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Q: Are there enough VB.NET jobs compared to C# jobs?

Tim SmithI applied for many C# jobs, but I just got a VB.NET job offer, which pays VERY well for a junior.. My question is, are there enough VB.NET jobs compared to C#? Why I am asking is, what if I accept this job, work in this company a few years, then quit this job... Will I be able to find enough VB...

3,2,1 close
It deserved it.
closed by Lews
I find the closings annoying most of the time
And 4 others.
The question doesn't belong on SO.
If there ever was a site that could handle polling it must be SO
I voted to migrate to meta
Q: Where can one find free software icons / images?

mmattaxThis may not be directly related to programming, but I always find it hard to get quality icons that can be used for software. I currently have the need for some type of "green checkmark image", and I always seem to be looking for print, save, delete types of icons... Anybody have good resource...

like that one^^
I don't see a huge issue with that question
Not related to programming really
And grats on the rep!
I've been bored spamming SO...
How are you spamming SO?
writing answers to easy questions (me + 10 others within the same minute) :)
Lol, that's usually the case.
I prefer to avoid too easy questions... unless I am the first.
The funniest thing is typing your answer and FUUUQ 10 new answers popping up
I just discovered I have a 20% rebate on nerf guns
I blame you for starting to care about rep :)
Blame Grixxly
@zneak Now I feel old
He started it
most of my coworkers have nerf guns in their cubes too
if a war breaks here that will be epic
so who's doing movember?
I sort of do that every month, shave everything once or twice a month
Is there a cause behind movember?
prostate & testicle cancer
just like women posting the color of their purses on facebook is for breast cancer?
how does that work?
well you're supposed to ask people to give you money for that great moustache you're growing
how does anyone make money from it?
or is it more to signal awareness?
A: not all code paths return a value when searching through array

Lews TherinYou need to return something outside your control flow. Try: static int FindStudent()//search for student name { int z ; while (z < NameArray.Length) { if (name == NameArray[z]) { break ; }//end if statement else { ...

@LewsTherin that is a hardcore for each right?
Ugly one if you ask me
Is there any accepted convention to naming the this argument of an extension method? Looking at Linq, source seems to be the name of choice; any well accepted alternatives?
return namearray.indexof(name);
should do the same?
I did not test it but it looks like it
no I was wrong ^^
Guys, maybe someone knows, If I am goinf to release an open source software, what kind of license helps that my name shouldn't be changed in modification process if somone is going to do it?!
Yeah should work
but he does some serious wtf in the end:
        if (z==5)
            return -1;

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