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@Sean It becomes SQLite primitive in SQLite library internals, and then saving to DB
Works for me. Could it be ORM related?
It always worked for me before. Thousand of times.
And still working in another methods.
The exception looks like mono is trying to create a new byte[] array without a size =S
This is mono?
@KendallFrey Monotouch
do all the rows returned have data in them? or is .Data null at any point?
System.MissingMethodException: Default constructor not found for type System.Byte[]. at System.Activator.CreateInstance (System.Type type, Boolean nonPublic) [0x00095] in /Developer/MonoTouch/Source/mono/mcs/class/corlib/System/Activator.cs:329
I am thinking that if it is null at any point, it wont know how to convert it to a nullable and try to use default(T) -- theory
byte[] is nullable.
all array types are nullable
Q: Image buttton and update panel

yaronI have a Image button defined as follow, <div> <asp:ImageButton ID="btn1" runat="server" ImageUrl="/_LAYOUTS/1033/IMAGES/row.png" /> </div> <div> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ID="reqName" ControlToValidate="txtUserEmail" validationGroup="Page" ...

I'd look at the source, but I got lost. :P
pastie.org/5423254 Here is where exception throwed
Debugger can't go there :(
Can you get the call stack?
To call of CreateInstance
there is something in that CreateInstance method that is breaking everything
but it's calling it with no arguments, which you can't do for byte[]
I'm pretty sure CreateInstance itself shouldn't be running.
Q: BindingGroup in ListView with DataTemplate

MarkusI have recently found out about BindingGroups, and it seem rather nice. But I can't get it to work in my ListView that is filled with data represented in DataTemplates. (In advance I just like to say: sorry for all the code, it's just to give you a better understanding) So in XAML it looks some...

@RobWhite, thanxx, i'll check it out
When SQLite executes query, it tries to create instance of needed type
var obj = Activator.CreateInstance(map.MappedType);
like that
MappedType is System.Byte[]
But it always worked
@folex Que'est ce 'sup?
I'm guessing the problem is in the SQLite method.
Well, it works like that
var contentList = table.ToList ().Where (cont => cont.Id == id).Select (cont => cont.Data).ToList ();
If I execute toList at the table, it works
Could it be expecting to call some SQL, and trying to create a vanilla IENumerable screwing it up?
But it kills all lazy evalutation
Do you need lazy evaluation?
Of course
If you know what the types are does it matter?
First of all, I'm very limited in memory: iphone 3gs is the limit
If anyone want's to earn some new rep, have a look at my question. I don't think that it's that hard, just that I don't know how to do it...
so it would be better if I wouldn't load all this into memory
@Markus link maybe?
Oh, already
@Sean how can I use a regular expression validator inside a update panel
@yaron Did you try my answer to your question?
I think I know generally why it fails.
The process to enumerate is this:
Mmn is anyone familiar with [Authorize] attribute and partial views?
Create a new object.
Set it's properties.
Return it.
@yaron and it's just the same as using it in any other place. If you want to separate your buttons out and have one validate the email and another validate the other textbox then you just put them in two separate validation groups
Which doesn't work for things like byte[]
Let me check something, and I'll be right back.
Here's my suggestion.
Hehe, look how much trouble a simple suggestion like "If you need to create a byte array without knowing its size, make it as a List first then ToArray it." creates xD
Call Cast<byte[]>().ToList()
@KendallFrey where would he put that?
Where the ToList is now.
I don't know if it will work or not.
It could very well be that any iterating through the result will crash SQLite.
If that is the case, it seems impossible to fix without changing you data types around.
but won;t it happen anyway when the engine tries to cast his data into a byte[] because that's how it's defined in his Helper class?
I think you're right about swapping the data types around
Maybe. But it removes the SQLite involvement in the ToList call.
Wait. Try selecting just cont from your query, and pulling out data in a separate query.
I don't know if that will work, but it's worth a shot.
cont is his record, Data is a property of cont, where cont is an instance of the Helper class if I understand his code correctly
Maybe calling Cast<Helper> in between those queries would help, too.
I'm just spewing unhelpful ideas, aren't I?
It works
which one?! D=
I wonder too.
no way are you gonna get away with that! xD
var contentList = //table.ToList ().Where (cont => cont.Id == id).Select (cont => cont.Data).ToList ();
from cont
in table
where cont.Id == id
select cont;
var tmp1 = contentList.ToList();
Fucking magic.
so you get a list of Helper objects back now
so you'll be able to enumerate that and get your byte[] arrays out
Because the ToList() returns a list of POCOs (Plain Old Clr Object), which won't go back to SQLite to enumerate.
Pro tip: KISS
Now, didn't you say you needed deferred execution?
@folex Did you have a look at it? is it really that hard? or is it just a thing you haven't done before?
@Markus I know nothing about wpf
My target os is Unix (iOS)
@KendallFrey nice one, I had my head wrapped round that like an international footballer's car wrapped round a lamppost
@Sean it works unless I put a proper email address, when I put a real email address, it popups up with regular expression error
(I can't remember which one did it a while back, it was a brand new ferrari or something)
Hmm. I remember JB crashing his Ferarri. Dumb kid.
@folex Oh, really? so you wright c# for iOS?
@yaron Regular Expression error? You mean the pattern is wrong?
I don't follow football anyway
Justin Bieber.
Not football lol
I copied Microsoft's pattern so it shouldn't be wrong and it was working while ago @Sean
he has a ferrari?!?!
what the fuck, is he even 16 yet?
@folex hmm is there some kind of .Net for iOS as well?
you're shitting me!
He's almost a year older than me.
@Markus Monotouch, you mean?
@Markus yep. Monotouch
well maybe, if that's what it's called to ios
so how do you deploy the apps to the phone?
or whatever device it is
Just like iin XCode
@yaron So my answer worked for you but something changed and it isn't anymore?
Plig in, compile, transfer, install, run
debugger works
yup, I added all of controls to a Update Panel
but you still need some kind of certificate to add things to the phone right?
@yaron Could you create a pastebin with all the code in and what's not going right? =]
a duck
or is it Jailbreaked?
with luck
@KendallFrey, deferred query still works. I'm getting one row instead of all rows. That's enought
@Markus It could pe published in appstore
Wow. ToList destroys deferred rendering.
@Markus Take a look at xamarin.com
@KendallFrey Of course
@KendallFrey yeah it will do because it has to enumerate the result in order to cast it
mm I mean during the development phase
I wouldn't call it "rendering"
Ah, stupid me.
@Markus No, it's not jb'ed
I think I have been doing too much game programming
Everything like in XCode
Which I haven't done for months.
WTF, brain?
So your brain is just deteriorating?
"Rendering, master."
(took me like 10 seconds to type deteriorating)
took me 5 to parse
Never thought of it.
ok, I haven't invested in the apple developer license (or what it's called) so I have to jailbreak to upload things i guess
Excessive vocabulary FTW
@Sean I don't think so. In his age brain just get better and better
@KendallFrey your no wpf guru either?
@folex Your brain carries on getting better until your mid 20s I think
Not exactly a guru, but I've done my share.
If you can give me a 10-second intro, I might try to help.
@Sean Until 25, I hope
Wall of text makes me feel lazy.
I think you peak at around 30 or so... After that you don;t necessarily lose anything until you get really old but you just get worse at learning
@KendallFrey Same
@Sean When you learn something, you forgeting something
So, I'm as smart now as when I first breathed air?
ok, 10 sec :) hold on...
@KendallFrey No, why?
@folex Not necessarily.... That generally holds true for most people, but the more you use something the more likely it is to be commited to permanent memory (not exactly permanent, the pathways just get so strong that it takes a very long time for them to break down again)
@Sean Agreed
@folex "When you learn something, you forgeting something"
And it is possible to remember everything you have ever done, it's just that those kind of people are very very rare.
@KendallFrey Well, not always. Sorry for so strong expression
@Sean I think first level cache more important than permanent cache
having a 100% idemic (feck off chrome, how do I spell it then?!) memory is stupidly rare but you get a fair amount of people with so-called photographic memory
in context of brain, ofcrouse
So I present booleans (from a bounded List) in a ListView, with CheckBoxes as DataTemplates, and I don't want the Data to be updated before I press a save button, so I constructed a BindingGroup, but it don't seem to work the same way (if at all) inside the ListView...
I recall reading that photographic memory is just a phrase, not an actual condition.
no because it isn't related specifically to images
@Markus So, your object is being updated immediately?
And you don't want that?
Do you have a database behind it?
my uncle has an astounding ability to remember exactly where he's been and all sorts of crazy details, it's rather annoying
yes, either that or it's not updated at all (when I add a BindingGroup to the DataTemplate)
Binding is supposed to update immediately.
If you don't want that, then maybe you shouldn't be using it.
I don't suppose you have any sort of database?
nono that not true, for example if I set the UpdateSourceTrigger to Explicit, then it let's me chose when to update the source.
Oh, right.
yes I have a database
or, it's a NHibernate layer that connects to a database...
Is it being updated immediately?
Or just your objects?
nae.. well NHibernat have a cashe that is instantley updated
but, I have made a debugging project with no db connection and it's the same thing there...
Can you re-link the q?
Q: BindingGroup in ListView with DataTemplate

MarkusI have recently found out about BindingGroups, and it seem rather nice. But I can't get it to work in my ListView that is filled with data represented in DataTemplates. (In advance I just like to say: sorry for all the code, it's just to give you a better understanding) So in XAML it looks some...

Did you set UpdateSourceTrigger to explicit? I don't see it in your code.
no, it's not needed when I use the BindingGroup.BeginEdit()
I don't know much about BindingGroups, so I guess you're out of luck.
darn it :)
I'd guess that whatever you're doing can be done without BindingGroups, whatever they are.
mm for sure, but it seem so simple at first.. I think that the only real problem is that I can't access the BindingGroup for the DataTemplate, when I do it as in the question I suspect that I only really get a hold of the DataTemplate, not the actual FrameworkElement that has been created to represent the bool (the CheckBox)
var tmp = (lvBools.View as GridView).Columns[0];
(tmp.CellTemplate.LoadContent() as StackPanel).BindingGroup.BeginEdit();
that's the code I'm talking about
and if I use the lvBools.Items then I only get the dataObjects, and not the "presentor" of the data.
IS there any possible way of doing a

HttpContext.Current.Response.Write( request without post back @KendallFrey @Sean
@yaron not in the context of an update panel
@yaron you could put an <asp:Label> in there and set the text instead of using response.write though
@Sean what am actually doing is,

when button clicks regular validators do validation and that then in code behind I am sending an email and then on page.unload event I am trying to popup a message box

thats where I am gettin error, now I would love to post code but then its companys code
goo.gl/2wG8b silly apple. even your third party accessories are a ripoff.
@yaron you can just take anything out or rename variables and strings so we won't know it's related to your company
@rlemon Are you crapping me? 2TB for ~£85?! Gief
@Sean would love to if it wasn't too large to paste, however I find a way around, I give it a try
@rlemon "silly apple" is my most favorite expression. Silly apple.
but @KendallFrey since you couldn't answer it, it must have been a rather good question :)
I did upvote.
@rlemon or is it just that you get everything cheaper over there? £143.... ebuyer.com/…
@Sean ouch
@rlemon Yeah...
@KendallFrey emailed it to myself, unless it's on mobile youtube I won't be able to watch it at work
On account of no speakers. I have access to YouTube cos I'm awesome.
hi all
Q: Page.Unload Event inside a Update Panel

yaronI have a Image Button declared as, <div> <asp:ImageButton ID="btnDoWork" runat="server" ImageUrl="/_LAYOUTS/1033/IMAGES/row.png" ValidationGroup="Page" /> </div> <div> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ID="reqName" ControlToValidate="txtEmail" Validati...

Programming: where a total of one wrong bit can ruin your day.
In my case, it was 4, and I haven't verified that only those are wrong.
@KendallFrey hehe, oh so it was you :)
my name is steve
@KendallFrey :)
@yaron sorry I was afk, looking at it now
The guy with the creepy smile.
@KendallFrey get your hands dirty with my question or should I change my name to justin beiber ;)
I don't do ASP.NET.
happy black friday :D
I went shopping yesterday :P
I picked up a lenovo from frys this morning
i did too
i bought a new bed and a night stand
what did you buy kendall
A new mouse and an Xbox controller.
which mouse?
The computer kind :P
lol i knew you were going to do that
i was too slow editing
a logitech over 9000?
Um, it says M510.
Woop, Travis here!
Hopefully you can help me :D
lol whats up Lews
@Kendall - M is 1000 in roman numerals, so that counts as 51,000 :P
whats up
@yaron That's tricky...
@TravisJ Have you ever created membershipprovider on WCF side?
@Steve Hell :(, You?
My maths obviously are impacted from not sleeping all night
I'd like to make a game that makes use of every feature of my controller. No idea what that could possibly be.
Is RegEx slow?
@KendallFrey any FPS?
@Markus - "slow" depends on how you use it
@Markus Only if you make it.
@Lews - Nah, never done that. :(
@Sean I like doing it dirty way, I am pretty sure there must b some dirty way of doing it
@yaron generally up the pooper
@Sean Possibly. That sounds like a lot of effort for an indie game dev.
@LewsTherin could be better, way too lazy to work and go to school
But I don't swing that way.
So it looks like goDaddy finally fixed my hosting, after 23 days...
Why I got negative vote :S
@KendallFrey I dunno, just because it's feature rich doesn't mean it has to be as much worse
I've built an FPS style game, without the S.
@TravisJ mmn ok. Do you ever authorize your partial views? I had a log in and register partial view.. of course it is messed up if the user directly accesses it :( I had to do some refactoring.
@Steve I skipped college today ha. Too much work to do :(
@yaron I'm still thinking, gimme a few mins =]
@TravisJ ouch, glad it's finally sorted though
@LewsTherin :( i'm doing a project for my php class. I talked to my professor at the start of the semester and he said i could write the project in mvc framework asp.net, and then i realized something
@Sean how about

my project is the same tutorial i've been reading out of the book lol so that makes thigns easier, but i have to add a "forum" section to like product listings, sort of how newegg does it
@KendallFrey make it? as in opposite to compile it?
@yaron That won't work because it's only a partial page update
No, I mean, it's a lot like code. If it's designed wrong, you get sub-optimal performance.
If you post a regex here, I might be able to analyze it.
@Steve Don't let your teach know that :) But you are practically done.
well nice weekend to ya'll
@yaron sorry I didn't read it properly..... WTB bed. WTB KO pills.
everybody who is doing their project in php uses the tutorials out of the book
@yaron Yeah good spot, try that, it looks promising
@TravisJ Another question, I generated an entity model from mysql database. Now it is easy to query like I can't believe.. however, speed... would it make a difference if I used EF than if I queried directly?
I am not able to get Sys.WebForms tho
@Steve I tried doing my project in PHP, I ran back like a prodigal son to MVC
lol, i did php for 8 years
@yaron That bit should be in your javascript, doesn't it work?
i think its easier to learn than mvc, but more tedious to write
@Sean trying to figure out how to use it lol
@Steve of course it is, who in their right mind wants to type $ before EVERY goddamn variable? And the fact that it's just a nasty scripting language doesn't help
@Steve I was using CodeIgniter to get started.. but the idea of learning a new framework, and repeatedly failing at setting up a web service was just too much.
@Steve PHP is very easy to start using. I will concede that.
@Lews - I usually decorate my controllers to inherit authorization, and then the partial view action will sit in that same authorization.
@yaron He's got a write-up on the web, it's in his second comment: fooberry.com/2009/05/25/…
@Lews - If you can manually write the query, it will be faster than EF
After reading this, I am glad I didn't spend the time on PHP: me.veekun.com/blog/2012/04/09/php-a-fractal-of-bad-design
It's the continuing to use it that's the hard part.
haha yeah
@TravisJ How do you inherit authorization? I keep using [Authorize] on the actions.
@TravisJ Enough to be noticeable? If it is a few milliseconds I don't care..
For EF, you need to be careful on what columns you are grabbing
@user899181 haha that's brilliant
@user899181 What do you mean?
I remember once I have a column that stores binary data, and I grabbed the whole table (a few hundred MB of binary data). To top it off, there was no way in that EF framework version to not grab that column.
@TravisJ Last question (I hope :D), to store user registration details, I'm simply hashing the password. Surely, that' fine? And I'm also using wsHttpBinding.. surely that's even better? Although I need to figure out how to use a salt.
@Lews - I was on the phone. Action methods inherit authorization from the controller, and you can actually inherit from a custom controller.
@Lews - Enough to be noticeable, definitely.
@user899181 I'm confused.. how could you not know what column you were getting data from?
@Sean can I use this one, not sure how tho LOL
@Lews - Why not just use the built in hasher salter passworderizer?
@TravisJ Damn. So I have to go back to MySqlAdapter... ew
@TravisJ Uh? I was using the inbuilt SHA thingy
@LewsTherin It's not like I don't know what column I am getting data from. I am just saying one has to be careful.
@TravisJ Ok I will check that out, thanks.
@yaron Ok... You're using jQuery, yeah?
@Lews - Even with EF you would have to use mySQL connector / .NET

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