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Does google make their js unreadable intentionally? It's not just minified. Functions are named like, "J7" and classes are "a4nq7."
You forgot the last level.
Skeet code, oh that is how it should have been written
failed at linking message^^
its obfuscated, yes
You can still puzzle out how it all works, it's just annoying.
thats the idea
...I don't see the point.
it might also be output of GWT
thts a guess though
If I wanna rip them off I can still do it. If I want to learn from them, it's a pain.
//!define GWT
The idea is to make people not want to rip them off.
GWT is a java to javascript compiler/converter/whatever
I just googled it. looks like an IDE for web apps?
you have a crashed instance, or a lock that hung.
seems you're out of luck
That actually happened to my friend 15 minutes ago, I was there!
Mikrosåft thing I think
that'll teach you to install .net 3.5 when 4 is out
or is 4.5 the latest version?
4.5 for sure
5 is in dev still
^ my favorite error message of all time
mine is definitely the catastrophic error I got from VS last week
it set a new standard for dramatic error reporting
on the other side of the spectrum is Pro, Ultimate... whats next? Godlike?
Pro is std now, washed out
@rlemon that is beautiful
simple... to the point.
@zneak You can top that with an apocalyptic error!
I will take it as example for my error msgboxes
Autodesk has some funny wording when submitting error reports, extremely vague. We may look into the issue and if so we may find a solution. Not equally funny when you have a deadline and something corrupt.
Huh, you can get rep for fixing someone's broken English, even if the question itself is garbage.
You mean if you are below the edit privilege?
yes you can @Billdr
No, I mean the guy's question should be closed. I edited it so that it was coherent, but it still ought to be closed.
and I got a whopping 2 rep for my effort.
Yes, because your edit was approved.
Just amazed that the peer reviewers just didn't vote to close it.
is that the sintaxe guy?
I don't get that.
Naw, this guy wanted to rip off Google+'s scrolling functionality, but he doesn't want to do it the way that makes any sense.
If you want more rep, I have an open question. hint hint
post a link?? :)
If you want the question closed.... link
Yes, I know something you don't.
@KendallFrey whats the question?
Q: Is there a generic InkCanvas StrokesChanged type of event?

Kendall FreyEssentially what I'm trying to do is trigger a sort of 'dirty' state for my canvas, so that I know if there are unsaved changes. Is there an event in the WPF InkCanvas that I can use to handle any time when the strokes change? If there isn't, what events should I listen to for the equivalent? M...

I dont know that! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Neither do I. Why do you think I asked?
because you were bored?
You still haven't gotten a satisfactory answer on the complex type thing?
Q: Why is .NET's Complex type broken?

Kendall FreyI was astounded to find that the System.Numerics.Complex data type in .NET doesn't yield mathematically accurate results. Complex.Sqrt(-1) != Complex.ImaginaryOne Instead of (0, 1), I get (6.12303176911189E-17, 1), which looks a lot like a rounding error. Now I realize that floating point ari...

To torture people?
actually, you answered it yourself.
Mm, yeah, just forgot to accept I guess.
What is wrong with StrokeCollection?
It's not an event?
There's a porno joke in there somewhere.
@KendallFrey public class StrokeCollection : Collection<Stroke>, INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyCollectionChanged
You perv.
@JohanLarsson I see that. How does that answer my question?
Unicorns ^
It's always an event when I load my StrokeCollection. ...I'll keep work-shopping it.
dont use a shopvac
use a shopvac, just not the beater bar attachment.
@rlemon ...es
@KendallFrey INotifyCollectionChanged
That alone isn't enough.
elaborate, I have not used it
That will only cover the case when strokes are added or removed.
what are the remaining?
Strokes can be modified.
Also, the StrokesCollection can be changed.
without propertychanged?
ok, that seems a little buggish, gonna try it
Makes perfect sense. INotifyPropertyChanged apples only to the instance, not the property.
^ long NSFW talk about Kendalls Stroke Collection and how he likes to change it up during runtime. be afraid.... o_O
You turd.
$('.6222885 .content').text($('.6222885 .content').text().replace(/turd/i,  "Amazing Man! I love you!"));
rlemon: 1 | Kendall: 0
it did not execute here, rlemon.
damn, jQuery failed me.
i think html escaping failed you.
rlemon: 0
messages fields are ID not class named
@ChadRuppert works on my machine ;)
The funny part is, you are the guy that doesn't use jQuery.
now write a complicated Eval script to 1) update your fail. 2) execute the modified Fail.
$('#message-6222885 .content').text($('#message-6222885 .content').text().replace(/turd/i, "Lovely man you!"));
still fail
stupid messages not being structured how I had guessed they were
@ChadRuppert worked for me
'Worked on my machine' is not a valid excuse.
"You Lovely man you!."
I still see turd.
Newbie excuse "Works on my machine!" double fail!
@ChadRuppert well when looking at Kendall that is expected ;)
Not only did he change Kendall's text, he made him look like someone who doesn't know how to capitalize or punctuate. OOOO, Burn.
it's because i'm amazing.
Do you taste like raisins?
Also, are you a horse?
You are lonely, because Google will never see your version of turds.
$('.avatar img').each(function() { this.src = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f9fc3249a341a64ee2721637915cd301?s=48&d=identicon&r=PG"; });
^ just run it...
Yes, of course. Anything you say.
Way to waste 1 hour of someone's time. On a 64 bit machine, go to c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\FrameWork32\V4.30319 and run aspnet_regiis -i GAH
It affected everyone but me, now I'm stuck with a room full of Kendalls
GAH? that just sounds bad
@Billdr complain to gravatar
So, I had a build breaking bug I had to fix last night... but VPN was down. Turns out, our AC unit in the server room died, and the entire environment was down for several hours. Noone has given me the "build break trophy" yet... and I'm not gonna say anything :)
Oh, as people type their old avatar comes back.
@robjb Life could be worse, you could be stuck in a physical room full of kendall's...
Agent Smith has invaded...
On the plus side, the TypeScript presentation I went to was pretty cool. :)
plus side + typescript ???
someone say something i'm testing a new feature.
i suppose you are going to say typescript is an abomination too rlemon?
Of course.
if (lang.CompilesTo == "Javascript")
Anybody here ever deal with webforms shenanigans in the form of the MicrosoftAjax file that supposedly gets pulled out of a DLL's butt giving a 404?
Have you actually looked at it? It doesnt change anything serious. its not like its coffeescript or anything.
"ohhh shit! I don't like C# syntax... i'll write a new language that compiles to C# but has RUBY syntax!!!! Woo!!! that will be so useful!"
@ChadRuppert it makes you think you are writing in a language you are not
there is no classes in js
strict typing??? what is thaT?
there are indeed classes coming. Its a freaking shim.
a shim on a not complete standard
indeed. like so many of the shims you encourage
it's not a shim at all
not technically, no.
I just don't like added dependencies in my dev tools. I can wait for the new stuff in JS.
How does it add a dependency?
if (language.Company == "Microsoft Corp.")
    proxy.Ignore(l => l.Specification);
it writes out almost identically that you put in.
shim === follows standards to implement a feature that some browsers may not have already - TypeScript === I think JS is broken, so instead of working with the standards commities lets write a halfbaked language that compiles down to the same broken language we have today!
the class and interface decs are to support tooling, nothing more.
note: i don't think it's broken, MS does.
Well, I have to have this down-compilation going on somewhere.
MS never ever said JS was broken. neither did anders.
Just like I never said your face is repulsive...
So no takers on the webforms Q?
Oh come on. They specifically state its to provide tooling where it would be difficult/too intensive to do it otherwise.
@ErikReppen I fold.
If it abstracted away JS, i would wholeheartedly agree with you. But it does not do that.
TypeScript == CoffeeScript == DART == all the other stupid shit
@rlemon well, the cool thing about TypeScript is that it compiles to JS. And it's not super ugly JS
@rlemon Dart is Google trying to REPLACE Javascript. TypeScript is MS going "hey, all this ECMAScript6 stuff is pretty cool, let's make that available now instead of waiting another 2 years!"
seriously. have you looked into it at all, or are you all just saying its bad without even research? because thats ugly if thats the case.
Am I being too modular if I make a class just to do data shaping?
data shaping in support of some other class, that is.
@Billdr depends.
it is all crap. trust me. they are not helping the state of the internet by making this shit they are hurting it.
@Billdr 0 < TooModular < 0
Says the man who hasn't looked at it, nor the motivation behind it. Just assumes its crap.
and excuse me MS... you want to jump the gun with typescript but you cant even implement the fucking standards that have been around for 6+ years into your fucking browsers!
@ChadRuppert and what makes you assume I have not looked at it?
I think it's a dumb idea to make languages that compile to other languages.
@rlemon it doesn't help the state of the internet to encourage people to write better code?
The fact that you had not answered whether or not you have?
if its a new language I agree Kendall. Its not. Its JS.
@KendallFrey that's the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. What do you think C does? Just magically runs? It compiles to assembly, which is interpreted by the processor
because it's a dumb question - I'm making an opinion on it and i'm not 14 - it is safe to assume I have actually looked at it and played around
@KendallFrey I agree, let's all write ASM
@KendallFrey Don't all languages compile to other languages?
No, its not save to assume that.
I knew someone would point out that assembler is a language.
I think it's DUMB to make a HIGH LEVEL language, compile to another HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE.
Which compiles to binary.
No it doesn't, it's decoded to binary
@Billdr actually, it doesn't compile to binary. It is interpreted.
@rlemon said it better.
"ohh shit, lets make C# compile to Java... for kicks!"
ASM instructions are encodings, they don't need to be compiled
apples and oranges.
Assembler's primary purpose is to serve as a low level language for HLL's to compile to.
ok, want a better one? "Ohh shit, lets make a new language that looks like c# but compiles to Python because we don't like writing Python..."
@robjb They do need to be assembled.
still apples and oranges.
C to C++ and you might have a similar comparison.
not at all.
Man, who doesn't like writing Python? Your strawman is implausible, rlemon.
yes, yes very much.
@KendallFrey Yep, but my point is assembling is different than compiling
That is true.
Though not technically so.
I would look at typescript as macros for js. You still use the same language.
Were macros a success in C++?
sorry to interject.. :P
whereas coffeescript or dart, you use a totally different language
@rlemon - I have been working on getting this to work, but can't =/ I want to be able to use this type of call:
λ.GlobalEvents.AddEvent(blogger, 4, 5);
λ.GlobalEvents.AddEvent(logger, 4, 5);

with this type of definition:

λ.GlobalEvents =

But I have been having some issues with it. Either I have to initialize it by myself using λ.GlobalEvents() and λ.GlobalEvents = function(){}. However, doing this won't return the same instance for all callers. The same goes for λ.GlobalEvents = (function(){})();. I considered plainly using λ.GlobalEvents = new EventsClass(); but that will execute the Ev
in 5 years we'll come back and have this same talk and watch as CoffeeScript / Dart / TypeScript / et al... are gone.. and a buncha new hipsters are making new languages that compile to JS because it's "hip"
@rlemon something something dogfooding?
Abstraction libs used to be "Hip", now pre-compiling to JS is the new "Hip"
typescript is intended to go away. Its making up for features that lack.
@KendallFrey assembly instructions have direct translations to ISA (machine code)
@ChadRuppert that's exactly the impression I got. Sort of like PhoneGap trying to standardize device access on the web
it is also introducing a shit tonne of proprietary things... know why? BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT FULLY DEFINED!
They're doing it to lead the market, not replace it
@rlemon saying something is not fully defined in javascript... is sort of redundant, isn't it?
MS should work with w3c and ecma international to fully define these standards and APIs then they can go ahead and shim the shit outta them
phonegap is deprecated with windows 8 imo
They are.
they jumped the gun
They are working with ECMA
TypeScript jumps the gun
why should everyone bend over backwards to support a crappy iphone restriction
because classes are planned but not implemented anywhere?
The guy in charge of TypeScript (Luke Hoban, nice guy, met him last night) is MSFT's representative on the W3C committee for ECMAScript
TypeScript's intention is to give the ECMAScript 6 committee early feedback on how to design the language
no, go ahead.. use it... while your at it make a HTML parse using TypeScript and Regex.. see if I care.
omg, thats so EVIL!
@rlemon its just because MS has its name on it, isnt it? :)
not at all.
That too.
IE sucks
c#.net is awesome as shit
JScript sucks
I love VS
@rlemon that's exactly what MS is doing. You think standards just pop up magically? People need to test and determine what they should be. Opening up something like TypeScript to the public (and open sourcing it) is one of the best ways to find flaws in the different approaches they are taking
@rlemon It's not C#.NET
last time we had a committee design a standard without a reference implementation we had broken box models everywhere.
c# is awesome, coupled with .net it is awesome as shit.
I just grouped the two... see the edit
more DOM problems, anyone?
@rlemon Like I said, it's not C#.NET. It's C#.
Stupid languages that compile to JS are stupid. Abstraction libraries being used as a crutch for DOM interactions are stupid. Yellow Pants are stupid!
@everyone stop feeding the @rlemon troll
What it all boils down to is that sucky programmers are stupid.
lol, I wish I was trolling, but it is you guys who are trolling yourselves by buying into this shit.
have a good day, enjoy your proprietary garbage that will be obsolete in a few.
@KendallFrey I still love you.
user 1: x sucks!
user 2: you suck
user 3: lol
how is it proprietary garbage when they are releasing the source?
@TravisJ you too
fleeting note then i'm smoking and hope to return to a sane room: Languages that compile to JS are a joke because they are only offering syntax sugars... THAT IS IT! they still compile to fucking javascript. you are not offering or adding ANYTHING to the language, you are merely writing it in a new syntax. There is no magic pill to add to the language, so stop doing this shit. the language syntax is what it is. Learn it and use it or get someone else too.
Creating a new language that compiles to js to circumvent what you think to be ugly syntax is all I (and a lot of the JS community) see
you want a shim? cool. It doesn't have to be compiled, and written in a new lnguage
But, is C# more powerful than machine code? Does it add any features that don't exist?
i fail to see how its a new language. the syntax is identical to the planned class syntax for js.
Is the class syntax new?
ba dum tsss
New syntax != new languge
if 90% of the syntax is the same, i would say its extensions to the same language.
can I take typescript and drop it into the browser and have it run? no.
now i'm gone. ignorance is killing me
elitism is killing me.
Boredom is killing me.
This discussion is killing me.
so change the subject. Come up with something better. :)
My lead is moving his desk next to mine. I'm not sure this is a good thing.
So I'm working with this shit code...
Maybe he wants to learn from you @Billdr
One of the other leads is likely to retire soon. I may be getting groomed to take his place; especially since my workload is getting a lot more complex, very rapidly. On the other hand, I am in no way qualified to be a lead, and there's another programmer who's been here way longer than I.
posted on November 14, 2012 by Scott Hanselman

I'm ALWAYS pounding people to backup. I will continue. BACKUP YOUR STUFF. If you care about it, back it up. Let's talk. Yes, I'm talking to you, non-technical friend. You're a writer, a blogger, not a techie. I get that. Can't be bothered, I get that. Very busy. You will be even busier when you lose access to your dropbox, or leave your laptop on a train. Please. Read. Tell your friends.

time at job != ability as a lead
True. She would be terrible at it. However this place is small, and the drama that it could stir up isn't worth the risk.
hah! solved it on my own
loving it
@Feeds, are you even trying to disguise your constant slobbing of Hanselman's nob?
@KendallFrey hey, if I'm being distruptive, apologies, don't mean to cause anyone rage attacks. It sucks to throw things away just because they are new though.
λ.GlobalEvents = (function(){
        if (λ.GlobalEvents instanceof GlobalEventsClass) {
         return λ.GlobalEvents;
        return new GlobalEventsClass();
Is the Half-Life symbol a valid character?
The only reason I would consider using TypeScript is for 2 reasons:

It gives me the nice static compile-time checking so I don't get stupid DERP YOU USED A NUMBER INSTEAD OF A STRING runtime errors (I'm not a perfect programmer, I know this, and I take advantage of the tools).

The second reason is, you don't lose value by writing TypeScript. If you decide to stop using TypeScript, guess what? The Javascript code that was generated is all still good code. Readable, maintainable, and follows good conventions
@Billdr FYI it's called lambda :)
Thanks, I wasn't sure if that's what it was called or if I had it's name confused with a lambda expression.
All I want in javascript is "FindAllReferences" and "Goto Definition". :(
and yes, lambda is a valid character in C#.
im not talking about it anymore Pheonix. There's no purpose. When the primary opponent resorts to just assuming anyone with a different opinion is an idiot, its game over.
@ChadRuppert yep, I'm done, too.
if you visit the javascript room, you'll see what i mean
@Pheonixblade9 srsly? must try...
its valid in js
I am using it for my library
"That's the old passage to RavenJS. We don't go there any more."
@KendallFrey don't forget catch(Exception ಠ_ಠ){throw ಠ_ಠ;}
Valid C#.
I think ReSharper gives you compile time analysis of javascript.
not much. it doesnt go beyond whats on the page.
It's spendy though.
per user license, so if you can get work to pay for it....
I loves my resharper
@Billdr I really dislike resharper. I use VS Web Essentials.
Funny that $ doesn't work.
Anyways, presentation to CEO time. Wish me luck :)
good luck pheonix
Good luck Pheonix!
Good luck!
Also, damned be the person that writes non-ASCII code.
like cerylic or kanji?

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