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so what are you having issues with?
i just tried with public key
for encryot and decrypt methods
so what's happening that doesn't work
for encryot and decrypt methods
but i want to learn to use private one to decrypt things
well, keep reading
that's also explained on the wikipedia page
it's not really more complicated
worked but i think public key itselft id not secure
how can you tell
@JohanLarsson Schneier cares more about security than anyone as far as I know. Good choice
also, consider using the .net framework classes to deal with encryption
@zneak that's what I was going to say
the book gives examples in C which I am not very familiar with :(
@kush I have actually read it, estimate that I remember 3% of the contents
continuing the singleton thing: in a "pure" OO environment, a function's only inputs are its arguments and its outputs are either changes to the arguments or its return value(s), but when you have singletons, you may actually have input from more than that, and that really messes up readability and data flow
thats cute thnq but i need codes guys
ok so we were talking about what singletons were, how to identify it, and how to kill it with fire.
@zneak that is an interesting aspect
@asp.netdeveloper google.com/…
second link seems useful
that was
singletons can make a program go completely out of control especially if the rest of the design is not sound
johan do you know a good article or any ref for learning to use rsa algorithm?
How do you model this on an ER diagram.
A user has many followers. Since the follower table has a user id how do I represent follower id? :S
Does the question even make sense?
the real relation sounds like "a user can have multiple users"
(called followers)
Users 1---* Users
So how do I model it? I already have a userId column.
public class User
 public int UserId { get; set; }
 public virtual List<Follower> Followers { get; set; }

public class Follower
 public int FollowerId { get; set; }
 public int UserId { get; set; }
 public virtual User User { get; set; }
So you need a separate table with a UserID and FollowerID fields
@asp.netdeveloper not really, I have only used the .net classes (that zneak pointed you to) I am in bed now (01:08) here so I cant dig out a code sample
@KendallFrey Yeah that's what I have. I was worried about the FollowerId field
What about it?
The constraint, but I wasn't thinking clearly.
If I use FollowerId I won't be able to set it as a FK constraint
FollowerID and UserID are FK's
UserID + FollowerID is the PK.
If you want the follower to follow a user but also be a user

public class Follower
 public int FollowerId { get; set; }
 public int FollowedUserId { get; set; }
 public int UserId { get; set; }
 public virtual User User { get; set; }
 public virtual User FollowedUser { get; set; }
its not necessary,thats a good boy
@TravisJ I don't think FollowerID is necessary.
@Kendall - It depends on your level of normalization
If I understand it, FollowerID is the same as UserID.
(I have not tried it)
@KendallFrey Yeah but isn't FollowerID essentially UserID?
@KendallFrey Exactly.
@KendallFrey - That would not be the case.
@TravisJ Why not?
Only UserId is showing up as FK but FollowerId isn't
@johan ,i was,bt that codes have problem.thanks anyway
Showing up? Do you need to add a FK for FollowerID?
A FollowerId will define the relationship between a User and a User that they follow. It would be proper to say that instead of FollowerId the primary key could be made from the composite of UserId and FollowedUserId
@LewsTherin It's a user ID, but different from UserID.
@TravisJ I was assuming that FollowerID was the user ID.
Ah, no FollowerId will be the index of that relation
Every user has an user id.
@TravisJ Is that necessary?
And a user has many followers. To identify the followers I am using their user id.
UserID + FollowerID is good too.
@Kendall - Perhaps not in this example, but in 4n it is, and even 3n, to have a unique primary key for every table.
Yeah, that composite is good too.
But composite keys are frowned upon in 4n.
Oh, OK, I do think it's a good idea, though unnecessary.
And in 5n if you can have a composite then you have to have two tables, which just seems completely over the top to me.
@TravisJ how far do you take normalization in practice?
Usually 3
I never know how to start normalizing.
I just define the entities first.
The only difference is when complex relations of 3 need to be managed by logic. Then 4 comes into use.
Most good design is 3n, the higher level ones are where things get counter intuitive.
You probably 3n and don't even know it.
are there tools to check or is it done by hand?
3n is my ideal form, but there's usually a few discrepancies.
No tools that I am aware of
There must be though
There is a mathematical definition of the different normal forms.
It was started by this guy named Edward Codd. He had some guidelines: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codd%27s_12_rules
Hello, is anyone on right now?
"Codd's twelve rules are a set of thirteen rules" should'nt it be is a set?
depends on whether it's a name or not
"Codd's twelve rules" is a set of thirteen rules
I'm on but not for long
"Codd's twelve rules are a set of thirteen rules" does not actually make sense because that is implying that his twelve rules are a set of thirteen rules, which isn't logical and just plain can't happen, unless you include the set rule (which only a programmer would think of)
I've asked several times before on stackoverflow about whether you can pretend to implement an interface but not actually do so.
@ArlenBeiler how do you mean?
in c#? no
Is it at all possible?
do you get what I mean?
the .net virtual machine has a bytecode verifier and that's the kind of checks it runs before loading an assembly
@ArlenBeiler code/pseudocode?
You can say you do, but throw NotImplementedException
Or NotSupportedException
yeah, I was about to suggest that
@ArlenBeiler what are you going to use it for?
class MyProxyClass{ public sinkhole MyProxyClass(){ this.sink = MyProxyMethod }
A Proxy
you can probably use the dynamic keyword to meet your ends
public object MyProxyMethod (CallInfo call){ //do stuff with the call like forward it via text
} //end method
}//end class
@zneak Looked at your profile. You like COBOL? :O ;)
doesn't the dynamic keyword just keep the compiler from checking for it?
I like how rich you become when you're good at COBOL because no one learns it anymore but all banks still rely on it
you can do much, much more than that
All banks?
A lot of banks d
a lot of them
THat's why they charge service fees, to pay the darn cobol programmers
you can effectively "fake" interface implementation with the dynamic keyword
We are programmers here :P
say I have a class Foo that has all the methods of IFoo but doesn't explicitly tells that it implements IFoo
if you do like
if you have Foo : IFoo
Foo foo = new Foo();
dynamic dynamicFoo = foo;
IFoo iFoo = dynamicFoo;
that will work
you "Must" implement all interface methods
but wait! there's more
you can dynamically answer to method calls too
@zneak You actually get an IFoo?
but I don't remember how to do this off my head
I think that's what I'm aiming for, dynamically answer method calls
that sounds like it
you guys don't know how lucky you are.... the js room is plagued with help vamps daily.
:( makes me a sad lemon
msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee461504.aspx sounds like a good starting point
@zneak you watch too much fraggle rock
what's that lol
@rlemon this was a really good day on this chat. There has actualy been discussion about C#
well that is true about most of the rooms.
this is a real problem for us regulars in js room though.
is it COBOL that was designed to be a "safe" language?
and if so what makes a language safe?
it uses protection?
double entendre;
I think I heard it somewhere and thought it sounded strange
okay the part about interfaces was a lie that I'm going to trace down to where I read it
try{ language } catch(e){ SAFE! }
In general, a langauge is considered safe when it can fail without crashing every time.
try { language } catch( std ) { return false; // phew! close one. }
@ArlenBeiler, also consider liensberger.it/web/blog/?p=298
@rlemon haha
tsk tsk guys
it's STI now
@zneak, thanks this get's me started
C++ is full of std's.
.asm. is not a safe language. It will skip out the bill if you don't bring the salad. It will watch a second movie at the theater with one ticket. It will double park in that area that two cars clearly could have parked in. It will crash and burn if you moved into al instead of ax.
!!/tell KendallFrey stat KendallFrey
@rlemon Command KendallFrey does not exist.
@rlemon Command KendallFrey does not exist.
@KendallFrey no method found with this name
@KendallFrey no method found with this name
i'm buggin out
har har
!!/stat "Kendall Frey"
@rlemon no method found with this name
ohh yea! i forgot
@rlemon no method found with this name
@rlemon Kendall Frey has 12415 reputation, earned 75 rep today, asked 39 questions, gave 467 answers, for a q:a ratio of 39:467.
@rlemon no method found with this name
damn spaces
RAGE... this is what happens when my pc at work has the chat open and has the bot running
and my pc at home as well
/tell zneak stat zneak
that's not it right
just say !!/stat
@zneak zneak has 26001 reputation, earned -2 rep today, asked 104 questions, gave 558 answers, for a q:a ratio of 52:279.
@zneak zneak has 26001 reputation, earned -2 rep today, asked 104 questions, gave 558 answers, for a q:a ratio of 52:279.
let me disable mine locally
@TravisJ but if few people know a language the risk for exploits might be lower?
Question. Can I pass an integer as an object to a method that is asking for an integer?
you have to cast it to an integer beforehand
You need to cast to int
@ArlenBeiler with a cast
but not much point then?
@TravisJ Travis J has 6935 reputation, earned 20 rep today, asked 187 questions, gave 529 answers, for a q:a ratio of 187:529.
@JohanLarsson Johan Larsson has 610 reputation, earned 7 rep today, asked 4 questions, gave 27 answers, for a q:a ratio of 4:27.
not unless I can cast without knowing what I'm casting
@KendallFrey Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.
like using reflection or something.
you can pass a dynamic to it though
!!/stat "Lewis Therin"
@rlemon no method found with this name
the nice thing is that I'm working with interfaces
!!/stat 22656
@rlemon Jon Skeet has 493589 reputation, earned 590 rep today, asked 26 questions, gave 22945 answers, for a q:a ratio of 2:1765.
lol my ratio couldn't reduce :) It has 3 prime numbers in it
dynamic instead of object woud be fine?
a dynamic
gosh that's almost as many answers as I have rep
@JohanLarsson, yep
@KendallFrey i'm assuming the bot at work just got a "too fast" error for the last one.
also you need to pass a value to it
!!/mdn window
@TravisJ Invalid command /!!/
however I discovered today there is an error there
It's undocumented. How was I supposed to know?
!!/tell @KendallFrey help
@TravisJ Invalid command /'console.log(error);'
that is !!> <js code>
however that is also broken
it's not my bot ok!
@zneak If I know what the type is from the interface, I can use that to cast it right? Using reflection? (I think I can...)
I'm not sure what you're trying to do
how will you invoke the method?
using reflection.emit?
!!/tell $someone norris
@$someone Chuck Norris doesn't believe in Germany.
something with reflection
@KendallFrey Nudge registered.
with reflection you have to pass parameters as objects anyways, so you don't need any cast
oh right
@KendallFrey any complaints talk to @Zirak
I'm making a text-based proxy.
well, the bot is on at work. so you guys can have fun for the evening. I can't turn it off from here
  |   |

!!/hang r
  |   |
let the games begin
!!/hang e
  |   |
e, r
@KendallFrey *nudge*SURPRISE
!!/hang s
  |   |
e, r, s
!!/learn lol "$who laughed at $someone"
@KendallFrey Command lol learned
@KendallFrey Could not process input. Error: Cannot call method 'get' of undefined
!!/hang a
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, r, s
!!/lol @KendallFrey @RebeccaChernoff
!!/hang i
@rlemon Could not process input. Error: Cannot call method 'get' of undefined
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, i, r, s
/hang t
!!/learn lol "lol"
@KendallFrey Command lol already exists
/hang u
!!/forget lol
!!/hang o
@KendallFrey Command lol forgotten.
| |
| O
a, e, i, o, r, s
@KendallFrey Command lol does not exist. Did you mean: lol
!!/learn greetings "Let me be the first to automate, then welcome, you to the chat room. Welcome!"

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