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guys....look at this ques :P
Q: To fire the event at clicking the "Button"

User1674987By pressing Enter key, I need to perform the following action In the home page I am having a button. When I cilck the button in my home page, I need to stop my car. It should not run until again I click the same button in my home page.

@OctavianDamiean Yeah
new heights of programming :|
@OctavianDamiean Ok thanks
@SamyS.Rathore Wow.
did u read the comments :)
Gotta feel for people that genuinely need help and are getting nowhere because of a language barrier or just lack of intelligence. And you also have to wonder where some of these people get their sense of entitlement to put people down.
Yeah I did
Although in this one, at least people were semi-civilised when they were asking him for clarification
poor fella got wracked really badly....i feel bad coz i am laughing :|
Usually it's just "Vote close. Not a real question." or "We aren't going to do your work for you. Your question is rubbish. Show us some code."
Considering just including a library to parse this XML
SharePoint is bloated enough as it is and I really can't be arsed trawling through documentation that clearly doesn't have what I want in it
my time's up....imma see yall later...:)
@Sean I guess I wasn't wrong after all, about the @Royi threading problem. He was using the same instance of an object...
I spilled coffee on myself. Is that good enough to take the rest of the day off?
Depends @Billdr, Espresso ?
@Billdr Not unless it's burn quite badly
Naw, cháfee
@Billdr What the hell is a cháfee ?
damn. Guess I'm Mr. Coffeepants today.
American coffee. The crap we drink is more like tea than coffee.
It takes me half a pot to get going.
Why don't you drink espresso ?
@AndréSilva I don't know what I was thinking with my first comment. Threads act on whatever object of whatever function you start them with. I knew this.
Because we don't have an espresso machine in the office?
I drank 3 cups and I'm already ready to work.
I was thinking about buying one, but I don't like my coworkers that much.
@Billdr Boil water and get your sock filled with coffee grain... Drip the boiled water into the sock to a cup... There is your espresso hahaha
Just like a machine.
Quick question, I want to get the text AAA9999 and format as AAA-9999.
Do I have to use Regex.Replace ?
will it always be LLLNNNNN?
It would be the quickest way
Yes, it should always be 3 letters and 4 numbers.
I know how to use substring ._.
I just thought that regex.replace would be the best way..
string newstring = oldstring.substring(0,2) + "-" + oldstring.substring(3,6);
@AndréSilva This in C#?
@Sean Well, yes...
oooh, string.insert also exsists
I assumed your inputs might differ. Dunno why...
What I'm doing now is :
private void txtPlaca_Pasting(object sender, DataObjectPastingEventArgs e)
            if (e.DataObject.GetDataPresent(typeof(String)))
                String text = Regex.Replace((String)e.DataObject.GetData(typeof(String)), "-", string.Empty).Trim();
                if (!IsPlacaAllowed(text))
            else e.CancelCommand();

        private bool IsPlacaAllowed(string text)
I'm just checking if the string is valid to input.. Then I'll have to format it..
myStr.Insert(3, "-");
<-- idiot
What he wrote ?
I did not see.
you just need to know I'm a moron
@Billdr Tell me what you saw.
something like "no wait" "String.Insert breaks all index rules"
He wrote a dissertation on the applications of Newtonian physics in light of the advancement of quantum mechanics.
then realised that if you want to insert at 3, it inserts before the 4th character
I originally had 2, because I'm an idiot
But he forgot to put a period at the end of his third sentence, so he deleted the entire thing to avoid looking foolish.
Newtonian physics and quantum mechanics.. That is something you don't see everyday.. haha
I couldn't even tell you what the implications of quantum mechanics has on Newtonian physics. But I thought that quantum mechanics generally operate on a different set of rules because they only affect tiny tiny things that have (virtually) no effect beyond the atomic level.
A level physics allows you to sound a lot more knowledgeable than you actually are
in fact, throwing lots of buzzwords into anything generally makes you sound more knowledgeable
you just need to know which ones are relevent
@Sean That is how most politicians get ellected, isn't it ?
@AndréSilva you'll love what I'm about to do
@AndréSilva indeed it is
23 mins ago, by Sean
Considering just including a library to parse this XML
thing is, I can't even toString it out....
which makes it horrible
Why are you parsing XML ?
Quantum mechanics exposes the faults of newtonian physics. While newtonian physics are good enough to build a house, and maybe launch a rocket into space, you need a finer understanding of how reality works to do something like geosynchronous orbit, build lasers, etc.
I don't fucking know...
Quantum *
@Billdr Makes sense. Don't get the geosynchronous orbit thing. Or is it just that we can figure it out from studying what is basically a smaller copy (atoms)?
Einstein killed Newtonian physics. Remember that. Einstein murdered a branch of science.
He had cool hair. That's enough for most people
@AndréSilva It's one of those "that would be useful..." thoughts that turned into a request from my boss
Murdered a branch and planted a tree...
I've got a SharePoint calendar and they want to strikethrough anything that's been completed. Which requires either adding something to the item title (horrible) or going and getting the list item. Seeing as the calendar is all done in JS I need to do it in JS. So I'm using SPServices, which uses the SharePoint web services to get list items among other things.
The output should come back as XML but I know nothing about JS and XML, I barely get by with .Net with my rudimentary (read: shite) knowledge of XPath. Nevermind a dynamically typed shitty client side language that should have died along with Netscape Navigator.
@Sean If I remember correctly, and it's been a while since I looked at this, we needed a finer understanding of forces than what is provided by the newtonian model to do geosynchronous orbit.
Also, an understanding of time dilation is required to adjust the signals sent to us from those satellites.
Probably due to all the conflicting forces involved keeping something hovering above Earth at a fixed point. Usually we just say "stay at this height" and set it off on a course with sufficient speed to stay there
Time dilation? I really know nothing.... Why would the signals be dilated? Surely because they're a fixed distance away the whole time they shouldn't be dilated in any way?
Or maybe I'm getting this wrong. Time dilation == doppler effect type thingy?
Sort of like the doppler effect, only for time.
How can I implement something into System.String?
Cannot imagine that without reading a proper explanation
SuperString : String ?
Appearently I can't ._.
public pool IsStringAString(this System.String) { return SexyBitches; };
The signals travel at a fixed speed over a variable distance. The satellites don't change relative to the earth, but the signal does
And your position on the planet does
So there you have the good old fashioned regular doppler effect.
@AndréSilva Yes.
I made two functions that I would want to implement on System.String
So I could do as :
var a = "abc";
Uhoh, Kendall's speaking in hex.
@Billdr aaah I see..... Because they're not sending it to one place to be relayed. They're often used for GPS, so we need to know how the signal differs. I get it.
(I realize K isn't a valid hex character.)
Not hex, there is a K there.
kf seems seems to be Kendall Frey
Dang, that wasn't intended to go here :P
Morning Kendall.
@AndréSilva I was serious, although I made a slight syntax error
public bool IsStringAString(this System.String str) { return true; }
We now know kendall's password for something.
Or a user ID
Or something
Or something.
We also know that Kendall uses password haystacking of a sort. And that he should look into lastpass.
Or something about something in somewhere
I can hear @KendallFrey changing all his passwords..
@AndréSilva Honestly! That code will extend System.String!!
Any other lastpassers here? Best tool I've ever come across for password managment.
@Sean But I need to use static right ?
@AndréSilva Cannot tell if sarcasm or honest question.
Honest Question..
Relating to my fuck-up earlier about threading
Uhhh. Yes. Static.
So my code would not have worked. I missed the static bit
I'm still noobie at programming, most things I know I absorb from here...
I'm going to go and pretend to do some work
And stop embarrassing myself
Haha, relax dude.
And thanks @Sean It is working as intended.
Apparently this XML thing can be treated exactly like HTML DOM nodes
which is great.
Except I have no idea what goddamn format it's in
Holy hell bearer tokens make life easy... but I have no idea how they're secure. Anyone understand oAuth?
@Billdr No. They'll use an algorithm of some sorts to generate a token (may even be random) that just gets passed about.
Yea... I just don't grok what prevents a third party from getting that token and going wild with it. TLS I suppose.
Claims Authentication in the MS stack does the same thing. You have an authenticating server (usually the DC) that registers and hands out tokens. Every time something needs to authenticate a user, it checks back with the server to validate the token. This is how Kerberos works
Which takes place over a private network, you're less worried about packet sniffing there
I imagine it's just SSL or whatever
although I suppose there's nothing to stop you from using TLS there too.
I'm not sure if the communications between the application and server are secure with Kerberos, I should imagine they are
but Kerberos is another standard not defined by MS, I think it may be open but I'm not sure
but it sure is a bitch to get working...
@KendallFrey I have an XML object in JS. By the looks of things I can use jQuery to get bits and pieces out of it. I don't suppose you know what I can use to get the whole lot as a string? (in .Net I would just use .OuterXml but it's not)
hi again
@KendallFrey supported by IE?
I'd seriously hope so, but I don't know.
Nope, it's not a W3C standard and as such IE has no reason to support it
and it doesn't work, I tried
how the fuck do people expect you to work with XML and such when JS is utter crap?
Why would you want to work with xml? when you can use Json
Because in the real world, people are constrained to what is available.
In this case, JSON is not available.
And even if it was I have no idea what is being returned because the documentation is shit
@Sean JS is not utter crap. The DOM is wonky though.
if (window.DOMParser)
parser=new DOMParser();
else // Internet Explorer
xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
I'm not working with the DOM. It's just XML
like I said
Wha? I thought you said you needed XML.
@HollyStyles I'm sure I have an object made like that being returned
13 mins ago, by Sean
@KendallFrey I have an XML object in JS. By the looks of things I can use jQuery to get bits and pieces out of it. I don't suppose you know what I can use to get the whole lot as a string? (in .Net I would just use .OuterXml but it's not)
'XML object' i.e. an XML DOM object?
I really don't know
It's coming from a web service
And it's not a string because if I alert it, it just shouts [object] at me
console.log it.
Does not support console.log?
IE doesn't do the same thing as other browsers
Can you not debug in another browser?
It just tostrings the object
No it's SharePoint, it changes behaviour when you switch browsers
I could try it in Chrome but the calendar rarely loads in chrome
But you can't at least debug the object?
oh ffs IE
Nexus 4 orders are online again!
I forgot I hadn't hooked it up to the calendar yet
right I have my string now, hopefully that's enough
8gb is gone, it won't give me the status on the 16gb version since I reached my limit :D
My boss is gonna kill me when he finds out how long I took doing this.
@KendallFrey If I have a callback function written like blah.blah(function () { //do shit }); does the inner function have access to variables in the scope of blah.blah and its parent scope?
Can someone compare/contrast HttpClient and HttpWebRequest for me? When would I use one over the other?
@Sean It only has access to the scope where it is declared, I think.
Well, actually it's defined like.... $().SPServices({ completefunc: function(xData, status) { $(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function () { //my shit });}});`
It also has access to whatever this is.
and I want stuff out of the scope of $().SPServices
ugh well that fucks me right over =\
I want to go through all the event elements, get their itemID, get status from web service, if completed, turn the text strikethrough
the text in the event element. Which will be done using something like $(".class").each( //web service stuff)
Man the people in that JS room are really fucking unhelpful
You noticed that too, eh Sean?
// WTF, JS?
if (foo)
    var x = bar;
I'd just ask js questions here. We all use it enough for most of the dumb crap I do with it.
Your mileage my vary.

Does the word "mileage" still work in countries that have the metric system?
I did, but nobody knows
Well, Kendall thinks no so I went over to see if there was any way to do what I want
mileage is a universal term
mileage can even be measured in km/ltr or whatever
well, I mean, yea, it's measurement agnostic, but the root meaning is going to get lost.
I noticed this too when I visited the UK :P
I don't know anyone that measures km/l
the lemon is there, I might get an answer from him
It's always l/100km
Rental car giving current mileage in MPG
Fuel station displaying litres
A gigameter?
@KendallFrey I know plenty of people who wouldn't give a damn whichever way it was and would know what I meant anyway
er, MegaMeter
I'm going to hold the US back from adopting the metric system until MegaMeter and GigaMeter are implemented.
my car can be set to l/100km or km/l, or mpg
and it's french
and I'm in Holland
Mine too, the car's Japanese, made in America with parts from Mexico. Hurray for globalization!
parts from Mexico... brrrr
Jesus is my assembly line worker.
I would like that as a bumper sticker
Also I noticed they didn't mirror the gearbox for RHD cars
OR the pedals
It's only logical!
What's a RHD car?
Right hand drive
which in contrast to what it says isn't right at all
I think I'd prefer that, but I'm a LHDer.
...nevermind, shifting with my left hand would be the worst thing ever, no matter what.
When I got my RHD car i kept hitting the door panel trying to shift
lets see if vaguely insulting them will get me an answer, a real answer
And thus began the C#/JS wars of 2013.
@Sean Chances are low. Very low.
I'm just gonna give up with it then
If I think about it, I don't think what I'm doing will work anyway
Or at least it'll only work on one page
Good. I didn't want to learn that faux-js MS has in the pipe.
I think I just got reamed out for committing too often...
Oh I would have had to duplicate code anyway....
Right, hidden fields it is then
That should be re-captioned
"Here's one I made earlier."
It came from reddit. I'll sure there'll be a billion variations of it within a few hours.
Hi guys.. I have a button that open a form from which I want to get some values... How is that possible? I know how to give value by using constructor but how take?
@Loclip Tea, 2 sugars, milk. Thanks.
@Loclip Have you got any code you can show us?
@Sean lol
I can show code that I tried it by using static
@Loclip And are you using WinForms or what? =]
yes winforms
Anything to give us context will be useful
If it's massive, you'd better use a pastebin or something like that
@Loclip It sounds like you are in desperate need of a book.
SQL Engine made of meat.
Form 2:
public static string message;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     message = textBox1.Text;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       Form2 f2 = new Form2();
       string del = Form2.message;

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
@Loclip in that case there is no need to declare the 'message' as static. you can just get it as 'f2.message'
@Loclip Think about the chain of events. When you create your Form2 instance, message won't have been instantiated yet. Your button isn't going to be clicked in the milliseconds between f2.Show() and the assignment to del. You need an event handler.
Which I suck at writing cos I think I've only ever written one or two in my life.
@heq i get error without static
@Loclip You'll need to move some things around, give me a few.
@sean i open second window put string in textbox and then press button to assign value.. then i go back to first form and press the button 2 that show this message... so the string is assigned
@Loclip not quite =]
@Loclip which error? wether the 'message' null? you should init it with something before you call it. try to use f2.ShowModal() instead, and when the form is closed ensure that the 'message' is initialized
one should just do <TextBox Text={Binding Mode=TwoWay} /> and be done with it ;)
@Maverik He's not using MVC
@heq An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'WFA1.Form2.message'
err i was in WPF but i guess MVC could be thought of too :D
<-- does not like web development at all
it's winforms
@Loclip oh, so use non-static lol
WPF, whatever
he's using winforms
Ok, I have a question. How can I, on wpf c#, format a textbox to accept three letters and 4 numbers with a dash between them ? ( AAA-9999 )
@heq when you not writing static then is non-static
I'm trying to catch on PreviewTextInput of a textbox..
@Loclip yes.
But I can't simply catch it the input, I need to check if it is between 0,3 and 4,4..
@heq so when i dont write static it give me that error :D
@AndréSilva Why not use a binding validator or something like that?
@KendallFrey Because I don't know how to use it.. :(
@Loclip Form 2:

public string message;
public event EventHandler MessageChanged;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
message = textBox1.Text;

if (MessageChanged != null)
MessageChanged(this, e);


private Form2 myForm2;
private string del;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
myForm2 = new Form2();
myForm2.MessageChanged += new EventHandler(GetMessage);

private void GetMessage(object sender, EventArgs e)
del = myForm2.message;
How can I do that ? ._.
@sean thank you will check it
@KendallFrey But I use it on an event ?
What are you asking?
If I use this binding thing to a event or something..
I think you attach a validator to your binding
@Loclip I included that MSDN link for future reference and so you can understand what I've done, the code I posted should work for you
@sean worked... just a little change instead del = myForm2.message; is del = Form2.message;
Thank you
I will read it right now
@Loclip I meant for you to change public static string message; in Form2 to public string message;. It's better that way, if you ever need to have more than one instance of Form2, it won't break
Hey. Can anyone help me out with stackoverflow.com/questions/13654250/… ?
If it's static, all instances of Form2 will change the message, so you could end up seeing a message that you didn't want
@sean i cant remove static... it not working without it
@Loclip if you reorganise your fields to the way I had them, it'll work fine =]
@Loclip You need to make sure you have string del and Form2 myForm2 in your Form1 code outside of any functions
@Loclip That's why I moved them ^_^
@JoeyMorani Will you always have a word character before and after the brackety bits?
@Sean Not always. I mean the string could start with [1] for example.
@sean i did exactly what you did... you tested it?
@Loclip No but it should work.. If you can't get it to work and you won't have more than one Form2 at a time, static will be ok
@JoeyMorani But there should be a word character between different brackety bits?
@Sean then its ok... thank you
Well sometimes there might not be. The string could be "[122][44][122]blah[18][18][18][18]blah[122][122]" for example.
My question is how do I make that turn into "[122][44][122]blah[18,4]blah[122,2]"
Yeah it's difficult
So nearby brackets which contain the same value need to be replaced with [value,noOfValues]
I don't know how to tell the Regex engine to only match if the next one is the same....
Yeah :(
Ooh actually I might have had a brainwave
@JoeyMorani Do you have a maximum number of similar brackets next to each other or could it be infinite (theoretically)?
It could be "infinite" but if it's required it could be limited. I don't think there would be more than 20 or so in a row
But it's totally random.
Sometimes there's quite a few and sometimes there aren't.
I was sure you could create a sort of variable and match on that but I can't find the reference for it
What is wrong with this? xmlns:local="clr-namespace:MaskedText;Assembly=SGC"
(?<groupName>blahregexblah) I'm sure you could reference this group....
namespace SGC
    class MaskedText
Nevermind ._.
@JoeyMorani I almost have it >_<
@JoeyMorani BOOM! Got it.
@JoeyMorani Just need to test how to do the replacing bit
@Sean Beat you to it.
@KendallFrey Yours doesn't work
try it with this: [122][44][122]blah[18][18][18][18]blah[122][122]
hello all
@WinCoder printf("Hello world !");
Console.WriteLine("Hello World !");
I have the regex that works I just need to make sure the code around it works
why do we need delegates(apart from code elegance)
@Sean Returns [122][44][122]blah[18,4]blah[122,2] Is that wrong?

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