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got a solution for me?
No :(
Got a solution for me? The problem is that it works on my machine but not hers.
what's your problem Kendall?
haha, lol
no sorry
Well i'm leaving for dinner
have a good one!
@zneak My problem is that it doesn't work on her machine.
so, I want to evaluate '3 > x > 6'. Why can't I write it like this in an if statement?
Because this isn't COBOL.
i need to go all if(3 > x || x > 6)
err &&*
BTW, that is always false, since 3 < 6
oh wait..
thats messed up translation :)
The original expression is messed up
well thats shorthand in maths no? I remember seeing that back in school days
no Kendall is right :P
Yeah, but the fact that it's always false...
If you meant 3 < x < 6,
I thought that was supposed to mean a between 3 & 6
if (3 < x && x < 6)
agh yoda conditionals
it has to be true if it's bigger than 6, or smaller than 3
then your initial statement isn't right
it is
x < 3 || x > 6 then
Hi guys, is there any way to get rid of the void? pastebin.com/3PKY2cYe (I want everything in one block)
if(3 > x || x > 6) like you said.
@zneak Suck it up.
@SpecialK. Not following...
Kay thanks
@KendallFrey what do you mean?:/
I mean, "What do you mean?"
void AccDetailsDownloaded(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
I want this to dissapear "_
is there is a quick day to find the "age" in days between 2 dates?
(dateA - dateB).Days ?
aka if I want to find someone's birthday in days
@zneak how accurate is that? does it calculate all the leap years and stuff?
Okay but still: if(!3<x<=6) doesn't work either
hey, whats an easy way to convert "10.00000" from string to currency ?
LeClerq, you can't put two conditions in one
@ScottSelby, decimal.Parse(string)
you are on fire today zneak :)
that will be a decimal 10.0000
thanks btw
how can I trim 0's after 2 after decimal
@zneak so 'it's just the way it is' then? :P
@SpecialK. I'm confused. Where?
there's a money format string somewhere
yea that is what I was curious about, i'll look it up
@LeClerq, break it in two conditions separated by an || or and &&
@zneak yes I will then ;)
@ScottSelby, use the "C" format specifier
@KendallFrey so this is the original: pastebin.com/index/3PKY2cYe - and this is what I'm trying to achieve, but ovbviously this won't work: pastebin.com/0yzy900m
string.Format("{0:C}", 10.00m)
I think the C might put a dollar sign , i'll check
yes, it will
@SpecialK. To specify an inline function, do this:
() =>
// yada yada yada
Put any parameters in the brackets.
I just want to parse to decimal with 2 spots after decimal
then use {0:0.00}
@ScottSelby this depends ofcourse on your locale. I had a box once which ran the Dutch locale, and put euro signs in it when you used "C" specifier
yea, im not worried about that right now
thanks tho
@KendallFrey well, that's the thing, I want to get rid of the function and still able to get that XML element
Put the two parameters in the brackets.
@zneak Age = (Convert.ToDateTime(issue.CreatedDate) - DateTime.Now).Days + " Day(s)" is not working for me :S always showing 0
any tips?
What type is issue.CreatedDate?
Is it not a DateTime?
it is datetime
Then why convert???
you'll probably want DateTime.Now - issue.CreatedDate anyways
(to get a positive number)
tried that as well
anyway. trying this now
that would get you closer to the right answer at least
Age = (DateTime.Now - issue.CreatedDate).Days + " Day(s)";
what are the two dates? can you check with the debugger?
I feel sad.
oh I think it is because of the time
This project is managed so horribly.
created date = {10/17/2012 2:03:00 PM}
it shouldn't be an issue
now = now of course :)
uh yeah it's because of the time then
you get rounded down days
yeah ima try adding some older dates
You could use CreatedDate.Date and DateTime.Today, IIRC
Those discard times
trying that
jon skeet presentation about dates is now playing in my head
yay it works
Age = (DateTime.Today - issue.CreatedDate.Date).Days + " Day(s)";
thanks zneak and kendall
@KendallFrey sorry :( I feel your pain
Yeah, it's managed as if it's Agile, but not programmed like it.
@KendallFrey I was not able to make it working, could you modify that paste kindly please?
Ugh. Just show me what you tried.
One sec.
Original:pastebin.com/3PKY2cYe My attempt: pastebin.com/v8mrjzmT - I'm a complete newbie...
No, you need to create a lambda function with () => {} and pass it to DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler
arguments go in the ()
looking for fruits kendall? lol
function body goes in the {}
@zneak Don't ask. It was something from work.
yayyyy I'm getting my new work comp this afternoon
Has anyone tried the Stacked Odds extension for Chrome?
DateTime.Now sucks. Perios
typos suck more
DateTime.UtcNow for a painless date storage
DateTime.Now doesn't suck. Convert sucks.
DateTime.Now causes plenty ofissues when you launch internationally
if u wanna store dates, store UTC
I don't launch internationally.
a/s/l people?
I agree that UtcNow has a lot of merits
(there's no "but" coming)
kidding about a/s/l btw.. lol. been so long since I used that line
I hope you weren't expecting any "f" answer
snrt hehe
@zneak The thing is, you only know UTC importance when you are faced with millions of records and thousands of lines of code you have to change, to make everything utc
you don't have to convince me
@KendallFrey Sinus Node Recovery Time
is it just me or VS2008's c++ support is better than VS2010's
Any NHibernate users here?
I am trying to figure out whether to use fluent or XML mappings
@BrianV Personal preference. I prefer Fluent.
Some people prefer separation of the mapping. To each his own.
In WinRT does anyone know if there is a way to clear Data bindings from code. BindingOperations.ClearBinding does not exist in WinRT
I'm bored. Somebody say something stupid.
something stupid
I hate your guts.
the 2012 US elections will bring change and prosperity back to the US
is that better?
LOLOLOL tell me another.
stephen harper is the most respectful and loved prime minister of all the history of canada
javascript is the most well-designed language ever
What is?
hey you remember my answer from yesterday for the console.log thing?
@zneak You had me with that one.
someone's downvoted it
shrug not
I guess I hurt feelings with the "arguably bad language design" part
Stack Overflow is not about feelings. Stack Overflow is about rep.
OMG look
double ImWatchingYou = 0.0;
No star? Wah!
I'm gonna go jump off a bridge. A Lego one.
This is my future Kendall impersonation: Pain pain pain, weee, death.
I need a "back" button in visual studio >.<
I do so many "Got To Definition" right now
@Billdr Nope, weee, lava, pain, pain, pain, death, respawn, all good.
Canadian legos must be smoother and less sharp than the ones we've got.
how's everybody?
My bod's great, thanks checking it out.
@Billdr Canadian faces are too. BURN
Apparently so is Canadian wit.
@Billdr Anytime.
American wit? American wit maple syrup, yum, yum.
Apparently my keyboard has a back button but no forward button...
And the back button is easy to hit when I have a bass around my neck.
@zneak umm, the back button on your mouse works in VS
so does the forward button
I have a membership to an arboretum. I went for a hike there last weekend; they have a maple syrup farm there. It's the coolest thing ever.
really D:
@KyleTrauberman You must have a hi-tech mouse
I use it all the time
We have a ton of maple syrup producers around me.
it doesn't work in vs2008
We have a fesitval every fall when it gets into full swing.
It's all done in blue tubes, goes just above your head. Looks like a watercooled pc made out of trees.
@Billdr Oh, the new-fashioned way.
my mouse has back & forward buttons and Chrome recoginzes them
it works in vs 2012 and 2010 (I believe)
oh well
I need it in 2008 :(
upgrade already!
My mouse has a right button that can do more than your silly buttons.
@KendallFrey Did you just want to quote the Flinstones theme song, or is there a more modern way of harvesting tree blood?
Holy crap. I only wanted to spend an hour practicing bass, NOT 3 HOURS!
@KendallFrey Said nobody.
@KendallFrey the c# wiki and my star leaderboard are blocked at work as "phishing and other frauds"
I wish I could upgrade it
@Billdr We used to go to a neighbour and collect sap from buckets hanging on trees.
no actually I wish someone else would upgrade it
Seems like a good way to put fly puke on your pancakes.
Dear Microsoft IntelliPoint: Go die in a fire.
@Billdr NOM
fly puke huh
is that what you call honey too?
You see, if the bucket is exposed to the air, flies would get in to it. Flies do their digestion outside of their body by vomiting on their food.
Dear Microsoft: Go die in a Linux zombie apocalypse.
@zneak Bee poop.
I'm not sure how bees make honey. I'm pretty sure it's gross.
@KendallFrey Here here!
Ever eat honeycomb? OM NOM NOM spit NOM NOM...
So Microsoft IntelliPoint turned off my middle click. I CAN'T OPEN NEW TABS WITHOUT MIDDLE CLICK!
The cereal?
Wax is a horrible substitute for chewing gum.
@Billdr The Real McCoy.
EVERYONE thinks cereal when I say honeycomb.
Because eating an actual honeycomb does not sound like a good plan.
Well, it tastes good.
It tastes like honey.
There's a flower called honey suckle. If you want honey that hasn't gone through an incest's digestive system, it's the way to go.
incest? Ewww.
I.. What?
Just no.
go to control panel -> mouse
I love inventing foobar replacements
Today's invention: fleery
I'm going crazy, and it's only Thursday.
@KendallFrey I used to eat real honeycomb when I was a kid, is delicious
will java be disabled in IE10 for windows 8?
Why do so many starred messages have exactly 2 stars? Strange fact for the day.
2 is not a boolean value
But when typed as a bool, it is true.
Code challenge for today: Prove that 2 when typed as a bool is true.
you can't do that, unfortunately, because it relies on hardware details
What hardware details?
that "true" is interpreted as "whenever the NZ flag is set" (or "whenever the Z flag is not set")
"Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version= ..." I uninstalled and reinstalled this packaged with NuGet. Anyone know how to resolve this?
true is just a language construct that is usually set to one
@zneak Does the CLR really depend on that?
the CLR's "true" is 1 and nothing else
but it does depend on it
if you use pointers to set a bool to, like, 42, it will still evaluate to true
The CLR's "false" is 0 and nothing else.
which means the CLR is not relying on its "true" value to determine if something is true or not
Everything else is true.
I'm fairly sure that if we went to the specs we'd see that true is true only and false is false only
and the rest is undefined
@zneak Note: No unsafe code necessary.
@zneak If you show me, I will believe it.
IIRC, assigning a bool to another bool keeps the underlying value, not just the truth value.
alright, you're right
Boolean. 4-byte integer value where any nonzero value represents TRUE, and 0 represents FALSE.
ECMA 335 page 125
then again
what's your definition of "true"?
assume I have bool b
@zneak - true == !false
is b true when it is equal to true or when it is not equal to false?
then according to your definition, 2 is not true
because b == !false, with b == 2, is false
Hold on, testing.
when b == 2 it is not true, it is also not false which is more important.
if b == 2, if(b) will enter the if branch
Yes, because it is not false.
Standard C++ there
I thought we were talking about C#
We are.
int b = 2;
if(b == true){
 //unreachable code
if(b != false){
 //executing code
C++ allows ints as bools.
@TravisJ No compilo
non compatible comparison?
implicit cast from int to bool or something
what does if(b) compile to when b=2?
The results are in.
mass fanfare

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