This is a thing with generic classes:
public void StaticTest()
Zneak<int>.Value = 1;
Assert.AreEqual(0, Zneak<string>.Value);
public class Zneak<T>
public static int Value;
i've seen stuff on History Channel with Nikola Tesla , where they would build a whole power plant all from his head with no blue prints, then he'd go on vacation before they turned it on because he knew it would work
what happens if I have json array sent from ajax , how do I iterate through it? normally I am used to having a name then array like { 'name' : [...]} this time it is just {[....]}
Hi, so I'm creating a datetime variable, DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
I insert this into my sql server 2008 database with the column type of date, however, the time is getting removed, its only displaying the date, am I doing something wrong?
kendall , say I have a class called tblEvents , it is made from a Sql Table called tblEvents , there are about 45 columns , I want to make a class like tblEvents but I only need like 12 columns , I'm worried passing the full 45 parameters through json everytime will be bad , can I inherit tblEvents - inheriting will give me everything from the parent , right?
@ScottSelby - Doesn't 45 columns seem like a bit much? Passing items to json is easy, just make a class that has the fields you want to pass in to the view, fill it from your 45 columns, and then serialize the 12 or however many you decided to keep.
Don't be afraid of view models, they are your friend. However, depending on which serializer you use, it may just skip the null fields (the ones with no data) and then only serialize 12 of the 45.
You can decide to only query the 12 of 45 by using select new I believe, although I am not good enough with that technique to provide an example off the top of my head :(
that is exactly what I was looking for , because sometimes in this code i'm going to need to join tables for queries and didn't know what type of object that would be , that new model will fix that - as long as that is legal code (you didn't just make that up , did you?)
@KyleTrauberman I have worked a bunch with Javascript and have built a number of simple c# apps, what i really want is a book that is not too complicated but gives me a good place to begin learning some of the more complex elements of C#. For instance, i guess i must be completely stupid but i didnt know until i was reviewing some code this morning that i could use the following --> i += 5; AND.... i = n++ + ++n; I want to learn more super cool things like this. Makes life
yea , that will work , but if it is not json , if I am just calling a controller that returns a view , then I can't do something like @foreach ( var a in Model) { a. intellisense wont help here*
@KendallFrey Example, It's illegal for me to send any internal document that I use in this office through google, hotmail, yahoo etc. because that document "could" be routed through a US server
@ScottSelby Not really. If say a persons demographic information accidently got sent through a US Server, the US gov can't sieze it by that nature alone, they'd use the Patriot act to get it, which they do all the time because htey like to have this information
Pretty much they have the ability know to just send a guy down to get it, where as before they'd need a warrent
FOr US citizens it's the same, they just ask for it...really.
Darn it all. I didn't want to like this little computer. I've always been a "MOAR POWER" laptop user. For me, laptops are desktop replacements. It's less about the carrying and more about the "setting up in a remote place and having all the power of your desktop." My main laptop has been a Lenovo W520 for years. It's got dual SSDs, 8 (logical) processors and 16 gigs of RAM. …
I have a value returned from Sql - type is DateTime , it is returned good into c# like this {11/2/2012 8:30:00 PM} , that after JavaScriptSerializer gets done with it it looks like this "/Date(1354654800000)/"