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@KendallFrey would you see any reason BeginInvoke on WPF dispatcher was not flagged as obsolete ?
Is it obsolete? If so, why?
well i'm not sure
A: What's the difference between InvokeAsync and BeginInvoke for WPF Dispatcher

SisypheThere are no differences as the BeginInvoke method calls a private LegacyBeginInvokeImpl method which itslef calls the private method InvokeAsyncImpl (the method used by InvokeAsync). So it's basically the same thing. It seems like it's a simple refactoring, however it's strange the BeginInvoke m...

i answered this question this morning
I was not aware of the new methods
but it seems to me that using InvokeAsync is just the new way to do things
@JohanLarsson is it SP1 related ?
I think so
I did spend a couple of hours trying to get it to work, can not do it now because I am stupid and accepted an invitation to a party. Monster-fail, I want to write code and write about CODE
do you have reflector license ?
i'm not sure ILSpy does it, but reflector allow to debug code and i'm sure that works
I downloaded reflector and used it on the trial period for this but I did not really like reflektor
stupid redgate bastardos
Most of the time just looking at the code with dotPeek is enough but sometimes you want to do some stepping
I really like dotPeek (free add-in for Resharper)
dotPeek is free solo too
Almost every week, the IT guys tell us that one specific server (always the same) is running out of disk space and they're bringing the problem like it's something new and ask us what they should do
its the best alternative to reflector that i've found. Stupid redgate locking up our toolz
why is IT asking dev how to handle disk issues?
they expect us to tell them what to delete/compress I guess
I have this weird case where I can connect to a local (intranet) SQL Server DB via Management Studio, but when I try to connect in code (verified the connection string), it times out. How the heck do I start debugging this?
yesterday my boss got tired of it and replied "What about I go to Best Buy and buy a 1 TB drive? Because we're already compressing and that comes up every couple of days, maybe we just need a new drive here."
@zneak You should ask them about your CODE
just remember to ask before you ask
quadruple check your connection string @ashes999
@ashes999 Get connection string from Managment studio
no one answered so maybe they got the message
Tried that already @ChadRuppert, doesn't seem to be any visible problem. Even tried adding a timeout to it (15 => 30 seconds).
@Encarmine how do I do that?
Uhm, somewhere in advanced, if i remember right - i don have managment studio on this machine
how is management studio connecting? TCP, named pipes, etc?
TCP i believe
you can connect in multiple ways from Mgmt Studio.
@ChadRuppert you may be on to something. It's using <default>, but I'll try switching it to see if one times out and the other doesn't
It seems to be TCP/IP, because Named Pipes is timing out.
and you are using the same credentials @ashes999
Can you connect from VS Server explorer?
Absolutely @ChadRuppert
Good test @Encarmine
I'll check. Back in a few, meeting time at the mo'.
@ChadRuppert I just dont know how this could be
If SSMS is on the same box as the actual server, then it will probably connect through Shared Memory IIRC
unless he's remoting in and talking to mgmt studio on a different machine, its a config problem.
has anyone used Jekyll before?
hadn't even heard of it.
Hey folks.
I'm trying to install Ninject via NuGet, it's saying the package doesn't exist. WTF?
do you have the right package name?
I'm trying to install MVC3 Code Templates via NuGet; I'm getting missing assemblies.
Hey Bracketworks and everyone else who's popped in since I last paid attention to this window.
@Billdr NuGet failures.
I've looked around and every answer I see pertains to "clearing the custom tool" property of the T4 templates; however mine's already cleared.
I'm getting The type or namespace name 'MvcTextTemplateHost' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
stackoverflow.com/questions/6320883/… do anything for ya Bracketworks?
@ChadRuppert it's a different machine -- one on the intranet (192.*)
hey again @Billdr
Hiya Stuart
@ashes999 wait, the manager is on a different machine than yours?
okay, let me think about this
my machine and SSMS are on one IP (a.b.c.d). I'm trying to connect to a DB on another IP (192.x)
@Billdr Nay, I already tried that.
@ashes999 ok. same machine for SSMS as cannot connect with code. right/
@ashes999 Try to connect via visual studio server explorer
then its either the method used to connect, OR an error in the connection string.
paste us your connection string, editing for uname/pass of course.
whoa, it works in Visual Studio too
that's cracked up
Connection string FTW
Yeah, really eh
here goes...
you should have listened an hour ago. ;)(
I feel like smacking myself on the head, the difference was "Data Source=ip\DB" vs. "Data Source=ip;Initial Catalog=DB;"
@ChadRuppert I didn't "get it" an hour ago :P
(less than 30 minutes ago, actually)
thanks guys
np. good luck on your future endeavors
When in doubt - CTRL+C; CTRL+V
Thanks :)
Oooh unlucky =\
I added <#@ Import Namespace="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Mvc.UserInterface" #> and I think it suddenly works...
keyword - SUDDENLY
That's cool, you can edit other people's chat posts... (newbie ;P)
SUDDENLY Rebuild All succeeded.
"In our experience, using every declaration just once can reduce the CSS file size by 20-40% on average." - developers.google.com/speed/articles/optimizing-css
how the hell long does it take your css to render that you need to be concerned about css performance?
I suppose it depends on which platform you're targeting, if you're main demographic is mobile users, you'll want your CSS to be tiny
your* damn maybe I should spend more time in english.SA...
Build succeeded: 1 error. wat.
@ChadRuppert not to render, to download
tiny or fast? according to that article, they are different.
ah ok, i misread it.
herp derp
@Bracketworks succeeded with one error? wut is this sorcery?
Am tempted to use try/catch for control flow because of an incomplete API.
How fast you can send it is going to depend on the connection and/or your servers, how fast it renders is going to be different per device, so all you can do is keep it tiny
agreed. i had completely misread the article. its what i get for doing 3 things at once.
(I didn't read it... =P)
If common sense was actually common, half the blog writers out there would have nothing to do
i think they'd do it anyways.
T4 is driving me insane; literally. I in fact am developing what appears to be a twitch, and have been caught talking to myself by coworkers.
Common sense is common. But some just lack it a quite a bit
what are you doing with t4?
using it for your view scaffolding?
14 Errors, build complete; go figure.
@ChadRuppert Yea.
yeah, not had much luck with that. I always find it doesnt save as much time as you think in the end.
@ChadRuppert Nope. I got here at 8:30, it's now 11:56.
I haven't gotten much done today.
yeah, dump the t4 and build your own views. Html isn't that hard. Plus you have full control
@ChadRuppert Well, I've suddenly got it working, apparently.
sorta maybe?
@Bracketworks That's the trouble with new libs/frameworks. At first you think i will help fast. Then you almost ready to drop it and do things usual way, when suddenly things go better and you decide to spend just a little bit more time on it
hello other javascript room
I have a dropdown list that needs to be filled ajax from a webmethod - right now I have the items being put into a Dictionary<string, string> and sent back to client
no no no no no NO MORE JAVASCRIPT
I'ts c# related js
my array of Dictionary Items in JSON looks like this
d: {200:baseball, 201:hockey, 202:auto_racing, 203:basketball, 204:boxing, 205:european_soccer,…}
how would I add those to dropdown ?
european_soccer ROFL
their wrong over there , so we need to specificy
Actually, America has it wrong. The rest of the world calls it football.
@ScottSelby Parse it via Json.Net and set corresponing property
And it is 'foot' ball a lot more than American football.
American football should be called bigfatguys-ball.
But football is more fun than soccer.
I did parse dictionary , it really be cool if I could get it to work like that , instead of createing an object with 2 properities , "value" and "text" then making my json { "property : "..." , "text : "..." }
You can send a string back separated by some separator and just parse that
even though that coulb probably be done faster than being in here fucking around for a while
In fact I've used that method, the return type of the WebMethod is string[] isn't it? So you just add each entry as an array element that would contain a separator (I use ;#)
I can't parse that json I have ? like foreach item in d , d.key , d.value ? lol . I want to use c# style parsing in js
I'm no expert in javascript but doesn't it come back as an object? You could try 'for x in json' as I believe javascript treats all arrays as objects anyway?
I just changed to List<sting> seperated in the string with "|"
Ok then you can loop through each element in the array and split on "|"
yea, i'll do that
And add them as the text and value in the dropdown list
KISS, no need for fancy JSON xD
I continue to amaze myself at how stupid I am. If I find a bug in my code, 90% of the time it's my fault, not the code's.
i'd say 100%
No, I don't write perfect code.
I'm sure I've taken a few years off my life growling at the screen red in the face from that exact same problem... "FOR GOD'S SAKE!! WHY AREN'T YOU WORKING?!?!?!" 'Cos you've done it wrong, numpty...'
I know it seems like it, but no.
unless you have reSharper and they took it upon themselves to change your code
@Sean A certain Babbage quote would be appropriate here.
I'm sad to report that I'm back home, at work, no longer in vegas. :(
Yay! Now I can get back to not being jealous.
Sad indeed. how much money did you blow?
You'll have to excuse me, I really suck at any popular references, geeky or "normal"...
I only lost $20
That you know about...
why would I not know about it?
I didn't pay for the trip
and everything else is being reimbursed
@Sean "On two occasions I have been asked, "Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
they reimburse blackjack losses, hokers, and alcohol ??!?! @KyleTrauberman - sound like an awesome company
That sounds entirely less fun than the typical vegas trip, where you come back and can't afford to eat for a week
Dunno, obviously not as funny as it sounded in my head >_< but you're onto a winner with the reimbursement =]
That's what happens when your work sends you to vegas for a week.
they reimburse things
like reimburse lost holocost ring you accidently gave to a stripper while drunk?
@KendallFrey aaah, it all makes sense now xD
A few of my coworkers got to go a few weeks ago. Too bad I know nothing about SEMA.
Ok, I had a boring trip because 1) no strippers 2) no blackjack and 3) no hookers.
Oh, I get it. Riiiiiiiiight, no hookers. ;)
thus is the plight of a work related conference
what happens in vegas stays in vegas
ohhhh yyyeeeaaaaaa , of course ..... no hookers , what was I thinking, rrriiiiiigggghhhttt
Unless you're ashton kutcher -- then what happens in vegas becomes the basis for another turd of a movie
Damnit... why do I have to suck so bad at SQL...
@Pheonixblade9 SQL is SO 1990s
@PhillipSchmidt we have an ORM, but this is really heavy duty stuff, so I'm trying to do it with a sproc
joins from the better part of a dozen tables, that sort of thing
Oh yeah -- been there done that
one of our heavy duty sprocs actually joins from probably... idk, 50 or 60 tables by the end of it?
one of the annoying parts of working at a data feed company... you have a shitload of data
@Pheonixblade9 is this a real 'big data' business?
the sort that some people think should be migrating to NoSQL?
@TomW yeah. eCommerce stuff.
well I doubt we'll fully migrate to NoSQL, but it's definitely a consideration for archived stuff
it's something my boss has been thinking about for awhile
I'd love to work with a sane data model of any sort
my QA guy wrote a Lucene plugin for our data feeds for our code-a-thon
to replace the SQL full text index
The data model is entirely sane, it's just huge
the product I spend all my time on is based on XML files that encode both data and presentation...ugh
our architects are amazing
i.e. the order of elements in the file matters, because that's what the treeview in the GUI displays...
it's a startup, so there's a bunch of ohgodwhy.jpg code, but it's not too bad. Mostly stuff from when they thought contractors was a good idea
@TomW O_O that's scary. We use XSLT's for that
@Pheonixblade9 I've been writing transforms against it this week
migrating between formats is a pain in the ass
we use XSLT's for EEEVERYTHING. From data feed transforms to config files
the file is so complicated though, that transforming it coherently is difficult
oh, and sometimes elements get moved because the GUI looked dumb, which xslt doesn't cope with very well
oh, and it stores fragments of itself as escaped text which is serialised and deserialised by the application, and also needs to be in a compliant format
I've got <script> embedded in the stylesheet for that
@TomW sounds like bad design
Hope you didn't write it ;)
and when the oldest transforms were written, I didn't know much about it and fought against the xslt paradigm instead of working with it
I definitely did not.
XSLT's are great... they're really bloody annoying and hard to get the hang of, but they simplify life so much
they scale in difficulty massively the more complex the file is
we actually have a reasonable amount of XML being generated in SQL code... through XPATH queries and "FOR XML" clauses
the trick is to use templates for each node
what I should have done is pipeline it such that the source file is collapsed to a very simple tabular format first
then you can have the tree structure presented to you up front, and write the specific logic for each node in its own section
strip out the deep nesting that isn't needed
@TomW trust me, flat files are not the way to go. From experience
@Pheonixblade9 there is a very complicated mapping between source format and destination format, with some logic that I really wouldn't attempt to express in XSLT
that and the moving around of elements means that almost every node has to have a verbose template to keep all its elements in the right order
in my new job I'm going to be doing loads of this stuff
go me.
So you have an API that includes File and Folder objects. Should you use them, or should you use strings for most calculations?
@KendallFrey who are you talking to?
Got any snarky advice for my lead?
What should be in a Junction table?
If it contains only foreign keys, is that acceptable?
It should have a PK. Either a separate field, or a combination of the FK's.
But it shouldn't necessarily have any other fields right?
I hope I understand what you mean by junction.
A many-many relationship, right?
Wants to save all unsaved files in Notepad++.
Doesn't know how.
Goes to hit Ctrl+S to save the first one.
Hits Ctrl+Shift+S by accident.
@KendallFrey sorry, race condition in my brain. No, I don't have snarky advice for your lead, I am sick to fucking death of lead developers who don't have a clue.
Oh yeah, you did software engineering as a degree? Did you happen to LEARN any software engineering while you were there? Any of that not by accident?
not directed at you, by the way
It's the internet. Nothing means anything.
im a lead thats great on tech, newbie on the leading part.
well something has to mean something
just as well I'm leaving

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