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> Hey! I just met you. My code is crazy! Here's a copy. Help, I'm lazy!
the javascript room topic
let me guess
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
yes, they seem to have the same signature but return different
That one's called when you do ((IEnumerable)foo).GetEnumerator()
yes I know that much
Or whenever you call it when typed as IEnumerable
IEnumerable<T> implements IEnumerable
was confused about the signatures
The other one's called the rest of the time
which both define a GetEnumerator() method
so you have to implement both
public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator()
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
to do that, you can explicitly specify that this method is from IEnumerable
seems to return different?
@KyleTrauberman ok
which is why you see IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
ok, I did a custom Enumerator too
you'll note that it just calls the generic method
yes that is true
I tried to do the same in .Current for the enumerator, that was what got me thinking
It worked ehan I casted it first though
I'm too tired now. Gonna walk the dogs. It was not a problem but it got me a little curious.
I just overheard that someone complained about our code reviews
his argument was that it limits creativity
@zneak did you slap the complainer in the <strike>cock</strike> face?
apparently my lead developer did it for us all
it's <strike>
and </strike>
my lead dev always finds out that I didn't do stuff in the DB I should have... code reviews are good
<strike> face </strike> palm
yeah I guess it's just not supported
I may or may not depend on Intellisense too much for HTML :P
How do I read the benchmark for openssl? Has anyone used it before?
of course code reviews are good lol
"limit creativity" = "my lead won't let me write shitty code"
@zneak @Pheonixblade9 it is supported
like this
---like this---
@zneak did you slap the complainer in the cock face?
<golfclap />
@TravisJ Do you have reviews?
@KyleTrauberman Really Kyle, really?
@JohanLarsson Jon Skeet = good is a tautology
but have you read it?
ohhh shiny
--- ---
ooo fun
|||| |||| |||
telephone poles
✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝
ಠ ಠ ಠ ಠ tandem bicycle
@Johan - I am the reviewer.
@TravisJ on amazon
oh, thought you mean code reviews
@Kinected ?
I own the book, I liked it. It was in depth, had good examples.
µ ± Ø ° are handy altcodes when drawing CAD
It is pretty revered on SO. Mark Seemann has something like 70k rep
@KyleTrauberman Your vs you're
@TravisJ I'll by both
yeah, what about it?
Was it really necissary?
not really
Now I understand the reviewer comment, I was just curious of how your latest hacks would fare if light was casted on them
@Johan - I am not the reviewer though on amazon. I thought you meant like in house code review.
bye guys
I had lost the context.
@zneak Do you work at Ubisoft
at the risk of being evasive, why would you like to know
he's probably trying to determine if you're working on AC3 in a roundabout way.
okay okay, I don't work at Ubi, I work for EA
@zneak why is it a secret?
it's not anymore
@zneak That is so cool
Your my idol :)
Are you working on AC3?
you can call me a grammar nazi if you want
but for some reason your vs you're really bugs me
AC3 isn't EA
Okay @GrammerNazi
@KyleTrauberman Sorry, I don't do AC
@zneak What game are you working on then?
in context that was fun
not tellin :P
Please.... I'll buy it when it comes out
I'll tell when it's released :)
he's probably under NDA and can't tell you
@zneak ಠ_ಠ
exactly, thank you kyle
Tell me in binary
how is that different than telling you in english?
Because lawyers don't know binary
@Kinected that doesn't matter
do you know binary?
without using some sort of converter?
I memorized roubaixinteractive.com/PlayGround/Binary_Conversion/… for fun during the summer while other kids were playing football
@Kinected at that rate, you'll be living in your moms basement at 40
still a virgin
I was going to leave right?
Bye for real
and weigh 400 lbs
yeah it's not up-to-date
I see that
I think I have it on my front page though
You should update it
as soon as I'm looking for another job, I will
I haven't been here for very long, I don't have much to say yet
This time, I am going to actually leave
I'll believe it when I see it
@Kinected are you really gone?
I couldn't stand it
nope, just popped back in
I left then came back
i saw that
@Kinected you'll be back
@Kinected ok, now that's getting annoying
what does it say
Find out for yourself.
my phone barcode scanner won't read that.
So lets all talk in barcode now.
it says "let's all talk in barcode now"
@zneak No, it says "So lets all talk in barcode now."
@zneak 01011010011011100110010101100001011010110010110000100000011100000111010101110100‌​001000000111100101101111011101010111001000100000011101000110100101110100011011000‌​110010100100000011010010110111000100000011000100110100101101110011000010111001001‌​111001001000000111010001101000011001010110111000100000011010010110111000100000011‌​000010010000001000101010000010100111000100000011000100110000101110010011000110110‌​11110110010001100101
A: The += operator with nullable types in C#

Kendall FreyHere is the difference between the two statements: x += x ?? 1 x = (x + x) ?? 1 The second isn't what you were expecting. Here's a breakdown of them both: x += x ?? 1 x += null ?? 1 x += 1 x = x + 1 x = null + 1 x = null x = x + x ?? 1 x = null + null ?? 1 x = null ?? 1 x = 1

You got another silver badge now
@KyleTrauberman I don't do those, sorry.
@KyleTrauberman is there a good way to use IoC inside a class library?
sure, add structuremap to the project references
configure it like you would normally
then call ObjectFactory.CreateInstance<typehere>()
the problem I see is where to put the bootstrapper code
you'll need some sort of app to host it
since I have no defined entrypoint (that I know of)
then that won't work
I'll play around a little tomorrow
DI can be used in the library by accepting interfaces in your ctors
but the IoC container (i.e. structuremap) should be hosted at the app level, not the library level
com-po-si-tion-roooooot :P
Do I always just have one container/app?
usually yes
can should the lib export its config?
you can define the structuremap config in code
but if you're doing it in xml, its at the app level (web.config, for example)
Yes, I was thinking (noob thinking that is) if I wire everything up in the lib and make the lib able to export its settings
but maybe that is just maintenance nightmare
@KyleTrauberman Have you used OpenSSL?
then what is the point of IoC?
control should be handed to the app, not the library
@LewsTherin nope
Good thing, it'd probably drive you mad :D
@KyleTrauberman I'm probably confusing things
@LewsTherin what are you looking for?
How to interpret the benchmark test
is it only the handshake you are interested in?
The handshake is expensive but then symmetric keys are used for the rest of the session(up to some max time)
The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.
type             16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
md2                799.21k     3373.74k     4698.09k     5223.77k     5413.84k
mdc2                 0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.00
md4              15400.69k    53198.61k   151020.63k   281054.21k   378186.37k
md5              13434.36k    46598.59k   132617.57k   242282.03k   321873.92k
hmac(md5)        17057.76k    55062.30k   149558.61k   255289.18k   319819.43k
Wtf do they mean?
@Kyle - I stripped the signatures and now I can use my modified connector :D
@LewsTherin "The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed." that leaves me clueless?
Is this something for school?
@Kyle - Can you revive my question?
@TravisJ I voted to undelete it, but it needs 2 more votes
Oh well, was just going to try to document how to do that.
@JohanLarsson Ya.
create a new question, and answer it yourself
Yeah, I have another one I can just convert into that.
No one really seems to be that up to date on this stuff
I was hoping to get a tumbleweed badge lol
do any of you run VS2010 and 2012 side by side and what are you thoughts on that
I do.
I like VS2012
My only thoughts on it.
where's that question Travis?
I can vote to undelete it too
@Ricky.G My thoughts: Nothing to think.
you're just one vote away now
nice :) but I doubt it will get re-opened. more than likely it will get spam reviewed into deletion
I am trying to get a team of 20 with 30 solutions upgraded to 2012 Arrrg has anyone done this, shall I uninstall 2010 and use 2012 only or side by side and slowely transition
one with the least amount of downtime
@Ricky.G - Did you make sure that all of your third party is compatible with 4.5?
yes did some conversion and testing in a VM, looks ok; but whast the best way to get every one upgraded at the same time
@KendallFrey - Can you help me undelete the question I linked to zneak above?
I would like to document how I managed to include this .dll from oracle.
it will still be closed though, right?
I'd help, but...
unless undeletion also reopens
yes, then I have to get it opened
which requires editing it
@TravisJ I don't think it does.
@KendallFrey - It does from a content quality perspective
Has anyone worked with the "Good For Nothing" compiler?
Do I want to?
It needs to be updated for VS2010/vs2012
coders don't make good comedians
Q: How to customize MySql Connector/net?

Travis JMySql Connector/Net is not working properly. The team working on bugs is only 3 people and they do not resolve complex issues. There are still unresolved issues from 2009. I want to customize their connector so that it works for my complex situation. How can I use a customized version in my proje...

yay self answering questions?
me: ∞, oracle: -∞
I upvoted but hesitated, on the hacky side
very nice formatting though
The only hackish part is the signing, which you can actually do. It would take another 10 steps to explain though.
@SpicyWeenie wrong. Scott Hanselman is hilarious.
@TravisJ are Oracle even interested in your patch?
@LewsTherin my connection went down
Hate it when that happens :(
@JohanLarsson Did you figure it out?
do you have to use that source?
and what is your assignment?'
@Johan - I am sure they would be, if they were even aware of anything going on around them. How they profit is beyond me.
send them a pastebin-dump
could be useful for someone else or even you. It would be sweet if you could switch back to out-of-the-box code again
maybe include the code you posted here earlier?
That code does in fact dictate the change.
lol check out this generated sql:
`Extent6`.`isDeleted` AS `ISDELETEDWTF2`,
`Extent7`.`Name` AS `NAMEWTF1`,
I think I have properly targeted the code which controls the duplication
That is my highly technical acronym for "want to function".
WTF = why the friendliness?
you probably mean "Worse Than Failure"
Ah, yes, I think that is what I will use in the future.
Fail 2.0: WTF
So, making a windows 8 store app. I need to get than fancypants horizontal scrolling that all the kids are raving about. Any ideas on the standard way to approach this?
in js?
I had a colleague at my previous job, he was hot tempered and not good with computers. Once there was a meeting where he was asked to find something in his computer. He browsed entire folder structures where all names was profanity before he found the thing. Projector on the whole time.
Dang, I love easy questions.
A: Abbreviating console.log in JavaScript

Lews Therinvar log = function(str){console.log(str)} log("Bingo");

(not acronyms) unambiguous stuff
pah, even better
var log = console.log.bind(console);
@LewsTherin 3,4 k and 70 days left to xMas
@zneak I'd ask how that works.. but I have a lot on my plate :(
@JohanLarsson Still won't make it :(
@LewsTherin did the generics questions you posted get answered?
Which one?
Are you sure it was me? :O
I think it was two
you posted here, they were almost unreadable
What? Me? :O
but maybe Jon Skeet could brute force them
Wasn't that you?
not your questions, you linked two here in chat
Oh right.
I have no idea.
Jon Skeet probably handled it lol
Does this seem excessive?
`UnionAll1`.`C2` AS `C16`,
`UnionAll1`.`C3` AS `C17`,
`UnionAll1`.`C4` AS `C18`,
`UnionAll1`.`C5` AS `C19`,
`UnionAll1`.`C6` AS `C20`,
`UnionAll1`.`C7` AS `C21`,
`UnionAll1`.`C8` AS `C22`,
`UnionAll1`.`C9` AS `C23`,
`UnionAll1`.`C10` AS `C24`,
`UnionAll1`.`C11` AS `C25`,
`UnionAll1`.`C12` AS `C26`,
`UnionAll1`.`C13` AS `C27`,
`UnionAll1`.`C14` AS `C28`,
`UnionAll1`.`C15` AS `C29`,
`UnionAll1`.`C16` AS `C30`,
`UnionAll1`.`C17` AS `C31`,
`UnionAll1`.`C18` AS `C32`,
`UnionAll1`.`C19` AS `C33`,
@LewsTherin Nope, you lose.
@TravisJ what is that and is it always going to be in order?
@TravisJ Yes.
@KendallFrey ?
@zneak won.
@SpicyWeenie - That is generated from mysql connector
I didn't realize it was a competition :O
Well now you know.
@TravisJ maybe you can write a parser for it
@LewsTherin three thousand rep, and you only realized that now?
but @LewsTherin will probably get accepted because he answered sooner
@SpicyWeenie - What is strange is that a segment right below it looks like this:
NULL AS `C10`,
NULL AS `C11`,
NULL AS `C12`,
NULL AS `C13`,
NULL AS `C14`,
NULL AS `C15`,
NULL AS `C16`,
NULL AS `C17`,
NULL AS `C18`,
NULL AS `C19`,
NULL AS `C20`,
NULL AS `C21`,
NULL AS `C22`,
NULL AS `C23`,
NULL AS `C24`,
NULL AS `C25`,
NULL AS `C26`,
NULL AS `C27`,
NULL AS `C28`,
NULL AS `C29`,
NULL AS `C30`,
that's the other part of the competition, you might have the smartest answer ever, if you're beaten by 2 minutes it's no good
@KendallFrey The rep is merely more for myself than competing against others.
(this is why when I answer a question I hurry to post a very simple answer, then go back to edit and include more details)
Very innnnntereeeestinnnng... (stroking beard)
@zneak - That is why you also answer with a 1 liner. Then edit to have 2 lines. Then edit to have 4, 8, 16,32,64,etc. depending on how much rep you get.
Haha @Zecc.
while(!accepted){answerLines = Math.Pow(2,upvotes);}
Who is Zecc?
The guy that commented.
are you constantly scanning the list of questions?
Oh right.
@zneak Jeff Atwood himself recommended that approach.
I know, that's where I picked it from
I thought that was Jon Skeet

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