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No wait
last pair isn't the same
laaa dEEE daaaaa deee da da, bah bah, la de da de da.
Doesn't fit with what's in my head
Ride of the valkyries maybe?
The da da bit is like two short sharp (staccato?) notes
@Sean Give us some notes dude.. Timing would be great..
No, that's not it.
No that's not it either
played with fireworks, not the 1812 overture...
In some TV adverts
can you name one.
No that's probably completely wrong
If we can hear the commercial we might be able to get the song.
I'm sure Barclays did it....
The one with the arrows
My phone has decided to be a dick with the WiFi now..
wtf is an ISA?
and why is Whetley from portal 2 talking about them?
ISA - Independent Savings Account
read: load of bollocks
:( Help :(
This bank has a lot of ads that aren't the one I'm looking for. Well played, Barclay's marketing rep.
@AndréSilva No, in this room we talk about classical music used in british banking commercials.
what one?
That song is the start of it
I'm sure it is
I can't even hear it
:(((((((((( Help
DataGrid again :)
What about it?
Why is not working. :(
Because you're doing it wrong.
I know that I'm doing wrong, I just don't know what..
I don't either.
May I post some codez?
Heaven forbid!
No. No you may not.
Never seen D: before
>.> Holy fuck.
Out with it boy!
I should put together a bunch of scratch pad applications. One with winforms, one with wpf, a few with various mvcs...
This is going to break my head for the rest of the day
@Billdr Has your name always had two "l"'s?
@Sean whats the issue?
Bill, short for William, dr
@AndréSilva Post your code =] we're just kidding. Sarcasm doesn't come across well over the internet
Ok then..
@CCInc What's this piece of classical music called? Laaa-daaa-daaa-daaa-da. Da da. Da da. If you know it you'll get it straight away.
dgProprietarios.DataContext = new ProprietariosViewModel(new Dictionary<string, string>());
public ProprietariosViewModel(Dictionary<string, string> Where)
    propCollection = new CollectionProprietarios(Where);
        public CollectionProprietarios(Dictionary<string, string> Where)
            Add(new Dados(Where));

        public new void Add(Dados dados)
 public DataTable ProprietariosRetorno { get; private set; }
        public Dados(Dictionary<string, string> Where)

            var ado = new ADO();
            ProprietariosRetorno = ado.RetornaSelect(MontaQuery(Where));

Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2?
 private string MontaQuery(Dictionary<string, string> Where)
            var strMonta = "SELECT ";

            var colunas = new Proprietarios();

            using (var iteration = colunas.GetEnumerator())
                if (iteration.MoveNext())
                    strMonta += "[" + iteration.Current + "]\n";
                    while (iteration.MoveNext())
                        strMonta += ",[" + iteration.Current + "]\n";
public DataTable RetornaSelect(string Query)

            if (_ExisteBanco)

               using (SqlCeConnection conn = new SqlCeConnection(cn))
                    using (SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(Query, conn))
                            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                            return dt;
@Sean Wait, are you thinking of Blue Danube? It's a waltz.
Wtf am I doing it wrong? ._.
What isn't working?
The DataGrid ._.
@AndréSilva CODE
values aren't showing up?
The DataTable is inside the DataContext from DataGrid
I'm not sure I've seen that with fireworks.
It isn't showing the values that are inside the datatable
La-daa-daa-daa-da. Da da. Da da.
I think I might have been imagining the fireworks
also, this is the better video for that: youtube.com/watch?v=F_N1Q3upxoU
Anyone good with WPF?
@LewsTherin What? Are you seeing things? D=
I'm praticing WPF ._.
@LewsTherin I edited it as soon as I realised I missed an in
You think you could help?
@LewsTherin Read my last comments and help me T.T
@CCInc Depends, if you don't ask, I won't be able to help ._.
My first question is what's the deal with '.__.'
@Sean Lol! I see what you did there :D
I feel that wpf is the evolution of winforms
TIL Wakko was British.
@AndréSilva I can't spot the problem, but I am kinda neck deep in something else.
OK, but my question is that I have tabitems and I want to position them throughout a set of images to create a "binder" effect, do you follow?
I think I do..
I hate my college.. how can they be a self proclaimed IT college and YET have the worst WIFI EVER?
I want to send an email BLASTING THE HELL OUT OF THEM.
I can't see images from imgur ._.
@AndréSilva Where can you see images from?
@LewsTherin You think that's bad? At least they can say they're on an education budget.. At my place the WiFi is truly terrible and we sell IT solutions to people.
Hm.. I don't know I'm trying some here
@CCInc Post that image again I'll turn it into ascii for Andre
@Sean There is nothing worse than a slow computer, or a fast computer + slow internet. Life sucks when shit is slow.
got it sean?
Yeah but it doesn't go to ascii well =\
Give it to me..
I want to see it anyway
Oh well. The problem is that I cant send the tabitem backwards without reordering the whole tabcontrol, which I dont want to do because the tabcontrol must stay on top.
@AndréSilva Imageshack?
I told you. Even 400 chars wide you have to unfocus your eyes
Wait a second...
Gimme 2 mins
Use it and give the base64 to me
I can see it !
having your own web server FTW
._. what the fuck
On the left is what I have and on the right is how it shoult look.
While you ponder that, I am going to eat.
._. Damn
I thought he was going to ask about codez ._.
It'll be the WPF equivalent of z-index that he wants
wpf equivalent of z-index is z-index
he will have to use margin, z-index and background ._.
But, while he is not here, back to my problem..
What do you think it can be @Sean ?
@AndréSilva I would suggest creating your data first and binding it afterwards like this... var myViewModel = new PropietariosViewModel(new Dictionary<string, string>()); dgPropietarios.DataContext = myViewModel;
but I don't know whether that will make a difference
is there definitely data in your viewmodel thing?
who? me?
No not you
@Sean Yeah, it has.
@AndréSilva lol that
@CCInc You need to adjust your z-index, margin and background ( color )
Thanks guys, zindex looks like it is what I needed. I just missed that property.
@Sean Well, it would be more organized.. But the problem continues..
@CCInc Well I can't remember which way round it is but you'll want a number of grid thingies with different z-indexes with the back one being the lowest and the front being the highest. (switch it if it's not right). They'll all need to be in the same position
@CCInc At least a bit of CSS I know...
@AndréSilva I don't know then, I don't use WPF =\
@Sean How do I use ZIndex's with tabitems?
Make it match the menu things..
@CCInc I was thinking ditch your tab items and make each one it's own form or whatever
I was too, but I don't know how I could nicely make them work together.
Or you would have to create two images for each tab and change them accordingly when they're clicked.
I'm going to ask on stack overflow.. :( Too much code to keep pasting..
One image with the tab cut off behind another page and another one where it flows onto the page
How do I use zindex?
I have no idea
Ok, thanks all. Time for school.
Q: DataTable not being bound to DataContext of a DataGrid

André SilvaI have a DataGrid, follow the XAML : <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Path=propCollection}" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectProp, Mode=TwoWay}" Margin="-1,159,0,0" RowDetailsVisibilityMode="Visible" AreRowDetailsFrozen="False" ...

@CCInc Z-Index works as layers. When you use z-index 0, you have that object on the layer 0. If there is another object on the same place with the same size having the z-index as 1, it will be over the first object. But if you put the z-index as -1, it will be behind the first object.
ah, so it is layered.
WTF WHY this code throw error?
Which code...
    <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource TestWPF.TabZIndexConverter}">

     public class TabZIndexConverter : IMultiValueConverter
        public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            var tabItem = values[0] as TabItem;
            var tabControl = values[1] as TabControl;
            if (tabItem == null || tabControl == null) return Binding.DoNothing;

            var count = (int)values[2];

            var index = tabControl.ItemContainerGenerator.IndexFromContainer(tabItem);
What was the thrown error..
Resource "TabZIndexConverter" does not exist.
'Provide value on 'System.Windows.Markup.StaticResourceHolder' threw an exception.' Line number '11' and line position '22'.
Error 2 Cannot set MultiBinding because MultiValueConverter must be specified. C:\git\BrowserSync\TestWPF\MainWindow.xaml 1 1 TestWPF
._. Lol, I don't know.. too many custom things...
Thanks to the guy that upvoted my question by the way.
Well, I think it is upset about the converter value.
While no one answers me on SO, I'm going to the bank to scream about my credit card..
Be back in 20 minutes or less..
@CCInc Is this something for a course?
@Sean no, we dont offer programming courses
@CCInc Oh I just assumed because you said back to school..
Is it a product that's going to be shipped then?
Or sold to customers rather
@Sean yes, hopefully. It is my first project in c#
Did they give you a designer to work with?
Nothing against you, but that design is really... Clashy
Nope, this is my own hobby project. Do you have any suggestions?
No I don't, I'm not a designer
Well, but it looks clashy, what would look better?
Argh I don't think clashy is right either
I don't know, it just looks kinda messy. Which isn't your fault. Everyone knows programmers tend not to be brilliant at making things look good
what are you trying to make look good
may i see??
I should stop criticising your stuff, I couldn't do better, sorry =P
@SamyS.Rathore saairey.co.uk/21vJx.jpg
@LewsTherin @AndréSilva Will either of you have time to take a look at something in the Splinter project this week?
@CCInc It'll look better with the tabs in the right place, do you have a new screenshot?
is it a webpage design??
@SamyS.Rathore No it's for CC's project
@Billdr Mmn, I have a test coming up next Monday. After?
I'm being mean. I shouldn't have said anything
@Billdr Splinter project?
@LewsTherin Not sure. I might have a chance to tackle it this weekend.
@Sean pet project I'm working on, theoretically with Lews and Andre.
@CCInc When I get started on my own games projects I'll be sure to send you some screenshots so you can laugh
I think I've killed him =\
@Billdr What is its purpose, if I may ask?
@Billdr You choose your time well :P I also have to finish my report and presentation.
Well, it wont work @Sean
<Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0" Background="Orange" Margin="8,31,2,21" Grid.RowSpan="4" Panel.ZIndex="-3" ></Border>
        <Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0" Background="Red" Margin="6,29,4,23" Grid.RowSpan="4" Panel.ZIndex="-1"></Border>
        <Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0" Background="Yellow" Margin="3,26,7,26" Grid.RowSpan="4" Panel.ZIndex="1"></Border>
        <Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0" Background="DarkRed" Margin="1,23,9,29" Grid.RowSpan="4" Panel.ZIndex="3"></Border>
        <Border CornerRadius="40,40,0,0" Background="OrangeRed" Margin="-2,19,12,33" Grid.RowSpan="4" Name="
@CCInc What do you mean?
All of the TabItems are on the same zindex
@Sean It's going to be a website for gaming clans that span multiple games.
I'm actually nearly done.. 100 more words left.
I thought you said it was working?
@Billdr In MVC?
@Sean Nope, just one of them.
@CCInc Aww =\
@Sean Yeah
@Sean MVC4, going to try to make it all SPA/Ajaxy. EF, on Azure. Pick a buzzword, I'm looking at it.
@Billdr o.o F*ck, I totally forgot about that
we used to have a CS clan
Here is what that code produces ^
no one has time anymore :(
I can look yes, but on saturday, or sunday at night...
I have a test to enter college at sunday..
@AndréSilva Public?
@Billdr Cool, sounds good =]
@AndréSilva You make me feel bad :P
@Sean I gtg, will you be on tonight?
@AndréSilva @LewsTherin You guys focus on school stuff. I'll keep chipping away at this at my pace.
@CCInc Does tabitem not have a zindex property of its own? I think the problem is you've said panel.zindex, so it's z-indexing the panel and not the tabitem
@Billdr Yes. Public college here in Brazil are great compared to private ones..
@Sean Nope. TabItem has no ZIndex
But there is no problem to me to continue with the project.
@CCInc No probably not, I tend not to come on at home
@AndréSilva Yar. I understand it's tough to get into them. Study up, don't worry about my dumb site.
@CCInc You could try asking Kendall later, he might know =]
Ok, thanks!
Bye all
@Billdr Nah, I already screwed up. I totally forgot about that
Cya later =]
@CCInc Look at this after. stackoverflow.com/questions/2525030/…
See if it helps
Sigh, the moment my stupid college decided to let anyone use the CS lab was the day hell arrived.
@Billdr There is no need to study.. I did the test on february, but I did not enter because there were too many people there already. But I got a good grade..
On the start of the year there is always more people doing the test.. I guess this time it won't be a problem...
@AndréSilva Alright. I'll put a task in TFS for it and assign it to you, but when you debug the project there are 34234241251345 million requests for images and such that 404. I want to find those and eliminate them.
28 mins ago, by André Silva
Q: DataTable not being bound to DataContext of a DataGrid

André SilvaI have a DataGrid, follow the XAML : <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Path=propCollection}" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectProp, Mode=TwoWay}" Margin="-1,159,0,0" RowDetailsVisibilityMode="Visible" AreRowDetailsFrozen="False" ...

@Billdr I can look at it today. Just get on skype and we can talk about that. :)
Right after I finish converting my big-boy project from mvc3 to 4.
You too @LewsTherin T.T
I can't :( SO is distracting enough as it is.. SO is worse than Facebook.
I'll be on skype at home in about 6-7 hours.
@Billdr There is GMT what ?
GMT 19:20 - 20:20
Ugh... I'm -6gmt? So it'd be 7pm gmt
19:00 GMT, because you like 24 hour clocks.
Current time: 13:20 GMT
Here is 11:20am
Which would normally also be UTC but cos we have stupid DST it's not
What is it there @Billdr ?
UK uses 24 hour clocks too? Holy hell, the US is just different to be different.
7:19am, but I've been at work for two hours already.
I dunno, it's just easier
7:20 to 11:20 = 4 hours difference.
I plan to be home at 17:00 your time Andre.
I always specify in 24h format because you can't go wrong. I don't actually know what the preference is because all our digital devices come with a choice
er, 16:00 your time rather
I leave work 17:30 my time.
Q: DataTable not being bound to DataContext of a DataGrid

André SilvaI have a DataGrid, follow the XAML : <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Path=propCollection}" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectProp, Mode=TwoWay}" Margin="-1,159,0,0" RowDetailsVisibilityMode="Visible" AreRowDetailsFrozen="False" ...

@Billdr You said 6-7 hours. It's 11:20 in Andre land. You'll be on skype at 17:20 Andre time.
You're right.
I will be home at 1:30-2pm my time. I'm 4 hours after him, that's 5:30-6pm his time
@Sean Dude.. Stop smoking shoe laces..
It turns out basic mathematics is beyond me today.
base 12 math is complicated.
Not in 24h format it's not
Let's all convert over to swatch internet time!
you add 6 to 11 and somehow I got 18, then 19
Yey ! Someone answered me correctly.
Binding f-cked me again.
Man, this code is getting beautiful...
After I finish this conversion I have to go from mvc to mvvm
I'm feeling proud of myself. I started learning wpf two days ago and I'm already on a project...
and implement something called amplify, then add knockout.js. I'm very confused about the next few weeks of my life.
Psh, I'm learning it all as I go along ;)
knockout.js.... I heard of that already... It just doesn't seem right..
I think it looks pretty cool.
and it makes the site look pretty cool in the process.
I mean, my memory doesn't seem right.. I remember some people complaning about it... But hey, that is all about development, right ?
There are some JS purists who visit this room who think any js plugin is some sort of abomination.
If there's nobody complaining about it, it means nobody uses it so you probably don't want to use it yourself. (Lack of support, peers to consult etc.)
Some of these people don't like development patterns either, which makes me wonder how strong their code could be.
Development patterns or design patterns? Do you mean things like the Singleton pattern?
@Billdr That is the problem with open source code.
If people can see what is inside, people will complain that it isn't the best way to do it...
@Sean Right
If we could read all the code behind visual studio, I guess a lot people would stop using it...
@Billdr I've always heard them referred to as Design Patterns is all
When I hear design I think fluffy UI stuff.
Yeah to an extent me too. But then you've got your architects who design the program structure
And then your engineers or developers who actually code the stuff. In massive teams of course
Or not, if that actually doesn't happen
Where it all started?^^
Oh the Gang of Four?
Writing "atomic code" is so difficult...
I think they are the ones who took the term to widespread use
@Billdr Both ways of saying it are probably right. If you and your circles know them as programming patterns then I guess it doesn't matter
I agree that programming/code patterns makes sense
In fact, the fact that I assumed you were talking about what I refer to as design patterns means it's perfectly ok
Should not have had that lucozade this morning
@CC status?
knockout doesn't have a nuget package? For shame.
nvm, it's knockoutjs not knockout.js
Hi everybody. In sql is there a way to set value of a float/double variable eg : set @salary = 10.5 while being culture independent (eg : it will works on en/us or be/fr settings). What im looking for is The equivalent of yyyy/mm/dd for dates..
@tigrou Are you trying to parse a string that could be 10.5 or 10,5?
@sean iam writting a C# procedure to debug sqlcommand. for a given sqlcommand it will return a string containing a list of declare/set of each parameter + the sql query (the string will be copy pasted in ssms). id like to dump float and double in a way that script will work on both us and other language sql servers.
for datetime parameters its easy : ouputing in this format will always work : yyyy/mm/dd
but float seems to have two declarations : eg : 10.5 and 10,5 (as you said)
Oh wait a second
    public static class StringExtensions
        static StringExtensions()
            DecimalSeparators =
                .Select(c => c.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator.ToCharArray().Single())

        private static List<char> DecimalSeparators { get;  set; }

        public static double ToDouble(this string doubleAsString, CultureInfo cultureInfo = default(CultureInfo), bool replaceDecimalSeparator=true)
@tigrou I don't think you will be able to. I would just choose a format and specify the locale whenever you need to parse it.
@tigrou let me know if you break it^^
@JohanLarsson he'll still have the problem of figuring out which format it is when it's sent to SQL
@Sean Yeah it is tricky if there can be thousands separators involved
guys it might sound a bit abhorrent bit how could i add a dependency using .net version 4.0 in a project based on .net version 2.0
Like I said I would just choose one format. Whichever is going to be more popular with the developers working on it and stick to that for your string representations internally within the program. Then at least you can guarantee that your SQL code will always work
@bhuvin You mean you want to add a 4.0 DLL to a 2.0 project?
@bhuvin You can't include a 4.0 DLL in a 2.0 project.
@KendallFrey - yes
@bhuvin I dont think it is possible, you could do it via wcf if C# 2 supports it
No can do.
it will run since this will be deployed have app pool at 4.0
.NET isn't forward compatible, and shouldn't be.
of course it shudnt b
@bhuvin Can't you just use 4.0 for everything?
@KendallFrey - actually this is a legacy based sort of code
so actually except this hack theres not much i wd like to change in it
@bhuvin .Net 4 would not break much I think
if (this.Wants(DotNet.4_0))
Maybe you could re-implement it. What part of .NET 4 do you want?
crystal reports which are internally using .net 4.0
crystal reports? I just threw up in my mouth
Oh, dear.
ders much i can do abt this project
bt cant since already have 3 frameworks which m writing alone and this is another thing to work on
Q: Add-in project must be .NET 3.5 rest of the codebase is .NET 4.0 how to solve?

Johan LarssonI wrote an add-in for Inventor 2012, the add-in must be .NET 3.5 it seems. I have not found an update that enables .NET 4 yet. The rest of my codebase is .NET 4.0 and hence I cannot reference my other projects from my add-in code. Is there a workaround for this?

@JohanLarsson That's not a big problem. .NET 4 supports previous versions.
It's using .NET 4 in .NET 2 projects that's a problem.
Or is your title backwards?
But the problem is when my add-in must be 3.5 and use 4, similar to bhuvins situation
C++ FTW.
Okay, before I pull the trigger on this: I want to remove a project and recreate it in VS2010. What's the best way to do this with an eye toward not screwing up TFS?
Make sure you have a stable copy before committing.
TFS seems to get confused by the add/remove/add of these files in a single commit.
@Billdr Blow it up and start again
Dear Microsoft,
Please stop doing this: "This type/member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code."
It's just plain stupid.
<rage>People who do find-and-replace with a regex that can match exactly one string</rage>
what have apple done to itunes
@StuartBlackler When has iTunes ever been good on Windows?
@Billdr when did it ever look like that though ?
@StuartBlackler Can you not change the display? Usually they have little icons somewhere to change how things are laid out
Right I'm pretty sure I just commented on something and the comment has been deleted.... WTF?
Are we not allowed to say "Ok if it's the answer then accept it"?
Obviously I was more polite than that
@Sean dont think so, ill try and find it :/
hey, can I use @ symbol and c# code in jquery ajax success in MVC ?
can the razor code be read during ajax ?
@ScottSelby Only inside cshtml (or vbhtml) files
yea, inside cshtml , I can leave razor code to be read during ajax request?
So if you write a jquery command inline, you can use the @, but if you're using a separate .js file, you're sol.
thats cool , I dont really understand how that works , but its cool if it does

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