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@Sisyphe Not very experienced with WPF, I prefer Console and WinForms :D
it's a really excellent exercise to learn more about wPF
and programming in general
I do not even know what is the use of WPF :D
thx Maverik
I'll get my first bounty
@Sisyphe true but it is also very time consuming >.<
why this line always return object.system ==> return mbe.ExecuteStoreQuery<object>(Query, null).Select(x =>Convert.ToString(x)).FirstOrDefault();
Anyways, I'd advise that you use UTC time everywhere, until you present it to the user (and then you add 11 hours/convert to local time/convert to some timezone). It will almost certainly save you a lot of trouble to know that all time is UTC time if you ever need to manipulate the dates.
Dates are the worst data structures to work with.
@Sisyphe @zneak @KendallFrey any idea
HI @Saeid87
that should return a string, what kind of error do you get
@Saeid87 -> Could you solve your problem with the byte array?
no error just the output System.string
tried Select<string> ? type inference should work but it's worth a try
sorry Ssystem.Object
you mean it returns the string "System.Object"?
Surely you know what type of data it is actually returning. Then you can just cast it to that type.
i think maybe zneak is right :D
@zneak yes
@zneak even modifying to return mbe.ExecuteStoreQuery<object>(Query, null).Select<object,string>(x=> x.ToString() ).FirstOrDefault();
well it means that you didnt override the ToString method of your object whatever it is
it's thus returning the default
@SpecialK. You will have to find the timezone of the server. The use TimeZoneInfo like zneak suggested, to get the hour difference (utc +11). Then use TimeZoneInfo to convert the date to UTC. Again like Zneak said, store every date information in UTC, trust me
tht system.type as a string
we recently started moving internationally, and all our dates were in GMT, converting to UTC is a big job later onwards when you have loads of code and data
quick question: in C#, what is the naming convention for public members? e.g. I have a class and it has the following member: public Object MyObject { get; set; }.
@Sisyphe because it's Resultobject
I'm more wondering about the case (sentence case, camel case, etc.)
camel casing is what we use for Properties
ok, and an _ infront of private members?
private object _myObject
local vars will be
var myObject
same for params
and when you say camel case for public members, you mean MyObject
k, and what about for statics (public and private)?
In essence we follow ReSharper rules
some follow StyleCop
I think ReSharper follows same convention as private variables for static private vars
for private Const, we use Camel Casing
so what shall I do , any suggestion please
what about public static members? I tried to google the naming convention, but could only find how to configure it
@tranceporter @Sisyphe any idea
i don't know the ExecuteStoreQuery method
what does it return ?
it return objectresult<T>
@AMH Thats because you are calling ExecuteStoreQuery<object>
ok so ObjectResult<object> in your case
and you want to call ToString on this ?
return type of ExecuteStoreQuery is ObjectResult<TElement> where TElement is the type you pass in when you call ExecuteStoreQuery
which is object in your case
you won't get anything beside "System.Object"
so how to overcome that
what are you trying to achieve exactly ?
what do you want to display ?
I want to display string return the outputresult of the query as string ,the problem if the query return int , it will crash
...dammit. my vacation broke my SO visit streak of 225 days. :(
@KyleTrauberman that's sad T-T
you need to add an override of ToString() in your class that is being returned

public override string ToString() { return "My Data"; }
it's ObjectResult
in the proxy class I'm guessing
in TElement
going home now
you are doing a ToString just in case the return is an int ?
laters guys
not in select <object,string>(x=>x)
try something like that
@tranceporter laters
wait a sec
Hi, any Virtual Box expert?
I need to open a vmdk file using VBox
It works well with VMPlayer but no intuitive way with VBox
if simple solutions don't work.. complicate the matters!

install vmware in vbox and off you go!
well that would be the quick and dirty way of doing this
I'd go with this approach if VBox lets you expose physical hard drive
that way you don't have to touch the original vmdk or rely on conversions
I'm not sure it does.
(though of course i might be missing the point of conversion since i don't know the context)
Meh, I will stick with VMPlayer. The annoying thing is it doesn't have full screen mode.
Sorry AMH, i'm getting stuck at work
i'll check back a bit later
I just used my VMPlayer and it works in full screen? I'm using v9 .. what version are you on?
Ok, no problem
@Maverik VM 5.5 :o
@LewsTherin isn't VMPlayer free?
nvm.. its free for personal use
I suppose you're not in personal use setting
I am
Cleaning the desk sorry.
VLC is pretty great.
Yep, I will see if I can get VMPlayer 9
Web API Client question. The API I'm connecting to returns errors in xml, not in the status code - because why use the documented features of headers, right?
So... What would be a good way of peeling off that xml node and passing the rest to my model?
@Maverik In case you misunderstood, the OS isn't displaying in full screen not the player. Your own does?
The best I have is parsing the result, checking for the error, then copying the result-node into a new xml object.
@LewsTherin oh nah I noticed mine isn't going full screen either. Sorry, I did misunderstand you there
Surely there is a way to fix that?
i'd imagine so. its almost like vmware tools aren't running under vmplayer
Ok.. I want to get a Linux distro on VBox
I just got mine fullscreen with a resolution change
it was in a custom resolution (which i imagine was what I was using originally in window mode)
if you could change the full screen thing, would you still want vbox?
I have VBox installed anyway
well then see if your issue is with resolution as well
But if I get the fullscreen mode working I don't care.
How did you fix the resoln?
it was in 1710x yyy resolution - I just switched it to 1920x1080
(right click on desktop -> screen resolution if you're in windows 7/8 - otherwise right click on desktop -> properties -> Second last tab if memory serves)
Um ok
Mine is 1920x1080 :O
I can't wait to go home and be dazzled by my new monitor :D
this screen feels small now!
It's quite depressing when the equipment you'll happily buy for yourself at home exceeds the quality of that provided by work
@TomW Yeah lol
22 inch wide screen. <3
So do you guys recommend Linux mint?
my boss knows i'm a gaming geek... so I get offered stuff for my pc as bonus item when i help them get some business deal sorted. So far I've dropped all that into my office pc :D
@LewsTherin used it a bit, it seems pretty nice
In ASP, if I store a value, say of type Foo, in session; then I get it back and try casting it to type Foo, and receive an InvalidCastException, what the heck do I do to cast it? Using as results in null, and the types are the "same". When I check the GUIDs of the object in session, versus one created during that request, they're different. Is this a caching issue or something?
Q: why the output always "System.Object"

AMHin EF I want tto get the first value of query so I use ExecuteStoreQuery<object>(Query, null).FirstOrDefault(); because I don't know what's the actual returned data type if the value comming is numeric is crash , so I used the following ExecuteStoreQuery<object>(Query, null).Sel...

Ha ha
The rant begins ;)
maybe you should read a book about EF and Linq first :>
@DavidDV Well considering you are not a fan of EF :D
I have to use a WCF service made by a "programmer" using EF
It's so slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
Here we go :D
Well its the truth
Why "programmer"?
He is been using EF for almost 2 years and when I say "you probably have a N+1 problem" he just stares at me like huh?
If you don't know how to use a framework properly then don't use it
If my users have to wait 30 seconds while I could easily do it in 3-4 seconds then that is a problem
Yep of course.
So that is my annoyance
Is he a new programmer?
no, senior
doesn't matter in the end
you have ppl that want to make something really good and you have ppl that make something good enough
I guess he is the good enough guy
yep :)
I think there are programmers and there are wanna-bes -- theres no good enough!
I had a 1.5 years project die on me cos of a wannabe 5 year senior "programmer"
do not like them at all!
which reminds me of AMH: mate you need to figure out your queries. How can you return multiple type results from same query? (and not know what you're expected to get)
@Maverik "what do you mean SELECT * is a bad idea?"
@Pheonixblade9 eh? when did I say that?
you didn't, I'm joking :)
Admittedly I do frown at SELECT * - but I dont normally throw my perfectionist impressions out in public without good reason :)
heh, select * is useful in some cases, but when I see `new SqlCommand("SELECT * from dbo.derp") it gives kittens cancer
SqlCommand is bad enough.
@Pheonixblade9 If that's the case, I'm gonna always use it from now on.
I do live in EF boat :) But I don't do 30 second queries
SqlCommand isn't so bad. DataContext gives a bit too much overhead sometimes.
@Maverik we have a sproc that takes up to 40 minutes to run... MWAHAHAHAHA
That I've seen, it's almost always used because the writer didn't know anything better :P
Oh oh. Man. Using ODBC providers.
@Pheonixblade9 >.< I'm fortunate to never have run into anything over a few seconds. Anything over a second starts to worry me. Anything over 5 seconds is a no no for me.
well... it actually is doing a HUGE amount of work
There was this code I had to rewrite that basically had these 100 ODBC parameters added by order
the generated execution plan is like... 50MB
And they had like SELECT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6....
And then they added them all one by one
why did they use ODBC, no one knows.
.NET 4.0, against a normal database, you use ODBC.
@GregRos because a consultant told them it was a good idea
They were a consultant.
We have a guy here who wrote a 21k line stored procedure.
So, I guess they can't shift any blame :P
It's a data feed sproc, takes about 2 hours to run.
@GregRos the consultant's consultant told them it was a good idea
@Pheonixblade9 when I see a sproc that of that sort, I prefer to code it in .net for all transformations and then drop it back in db once I'm done.. rather than abuse temp tables and keep dumping data here and there as I transform
@SPFiredrake yeah, I work at a data feed company. that's what we do... idk if ours is 21k lines, but some come close
can't you write stored procedures in .net with sql server anyways?
@zneak sort of, but it just translates them to SQL anyways.
iirc Oracle supports java stored procedures
if you run a LINQ query against a data context, you can see the actual generated SQL in SQL Profiler
No, in SQL server you can embed assemblies and call them from SQL
Unless I misread
Yea thats what I was referring to
Yah it's a really cool feature.
Shame they can't use 4.0
though rarely used
Hmm we used it last time. It was neato.
Can someone tell me why char is 2 bytes in C# ??? is all chars LSB always 00??? Anything I have seen so far is like 0x83 0x00
that's because .net chars are UTF-16
and the second byte is actually the most significant one (.net is little-endian)
@Saeid87 because a char is a 16-bit value. from 0 to 255
ASCII characters have the MSB as 0.
so the MSB is 0 for ascii values, like everyone just said
Most Unicode characters use both bytes.
Look at this guy: ಠ_ಠ
@KendallFrey You mean both bytes same value?! or one of bytes 00 ?
he means that both bytes have a different value
catch(Exception ಠ_ಠ)
{throw ಠ_ಠ;}
aaahh ok
also I would like to make a clarification
throw far away so no one can catch that
in English most characters use only one of the two bytes of a UTF-16 char
@Pheonixblade9 now thats a creative use of unicode lol
other languages (like French) use more characters, like é à è ...
and these will also use the second byte
oh damn so my application is in deep trouble :D thanks for info guy
And Korean: 강남스타일
That's Unicode as well.
but there are 24 million possible Unicode characters
and you may even have graphical characters that span more than one C# char
The UTF-16 char is big enough to hold any character of the basic multilingual plane (if I'm not mistaken)
@KendallFrey Jiangnan style?
I starting reading this question and without thinking my first reaction was don't care about the whitespace, worry about your code and then I realized it was an html/css question iFail
Q: Removing unnecessary white-space

DugiI have this fragment class which marks an area with red. My system is separated into two types: categories and rules. When rules are fragmented, they receive the new css class well and it looks properly, but it's different with categories, they have that unnecessary white-space in top of the cate...

but Unicode defines weird characters like the BOMB character (U+1F4A3) (💣 if your computer supports it) that takes 2 UTF-16 chars to encode
@KyleTrauberman Google Translate didn't get it quite right. ;)
zneak. I see a bomb in windows 7! :D
great :D
I don't...
as a native French speaker, I hate how little people know about encodings and Unicode
on a regular basis I receive mails that start with "Dear F?lix,"
when it's not "Dear F©ælix"
even the WPF team is apparently not sure of the distinction between UTF-16 and Unicode
@zneak F©ælix? Copyright? :D
UTF-16 is one of the Unicode encodings, no?
@kush I answered that question... two downvotes for a correct answer... people are mean :(
You sure it isn't the fault of your browser mangling the input when you told them what your name was?
UTF is Unicode Transformation Format
it's a way to write Unicode characters inside less than 24 bits
If it's in the database as "garble garble" then there's no hope even if the system repeating it is well designed
(cause you'd technically need 24 bits per Unicode character)
this is useful to "compress" data since you don't need very often characters outside the basic planes
and, in the case of UTF-8, it's also useful to ensure retrocompatibility
@zneak Then why is there a UTF-32?
because computers don't like 24-bit integers
@Pheonixblade9 I am so sorry, Phoenix. I can give but one upvote. :(
@zneak Then why is there 24-bit color? :P
They must have felt pretty strongly about avoiding jQuery though because if I am not mistaken they take a hit as well when they ding your answer.
Kendall, isn't that correct?
who ever said that computers like 24-bit colors :P
@kush Yep. -1 rep when downvoting an answer.
in fact a lot of people use the last 8 bits to store an alpha value
That's 32-bit, silly.
okay... I moved my box into it's new case and can't figure out why only 1 out of 3 of my usb ports is working... :-/
if you use &#x1f4a3; to make a bomb the WPF "compiler" will complain that it's not a Unicode character because it's bigger than 16 bits
Because e to the i to the e i o is e to the wau to the tau wau wau
@KendallFrey thank you. I remember reading some post about pearl and sand and what not
And Bingo was his name-o? What the hell are you guys talking about?
@zneak It's a Unicode character, but not a .NET char.
@Grixxly hang on
Did you know this?
We now limit users (and IP addresses) to a maximum of 6 questions per day and 50 questions per month.
Jeff Atwood on June 13, 2011

In March 2010, we rebalanced our reputation system to favor answers.

While we value good questions (and asking a great question is absolutely an art), we want to explicitly encourage people to provide the best possible answers. Without people interested in providing good answers, the questions are moot. We know that answers have more intrinsic value than questions, and the reputation balance should reflect that.

The question asker already enjoys a substantial benefit beyond reputation gain from upvotes on their question — namely, they get great answers to their question! Thus, the asker shouldn’t need as much reputation gain. …

@KendallFrey, agreed
but that's not what the compiler says
@kush yeah, that's been around for a long while
@KendallFrey Not again :D
@KyleTrauberman over a year, apparently
The "Wau" :D
@KendallFrey 24-bit color exists because it has an alpha channel
I don't have my headphones with me :(
and thank you @kush ... I assumed OP wanted a JS answer because he tagged it as JS, everyone bombed me for it :(
@Pheonixblade9 That contradicts itself.
@Grixxly Hey!! wb
Thanks! It was great to see my Wife and animals :)
@KendallFrey what do you mean?
oh, btw @KendallFrey I found this for you last night: opencores.org
24-bit color doesn't have an alpha channel.
Moved my machine into a new case... everything is working except my usb ports... 1 out of the 3 is working can't figure out why the other two aren't
@Grixxly Feeling much better now :P
@Grixxly did you connect the headers?
What animals? :O Another bear?
2 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 horses :P Maybe I should change my name to Noah :P
I think my usb connector on the mobo might be burned out... The one that I run through and connect to a usb port on the back of the box works the other two that wire into the mobo don't... but it seems weird that both usb controllers I have on the mobo don't work
@KendallFrey oh sorry, I thought you were talking about 24-bit images, not displays.
@Grixxly But no bear :O Oh wait you are it :D
Yup :)
@Grixxly Can't you get external usb ports?
any idea regarding my issue guys
@Pheonixblade9 We... are?

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