not to properly die
using datetime.now by itself is a bad idea. I agree.
But why?
because it's repeatable.
@KendallFrey Not much better, but still better. Was just a suggestion
oh there it goes again... crying females in da office!
@Billdr Only within very short timespans.
@ActionHank Baby?
@Sean Will do my best, but gonna have to try that tablet thing :D
No, break up
I asked her again if she had any idea what it was and just went no my doctor gave it to me :D
@rudi_visser Haha fair enough
Yea. Good thing we don't have devices that can perform billions of operations a second.
So at least not E, in theory
And you shouldn't be making multiple Randoms anyway.
@rudi_visser In theory. Could be a really fucked up doctor
Certainly could be...
Anyway, cya tomorrow
Or most likely later
ok take care
@KendallFrey Roll a console program and just make a new random and loop it 100 times. It's horrible
Why? You mean make new randoms?
No using .Next
And how is it horrible?
Cos they're all the same
I don't believe it.
Well, most of them are the same number
Or you get lots of duplicates
Depending on the speed of your machine
hey Kendall, you remember my question about typeof and generic types
well I have a better one yet
I can't remember what I was using them for but I was making random numbers in quick succession and they weren't spread out enough to even call it a random number generator
First 10 results: 85 55 83 74 88 55 36 41 92 31
Looks random to me.
10 results is not a good sample size.
how can I get the Type of a generic type of which I don't know at compile-time the number of generic arguments?
No I'm sure mine were horribly grouped....
@Billdr 100 results is spamming this chat.
@Sean You were doing it wrong.
Fair enough
actually, I'm pretty sure I know how
Next does not rely on the date
Only the default ctor
@KendallFrey Obviously.... Maybe I was making new randoms every time =S
@zneak What do you have to work with? A Type object?
Going to test this now
@Sean Quite probably
@zneak Because Foo`1 and Foo`2 are completely separate types.
yeah, that's why I'm going for Assembly.GetTypes.
I'm confused.
I have no idea what you're doing.
yeah, but that's fine
Sure, I guess.
not because it's too underground, it's just I don't need the help anymore I guess
do you guys want to see what December in Arizona looks like?
just like it is in summer?
looks like florida to me
i have no idea who the chick is.
well, not exactly like florida, but in terms of weather
@KendallFrey Yeah nevermind it was me being an idiot. Just done it with Next() and it's fine, if you create a new RNG every time it groups up like a bitch.
Hey @KyleTrauberman are you complaining about the sun? We got 32C today... And it is cloudy. At night it will make about 25C :) Isn't it great?
@AndréSilva I hope you burn and shrivel in your sleep.
nah, its in the 70s (F) today, real nice out
@Sean I'm not in hell. I'm in Brazil...
I'll reserve my complaining about the sun until at least march
You know what temperature I'll get tonight?
wtf , why is this returning 0 results everytime ?? is this written wrong ?
&& (x.Title.ToLower().Contains(key.ToLower()))
@AndréSilva Neither do I. But it'll be goddamn freezing!
Ahhh, I love cold weather :(
I can put the heating on as soon as I get in and still go to bed in a cold bed
@ScottSelby What do you mean by '0 results'? What's the context?
Most part because I'm fat and I hate to sweat...
That's more a statement on my shitty heating system, but still. IT'S COLD!!
there is a bunch of other stuff , but when I try addind that it is always 0 , key = stuff i know is in titles
Ir returns a bool. What are you talking about?
@ScottSelby Maybe it's the first part before the && that's making it return no results. Or that the conditions in the first bit are met, the conditions in the second bit are met, but neither are met at the same time? In short: post moar codez.
its part of a linq query , and when false it will never return anything , I am wondering if it is written wrong , why its not turning to true when I KNOw that titles contain key
Can you show the rest of the query?
yea, im going to try to remove the whole query and just put that in and see what happens
Windows 8 does something really annoying. I can't figure out exactly what the conditions are but I've just added a webdav folder as a network connection. I dragged it into the github for windows thing to add a repo and I can only assume that the file access was causing windows to make the mouse do the loading animation. Except it kept flashing repeatedly and is still doing it.
Oh no actually I think it might be github trying to load the history for it. Which doesn't exist.
I think I just have a mess with a .Where and way too many ((()) ( ) (( ) )) all over the place , probably one in the wrong spot
Is this what winter looks like to you guys?
@KyleTrauberman No not all the time.. In fact I've never personally seen that much snow. The most snow I ever saw was when I was about 4 or 5 and it filled the bit of the garden that was lowered. I reckon it'll have been a foot maximum. But probably less because everything looks bigger when you're younger
Since then I've only been lucky enough to see about 4-5 inches of snow
I've seen that much snow
I lived in Reno at the time, it drifted against our garage. It was so much fun digging a snow fort in it.
I was about 8 at the time.
I Sweden we have lots of snow now and that is a good thing, last winter there was no snow
I swear I'm not still 10 years old
Not on the outside anyway
everyone is 10 years old on the inside
@KendallFrey Git and commits.... Is this just windows jargon and can you tell the difference between them and what it relates to? I can commit my changes or publish them. It says that my email address will be published publicly if I publish. Is there a difference between commit and publich and if so, will commit put my email address on there publicly? I might change which email address I use is all..
I rambled there. Hopefully you understand...
A commit is when you save the changes into the repository.
A publish, I have no idea.
I know what a push is.
Is that what you meant?
The online repository? Or my local repository?
push copies the changes to the remote.
I've cheated and put my repo on my server through webdav. So I can still have a local repo but in reality it's not all that local.
Right, thanks =]
it's having a damn fit xD
not sure that's possible....
in which case I'm going to just use webdav and not bother with github
I'm back again.
Is it possible to publish an API in the same project as a web application project?
@Billdr You mean a DLL with the web project?
I'm not sure. I don't fully grasp what's going on under the hood here.
Oh you're using MVC..... I've no idea. =P But I imagine you should be able to make methods and whatnot public.
@Billdr you mean a webapi in your mvc project?
its just a separate controller
so yes, you can
if you want you can even put it in a separate area
now star me so I can close your lead. :P
@KyleTrauberman Can you explain a webapi to me? Like a web service?
you know what a controller is?
It's a class that controls your view? Not really I have no experience with MVC
It basiclly spits out data, typically in json or xml, to be consumed by something else.
In MVC, its a set of actions (methods) that can be called via a url.
So like ajax page methods in webforms?
wepapi is just a controller that inherits from ApiController instead of Controller
webforms has webapis.
Ok that'll do then
.Skip(CInt(page) * 10).Take(10).ToList() - Damit , I was skipping the first 10 , even for page 1 :(
I'm not going to understand it if I don't know the whole lot
so mysite.com/home/index calls the index method on the home contoller
It was returning results
it's the same thing
the only difference is an apicontroller sets up HTTP bindings for you (things like POST, PUT, DELETE, GET, etc.)
Yeah I don't get it cos I don't know MVC
so it calls a different method based on the HTTP VERB
learn MVC
it's not hard
I would but I don't have a project to do it for
yes, it is easy and useful
@sean asp.net/mvc has lots of tutorials
I've been learning MVC the past week , its a lot nicer
I could do it at work but that would just be more hassle for me when I leave
except Im also learning to actually use objects and linq to sql , and incorporate testing at the same time
'It's just MVC...'
Rather pointless learning something if you're not going to use it
Which is why I've still not done any of the ASP.Net exams. I simply don't use enough of the features and won't be allowed to
^ for most people that is going to college
@ScottSelby I skipped university for precisely that reason
there are a lot of "graphic designers" selling insurance
No interest in spending 3 more years in education getting a degree in something that's not relevant to what I wanted to do
half 5
my lift is griping, cya later
@KyleTrauberman You sexy beast - did you automagically hook up to the azure database like I did, or did you actually build one?
did I do what?
to what?
I have database access on my azure project somehow but I don't see where it's coming from or how I can add tables to it.
did you add yourself to the firewall?
then in the azure console, open the database and click connection strings
use the connection string provided
from there its just a SQL db - accessible with SSMS or VS
uhhuh, but if I want to add to the database at runtime how do I refer to it?
I'd normally do var context = new EFModelName();
how are you creating the DB at run time?
are you using EF?
just configure that connection string in your web.config and EF will handle it for you.
if your context class is called EFModelName you'd use <add name="EFModelName" connectionstring="blah" provider="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Well, I guess I found the problem, I never defined a class.
which makes me wonder how asp membership is working
Like the gummis riding a my little pony into a duel between Merlin and Gandalf.
yea, reference to ef is there, connection string is there, data persists between sessions... but there's no clear path from code to db.
...I r dum, got it. ASP is connecting straight to the db.

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