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@user1739957 yay!
Sorry I am late
@CCInc no problem.
Are you two going on a date?
Ha. Ha.
@JoePhilllips Where were we?
Oh, yes, how do I use the kdiff tool
@JoePhilllips Ok, which file do I edit and how do I save the changes?
Oh nothing
@CCInc Can you show a screenshot of what you're looking at so I can guide you better?
@JoePhilllips I want just 1482644 showing, so the middle is what I want
@CC maybe fire up that screensharing again?
What website was that?
@CCInc Just edit the bottom window to be what you want
try to leave everything intact as possible while doing it though
the bottom window is what you will end up with
BASE is the common ancestor of your commit and the remote commit (your code wasn't up to date before trying to merge it)
REMOTE is what the upsteam code is at. LOCAL is what your code is at. The bottom is the outcome of the merge
Like this, if I just wanted one item?
so you should be able to go through each line or each section of lines and highlight them and "move" them over or something like that
@JoePhilllips so is the bottom window the only editable? And why is everything yellow now?
Sorry, I've never really used kdiff3 so it's hard for me to describe what to do without trying it myself... yes bottom window should be the only thing editable
red means conflict, green means it matches, yellow means you fixed it probably
You have a long list of names. Do you want all of them committed?
No, the list of owners is what Ziark put. I just want my id, 1482644, to be there
oh right. So take everything Zneak put in and then just add yours to the end
that's essentially all you need to do
and make sure to remove any of those <Merge COnflict> tags that may be stuck in the file
Silly me. Don't tell Kendall. Again
Everyone who has a Z name is probably the same person. That's how I see it
@CCInc Does everything I said make sense? I can explain better or walk you thru it if not
Umm, I suppose
@JoePhilllips So I can't edit the top files? Only the bottom?
Only the bottom. The top ones are showing you what was changed
Copy and paste the name list in the REMOTE window and put that at the bottom, then add your name to the end. I think that's all you need
I am not able to remove the <mergeconflict> tags, will it do that?
If you can't remove it, then don't worry about it. It's probably just a display thing
(make sure to look over the commit closely to ensure they're not in there somehow)
Does it save the file? I can't seem to save, do I have to merge from kdiff itself?
Try right-clicking inside the bottom window
@JoePhilllips Ok, so my master.js is created dynamically by node.js, so how would I compile that without a commit?
Not sure I understand
What I mean is that I need node.js to build the file, but I can't do that unless I have an updated/commit copy of the repo, and to do that, I need to fix the master.js. What a catch 22
why would node be building the file?
master.js is really just a combination of all other files
OH.. so where does that user list come from then?
"I can't do that unless I have an updated/commit copy of the repo" Can't do what?
and if master.js is being generated, why is it in the repository?
@KendallFrey node build.js
@CCInc Sure you can.
@JoePhilllips The bot.js file. I edited the wrong one.
@KendallFrey how?
After changing your code, build, then commit.
I would remove master.js from the repo then
Not commit then build.
@JoePhilllips It needs to be in, so it's online, so you can load it.
Stupid system IMO.
Ah, haha
I did the same thing as you.
Yeah that's a little silly
And Zirak chewed me out.
BTW, he was watching you too.
I realized my mistake and did not save the master.js
C# question
I want the max item1 and the max item2
In a tuple, or separately?
I could do a foreach but wondering if there was a lambda solution
Of course.
What are the property names for the tuple?
int maxX = a.Max(t => t.X);
And similar for the other.
awesome ty
Hey, that was my solution! I can't believe I was right!
Haha... wish I cold see your history
What do you mean?
@KendallFrey @JoePhilllips This isn't working. I built node.js and it generated the master, but it has not been updated for merge changes
1) Build node.js to generate master. 2) Commit master.js
Is that what you did?
No, was I supposed to commit master?
I think so
THat's more or less a requirement of whatever project you're working on it sounds like
anyone here know lots about OAuth :)
I know that it stands for Open Authentication
so your an expert then right ;)
i assume i will get a token back or something from the OAuth server to identify users everytime?
hello programmers
hello programmer
hey, the Clipboard.GetAudio();
@StuartBlackler I would think so. It probably says on their documentation
why does it only get .wav files?
@JoePhilllips i think my uni has an OAuth endpoint, was going to get hooked into that for an app that we have an idea for :)
also, how can i get all the audio formats?
if the file is any audio formt on the clipboard then...?
1)clone repo
2)pull from source
3)update source/bot.js in kdiff and saved
@EliteGamer It only supports wav files, based on the documentation
@JoePhilllips now what?
@JoePhilllips is there any way i could create my own method, to get all audio formats?
@CCInc 4) Build 5) Commit... I think?
@EliteGamer You probably could but I don't know how. First time I've ever looked at that clipboard class is about 3 minutes ago
Will I want to commit all files? Because it seems that all of the files have been pulled and added but master.js
@JoePhilllips hey, lets say i have a string like C:\users......\audio.mp3 how could i look at the string and if that string has an index of .mp3, .wav, or whatever, then do a function?
@CCInc Umm... strange. What is the URL to this git repo? I'm going to read the docs and see what its all about
@EliteGamer easy, hold on a minute
@EliteGamer Try
ok, wait a sec
    using System.IO;
string extension = Path.GetExtension(path);
or if you need more information about the file
FileInfo f = new FileInfo(path);
And then
if(extension == ".wav")
if(extension == ".mp3")
Or use a switch
@JoePhilllips i tried this, but it requires a string, but i have an array of string i want it to check. How do i fix that?
@CCInc Alright, so are you trying to make a change to the bot code and submit it back to the main project to have it merged? Or are you just making a local change for yourself?
string[] formats = { ".mp3", ".wav" };

if (data1.IndexOf(formats))

@EliteGamer use this:
string extension = Path.GetExtension(path);
@JoePhilllips I have my nice little repo github.com/CCInc/SO-ChatBot
which I forked from github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot
@JoePhilllips what is path?
the file path
/me wonders why @EliteGamer keeps referencing me in his questions
yes, but i need to check that path with all the formats... string[] formats = { ".mp3", ".wav" };
@JoePhilllips And now, ZIARK has made some changes that I would like to implement in my fork.
@EliteGamer I don't see why my code does not work.
@EliteGamer is it a file name or a directory?
well, can i put an array in it?
Array in what?!
@CCInc Ok, if you're going to have your own fork then you should follow the steps 4 and 5 that I gave earlier I think. But honestly the whole "build and commit your built files" is kind of stupid
example: C:\users\User\Documents\Audio1.mp3
@EliteGamer then my code will work
Instead, you could just require that anyone that pulls it, builds it before running it
    string path = @" C:\users\User\Documents\Audio1.mp3";
    string extension = Path.GetExtension(path);
string[] formats = { ".mp3", ".wav" };
@CCInc how would i incorperate the array?
If you want to search the directory something like this should do the trick: var res = Directory.GetFiles(path).Where(c => formats.Contains(Path.GetExtension(c));
@JoePhilllips But if I don't build it, then it will not update the conflicts, because I have to build the master.js so that GitExtensions will not see conflicts
ok, thanks
completely untested of course
any files that are generated shouldn't even be in the repository in the first place. That's what's really confusing me
it's like the same thing as committing the /bin/ directory in your C# app
then you can do a foreach over the result and you have your files
@JoePhilllips Gotta ask Ziark about that
@JoePhilllips It is that way because you run the bot using the online copy of master.js, so you don't run 20 different scripts
@CCInc That makes sense but... can't you just build it and generate that master.js and then run it? THat's how nearly every other project on the face of this planet works
@JoePhilllips but you run it online from the javascript console of the browser
so you point directly at the repository?
instead of building it, uploading it to a website, then running it from there?
(function(){var a=document.createElement("script");a.src="https://raw.github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/master/master.js",document.head.appendChild(a)})()
what editor do you use for javascript?
Welp, the cost of doing that is some mass confusion for anyone that wants to participate in the project I guess
Blame it on ziark
Time to test it out
cc/tell @JoePhilllips thanks
@JoePhilllips Thanks
is there a way you can halt the default output so I don't see the "cc/tell" stuff?
that would be useful
You mean don't show my typed command?
it kind of makes the whole thing a little redundant
I agree, but then where would we type commands?
is the script intercepting the commands after they've already been sent?
6 hours later…
Morning, el
hey, hows you
good day
the run I was meant to be going on starts in....three minutes
lol, was it a charity run?
not as such, but organised on similar principles. People just show up, run 5k and get a time
i went a couple of saturdays ago and haven't got up early enough since
that does not sound fun to me... not only having to wake up early on a saturday but also having to run.....
I quite enjoy it
and I have a half marathon to run in march
well, I enjoy it when I don't have a cold, am not hungover, and it isn't in the mud
I usually run the same distance later on by myself, because I'm mainly doing it for the practice
bringing the chat back on-topic...
Am I missing something that causes WPF guis to look dreadful? Nothing wrong with the rendering or anything, they just look boring and flat, even compared to winforms. Do you really have to do ALL the theming and so on to a custom scheme yourself?
@TomW Well, basically - yes.
But maybe somebody already did it for you - just look for resource dictionaries in interwebs
I mean, there is freaking LOTS of custom themes for controls already
i havent done 2 many wpf apps but i normally just grandent them
im no artist :P
btw get inkscape, it has a xaml output that you can just copy and paste :)
well, I guess there would be plenty of stuff out there that makes it easy
seems like 'consistent look and feel' has gone out the window
I've just posted a WPF question, reckon you could take a look? stackoverflow.com/questions/13539942/…
That is an interesting one^^
:), just gonna reproduce the issue, no doubt ill get caught by it one day
[x] reproduced
posted on November 24, 2012 by skeet

My earlier post on how to write a good question is pretty long, and I suspect that even when I refer people to it, often they don't bother reading it. So here's a short list of questions to check after you've written a question (and to think about before you write the question): Have you done some research before asking the question? 1 Have you explained what you've already

what does [x] mean
Has my datatemplate wiped out some otherwise-defaulted properties for menuitem, or something?
just check when I write it like thet
I'm glad it's non-trivial, by the way
me thinking it is non-trivial don't mean much :)
well, I don't look like quite so much of a derp
Easier to reproduce using :
<Menu Height="26" Name="menu1" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" ItemsSource="{Binding MainMenuItems}">
        <HierarchicalDataTemplate >
            <MenuItem Header="{Binding Text, Mode=OneTime}" ItemsSource="{Binding MenuItems}"/>
<Menu Height="26" Name="menu1" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
    <MenuItem Header="File" />
    <MenuItem Header="Edit" />
I'm too lazy to find out myself - just check result with Snoop util
@Johan Larsson: I can't see what the difference is
only the binding is removed,
It gave a xaml error the first time without datatemplate ( for me)
Sorry, don't understand. What binding?
if this ItemsSource="{Binding MainMenuItems}" was left in the second
np, the question is good, just posted if EL is starting
Ah, dammnit.
Wait, if it works for the first, surely ignoring it in the second isn't a problem?
I did forget to mention that I've set the window datacontext in its constructor
I figured that and did it
@TomW it is not a problem, I did not post to try to correct you^^
don't even know why I posted
Can be that the template needs to be basedon something
I dunno, I didn't quite post a fully reproducible example. Mea culpa.
ermm changing menu item to textblock makes them appear the same
just saying
OK. Why?
I can reproduce that, by the way - seems to look the same, but I don't understand why I need to use extra markup to do that
In other words, why doesn't what I've done just work correctly?
no idea lol thats what im now trying to figure out
I find some differences using snoop side-by-side
But why? no idea
menuitems has different templates for top node and subnode
Aah. And specifying the template breaks that distinction?
yea im assuming so, im just tryign to find what it switches on
Is it just that the template is making the top level behave like a sub-menu because it doesn't know any better?
i cant say for sure im no expert, but im gonna go with yes
Well. That's annoying.
right i really should get on with my diy stuff, have a great day all
cya, thanks for the help
forgot to upvote your question, corrected that now
@JohanLarsson turns out I'm using HierarchicalDataTemplate wrongly.
So I understand what's wrong, but it isn't clear to me how to fix it without doing things that I don't see the reason for
Here we go again! Another WPF blocking issue...
How do I associate a Command with a child control created by databinding ItemsSource?
Tried including <CommandBindings> <CommandBinding Command="{Binding blah}">...
won't let me do that, throws at runtime
I want the ViewModel for the menuitem to nominate an ICommand associated with it, and associate that command with the menuitem created by binding. Since I don't actually specify the MenuItem in the markup, I don't see how to supply the CommandBinding in a way that doesn't tie to a specific known instance of ICommand at design-time
Search it with source / relative source binding
Sorted it with prompting from the same SO question
set the command property using a style
seems like a hack to me
out of interest, search what from where?
search your command from itemssource datacontext
Wait a min, i'll find a descriiption
and where do I use that?
this is academic now as I've found a way to do it, I'm just wondering what your solution was
Ugly variant:
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:WpfApplication1="clr-namespace:WpfApplication1"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Something}">
<TextBox Width=" 200" Height="200" Text="{Binding Path=Datacontext.MyField, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type WpfApplication1:MainWindow}}}"/>
where does the command get set?
The mechanics for commands and fields just exact the same
replace "text" tag with command and you're good
TextBox doesn't have a Command property
nor does TextBlock, nor does StackPanel
Commands is for related controls, like Button
MenuItem does, but I don't specify those, they're implicit from the DataTemplate, the DataTemplate only specifies the content of the item, not the item itself
If there was markup for the Command-able control in the window, that'd be easy - but there isn't, the property isn't present in the markup to apply a binding to, so I had to get creative
Ah, I got your question wrong.
sorry >.>
Did you try ItemContainerTemplate?
where's that live? just looked for it, can't find it in the markup
You can specify it inside ItemsControl
i've got ItemContainerStyle
can't see ItemContainerTemplate
Uhm, what kind of project do you have?
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Something}">

WPF application
Perfectly valid in vs2012 wpf application
ah, 2010
shouldn't matter though
I don't know whether this is an ItemsControl
Yeah, i think so
Anyway, you can use style and it's as valid as containertemplate
I see where this SHOULD work
directly under Menu?
which IS an ItemsControl
and therefore SHOULD have ItemContainerTemplate
oh hang on
no, misunderstood, it's meant to be a child of datatemplate
I checked is with 2010 studiuo, and there aren't ItemsContainerTemplate
ugh, why would it be different
surely WPF is stable by now, don't need to go adding new things
oh well
Maybe there's just another way to get to the same result
I mean, tech behind the scenes is quite the same, but syntax changed a bit
well, I'm reasonably happy
figured out how to get the view to do what I wanted, now to build the back-end to provide it something sensible
Good luck with that. I'm sorry for being useless =)
no prob, thanks for having a crack
it depresses me slightly that I seem to be basically using WPF to produce something that looks as much as possible like a winforms application
If using WPF makes it easer for ya, then why not?
mvvm and data bindig\templating is just great
yep, love the idea, really struggle with the execution
It takes some time to make brain-clock work in a WPF way
I can never justify what ought to have a reference to what in MVVM
view can reference ViewModel explicitly, I think...
There are reasons why that's not recommended. But when you understand what you are doing, it may be ok
well, a view (i.e. window) would normally have a DataContext, no?
that's an explicit reference
It's a viewModel most of the time
The thing is - your code written inside ViewModel, and not in control\window code-behind
yeah, I get that
Anyone here with EF experience? I seem to be doing some redundant stuff.
I like the idea that in theory good MVVM should provably allow you to snap off the view completely and call VM methods directly, and the application SHOULD work exactly the same
Yeah, if you can use VM with a console app.. then you've done a good job.
that would be one of my design goals on most applications
Oh man... it'll be so much pain )
keeps you honest :)
right, i'm off
@Tom, one alternative can be to bind the commands to the code behind and call VM from code behind. I think window for example has a set of commands like open save etc
Q: So the user has logged in, how do I implement a redirect to home page? (ASP MVC 3)

Lews TherinI am quite confused as how to implement this functionality. Initially, when the user visits the website, they see the sign in page. [HttpGet] public ActionResult SignIn() { return View() ; } When the user enters the details, it calls: [HttpPost] public ActionResult Sign(SignInModel signIn...

If you are good at MVC.. have a shot.
@LewsTherin Is mvc fun or just painful thus far?
I sorta got back into it easily (as in remembering the syntax).
have you done any before?
Yeah but not like I'm doing now.
When I used MVC before, I didn't care about user persistent data. Now, I do.
And it isn't fun.
Is mvc server side only? (I don't even know what I mean)
Yeah, client talks to the server.
The server returns html (a view) .. usually.
and that is plain vanilla html?
Nope, at times mvc generated stuff gets added.
do all browsers support mvc stuff?
It's just html, so yeah
3 hours later…
Slow here today, everybody in java?
I've been demolishing :D
I could just have stayed suspended...
@KendallFrey are you coding on something fun?
I'm trying to figure out chat's WS API, with the help of Zirak's code.
Do you work as in work and get paid in the weeks?
Um, what?
Do you work as a regular developer? The reason I ask is if you are only 17
why not school?
school == :( && work == :) && school = -$ && work == $
ok, but school gets more fun at university
But you got plenty of time so no problem, probably really good to work for a while before
How does it work when a question gets closed, it is not hidden. Often when I search google finds closed questions
@KendallFrey Hehe
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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