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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

see ya later.
@Kian I think you should start with a fixed number of days, as that's what happens in real life - and you can represent days with no classes as 'empty' or 'free days'. So a weekly Timetable contains 7 days for everyone
The structure of a weekly timetable is therefore predictable
@MRS1367 cya
Good day for English sport
england beating new zealand 38-19
Can AddressOf has parenthesis parameters?
Um, that's VB. I don't know.
@kendallFrey, ok
For VB questions, please visit the VB room.
That needed to be done.
$news news is back! And better than ever before!
news is back! And better than ever before!
I hate weekends
news is back! And better than ever before!
Wow, it's pretty responsive. Much better than the 5-second poll from Zirak's old bot.
I think I just popped a blood vessel
Thought I'd lost the latest CD for my course
Which would have been a disaster as you need it to carry on and I've not seen any downloadable versions yet
Hello alll
How can i check image in picture box is same in resources?
When I do like this, cannot detect
else if (picEmp.Image == chuki2_spp.Properties.Resources.no_photo)
That won't work, the objects aren't the same unless you specifically set picEmp.Image to be chuki2_spp.Properties.Resources.no_photo
Hmm I see....
OK thanks for explanation
@Sean : You have idea how can I detect picture is same with picture from resources?
So far I have try Image img = chuki2_spp.Properties.Resources.no_photo;
Then else if (picEmp.Image == img)
//My code
@Chuki2 You would have to assign it
Yes I have already assign it..
picEmp.Image = chuki2_spp.Properties.Resources.no_photo;
And it's not giving you the expected results?
Yeah.. that`s is problem...
Well that destroys everything I thought I knew about .Net and references
Ask someone less retarded =]
Hehe... Okey thanks for help...
2 hours later…
@TomW Good idea! Thanks
Woo. Getting an Azure subscription free trial
I say subscription
free trial
Well, that went well...
trying to get svn running on an ubuntu image
and hosting it publically via apache, it seems to mostly be obeying my commands but....no repository
ah, obviously...there's no reason to expect that there'd be a DNS record for a machine I've only just set up, I can view the page in lynx on the server, but not from anywhere else
@nineT9D evenin
@TomW , hey how you doing?
good, thanks
and you?
me too doing good
it's a quiet evening in chat, I'm afraid
guess everyone else has better things to do
except me, I suppose
and me :D
I'm feeling rather pleased with myself as I've just gone from having never used a cloud service or a linux platform for any practical purpose to having just set up a virtualised svn server on azure in about an hour
Hey, that wasn't supposed to come through.
I can't believe that there are still people who think plaintext command line interfaces are the best way to do anything these days
has anybody used azure ever
@TomW Of course.
or web services for database storing and fetching
i want to use one of them in my windows 8 project
any clues?
which one is more reliable and cheaper and easier
I definitely want rich keyboard support in any application I use for productivity, and I definitely want the option to script most or all operations in a concise, simple syntax, a la cmd, bash or powershell
I definitely do not want to be confined to an environment where those are the only possibilities
lol at how you used concise and powershell in the same sentence.
admittedly .ps1 can end up looking like piles of spaghetti
I guess that's to do with the fact that they're meant to access .net objects in a .net-y way
and there does seem to be the habit of naming cmdlets with unnecessarily long hyphenated names, which I don't really understand
@TomW , hey i really appreciate the feedback on my work
please check it out
How does this app sound to you
@nineT9D are you just combining functionality that already exists in other products, or is there something novel here that I've missed?
Evenin' folks :)
Oh, if anyone's interested...I think I saw Jon Skeet in a pub last night
i heard
21 hours ago, by Tom W
I think I saw Jon Skeet in a bar pub tonight
It's a big deal!
you actually went into the history to find that...
What are the most common noob programming questions?
If they're a good noob..."why?"
"how do I read text from a file?"
"how do i make a variable"
I did get asked recently "what is a variable?"
"how do I [statement explained clearly in manual]"
To be fair to the guy he's being asked to do things with SQL (read-only login thankfully) without having known anything about it previously and he's asking some very intelligent questions, just happens to be from a standpoint of no knowledge rather than some knowledge
@RobWhite in that context, "what is a variable?" makes sense
@TomW technically there was no distinction that it had to not make sense :P
my understanding was that SQL is declarative, so it isn't obvious where variables come in
Can somebody with amazing google skills find me a database of programming noob questions?
There is no news.
I really should make news a localStorage thing
What is it now?
Oddly my Google-fu deserts me on this one @CCInc, not an easy one to find something for
@RobWhite When I try to search for it, all I get is "noob database questions"
I end up with various posts of the nature "Seriously noob question here" in the subject line and so on, that's about the best I've found so far but that was a while ago and not sure which search term it was
@CCInc An array.
@CCInc I ran across this from hanselman's podcast... irisclasson.com
@justnS THANKS!
np :)
Hanselman is the dude
Good night everyone. I'm here. :)
@CCInc You should also check out the dotnetrocks.com podcasts in addition to hanselman's... if you like listening to smart people talk about things vs only reading them.
I need to pull them from somewhere. I think I will just make a list.
Database question, VS2008. I'm using TableAdapter and local .sdf database. I inserted one row manually, and I can read it. I cannot write anything though. There are no exceptions, but new row is not inserted. Tried googling, but going in circles now. This is my first DB test project. Following code does not work:

GamesDataSet dataSet = new GamesDataSet();
dataSet.Games.AddGamesRow(gameName, gameID, gameStartedTime, gameDurationTime, gameMode, gameResult);

GamesTableAdapter adapter = new GamesTableAdapter();
@Dialecticus what's your avatar of? I'm thinking either a WH40k Space Marine chapter or a Thundercats art project
new jedi order
duh!, silly me
I should have recognised that
Evening peeps
Found my problem. First, it's Update instead of Fill blush, and second I see data in project's DB, not in copied DB. New question: is it possible in Visual Studio to see data in DB copied to \bin folder?
Yes connect the Server Explorer to a new connection string
Or just use SQL Server Management Studio
Hehe, was just typing... Just have to add new connection in server explorer view for that copied database. Thanks :)
@justnS We don't get what you were saying the other say about an array
for that issue
@justnS, perhaps you can help


This room is for VB/VB.NET questions and discussion.
in a bit, I'm in the zone right now and don't want to lose it :)
Ewww get that outta here
Damn I have to sleep on my sofa tonight :(
@rudi_visser why?
@justnS Yup
@JohanLarsson This stupid apartment we just moved to only has a single bed in the spare room... My grandparents are here so supposedly was a good gesture to let them stay in mine/my gf's bed and my gf stays in the single bed and I stay..... somewhere else
I just hope its not an hour long. I was very lucky the teacher pittied us and gave extra time.
It should be VB & Winforms room?
UGH!!!! I need a database/list/something of noob questions!!!
@CC Inc: WHY?
@TomW i have reasons
I could obsess about all the nonsense that people who know nothing say, in all walks of life, but I don't. What's so special about these noobs?
I need easy beginner questions
like, whats the difference between internal and projected?
those kinds of questions?
or you want to further your knowledge?
@justnS No, easy questions
Like "how do i read text from a file"
Bedtime g'night
Not ideal conditions for driving today^^
wow, is that your windshield?
wow, lotta rain
We never see snow, so I don't know
done any more wpf?
@KendallFrey Can you help me with the SE API?
@JohanLarsson nope, I am working on JS project
I've driven in snow melt, never actually snowing
@CCInc Probably
First of all, is it offline?
You mean outside of chat? Then I'm lost.
I know nothing about the documented API. Only the undocumented API.
What is the "undocumented" Api?
The one the browser uses.
My chatbot is built on it.
oh, you mean for chat?
The main site has an API too.
Don't know anything about it.
yes, that is the one I need
The main api
I am going to add a function to my chatbot that gets questions
The official one?
I think you need to register on StackApps to get authenticated to use the API.
I just need read access
Hopefully i dont' need to register for that
There is no write API.
What information do you use to find the question?
"Starting with version 2.1, the Stack Exchange API provides limited support for writing to sites in the Stack Exchange network. There are a number of constraints imposed to prevent abuse and loss of quality on Stack Exchange sites.

Apps must have a registered Stack Apps post to write. All content created via the API will have links pointing back to an app's Stack Apps post, to aid in giving an app's author feedback and in reporting abusive content."
Hm. must be a beta
@KendallFrey I need the title to match a regex
Oh, boy.
You don't need to register, but if you do, you get write access and a higher request limit. I think.
I will be the only one who can use it
Can you help me write a regex?
My question is, is there an API method to do what you want, or do you plan to read all the questions on the site?
@KendallFrey I get all questions that match a tag I provide and match the regex and pick one question randomly from the low voted questions
Is there an API method to pass the regex to?
I don't think so, the API returns a JSON expression and I will look through that.
Oh, the humanity.
Isn't there a limit of 100 items per call?
I will just get the first 100 items then.
And if none match the regex?
my "regex" will just check if there is a "?" on the end
so there might be some matches :P
Is... this related to your noob question thing?
'Course not
it is for my bot
No idea why...
What can my regex be?
Or maybe \?$
/?$/ ?
/\?$/ I think.
Not necessary.
Why not?
Why would it be?
"Any number of characters with a '?' on the end"?
Just "? then end of string"
I no good at regex
Just do /\?$/.test(title)
That will return a bool telling you whether title ends with ?
does js have foreach?
It has for/in
It doesn't work for arrays though.
For arrays use an ordinary loop.
var res = JSON.parse(req.responseText);
How do I go through that?
What's the JSON?
why do you need the question mark?
@KendallFrey the get request from the api: api.stackexchange.com/2.1/search/…
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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