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@Saeid87 I see one problem, and that is that you are worrying about performance with such simple code.
Though if you really do want to improve performance, use StringBuilder instead of string.
@Saeid87 yea ... ^
well because I receive this things from serialport very very fast I mean less than 1 milisec so I dont want to lose anything
I'd just go: buffer.Where(b => b != 0x7E).Select(b => b == 0 ? '0' : (char)b)
but yours is clean XD
thing I like about linqy syntax is - its awesome if you combine it with Rx and make things properly stream from serial port to output :)
What I am doing wrong with linq :( ?!

line = _readBuffer.Where(b => b != 0x7E).Select(b => b == 0 ? '0' : (char) b).ToString();


but of course you can do it with your code too
you're not evaluating
@Saeid87 You cannot do ToString().
If I dont to ToString I get

Error 1 Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>' to 'string'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) C:\Users\Saeid\Dropbox\twente\RemoteRoomba\TinyDebug\DebugForm.SerialPort.cs 98 24 TinyDebug
Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer.Where(b => b != 0x7E).Select(b => b == 0 ? '0' : (char)b)) <-- that should work
Go new string(<thelinq>.ToArray())
@Ondra Morský I guess running two threads in my case in inevitable
or what kendall offers :)
@Maverik No, I don't think so.
why not?
That requires bytes, not chars
oh! right!
Also an array, not IEnumerable
lol I stick with my own classic code! this is so complicatied I mean linq
I got carried away with linq :D
everything should work with IEnumerables!!
@Saeid87 Probably slower, too.
just use StringBuild instead of string and you're fine
@Nanako You are probably right. If you need to return from event quickly, then there is probably no other way.
grrr yes! I'm getting sleepy >.<
i must shut up!
@Kendall Frey So I don't need to mark method an async If I'm not awaiting for the task I ran, right?
thank you Kendall for the constant corrections
@Ondra thx
I've got a set of controls which all have the same property in them... is it worth creating an interface for that field even though I can't think of any use for having it as an interface at the moment?
is it worth creating a meaningless interface, mmmmmm
that is a hard one
It's not meaningless
but useless?
At the moment
But who knows in future
I always program for every future eventuality
Its called
In the future you can always add it.
"Stealing from you customer"
@KendallFrey Okay
pfff finally did it
Why is Kendall Frey displayed in italics?
room owner
Because he pwns this chatroom
@Maverik My brain is going - I swear those 'A's are different heights
@Maverik I finally got the dataGrid working
i didnt think it would be such a pain to draw the line for non existing rows
@dav_i o_0
Hi, Quick questions. I want to search through in my database for every Sunday 10:20-11:55. What is the sql query, Any idea?
I doubt it's the way Visual studio does it
@dav_i I had that earlier with 'S' with Saeid's code above
if something is a pain, just use WinForms
@Sisyphe yay :) I could probably learn plenty from your answers!
I think I'm going to keep the control, it can be usefull
Morning folks.
er morning to you mate :)
Morning mate
well actually it was kinda tricky
thre is some stuffs i'm not proud of in this code
I'm goofing with some ASP.NET in Notepad++, it appears that by default <% %> blocks don't adhere to code-folding/indent (<script> blocks do)
Any idea on getting both to work?
mainly this actually : void dataGrid_LayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e)
but well it does the job
Do you think it would be the best idea to mix philosophy with a programming blog?
@Bracketworks Hey :D
not even philosophy. Poetics.
Your blog? Do what you want.
@Sisyphe :) perfectionist problems!
Eric Lippert doesn't stick to programming.
yeah :)
liens are blurry too
Still looking to solve that
@Sisyphe SnapToPixels perhaps?
@PicrofoEGY Hey there :)
It's... not... sigh it's kind of silly.
@Sisyphe Maybe SnapToDevicePixels or whatever it is.
tl;dr: the internet is cool 'n stuffs.
any java developer here who knows how do I set the line spacing for a font? :)
(java room is unfortunately empty)
We hate Java here.
That's because no one programs in Java anymore.
@Spiritios I'm learning Javascript :D
Here's my first code :D Array(8).join(Math.round(0 / 0)) + " Batman";
hmm? 0/0 = 5.
0/0 = NaN
0/0 = 5 :| proof. 0 * 5 = 0.
var x = 0 / 0;
console.log(x); // does NOT print 5
well, that's the implementer's fault.
var x = 0/0
IEEE said so.
@Kendall No can do for geometry object in an OnRender method :)
@GregRos If you are running chrome, Press Ctrl+Shift+I
@GregRos Click on Console and insert the code
You do know I'm joking though.
It's actually 4.
@GregRos LOL
0/0 = 1
1/1 = 1, 2/2 = 1, pi/pi = 1 therefore 0/0 = 1
@dav_i Philosophy ! :D
more accurately lim(x->0) x/x = 1
@GregRos interesting read.
Actually, I don't think that's accurate.
Well no, 0/0 is undefined
but lim(x->0) x/x = 1 is correct
Also, 3/0 = inf, 2/0 = inf, 1/0 = inf ...
Maverik, thanks :P
@KendallFrey undefined I believe
no, 1/0 ≠ inf. That's. Inaccurate.
@dav_i No, x/0 = inf
Unless if x = 0
And 0/3 = 0, 0/2 = 0, 0/1 = 0, ...
lim(x->0) y/x -> inf
@GregRos Only in th real world.
@KendallFrey 0/x = 0 :D
@dav_i doesn't have a limit
@dav_i What is lim() ?
takes me back to 12th grade maths
In mathematics, a limit is the value that a function or sequence "approaches" as the input or index approaches some value. Limits are essential to calculus (and mathematical analysis in general) and are used to define continuity, derivatives, and integrals. The concept of a limit of a sequence is further generalized to the concept of a limit of a topological net, and is closely related to limit and direct limit in category theory. In formulas, limit is usually abbreviated as lim as in lim(an) = a, and the fact of approaching a limit is represented by the right arrow (→) as in an → a. ...
lim x tends to zero :D
@KendallFrey Thanks! :D
but this has nothing to do with JS :D ?
Just maths
Maths have everything to do with everything I'm afraid... even JavaScript
sigh it had to get out at some point.
It's not math, it's IEEE
I bet IEEE used math to make their numbered lists.
Oh, speaking of math... ...
@GregRos :D
Could be one of my favorite videos ever.
@KendallFrey if you say so
@OndraMorský LOL :D
Logic :D
Ah we solved it by dividing by the equals sign
"e to the i to the e i o equals e to the wau to the tau wau wau" rofl
A pizza of radius z and thickness a has a volume of pi z z a
@Jez :) awesome
nice :)
4:33 - troll confirmed
:) I didn't realize until after the video. Then I rewatched it and it was hilarious.
The way she makes it sound, it's an imaginary number outside of the complex plane.
No, wau is not imaginary at all.
But it's quite complex.
She won't even give the most significant digit. Evasive?
Oh, you haven't realized it yet?
Realized what?
That it's a troll?
It's not exactly a troll. Wau exists.
@GregRos and what's WAU :D ?
g'day all
See the video :P
@GregRos Watched it. I could not understand a single word! :D
I"ll try again
@GregRos In Papua New Guinea and South Sudan, yes
WAU => What About Us?
Wau is also the only natural number which is neither a prime nor a composite.
1:11 Da*** :D
Some religions actually believe in a Wau number of gods. Weird, I know.
@GregRos 1?
so F = F :| :D
@KendallFrey that's anti-climactic :P
according to Wikipedia, wau is 6
the way you said it
I mean
That's in greek numeral form.
hebrew numeral form, and it's Waw.
Anyway, yeah, it's a tricky video. Wau = 1.
She is confusing
AHAHAHAHA i get it now. LIAR
Why WAU is not E :D ?
ℯ? why would it be?
@GregRos And why would it be F :D ?
What do you mean? Why she chose F? I'm not sure. I doubt it was ever represented as Wau.
She probably chose Wau because it sounds like Wow.
e^(2 * i * pi) = 1. DOH
log₁ :)
Goddammit, what an elaborate troll.
I know :D
It doesn't seem like it but it has to be a script
the bit about the rectangle
@KendallFrey :D
Her little lisp thing is really cute. Not sure if it's evident there.
That video is a lot like this.
His dance must have been coordinated. Surely.
Probably took him at least two dozen takes to shoot it.
His voice is like Glenn Mederios
anyone good with StructureMap?
How can they accomplish this
Hello guys, how can I convert this a string with this value = "Thu Dec 01 00:00:00 +1100 2012" to a date time, while removing the +1100 UTC offset
A: Parsing date in different culture

tranceporterYou might want to have a look at DateTime.ParseExact CultureInfo cultureInfo = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"); DateTime dateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(s, "D", cultureInfo); edit For exact time date format, you can try: DateTime dateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(s, "ddd, MMM dd, yyyy", cult...

some fun here
@tranceporter I tried that already, and it transform the "01" which is the 1st day from December, into 0001 as a year
you can very certainly come up with another appropriate date format
After six hours of coding I'm pretty much useless. I suppose it could be argued that I'm pretty much useless during those six hours as well.
come on Bill
cheer up
I'm cheerful. Hence, I'm not productive.
@Billdr You are hardly useless. I guess the more the you code, the better you get at it, just like all other things
The uselessness usually comes on shortly after I do something I've never done before.
Look at us indians. We churn code like silly ..lol
Woah, @Grixxly is back?
@SpecialK. I didn't test, but try with "ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss zz00 yyyy"
So does the format I mentioned work or not?
LinqPad time for me I reckon :D
I have this dirty habit of writing code without testing in LinqPad, since I write it everyday.. overconfidence :(
@SpecialK. Apologies mate, I thought yoou were talking about the question I posted.
@zneak Thank you mate, works great.
45 mins to go \o/
fast question please
hey AMH
go ahead
this line will execute query and return string return mbe.ExecuteStoreQuery<string>(Query, null).FirstOrDefault();
if the output of the query is int or other it will crash
any idea how to cast
if any of you have some time to spare, and WPF knowledge, would it be possible to test my answer here : stackoverflow.com/questions/12890890/… and tell me if it works for u ?
first bounty I answer :P
@Sisyphe What a huge answer :D
@Sisyphe any idea
well the guy had a rather complicated need, and i wrote a working example
try ExecuteStoreQuery<object>(Query, null).Select(x => x.ToString()).FirstOrDefault()
try zneak solution ^^
thx fir the upvote whoever it is ^^
@Sisyphe It was me :D
Welcome :D
Ahoy hoy; I'm working on an asp.net application, and I'm getting the Unable to cast object of type 'X' to type 'X' exception (they're the same type) having stored and retrieved from session. As I understand it, it might be a caching issue, and would require restarting/rebuilding of the site?
@Bracketworks I do not really know. Maybe posting a code snippet would help :D
@zneak one small problem, instead of resulting 12/1/2011, it returns 11/30/2012 (it goes -1 day), should I manually add one day to it? I think it's because of the +1100 offset
@zneak it always return system.object
@PicrofoEGY Well, I've got a type User in session, User user = (User) Session["user"]; throws InvalidCast
okay I've had it with this StreamReader bullshit
I keep getting: ArgumentOutOfRangeException: "Non-negative number required. Parameter name: byteCount"
@AMH Try a normal cast with (int)
@SpecialK. this is because the UTC offset is specified
so it "goes back" 11 hours to the past once it's parsed, and you have a UTC date
@zneak can you give me a hint on how to remove it? :)
@Bracketworks Sorry I do not really know :(
I'd advise that you do not remove it
instead, you may use ToLocalTime()
to get the date in local time (and hopefully your local time is in UTC+11)
Actually I need to be the same time everywhere
@zneak should I use string replace that +1100 before converting it to DateTime?
that's why I suggest you keep the UTC offset
that way all your dates will be UTC dates
Yea, I got it - the thing is that I want to display the same date everywhere...
well it just depends on where the date is taken from, right?
if you pass commands in Japan it might be one day earlier in the US
do you want to show the date as it was in Japan or as it was in the US?
(that's just an example, I don't know your specific use case)
@Sisyphe that upvote was ages back when you first posted it and asked me to take a look :D you're welcome again :D
@zneak - fixed: AddHour(11)
I want to show it as it was in US
then use ToLocalTime()
I mean, I think the server is in Australia, but they convert it on their website too
@KendallFrey thanks , but I have issue , the query may return any value type . now what ever the cast way Convert.tostring , or .tostring return system.object
Cool, but this is for a Windows Phone app, and localtime might be set to another region?
@Maverik I'm not sure we're talking about the same question ^^
or else something is strange :D
@Sisyphe oh you've been busy bee with questions today? :D
cause picrofo seems to have upvoted it too ^^
@Sisyphe well it is +2 ?
yeah it is
i was seeing +1
maybe it took some time to update
and yeah, i'm playing ith all wpf questions lately

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