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Any true bool value equals any other true value.
bool b = false;
int* ptr = (int*)&b;
*ptr = 2;
if (b)
	Console.WriteLine("b evaluated to true");
if (b == !false)
	Console.WriteLine("b is not not-false");
eww, c++
it's c#
Note that !false === true
Wait. I was wrong.
@sneak - Error 1 Pointers and fixed size buffers may only be used in an unsafe context
add the "unsafe" qualifier to your method
then turn unsafe code on
I don't use pointers.
Or any unsafe code.
I don't use them in c#
All my code is considered by the compiler to be above reproach.
this is just to prove that 2 as a bool value is not == to true
Any non-zero value equals true, but are not equal unless they are equal.
any non-zero value evaluates to true if used as a bool
but are not equal to true unless they are the true value
Error 1 Constant value 2 cannot be converted to a 'bool'
@zneak Wrong.
that's why you need pointers to set a bool to 2
@zneak Nope.
how about just keeping bool to a 0 or 1 like usual?
well go ahead Kendall
how do you get a bool 2
try to save 2 into the database for your bool value and I would assume something breaks
@zneak Unions.
As they are known in C++.
not that StructLayout thing
void Main()
A a = new A();
a.i = 42;
//A b = new A();
//b.i = 2;
(a.b == true).Dump();

// Define other methods and classes here
struct A
public bool b;
public int i;
prints True
void Main()
A a = new A();
a.i = 42;
A b = new A();
b.i = 2;
(a.b == b.b).Dump();

// Define other methods and classes here
struct A
public bool b;
public int i;
prints False
bool is initialized to true?
struct Booler
public bool BoolValue;

public int IntValue;
Booler booler;
booler.BoolValue = false;
booler.IntValue = 2;

if (booler.BoolValue)
Console.WriteLine("booler.BoolValue evaluated to true");
if (booler.BoolValue == !false)
Console.WriteLine("booler.BoolValue is not not-false");
this structlayout is interesting
Also, bitwise math works on the bools.
I'm almost positive I'm getting some sort of optimization.
looks shady, how did we get on this topic anyhow? everyone already knew that if(2) will enter the block
Stupid compiler, optimizing with optimizations disabled.
In fact, 2 != true
I agree!
But when you do 2 == true, it optimizes to just 2
Which is true.
Or at least which is not false
lol yes
I got it to forget the optimization by calling a method.
So bools are simply int32's.
Hm. Glad it optimizes that because bools in a database are tinyint
Oh, and a && b is not the same as a & b
a & b is bitwise
Not with bools (according to docs)
But it really is.
@zneak Is true really dependent on value of Z flag? I thought that was for arithmetic / bitwise operations only. Would assignment trigger setting of the flag?
so 0x1 & 0x0 == true but docs say it should be false?
A a = new A();
a.i = 42;
A b = new A();
b.i = 5;
(a.b & b.b).Dump();
prints True True False
Can you show what that code compiles into?
That would be interesting
Most logic shouldn't be done with bitwise operators
it's too easy to screw it up
Yeah, but this is an educational exercise.
@TravisJ The last statement (excluding the dump):
IL_003C: ldloca.s 00
IL_003E: ldfld UserQuery+A.b
IL_0043: ldloca.s 01
IL_0045: ldfld UserQuery+A.b
IL_004A: and
lol my phone had to tell me, breaking news: Boy Scouts have thousands of pedofiles.
doesn't surprise me
Frick i hate performance reviews
Oh, and with the &&, operator, the first operand is converted to a 0 or 1, but the second is not.
I might have to write down all this and put it on my blog.
@KendallFrey - That syntax highlighter plugin seems to produce incorrect line numbers
(on your blog)
Lol yeah it used to work i think.
Bug the author if you don't like it.
Not a problem to me, but the downside for you is that it makes your nice concise posts up to 3 times longer, and the whole content of your blog the same, with up to 50% of the content being blank or wasted.
lol I just checked it now, and it works PERFECTLY.
It even works in IE LOLOLOLOLOLOL
There is an easy fix to it, do you have control over the style sheets it uses?
No, I don't think so.
Maybe .
If you can remove the padding definition from so it looks like this:
.syntaxhighlighter table td.gutter .line {
text-align: right !important;
or, perhaps you could add a style to the head which overrides the padding there with
.syntaxhighlighter table td.gutter .line {
padding: 0px !important;
shCore.css line 100
[TestCase("First Second", "Second First")]
public void NamedReplaceTest(string input, string expected)
    Regex regex = new Regex("(?<firstMatch>First) (?<secondMatch>Second)");
    string replace = regex.Replace(input, "$2 $1");
That works, but how do I used the named groups by name?
I don't know if you can in the replacement string.
yeah maybe not, been searching for a while with no good examples
You can.
ah +1
where did you find it?
I tried different $[name] $<name>
Lovin the new case... thought 7 fans was overkill now I want 6 more
@Grixxly what case?
antec lanboy air
user image
Got that industrial strength look
i want one of those
It's nice... wish I could have gotten the gold instead of blue but oh well.
looks rugged
and lots of airflow
It is rugged
@Grixxly You dont use watercooling?
Nope, don't push the machine that hard. Plus I've got pretty old hardware
whistle $149 on newegg
my mobo is p5q3 deluxe... that's how old the hardware is
It was pricey but this case is going to last a few builds for sure
might actually be the last case I buy... or type that is... absolutely love it
@Grixxly full tower of course?
yup... fighting the urge to buy a new mobo/proc vid cards etc... this build has lasted 5 years and still going
Five years!
Do you know if the case comes without 51/2" slots? I would prefer harddisks mounted from the front
No bending connectors
p53q deluxe, e8600 proc, 285 gtx vid, 2 x 500gb striped together
Not much need for DVD, a usb one is fine
the free float mounting allows for 3 5 1/2s in three different directions as well as the 3 1/2s plus two mounts for ssd's
best case I've ever had
@Grixxly Glad to hear you're enjoying that case. I'm probably buying one next month.
I might have got it via impulse but I'm so glad I did. Being able to basically take off all panels made installing everything easy
@KendallFrey you want to answer the regex question on SO proper? I did not find much when i searched so maybe there is a need for the question + answer?
I probably should have done cable management better but I just wanted to get the box up so maybe someday... plus the handles on the top make it easy to move
What question?
replace with named captures
probably are similar questions
but nothing google found for me
[TestCase("First Second", "Second First")]
public void NamedReplaceTest(string input, string expected)
    Regex regex = new Regex("(?<firstMatch>First) (?<secondMatch>Second)");
    string replace = regex.Replace(input, "${secondMatch} ${firstMatch}");
that one^^
Yeah, but where's the question?
I have not posted it
my question is do you want the question?
@JohanLarsson I do :D
If you post the question, I will answer, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a dupe.
I would actually be surprised if it is not a dupe
But I had trouble finding the answer nonetheless
I'll give it a quick search
Up to you. If you ask, post here and I'll answer.
I found some but they are not very clear. I think the format with unit test is good
Sigh, day umpteen me vs mysql connector
at least I am able to edit and compile and execute the source code
that's always good
did they ever respond to your bug report?
Nope :(
And some of their code is hard for me to follow. They use something called Fragments to define the pieces of sql that is being generated.
It is kind of a mindfk
It doesn't help that my sql knowledge is not very advanced
Q: How to use named group when doing a Regex.Replace()

Johan LarssonHow do I use named captures when performing Regex.Replace? I have gotten this far and it does what I want but not in the way I want it: [TestCase("First Second", "Second First")] public void NumberedReplaceTest(string input, string expected) { Regex regex = new Regex("(?<firstMatch>Fir...

[TestCase("First Second", "Second First")]
public void NamedReplaceTest(string input, string expected)
    Regex regex = new Regex("(?<firstMatch>First) (?<secondMatch>Second)");
    string replace = regex.Replace(input, "${secondMatch} ${firstMatch}");
solution^^ (tested)
@Kyle - However, it does look like their lead engineer just got assigned to the bug today :)
that's cool
hopefully they will fix it soon
or you can narrow it down and submit a patch
I am trying to find where the issue is. It seems to be the way that they create the AS someAlias statement.
I am not entirely sure, but I am pretty sure that when using AS alias the alias should only occur once. However, there is a multiplicity there and that causes a duplication.
@JohanLarsson I found a page with the reference for all replacement patterns. Pretty cool.
@KendallFrey should I post the test with named captures as a complimentary answer?
@KendallFrey link?
someone else posted that way already
I think MSDN could use unit tests as a way to document this type of stuff
i find it a good way to document, writing a couple of dummy things with regex now for the sole purpose to document for colleges
@JohanLarsson In the answer.
@TravisJ Is there something like xpath in JSON?
@KendallFrey found it
@JohanLarsson - Not that I am aware of, however I did write something which can be used to find objects or values in json.
A: getJSON only returning [object Object],[object Object]

Travis JThere is no problem there. That is letting you know there are two objects inside of the array. The reason that you are getting that is because it is the top level so you only get types back. A good way to access JSON data is through recursion. function ContainsKeyValue( obj, key, value ){ for( a...

sup ppl
is there a clean way to get all types a type consists of?
types that are properties etc
I could use reflection but is there something that is ready out-of-the-box?
No, since Type only uses reflection.
Do you want properties? method return types? method parameters? fields? private members? What exactly are you looking for?
More importantly, why?
properties, it is for xml serialization
preload the serializer with the types to be expected
Can't you get XmlSerializer to do it for you?
dont like xmlinclude
What's that?
It isn't required for XmlSerializer.
gotta go, brb
for inheritance with xml stuff
the superclass should specify its subclasses (not SOLID)
IS youtube down for anyone else?
@RyanTernier Confirmed.
"A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation."
A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.
Error info:
Um, cool.
Nice, encrypted stack trace info :)
Someone is getting fired for sure.
it looks like it's base64
@RyanTernier Not to me.
It works once in a while.
Wait. It DOES look like base64
but it's not
just tried changing it to text haha
Nah, I got jumbled base64
Yes, but it could be binary.
looks like it is up now though
First 500, now 502.
Nothing about the monkeys, just a poor robot.
@robjb (I know i'm like a hour late) jumps depend on the flags, that's what I meant
hello again guys, I now have a new comp.
2 more cores, 4 more GB of RAM
and an increase of 200 MHz in clock speed
When I upgraded, I got 6 more cores :P
if I ask for another CPU I'll get 6 more cores I guess
my new work box is due tomorrow
hex core?
that is strange
yeah, I have a hexacore CPU
I would hate to program anything that's not a power of 2
xeon in a desktop box?
accidento bizarro.
well I do have to debug server code
anyways, that makes me happy
let's see how fast that thing can compile
@TomW We actually have a constraint saying we must have ecc + xeon when we buy high-end workstations at work
that is strange I think good way to get less bang for more buck
why? I struggle to imagine an employer who would actually choose something that's more expensive
good reason or no
I struggle to imagine an employer that actually understands what is best for the business.
That is they way it is here the it department work in a Sovjet spirit
I have a couple of horror stories, think I wrote one here but I'll write it again:
under the perception that the workers want a xeon at their command?
I think my new one is an i5
and as a special experiment, the only one in the company with an SSD as the system drive
I got the task to buy 30 new workstations for the department this spring. It had a high end with 2x4 2,4 GHz Cpu. We benchmarked it and it was actually slower than our three year old computers.
Then I asked if we could have only one CPU (4 cores) because we have no programs that actually benefit from many cores. Here is the reply:
If you want that you will have to pay for 2 CPU's + pay for the work when they remove one on arrival prior to sending it to us!
It was expensive CPU's ~2000$
erm. In what respect are you buying them when it's apparently already decided what you're getting?
@TomW I got what I wanted after about 70 emails
Chat is so funny because two people can tell a story at the same time to each other. Full duplex!
and a third person can interrupt both!
@TomW But I agree it was a sucky assignment I could not dodge it due to my perceived expertise :)
Question for you guys:
Would you rather manage an application, and do server operations through SQL Server/TOAD, or have a portal application/website tool?
well, that depends on your application and server
Do I get the option to go direct to the db if the portal can't do what I need, or is it closed to me?
@TomW Yes
@Ryan - both. I like the ease of a GUI for maintaining the application. However, when there are logical errors or issues which are not supported, it is really nice to be able to get into the meat of the database.
the only server "app" I made that doesn't have a dedicated management interface is a webpage I made so my friends could suggest me movies to watch
I find that when people have to log onto TOAD/SQL to run regular queries against a DB to see the status of the server, and RDP into it to check event logs, that there's too much risk
anyone experience with Hashtables?
when I watch a movie I go to the DB and set a field to "1"
I want to use the simplest and least-featured tool available that allows me to actually do what I need to do
@LeClerq, what's your question
@TomW I agree, but when you need to change say a name of a organization, it's safer to do that through an application that has some validation, than writing a SQL query for it
i) it's probably faster ii) it doesn't distract me by letting me think about other things i could be trying that are nothing to do with the problem at hand
a big advantage of having a management app is that it can provide better context and a safer interface
if you don't need more context or don't need a safer interface, you don't need a management app
@RyanTernier that's weird. I thought it was implicit that I preferred the portal application. You took it to mean the opposite
@Ryan - Sure, it is safer to change the name of an organization. But if the application automatically removes part of an object graph or somehow corrupts an object graph, you need access to the real deal and not just what the application has.
Unfortunately for me, a lot of the work I do is SQL queries, so I'm constantly logged into numerous DBs at a time.
I'm adding strings to a hashtable with a Int64 key. When I check with containsKey whether the key already exists it never hits, but I do get an argumentexception along the way (it's in a loop) stating there's a duplicate key
Just heard this come out of a project manager's mouth ... "I didn't exactly lie, but it was the opposite of the truth."
I'm adding via .Add(key,value) btw
I lol'd.
@LeClerq why not dictionariy?
is that c#@LeClerq?
@TomW My bad, must have misunderstood it :P
@zneak yes its c#
is it a BCL class or a class you made or a class you took somewhere else?
what? hashtable?
@RyanTernier no, don't apologise - it's interesting to see what biases people attach to statements that could go either way. In hindsight I can see that some people (who I wouldn't agree with) would see editing SQL as the 'simple' way
@robjb - I am not saying that today is Thursday.
I see it as the "fastest" way haha, but fastest doesn't always mean best
omg this keyboard doesn't have an "alt gr" key
In Microsoft Land, Fastest would be drag a data source to a web page and hook up a SQL Query in an ASPX Page.
sorry guys, I wanted to say something clever but I need to fix that first.
@zneak A what lol?
carefully inspects keyboard
@JohanLarsson what are the pro's and cons of a dictionary?
maybe that's a frenchism
I don't have the faintest idea what 'Alt Gr' means
I have one
(no alt gr here too btw :P)
I've never seen an 'Alt Gr' key until I just now wikipedia'd it.
@LeClerq I'm no expert but from what I know a dictionary is just a typed hashtable (I count on zneak correcting me if I'm wrong)
that key is usually the right alt and instead of being a plain ol' alt it lets you do more characters
It's a wannabe shift button, eh?
Alt Graphics! obviously...
<Topper> That's nothing
TIL: shift+alt+ numpad 4 will go backwards in history
[x] Alt Gr in Sweden
"primarily used to type characters that are unusual for the locale of the keyboard layout" ... interesting.
I guess you just need more modifier keys when you have diacritics on your letters
You wanna see the MIT space cadet keyboard, that has ctrl, shift, alt, meta, hyper, super and greek modifier keys
@robjb used for @£$ in sweden
@JohanLarsson kay I'll try that
now excuse me while I go SharpKeys that into place
@TravisJ hrmph

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