@TimeToThine you're sure that user can't throw an extra '/' at the end of that url? if so then robjbs solution above is fine, otherwise you may want to work with Uri.Segments property
Indeed! So I have this application. I somewhat understood the concept of MDI parent in Windows Forms. I know that the preferred method for navigation between windows in WPF is with tabbed control of sorts. Unfortunately that will not do in what we are trying to create.
The flow of the program is dictated by onclick events for the various button controls on each window/page. I'm trying to figure out how to keep all these windows/pages contained so that each portion of the program does not appear to be a popout, standalone instance.
Perhaps I do not fully understand tab control but in our case (for example) the landing page has buttons on the bottom left, right which map to different parts of the application. The top portion of the landing page will be geared towards announcements. Unless I could have full control of where tabbed navigation would exist on the page and be able to separate them, it would kill the ui goal.
public SerialPort port;
then on button press
port = new SerialPort(modbusConfig.port.Name, modbusConfig.port.BaudRate, modbusConfig.port.Parity, modbusConfig.port.DataBits, modbusConfig.port.StopBits);
port.RtsEnable = port.DtrEnable = true;
port.Open(); // all your ports are belong to us!
problem is the timers invokes a method that uses a global port for reading. when I want to disconnect i need to stop the timer, execute the remaining threads (or terminate them) then close the port
at the moment it is closing the port then attempting to execute the remaining threads
so errors galore because the port is closed
the only solution so far that has worked is in the catch() you'll see the commented out if statement that will mute the errors if I am the one who closed the port before they appeared
so tickle me this: if I remove the timer and just use a background thread that runs recursively I shouldn't have a problem terminating it before I close the port?
Quick question; an explicit Close() call is required on the client object to prevent WCF processes from piling up, correct? Our ASP.NET site references a WCF service (also ours); and I noticed that if I hammer refresh on the site, it locks up.