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SPA in VS2012 needs better documentation imo.
It should have been like this if I copy-pasted correctly:
public void Dispose()
   Dispose(true); //i am calling you from Dispose, it's safe
   GC.SuppressFinalize(this); //Hey, GC: don't bother calling finalize later
as far as I know, there's nothing harmful with calling Dispose from a finalizer as long as you make sure it doesn't get called twice
did he not explain what would break if you did?
on a side note, the answer in that second link is epic
I should have asked, he could have been more specific
I can of course always run it
I take it the only thing to watch out for is double-disposing?
@JohanLarsson i've just asked him to clarify why, hopefully he'll get the hint
from the answer to your second link, apparently, the possible bug is that you don't know in which order managed objects will be deleted
@StuartBlackler hmm, I need to roll back my edits some way then
na it will be fine, he can see the revisions
so it's possible to have dangling references inside a finalizer (which would cause an access violation at best, corrupt memory and silently keep running at worst)
the COM object is managed?
to some point
to the GC it is?
the GC can (and will sometimes) free COM objects
at least if asked nicely (GC.Collect())
but empirical evidence shows that this doesn't always happen when the GC runs by itself (or at least it used to)
so I'm not comfortable answering this question
ok, that is also a good answer
besides, with the GC being able to relocate objects, it seems kind of dubious to me that it won't simply nullify the dangling references for objects in the finalizer queue
i think Hans Passant would be good for code reviews by the way, a bit on the grumpy side (in a good way)
there's probably something about that in the CLR standard
but I don't really have time to check
Looks like I should do some reading, I have Don Box book on my desk
I love C++ for how unambiguous memory management "rules" are
basically, it's "it's gonna crash if you do any tiny mistake"
but at least it's clear lol
I guess the transition from C# to C++ can be problematic
lol @ my experience.
haha, i have made c++ crash many a time, so easy to do :/
I had heard that C++ was faster, so I decided to rewrite an app of mine in C++. Managed of course :P
hey everyone :)
hey @Spiritios
i would like some help with system calls on c# in windows os :S
i recently did something like system("time" >>"MyTxtFile.txt"); in c++
and would like to know the equivalent call and redirect to file in c# if anyone knows :)
so you want to call shell commands from C#
LMAO I love hacking passwords.
@Spiritios, look for Process.Start
yeap pretty much and redirect output to a file
ok process.start and redirecting output?
(in which namespace is process.start by the way?)
just type "Process", then hit Ctrl+.
that will let you select the namespace to import automatically
fine :)
instead of Process.Start, create a new Process instance
there are properties you can tune to enable output redirection
oh perfect :D
that should put you on the right trail
thanks a lot, invaluable help :)
Good news :D
I actually have a piece of paper (actually quite a thick wedge of paper) that says "Here, have a big pile of money"
this is an improvement on the week+ that's just passed where i had a mere promise, from a man I've never met
hello people , i wish to have some help about my CODE..
Oct 31 at 22:38, by Kyle Trauberman
If your question is "Can I ask a question?", Magic Eight Ball says "Ask again later."
dear zneak, i have the code which shuffle the list of array ( as button) on load event and placed it on flowlayoutpanel. I want to shuffle the list on click event of button. how can i acomplished that?
what does CODE mean?
@sanket_7592 what have you tried?
how do i specify where to redirect output from process? i set redirectstandardoutput to true but how do i specify the txt file?
@Spiritios I believe you can set the property OutputStream
to what? I mean what class do i use for the file? (i suppose some kind of filestream but i am not too good with namespaces yet)
@Spiritios oops, my mistake, you can't. It's read-only
i tried to separate the random number generation code as subroutine and calles it on click event of button
so I think what you're meant to do is create another stream around it, like FileStream
hmmm i think so as well
I think you'll want something like new System.IO.FileStream(process.StandardOutput, filename)
@chad do u like 2 see the whole code?
@Spiritios remember to close and dispose the stream after use
if i manage to get that far I will surely do (I have experience coding, I am just new to c# ;) )
Wow, I'm on a roll of being wrong today
FileStream doesn't take a stream as an argument...let me remember exactly how to do it, one moment
yeah even a link to a sample is fine ;)
No, i was being facetious. I felt like you were asking for teh codes.
Private btnArray As New List(Of Button)
Private btnShuffleArray As New List(Of Button)

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For i As Integer = 0 To 10
' Initialize one variable
Dim btn As New Button
With btn
.Tag = i ' Tag of button
.Width = 40 ' Width of button
.Height = 40
.Text = Chr(i + 48)
btnArray.Insert(i, btn)
' FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(btnArray(i))
'AddHandler .Click, AddressOf Me.GenericClickHandler
End With
Next i

'Randomize the list
thats VB!
here is whole code. i have created the event handler for click event. Now i want to shuffle the list with each click event of button.
good job im bilingual
my eyes! they burn!
sniff, sniff. Smells like VB in here.
@sanket_7592 where is your attempt to shuffle at button click?
yeag chad
@sanket_7592, I don't know the syntax, but it sounds like you want to do a random between 0 and array.count, then add the elements in your array to the list. I'm not see that in your code.
I might have missed everything but you can subscribe to output when starting a process:
process.OutputDataReceived += (_, e) => standardOutputCallback(e.Data);
i dn't want the free CODE. i want to know what kind of homework i need to do it.
@sanket_7592 you do know that your code is not hooking up the event like you think? You have commented that line out
i am confused with output right now, I want to make the process redirect all input to a file and write nothing to console
" what kind of homework i need to do it." The VB kind.
@stuart ya ya. its my mistake. there no need of comment. It is not commented in my real cODE. sry for inconvience
what does this CODE acronym mean?
@Spiritios annoyingly it doesn't look at all elegant. The basic idea is to take output from Process.StandardOutput with ReadLine()and write it to a file with WriteLine(), I guess
@sanket_759 I think that you are going to get better help by asking here : stackoverflow.com/questions/ask
@Spiritios, you can use process.RedirectStandardOutput = true and set up stream reading stuff from`process.StandardOutput`
if that's too much trouble, you can also invoke your program through cmd and use shell redirection inside the command line
like Process.Start("cmd \"MyCommand > MyFile\"")
hmmmm ok I shall try this last idea
it is windows only anyways
by the way this is actually what c++ does somehow so it is pretty much what I aimed for
also, note that when Process.Start returns, it doesn't mean that the executed process has finished
you need to use the WaitForExit method if you want to wait until the process has finished
wrong gonna rewrite
Process p;
No, you do Process p = Process.Start...
try Process p = Process.Start("cmd \"dir >> infoc.txt\""); p.WaitForExit();
Then do p.WaitForExit()
and then next system call I want to do? (I will do a couple)
same thing
if you need many calls, I suggest you wrap that in a method
yeah pretty much will do
off my head:
private static void System(string command)
	string command = string.Format("cmd \"{0}\"", command.Replace("\"", "\\\""));
yeah better than I would do it
Easily broken?
Jus sayin
the method will let you do anything you want anyways, why would you even need to break it?
it's not like you're escaping from some sort of sandboxing
Jus sayin
Is having a table with only 1 field (the PK) bad normalization?
what kind of info can you represent with only a PK?
@KendallFrey um. Is the idea to use it purely as an FK for a number of other tables?
mmm i smell table per subclass
I think the only reason it exists is to provide a dropdown of options.
so the PK is also the option name?
@KendallFrey shouldn't it be a key/value table then not just "key"
@ChadRuppert Yes :/
id think that's bad normalization.
and also horribly breakable
How so?
breakable I mean.
I'm assuming its a string.
Depending on other developers it may not be dangerous. String matching is NEVER my method of choice.
matching? wha?
Well, the value selected from the drop down goes in some other row someplace, right?
well, wait, since there is no other value... nevermind. I was being silly.
since you aren't consuming a 'relationship' out of your string value, i don't think you can call it bad normalization. It's just.. weird.
posted on November 13, 2012 by Eric Lippert

In C# it is illegal to declare a class D whose base class B is in any way less accessible than D. I'm occasionally asked why that is. There are a number of reasons; today I'll start with a very specific scenario and then talk about a general philosophy. Suppose you and your coworker Alice are developing the code for assembly Foo, which you intend to be fully trusted by its users. Alice write

@Feeds Um, duh?
the last feed I saw was equally stupid.
must say it was premium chat today, ~90% related to CODE
Something like, "Hey guis, use fiddler when you're working on websites. Also, when working on websites, learn more things!"
Why is Eric Lippert blogging on such an obvious question?
@KendallFrey my only thought about using your 1col table like that, is that its not very flexible, if you ever need to add more data to the selectable options, or you let someone rename a value in the options, you are going to be hurty.
@JohanLarsson Sorry for bringing down the percentages.
i still dont know what CODE stands for. :/
@ChadRuppert Adding data isn't a problem that I can see.
@Billdr lol, some nights it is like if everyone is on a water-cooled spam-bot
it is if someone munges the strings in the row that holds the selected values, or renames an option in your optionstable
@ChadRuppert Calculations Of Differential Equations.
oh i like that one @Billdr
I always need help with CODE. That's why I know people like @KendallFrey.
Hello ! I am wondering how can I use a user control with a asp gridview / telerik's radgrid so that it will allow me dynamical data binding, caching, paging and sorting capabilities ?
Code oozes out of every pore on my body. ahem Even that one.
Alright, back to code. Can we all agree that SProcs are an abomination and all actual logic working and data shaping should be done in the application? Thanks.
'dynamical'? lol
@KendallFrey tl;dr there is nothing inherently wrong with your single col table. Just quite a few years of LOB app dev has shown me that almost every time we make the assumption for that kind of table, it proves wrong in a given period of time.
@Billdr mostly thats true.
Well, I am looking for some suggestions here.
@Billdr 93% +/- 0.21%
A single column table? Like a <li> ? Oh you're talking about DB Tables? Single column?> wtf?
yeah. There are legitimate places for views and stored procs. They just are a hell of a lot fewer needs than when the whole 'everything in a stored proc' crap began.
That a pretty good MoE. Alright.
No @RyanTernier ... I am talking about database tables.
Made up internet statistics are much more believable when a margin of error is included.
65% of the time.
I concur
hey , has anyone ever had this problem , I have a bunch of <asp:TextBox with classes setting the width , then I set Enabled="false" and my CssClass gets removed and the class aspNetDisabled takes over and the width gets all reset
"asp:TextBox" There's your problem right there. :)
I guess I've never seen a sproc do something that C# couldn't do for me with minimal effort/better maintainability. If the sproc were fine I probably wouldn't notice it though.
@Ablaze I have 3 DBA's sitting beside me, and all of them are scratching their heads when I asked them about a single column table.
@Billdr I personally don't use sprocs unless its absolutely necessary. There are edge cases though, that I personally have not hit.
@RyanTernier LOL
I have a single column table :)
@RyanTernier Kendall wants to use them to drive dropdown items, where there is never any relationship actually consumed.
I didn't say I want to use them.
I don't have a choice.
thats why i did it once
Sorry, you got stuck with it. :) Either way.
@RyanTernier, let me describe: I have a user control that has a sqldatasource and a gridview, I am passing database name, query as a custom property and binding the sqldatasource dynamically ... I am using sqldatasource mainly to allow caching, but I want to deploy the sorting capabilities ....
Beautiful. Check out those phone number formats:
(123) 456-7890
mmm consistency!
since nobody wants to answer me in here ,
Q: css width in asp:TextBox

Scott SelbyI have a bunch of asp TextBoxes like so, <asp:TextBox ID="tYtd1" class="tYtd" runat="server" Enabled="false"></asp:TextBox> <asp:TextBox ID="tTotal1" class="tTotal" runat="server" Enabled="false"></asp:TextBox> <asp:TextBox ID="TPercent1" class="tPercent" runat="ser...

123- 456-7890 Ext1234
@RyanTernier unless I click on the grid's header all works fine, the query gets fired, sqldatasource gets values and the same also get displayed in the browser, the only thing to do now is to allow sorting and as I am binding the sqldatasource on the fly we can not do the sortExpression thing in the aspx markup...
123-456-7890 x 1234
@kendal is wrong
All those, and more, in one field.
Wha? Even this:
123-456-7890 - #5 SPELL NAME
there's no way you'll ever be able to reconcile that
123-456-7890 (J.SMITH'S NO.)
@KendallFrey take VERY, VERY DETAILED notes of how long it takes you to fix this problem and all problems associated with it
123--456-7890 EXT 123
Anyone ?
whoever's paying for this MUST UNDERSTAND that data quality is important.
This could be fun.
we have an entire Data Quality team :)
I could count our Data Quality team on one hand. An amputated one.
oh hey, my math degree quote from yesterday is still here :D
note to self - VisualStudios will get mad if you choose class=".." instead of CssClass=".."
@ScottSelby that's an ASP thing.
small slap for the person who entered that shitty data.
big slap for the person who signed off on the system that allowed person above to enter that shitty data.
shotgun to the face for the developer who wrote the system that allowed person above to enter that shitty data.
@Pheonixblade9 - its a stupid thing
One more gem: "X 123"
there is already an HTML attribute for enabled , but they take over and do it more complicated for no reason and add a aspNetDisabled class
Dang. Found a 1- prefix
Hmm. 123-456-
@TomW - I am writing a app now that is going to look like that - boss wants phone number stored as a string
Store it as a string, 10 chars long. Only allow digits.
I re-wrote phone number as 3 textboxes with "-" in between them , and he said , no change it back and just store as a string
@KendallFrey why 10?
10's no good
phone is 10 digits
@KendallFrey whose?
that can go in another field
mine isn't.
sorry - work stuff. I'd always add a PK to a single column table.
ANyone ever work with Windows Server Manager?
@TomW What then?
@RyanTernier The column is the PK.
Whoopie. Check this phone #: "assda"
is it user editable?
@KendallFrey a system devised by proper research that accommodates all reasonable inputs. I haven't done that research, and by the looks of it neither have you
Not directly, AFAIK. Could be though.
I did, and was told - save it as a string
so , oh well
But please don't save it just as the user enters it.
It depends on who those records refer to. If they're confined to a particular region, then whatever format that region allows
I do as I'm told - after offering my suggestion not to
using SqlParameters will protect against attacks , bad data is bad data
@ScottSelby comment in the code explaining the decision, who authorised it, and your objection
@ScottSelby as well as an entry in the spec saying the same thing
@TomW - Good ONe! I will
the spec is a notebook piece of paper drawn in pen
I got a bunch of specs on my desk like that
@ScottSelby SCan them / Take a picture of them and save as project documentation
CYA mentality FTW
The maddening thing is that right beside this phone number field, there is a perfectly clean fax field.
Beside that, a perfect mobile field.
Programming would be great if it wasn't for all the f***ing users.
Except without them, you wouldn't eat.
Eat the users.
problem solved!
They don't exist, remember?
They do currently. There's got to be a transitional phase.
I haven't had to eat any users yet
That's like saying, "Without money, you can't eat." "Eat the money."
Turing didn't have any users.
He was gay.
He ate just fine, till the apple.
I totally forgot that gay people didn't need to eat.
They eat enough as is. :P
Well they do, but it's more of a protein exchange. If you know what I'm saying.
Anyway, thanks for shitting all over my not-so-random fact of the day.
The British Government didn't apologize for prosecuting Turing until 2011.
can I add random extra attributes like data="1" to a button , then read that attribute later ?
is that legal
WinForms has Tag.
JavaScript has the data-ID attribute.
WPF might too.
I don't know if ASP has anything like that.
I mean is that allowed in HTML
Not naively, as far as I know. You can do it with JS as indicated above.
extra attrubutes ?
since HTML5, any attribute name prefixed with "data-" is legal and standard
Scott, use data-data="1"
that is what I thought , is that going to blow up in IE7 though?
scp-wiki.net/scp-294 and say goodbye to your afternoon
IE7 ignores it
it's gonna work because IE7 is just gonna keep it as is
actually, let me double check that
I think js will be able to read it in IE7
Yea, in IE7 the answer is "JQuery" according to stackoverflow.com/questions/7361356/…
Generally, if you have a question about javascript, SO's answer is JQuery.
@Billdr I thought the answer to everything was Javascript...
Javascript is the best thing ever, except for when it isn't.
that reminds me
a few years back we individually had to make a game for a class
and this was this guy who couldn't program anything would his life depend on it
and not only was he useless, he was also extremely arrogant and annoying
Oh, we went to college together?
imo you're allowed to be either useless or arrogant, but not the two at the same time
arrogant ^ useless
so we all had our game
and at the end of the presentation he's like
"my game was the second best if you put all the other games together"
also, for the previous topic @ScottSelby caniuse.com/dataset
and this other guy answers, completely spontaneously, "yeah dude, and your comparison is the second best in the world if you put all the others together"
That's an objective measurement.
they have IE10 already ?
basically you can use <element data-anything="anything"></element> then get/set using element.getAttribute('data-anything') and element.setAttribute('data-anything', 'foo') - hopefully dataset will be adopted soon and we can just write element.dataset.anything
@ScottSelby Yea, official release was a few weeks ago.
cool thanks rlemon
you can do so much cool shit with attribs now a days
the data- attribute is supported universally by browsers too
Agreed. That data-attribute is the coolest thing evar!
super useful
pretty much get free data storage in the form of markup
once element.dataset is adopted I will rejoice in storing objects in my elements
yea , i like it
that definitely doesn't seem in any way open to abuse
not important , their data will go into the wrong text box if they choose to go into html and be a dick
@rlemon are you sure this will be possible?
(withon jsoning it at least)
I would like to think that the json would convert to object literal when mapping from attr to prop
but that is my hopes
cause window.localStorage properties can only be strings iirc
room topic changed to C#: User you; using( var room = RoomFactory.Chat("C#") ) { you.Enter(room); room.GetWiki(/ goo.gl/sw1w5 /); you.PoseQuestionTo(room); } [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
mixing all the coolest shiznat up into one awesome control
what is that going to be a hook for?
why do you have value and data-value?
because value attribute might be useful for state data
i.e. what was the value of the input when the page loaded
so I remap it to data-value to preserve state information
isn't the JS value attribute connected to the HTML value attribute?
It looks cool, but it only works in chrome and slightly in safari
js value property initially reads from the html value attribute
but property !== attribute

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