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5) Quit going to starbucks.
6) ????
7) Profit.
8) starve on your piles of money.
I didn't say anything about not eating, only about paying too much money for food.
well, starve on where your piles of money should be if you didn't forget it at home.
Unless I make a trip to the grocery store for work and another for home, I'm always going to pay too much for food.
mmmm starbucks
Actually, I'll pay too much for food until I start subsistence farming. Let's start a commune!
mmmm. sweet sweet communism.
tastes like chicken
Okay, lemme get this straight, public class MyClass{ public string IAmADependency {get;set;}//this is a dependency }
also known as a property
and an instance variable
Wait, no, yes.
so... this is property injection.
Why didn't they just call it that?
they do?
DI isn't about properties.
because there are other types of injection
constructor injection is common
where you inject values to a constructor
When you say dependency I think of using System;
Not the same. Stop thinking that.
System isn't a dependency?
basically, in DI, you are providing (injecting) values to an object at runtime
No, it's a namespace.
and writing the code against an abstraction of the dependency, so you can swap out the implementation later
its a dependency, but not the same type of dependency
you depend on mscorlib
I sense great inaccuracy here.
Right, the class referenced by the namespace.
but your objects may depend on an IList.
For one thing System != mscorlib
I didn't say it was
Also, I never call references or usings dependencies.
^^ yes
in a sense, they are. but you don't call them that.
because they aren't
This seem so wrong... var ADO = new ADO();
</confusing everyone>
Not using DI is like your boss saying, "Write me a program." Using DI is like your boss saying "Write me a program in C#."
Okay, so Dependency Injection is just overloading the constructor with values.
TIL, thank you.
DI is giving the object the tools it needs, instead of letting it find its own.
@Billdr that's one way of doing it. Any time you provide an instance with a reference to something that you expect it to use, you're basically doing DI
The alternative is writing software composed wholly of types that find everything in the world for themselves - which no sane person does, so really everybody does SOME dependency inversion
@Billdr Instead of newing them up in the class
Well, since the only person that is online on SQL chat is here on this chat, may I ask here ? ._.
Nope, not allowed :)
yep, just ask
C# is the melting pot of questions
Right, so if I had a List<T> Foo in my class Bar, I could do myBar(myFoo); instead of myBar.Foo = new List<string>; myBar.Foo=myFoo;
BTW, there are 3 people in SQL.
room topic changed to C#: The great question melting pot. goo.gl/sw1w5 [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
SPFiredrake is not online now... and the user###### is not online too...
And there is you @KendallFrey
Yes, he's online.
may as well tag the room for JS and SQL, Kyle.
@Billdr yes, that's basically DI done manually
I don't know if he's at his computer or not...
But you don't know if I am either.
@Billdr usually DI is done using a DI/IOC framework like ninject or structuremap
Ok, let me step over some rules..
I'm doing a program on C#
which handles it all for you
And from there I'm creating a table.. in C#...
CREATE TABLE Proprietarios(
             Nome NVARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
             Bloco NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
             Apartamento INT NOT NULL DEFAULT(2),
             Telefone NVARCHAR(10) NULL,
             Carro NVARCHAR(100) NULL,
             Placa NVARCHAR(8) NULL,
             Tipo NVARCHAR(1) NOT NULL
In C#, I'm doing an Insert to this table..
@KyleTrauberman Yep, I'm getting there. IOC is what I have to figure out next. It's a term pyramid, and I'm climbing my way up.
on == in?
I assume ninject is some tool like EF or something, but I'm getting there.
@Billdr IOC is basically inverting control so that the caller tells the callee what do do, instead of the callee deciding.
C# returns me an error saying that my query has 7 columns to insert and my table needs 8..
But 1 of them is identity..
@billdr IOC isn't really a programming pattern like DI is. it's more of a concept. You are handing control of your dependencies to someone else (i.e. another library in the case of ninject/structuremap)
Am I doing something wrong ?
Related to the create table INSIDE C#
You want an incremental ID?
I think you want IDENTITY
There are many ways of injecting dependency. And most of them suck.
@AndréSilva is your 8th column set up as an identity column?
Wait, no.
You have it.
I think...
My first column is an identity
blah, didn't see your sql
Dependency Injection containers are highly likely to leak memory in unforeseen and sometimes nearly impossible to track down ways.
@Billdr - Don't use dependency injection.
I don't know why is that happening..
@TravisJ don't tell people not to do things
@TravisJ If I were lower on the totem poll I'd be looking at worms.
@TomW - Trying to help him not waste time.
@TravisJ your basic premise is wrong, anyway. The most common form of DI is poor-man's dependency injection, that is, wiring up by hand. We seem to have frameworks coming out of our ears at the moment but I don't think I've ever seen anyone use one
hey , anyone good with MVC ?
I have MVCed.
@TomW - Name one mainstream application that uses a dependency injection container
If you've ever passed an interface into a constructor, you're doing dependency injection
so I reckon all of them.
Good point, but you know what I meant. I should rephrase.
Well, I'm going to study my problem tomorrow...
Now I'm leaving.
See edit^
Cya tomorrow. Bye everyone.
Have a good night @AndréSilva.
I just said I don't think I've ever seen anyone use one
I'm too lost to even know how to word a question , never mind
Alright Scott. If you can get closer in the next 20 minutes, I'll be here.
@ScottSelby - Check this series of tutorials out: asp.net/mvc/tutorials
I want like a shared layout , but not shared across all controllers , I want a layout that will be used in all actions in Main controller that has a section in it that will be changed with actions in Main controller. But If I create a layout in the shared folder then it will be used in everything in the entire project , I don't want that
@TravisJ - yea im already on those
Okay, so you want a view that's shared among all views of a particular controller?
You can define which layout is used in the top of the .cshtml view using Layout =
Layout = null; will give you no inherited layout, whereas an explicit one will use that.
well, that was kinda easy i guess, that is what I thought
Inherently, the Layout points to the base Shared -> Layout page.
so what if you don't specificy the layout at the top?? then It will just use the one in the shared folder?
I hit enter on that right before I read what you wrote about inheriting Layout
You can see this by looking in the viewstart.cshtml file
and you will find
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
In your areas, you might have to edit that to point to a base shared folder for example
so that your areas share the same layout
ok, another question , If I create a new open MVC 4 project , then can I just create a folder called shared , and a class called _Layout.cshtml - then will VS know what to do , or do I have to configure that somewhere
I am not sure.
I think it depends on the web.config file
Which uses this directive:
<pages pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage">
I'm tempted to just create MVC application with internet template , then delete all the controllers and models and views they have in there , because the do have some good stuff I need
which more than likely points to the shared layout file
like bundle config options
you could do that, I have done that before to get the new version of css
is it ok to leave jquery-ui{version}.js
or are you supposed to change that with the actual file ?
where do you see that?
App_Start -> BundleConfig.cs
I don't think I use that
oh, its awesome , it compresses and bundles all js files into one file and caches it
then if there is a change it knows because it has a querystring attached , so browser knows to re-load
it does that with css too
Hm, sounds interesting.
I have found that even YUI doesn't play nicely with js files with a dependency on jquery :(
I keep seeing examples on the internet where they have it typed leaving {version} in the file name , I figured that you're supposed to read that and know to put the version in there , but then if you open a new project it comes like that, so I think that VS actually can read that and pick the newest version in your scripts folder
It is possible that it somehow puts a string in there, but you might want to figure out where it gets the string
Hi Lews :D
Nothing has changed in my project for two months, but today it stopped working. WTF?
Hey Travis :P
Mornin Lews
@Billdr - It heard you were thinking about using a DI Container, and just broke :P
@Billdr Aww.. night for me ;).. "Night Billdr" sounds wrong :(
Can you explain "stopped working"?
I just changed it to the actual file name , Its fine that way , if I write my code for jquery version 1.7.2 then a new one comes out I'm ok with just using the one i originally specified
Actually, I think you're right. My lead was messing around with DI in one of the other projects this one is built on.
So something changed..
Yes, just not in my project.
When I start my own company, you won't be allowed to check things in if it breaks the build.
thats why I completely avoid DI
@Billdr - You would think most companies would have that policy :P
You'd think.
just go back to the version that worked and delete his checkin
but on which project?
He rubbed his grubby mitts over the entire solution.
revert everything between last known good and now
you can see whats been checked in lately by him
I can. Over the weekend half the solution was touched.
I can logic this out. It's the UI project, when attempting to go to the default page the server attempts to redirect the user to the login page. which is the default page.
The db isn't connected.
lol , I have some things like sending email that can't be tested on local host , so I'll have like 120 checkins in a day , that is funny trying to revert back past all that , even though its all in the same file
So he left it broken in order to keep doing it, implementing a DI Container takes a long time and required a lot of change.
My email code worked the first time I tried it so I just left it alone lol. Hopefully it never breaks.
:( Fail. I worked for 6 hours at home on a file for this project, and then emailed the wrong file.
I've contemplated before now trying to write a usable application without a single instance of new
But why.
just to see whether it can be done and what if anything can be learned from the experience
I imagine you would learn a lot about garbage collection and object lifetimes.
objects get constructed in one place, and that's through Activator.CreateInstance somewhere in a framework. Just to be contrary
@TravisJ What IoC frameworks have you tried and when?
When I contemplate it, allowing any and all instances to create new instances of anything is a hell of a responsibility to distribute through the code, isn't it?
Not saying that you are wrong
@Johan - I was going to use a DI Container about a year ago. I went through ninject, structuremap, autofac, and unity.
It was a wasted month.
Did you make SO posts with your issues?
A memory leak created by an instantiation framework is better than a memory leak created by [abitrary class hidden somewhere in the bowels of the application], isn't it? If only the framework ever creates anything, you know where the problem lies
Yup, Mark Seemann answered one.
Memory leaks are equally bad wherever they come from.
Leaking memory is like your car leaking gas. It should be 0.
True, but I don't see knowing who to blame as a bad thing
If you're saying you're more likely to encounter them - well, badly designed framework
if not plain bugged
The problem is inherent in the design pattern.
It assumes that it knows better than the garbage collector for managing object lifetime.
Arrived at local Post Office - Allow one to two additional days for delivery

I think I hate Smart Post.
Can lead to very bad things happening when it comes to resources like connections which need to be managed very precisely. Doesn't matter as much if you are creating new Car(), but if you are using new CarRepository() then there can be severe issues.
As a side note, using Activator.CreateInstance is slower than using new because it uses reflection.
It is only useful in that it can instantiate objects through inference, but since everything needs to be explicitly defined as far as dependencies, that is really a lost benefit.
I think I have just discovered the #1 reason against dogfooding: malicious employees
Never heard of dogfooding
<rant>When a field is named BESTTIME, it should mean best time, not b est time</rant>
as in bold eastern standard time?
@KendallFrey tell me more about malicious employees and why that stops companies from dog fooding
hey guys did the cost to downvote go down or is it site specific? i just downvoted on superuser and it cost me 1 rep point. didnt it used to be 2?
@kush I was going through some internal code, and thinking of all the cool stuff I could do.
@Droid - For questions its free for you to downvote, -2 if someone downvotes your question or answer, and -1 for you if you downvote an answer.
such as?
    Hey, bashing head against wall:
        public class ManageItemModel
                      public class AddNewUpdate
                public int BaseLineID { get; set; } //fk
                public DateTime effectiveDate { get; set; } //check with greg if nullable or not
                public string NetChange { get; set; }  // default is total count (or) count to make rr count zero.
                public string comments { get; set; }
                public DateTime enteredon = System.DateTime.Now.Date;
Add permission for me to modify a field.
@model ManageItemModel
<input type="text" name="NewUpdate.BaseLineID" value="1" />
When I look at the model, NewUpdate is null, why isn't that baselineID getting pushed into it?
@KendallFrey eh. do whatever you want to in dev. just don't touch production.
@TravisJ Ah, thanks.
@Ryan - public AddNewUpdate NewUpdate; has no getter or setter?
Yay! I found a bug!
hahaha that's probably it travvis
(I say yay because I won't have to fix it)
and that was it. Thanks Travis
as a result of that, I'll start every message I see of yorus
rofl, sweet! :)
//die moderator
I have a set of domain/application services on top of my repository classes(LINQ to Entities), and they commonly need to deal with entities that are not "hidden, disabled, deleted, permitted for the current user, etc.", i.e., entities which are not usually used or have been marked in some way, or an not permitted to the user's role, i.e. "not usable" entities.
I have utility methods that application services use, but GetPermittedNonDeletedNorDisabledNorRetiredEntitiesForUser(User user) seems just a little tooo much, even though it's quite specific and "non-surprising." I guess maybe my real gripes are that I don't have good names for entities which are "valid" or "applicable" or "effective." Dunno a good word for the concept I'm trying to describe. Anyone dealt with this before?
@RyanTernier die spam-starrer
ANyone who helps my project get ahead, which means I get ahuge @#$@#$% bonus, gets a star
have 1.2 hours left to deliver it
and my head is mush. been at the office since 6am yesterday
...and you're wasting time with stars...
@DavidN - Make a struct for validity and pass it in as the type
GetEntities<T>(User user) where T : Validity
Or perhaps :IValidity
and then have different settings which are :IValidity
♪ Deck the halls with crappy Internet... ♫
I have to re-install Windows 7 :( It's running so slow!
brain teaser time?
@KyleTrauberman Yes, please.
@user1079641 Alienware ;)
Move one line in this equation to make it true:
Assuming an I is one line?
So easy, it's not even funny.
now do the same with this:
plays jeopardy theme music
you added a line
not moved a line
wait i guess you did
Travis: That's interesting. In terms of naming, however, it's no different than having a bunch of names. I think the issue is how to name the potentially combinatorial-explosion aftermath, IValidity or not? GetNonHiddenNorDeletedOrdersForUser(user) vs GetOrders<NonHiddenNorDeleted>(user) ?
that's one way to do it i guess
The easy way.
the solution I saw was
I suppose there's a hard way?
Is that even valid?
3 == 3 == 3
I mean outside of C# programming.
no, this isn't C#
@DavidN - Well you could have NonHiddenNorDeleted : IValidity, and then pass it in. The code would reflect that you passed it in, but the method would still be generic
no, this isn't programming
I didn't think you could do x = y = z in an equation.
lol I clicked on that at the wrong time and gave away that I am sleepy and drunk to a coworker
Next: Write a program to print Graham's number.
Marsha and Marjorie were born on the same day of the same month of the same year to the same mother and the same father, yet they are not twins. How is that possible?
surrogate mother?
In vitro?
I hate you.
A man has married 20 women in a small town. All of the women are still alive and none of them are divorced. The man has broken no laws. Who is the man?
I know this one.
yeh, that one is ez
clearly it was the butler with the kitchen knife in the living room
what's the answer then?
a priest?
In a small cabin in the woods, two men lay dead. The cabin itself is not burned, but the forest all around is burned to cinders. How did the men die?
he guys, i just finished a sample project, based on my NHRecipies NuGet package. Take a look at my sample project called NHPharmacy if you are looking for an NHibernate based application with fluent or automapping configuration, listeners, mvc session attributes, auditlogging etc. www.decodefabriek.nl
sorry if you feel spammed
need some comment on this
@KendallFrey It's the cabin of a plane and the plane crashed.
There was one similar to that,
Ida puts her coffee into the microwave, as she does every morning, for exactly 2 minutes. When the microwave goes off, she opens the door, but then closes the door again and sets the microwave for 2 more seconds. What good would 2 more seconds be?
In the middle of a field lies a man wearing a backpack. He is dead. No tracks of any sort can be seen nearby. What is in the backpack?
a parachute
@KyleTrauberman So the handle spins around to the side facing her?
How many people can read hex if only you and dead people can read hex?
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that can read binary, those that can't, and those that mistake it for binary.
Do you write methods like:
GetOrdersFor(Customer customer)
GetOrdersForCustomer(Customer customer) ?
How far can a dog run into the forest?
You're canoeing up a tree and you get a flat tire. How many pancakes does it take to shingle a doghouse roof?
ohh, wait. Pickles.
sorry, got confused for a second
12, because bananas don't have bones.
23, but only if your wire canoe has no wheels.
None, you use waffles, fool.
Basically 42 if you include the potato.
46.3545, but if syrup is added, 36.47. Though if you insist on berries, 58.955.
None, Chuck Norris kicked the stupid doghouse into oblivion
take your pick
Throw away the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside, throw away the inside. What is it?
spare ribs?
why spare, actually
corn on the cob
where did the essential ribs go?
What is half of 8?
Uh, 4.
Don't say 3 or 0
3 if you slice vertically, o if you slice horizontally
I went into the woods and got it. I sat down to seek it. I brought it home with me because I couldn't find it. What is it?
a tick
a splinter
I have two U.S. coins that add up to fifty-five cents. One is not a nickel. What coins are they?
well presumably the other IS a nickel
can you get a half-dollar?
"Sometimes referred to as the fifty-cent piece, the only U.S. coin that has been minted more consistently is the cent."
I didn't know they existed. I guessed they might
If a doctor gave you three pills and told you to take one every half hour, how long would they last you?
an hour
3 hours :P
one when you start (0:00), one at 0:30 and one at 1:00
so 1 hour
You take the first one at the first x:30, x+1:30, etc. ;)
Imagine that you are in a box, how do you get out?
stop imagining the box
I am trying to display string like "Print 1 of 4 Paper" on label. If I put break point I am able to see update on label.text property but on Form it doesn't refresh. How should I achieve that. label.Refresh or what
yay, scheduled an interview with godaddy
@kyle - you want to work for godaddy?
no, they are interviewing me

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