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@KendallFrey Just incase you're interested after some investigation I think you need to have the [ProtoInclude(...)] on the parent type, not the grandparent type
@crazyname Won't Visual Studio suffice? Just use the Design tab?
he wants to use it IN his application
@rlemon iPhone 5: £529, Nexus 4: £239
iPhone 5: waste of money, Nexus 4: Awesome in a box.
iPhone 5: available, Nexus 4: Sold out
Question for you who know the English language, a togglebutton can be 'pressed' and '?', my guess is depressed is incorrect
for good reason
I thought toggles were selected and unselected
pressed or unpressed
I'd just say on/off.
on/off indeed
hmm, for describing Gui in a manual?
To me unpressed felt more accurate, but I trust you of course so on/off it is
People read manuals?
For technical documentation, it could be interesting.
i have never read a single Manuel.
checked/unchecked seems to be used commonly too.
a toggle can be on or off. I say stay with that.
Just be consistent
Interesting. Android and WPF both refer to a toggle button as being 'checked'.
am i the only one here who thinks razor is just crap?
@IbrahimOzturkcan in what way?
@//put C# here.
//put C# here.
Func<dynamic, object> b =
@IbrahimOzturkcan ... Razor is quite nice imo.
It's nto that bad. You'll get used to it.
But I try to keep logic out of my presentation layer, so I don't have much C# in my templates (mostly I'm just accessing properties and using the occasional loop)
@robjb You are doing it correctly.
indeed. That's the proper way.
i dont know where to start, can't figure it out
Just dont load partials in a loop. That's bad juju
Great tutorials for MVC and Razor on that link.
why 'and'?
is Razor an add-on or style?
Razor is a presentation layer.
It's job is to display data, and not much else.
Like WinForms or WPF
so, why do i need it
i'm kool with presentation
Using what?
classic :)
I... don't know what that means. ASPX?
you can use the webforms markup style still if you prefer
Right on.
Razor replaces the ASPX, not the codebehind. If you like ASPX and you're not required to use razor, more power to you.
i say shame on you
shudder I hate WebForms so much
but thats because im an a-hole
i'll be back in an hour
71 minutes to pizza.
thats a long time for a pizza to cook
It's a long time for the pizza store to open.
Much better reason
will this work as i want it to and if so how does it work
                    private RoutedEventHandler loadedhandler = null
                    public void DoStuff()
                    	var blar = "123123";

                    	loadedhandler = (s, e) =>
                        	Label.Loaded -= loadedhandler;

                    	var label = new Label();
                    	label.Loaded += loadedhandler;
How do you want it to work? I forgot my telepathy hat.
I assume -= does the opposite of +=?
shame on you lol , i wanted a single event to fire onload
I've never used that operator.
yes @Billdr
It does.
I would think that would work for you.
-= calls remove, += calls add.
but im confused as to how the blar seems to work
also, interesting trivia
add/remove for events is like get/set for properties.
its scoped within the same method, i would think
@E.LDunn, it works because anonymous methods create a closure
there's the word
so i have no worries about it not being in scope
@E.LDunn its declared in scope, yes.
now if you modified blar externally you might have an issue.
when you have an anonymous method inside a method, the C# compiler creates a class with fields for every captured local variable, and when you use the method, instead of allocating the locals on the stack, it creates an instance of that class
its a value clone, not a reference clone though, correct?
no, it's a reference
ahhh thats good to know
ah, spiffy
string blar = "blar";
Action lambda = () => blar = "foo";
Console.WriteLine(blar); // "foo"
Man I get syntax errors in weird places.
like your buttcrack, or in your hair?
are they in the microwave?
How can a \t cause a syntax error?
@rlemon Word is Nexus 4s won't be back in stock for a few weeks. Is that what you're hearing?
can we see the offending line?
if its in xaml a sneeze can cause a syntax error in my experience
@Billdr I'm not hearing anything right now but the smooth relaxing beats of "short skirt long jacket"
Wow, no wonder. I was running the wrong code.
btw, my example above generates code conceptually equivalent to this:
class Closure() { string blar; void Invoke() { blar = "foo"; } }
Closure closure = new Closure();
closure.blar = "blar";
(just thought it could help people understand what's going on with lambdas)
:) thanks zneak
I want a cURL who'll raise no exceptions. I want a cURL with parameters that work. I want a cURL with a short syntax and a looooooooooong response
Gotta star top quality C# stuff!
songs over, now i'm on "the distance"
@rlemon "0 questions tagged"
.... brb
@rlemon "0 questions tagged" - wtf?
Did you expect a question tagged with that?
@rlemon No can do, hombre.
@KendallFrey I'd hope so!
damn, can't make images links to other places either.
I've just come to the realization (again) that I suck at writing code.
I'm awesome at writing code! I suck at making it do stuff.... :(
tickles keyboard a bit more
Programming would be so much easier if you didn't have to write code.
I'm awesome at writing code, I just suck at reading it later
I think I'm better at reading than writing.
but but but CODE
... Now you know.
Current me is amazing at writing code, past me is rubbish at writing code and future me thinks current me can't code for sh*t.
And I feel dirtier for it.
Welcome to the internet.
Where do I get my eyebleach?
Damn you C#3.5 with your DataGridView.Rows[i].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor bug
There's all sorts of wrong with that.
Does anyone have a good resource for learning to build a generic class?
quite honestly, just put T wherever you would like to have your specific type and you're done
@Billdr Is there anything specific you want to know?
thats all there is to it, mostly.
Thanks zneak and co.
the only stranger things are generic constraints
for which there are plenty of resources
i was just typing that
but generics themselves are basically just using T instead of a specific type
It doesn't have to be T though
it can be whatever you want
Also, you can't assume anything about the type, except what is in the constraints.
T is just the typical name.
be carefull when using static members in generics though
you can assume anything that object has
I don't even think you can assume it's an object.
static will only be static for a specific instantiation of your generic
Hi all
Q: What would be the best and easiest way of getting currency rates within SharePoint (Custom Actions) or C# project

user1799976I never came across any issue that required me to use external web services or interact with currency converter within a C# project or SharePoint Custom Action solution(Don't be afraid people its just C# project in visual studio). I am not sure if this question is suitable for this site or not, ...

urgent help needed plzz
yes @KendallFrey, you get all methods from object on any instance of a generic type
I have this:
public interface IMyClass<T>{...}

and I will have this
public class MyClass:IMyClass<MyOtherClass>{}

Does that mean I can do something like
MyOtherClass foo = new MyOtherClass():
MyClass<MyOtherClass> bar = MyClass<foo>;
Or am I way off?
@zneak Oh, you're right.
no dammit, I was right <g>
@tereško find a webservice that does them.
^ fail
I see why now. Pointers can't be type arguments.
Rules from the wiki: "If you come to ask a question, don't get angry if we can't or don't answer."
@tereško ohh now and edit ping you bastard I dont even know you and you edit ping me?
And once again, Kendall saves the day
@Billdr, I'm not sure what you're trying to do
nesting generics? is that the idea?
That makes two of us. I need to be able to fire off an instance of this class that's linked to an instance of some other class.
well everything is fine until the last line
it's just that you're trying to use an instance as a generic parameter
and you can only use types there
A class isn't linked to a specific instance, only a type.
so I'm not sure what you're trying to do
If I had a scanner I'd send you a copy of the diagram I've been given to work off of.
You need to pass the instance into the generic type, and store it as a field or something.
hello 2nd javascript / jQuery room
Hey Scott
you also can't refer to MyClass as a generic anymore. you hid that.
owait yeah
It's just MyClass.
what is the best way to add a footer to a page that is created dynamically ? it keeps poping up in the middle of the page , should I use setDefault( , ) jquery , and just hope the default is longer then the girds take to display ???
Hoping doesn't get you very far.
thats why im here - for ingenius Kendall, Kyle, Billdr, and TravisJ help
and possibly rlemon
Thanks folks. I'm going to get some clarification. Sometimes it's hard to tell if I'm an idiot or if it's my coworkers. Usually it's both.
@rlemon yayyyy whenever I see him, I get happy for unknown reason :L
I often hide my generics like you did with MyClass. I often feel that exposed generics are smelly.
Unknown, really? ... :)
@ChadRuppert That's not the only exposed thing that's smelly.
I showered just last week, what are you trying to say?
Nothing in particular.
k. Just checking.
Some fly has decided to fly into the strip lighting and blind itself and is now flying all over the office like some deranged fly.
I heard the story of this guy that had a bathtub installed in his house, and a while later the plumber asked him if he likes it, and he said he's never used it.
thats... definitely a story..
In summer, there is swimming, and in winter, you don't sweat. Simple.
Puts a whole new meaning to 'spring cleaning'.
@TimeToThine that is a nice sentiment... also quite creepy. from now on I request you syat 500 meters away from me at all times.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a NotImplementedException to deal with...
just return. problem solved.
@rlemon I love lemons I got lemonphobia :L
wouldn't that mean you are afraid of them
!!/define phobia
@rlemon phobia: A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous. (source)
!!/define philia
@rlemon philia: Philia is one of the four ancient Greek words for love. (source)
ooohhhh rlemon, you so smart... how you get so smart?
how did you get so smart???
I'm bumping kyle out of my ingenious list , and moving rlemon in it
Mu grammar is not incorrect, the language forms it'self around my syntax and grammatical choices.
Mu === My, you'd be best to take note of that.
!!/define Sisyphe
@Sisyphe Could not find definition for Sisyphe
@Sisyphe You're undefinable!
!!/urban Sisyphe
@rlemon Sisyphe An author whose sole purpose in life is to confuse and annoy people with hypocritical philosophy.
ho yeah !
!!/urban robert
Server error (status 500) occured
@rlemon Please help me
:D :D
Lol just messing :P
@rlemon Sheesh my connection is so bad the picture hasn't loaded 6 seconds later.
Seriously, how can code get so bad?
so because of a bad connection you must now be short with us?
buh dum tss
A: Because That Guy wrote it.
@rlemon ?
Well, I'm at college.. and it has a third world ISP.
SharePoint is actually so unpredictable lol
Sharepoint is the devil.
Third World UK.
WTFs abound. This is frightening.
Thankfully this is my last year (Oh heavens I hope so). And they can suck on their crappy wifi
College? what is this?
A soul leecher.
!!/urban college
Money pit.
@rlemon college the place where you enter inexorbitant amounts of debt to "learn" things you will never apply once to your actual occupation. Basically, an expensive 4-year waiting period for a paper called "degree".
@Billdr Money vampire ha ha
@rlemon Lol
Come to think of it... I still haven't used anything I learned in college.
Funny you had to think.. I don't have to think to know that.
You're not working in the field yet, right?
@Billdr I have, but they keep trying to contact me because apparently you are not supposed to take the water fountains when you leave.
You should get right on building your own compiler then.
@Billdr I worked briefly as an intern.. so yeah I kinda know.
Alright, this diagram is bad and it should feel bad. I'm going to make my own class structure. With blackjack, and hookers.
(All the Futurama)
the biggest lie of them all: you will be writing cursive for the rest of your life.
show us this diagram.
"You will not always have a calculator with you."
no, thats a half truth. You are supposed to use cursive when you sign things.
"I won't if you keep taking the damn thing away!"
@rlemon I don't think I've used cursive since elementary school.
Signatures !== cursive
^ Agreed.
how is it not?
signatures == fun
mines a freaking scribble with a hook on it
but it says robert lemon
Mine's just a freaking scribble. Or 4.
just not GOOD cursive.
with that kind of mentality my nephew is a cursive master! only he understands what the fuck it says....
So, I am a programming master?
Who's signatures are worse? Programmers or Doctors?
@Billdr PhDs in computer science
Bad programmer's code: WTF does this do?
Good programmer's code: This is good code.
Genius programmer's code: WTF does this do?
^ "robert lemon"
haha, @KendallFrey Far too true
@rlemon Wow, that beats mine.
bwahahah now i have everything i need for credit card fraud!
about on par with mine
@ChadRuppert if you find someone who will give me a card, let me know!
I got told off at the bank a couple of months ago because my signature has deteriorated so much
dammit. foiled again!
ex fiancee ruined my credit hard core :/ ..
| | <- was this close to bankruptcy.. almost out of debt though... only took ~5 years
yeah, thats painful
UGH, here I come, M25
I hate you so.
hey , has anyone ever had this problem with footer showing up in the middle of the page?
no. I always have it at the end.
I think I figured out it is becasue it is in the Master Page , and master gets rendered first
and the child is rendered dynamically
it depends on how you are adding it.
with Kendo Grid , I would prefer to not have to add a function to every grid to move the footer after they are rendered , that doesn't seem right
yeah, i don't know kendo. I think its trash.
it is , but that doesn't help me
@ChadRuppert Thanks... ;)
@KendallFrey ?
Kendall ~= Kendo
I'm about to just do top:2500px; , that should always be on the bottom
Every time I see the name, it startles me.
@KendallFrey my bad. I haven't actually looked at the framework at all. I just feel all oogy when people make widgets
Does anyone every misspell your name as such?
@KendallFrey :P
@ChadRuppert That was directed at me lol.
i swear. insurance is the biggest freaking scam. they can get away with anything. me: why are my rates going up again
them: because of more claims in your area
me: but i haven't made a claim in years
them: but you are going to, the statistics show that.
we are investigating that now. thts how it came up. one of their competitors that also show quotes from competing companies, showed us a quote much lower than we are paying. By our insurance company.
i guess bait and switch is legitimate in the insurance world.
I also wonder why price MATCHING is illegal. I always thought it was price FIXING that ws.
tell me if anyone has possibly seen an uglier solution then this
    var bodyHeight = $('body').height();
    setTimeout(('#footbottom').css({ 'top': bodyHeight + 'px' }), 3000);
thats not the way to do that at all.
does the grid have any render methods you can hook?
@ChadRuppert Bait and switch is considered fraud afaik
onAfterRender or something
I know its fraud. they just have convenient excuses for doing it.
im looking
@ChadRuppert If they actually refuse to sell you a service as advertised, threaten a suit for false advertisement and see how they respond :P
Also, never heard of price matching being illegal in any context o_0
tried that. they claim the quotes are credit based, and the ones they offer via those services are "perfect credit" results.
Is that described in the advertisement?
its all just bullshit
Its probably not worth persuing. we've been with them 10 years. if they are giving us bullshit answers like that, its time to switch anyways.
Yea, probably
brb, walking across street for pizza
I want pizza now.
our country offers absolutely zero consumer protection from Banks, Telco, and Insurance companies. At least no helpful protections. Capitalism is great, my ass.
@Chad, is it your countries responsibility or yours?
both. When all the companies of a particular type collude to screw over a consumer, its government. When its one, its me for not switching.
But we also live in a democracy. Just tell those companies where to go, how to get there, and dont' use em
I tell them that all the time. That's how I get $400 dollar hotel rooms for $100 and 120 cell phone plans for $40 / month
When your state requires the insurance, you don't have any choice, but to be illegal
ICBC in BC here is the same
But at least in the states it's privatized. Here's it's a Crown Corporation -> Monopoly
Its basically the same, since they collude.
Even though collusion is illegal
Auto insurance?
COst me $3000 / year to insure my Ford Ranger when I bought it back in 2003.
yeah, auto
we are switching companies just because of the bullshit
now my 2012 Kia costs 980 / year to insure. but I'm at a %40 discount
Does your company offer any sort of auto insurance at a reduced rate?
many large companies can get around a 40-60% discount
Go buy a $1,000 POS house in Louisianna and insure your vehicle from there :P
we have all the discounts we can have, and we are paying about 900/halfyear
thats actually not a bad idea.
what type of vehicle?
2 of them. a 92 and a 2k4.
both sedans
and 1800/year for each one? or 900/year for each one?
900 each
multicar discount, etc etc
im just bitching because i hate hate hate poor customer service.
and insurance is the king of poor customer service
hows everyone
it's noon here
Wishing it was evening.
@ChadRuppert That's true.
Suck it up Kendall
@KyleTrauberman Did you sign up for that Office 365 account ?
Non-sequitur all up in yo chat room.

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