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Anyone knows what is this: facebook.stackoverflow.com ?
so a | b will give bitwise ORed resukt...
aah i see
lack of knowledge of my part.. || equals | in c# atleast
Oh apparently.
only difference is that || is short circuit.. whereas | does not short circuit.. it evaluates both expression
Yeah it has to.
@PicrofoEGY No idea.
@PicrofoEGY the first sign of the apocalypse?
@LewsTherin I think that they've made a subdomain for questions associated with tags only
Looks creepy
@LewsTherin Just realised you're wrong... it's not binary addition as 1000 | 0001 = 1001 but 0001 | 0001 ≠ 0010
@dav_i I think that 0001 |= 0001 will equal 0002?
0001 | 0001 = 0010 Looks likes XOR to me
urggg ive eaten to many cakes
@LewsTherin 0001 XOR 0001 = 0000
@E.LDunn Gluttony! Happened to me yesterday :D
Dammit :D
@dav_i No
@dav_i Are you trying to confuse me? :( I'm not strong on binary xD
So how is
0001 ^ 0001 0000?
@dav_i Look at their example again.
@LewsTherin This is normal addition
Oh yeah sorry
1 + 1 = 1 :D
XOR is not addition
0001 + 0001 = 0010
back to pre-school for you :P
@LewsTherin 1 + 1 = 2 :|
Agh I was right you guys are confusing me
2+2 always makes a 5...
@OndraMorský 1+1 = 0 not 1
You carry the 1 over.
1 + 1 = 10?
@LewsTherin Yes, If you carry "1" over you have 10
which rewritten in decimal numbers means 2
So how was the example I gave wrong?
@dav_i Yeah
xor means if operands are unequal, the value is true
so if you take 0011 and 1100 and xor them
0 + 1 = 1
1111 :D
I wish I was good at binary.
x = exclusive
0001 + 0001 = 0000 in xor (now shoot me)
How the hell is it 0?
hello people
@LewsTherin You have to count bit by bit so:
1st: 0 XOR 0 = 0
2nd 0 XOR 0 = 0
3rd 0 XOR 0 = 0
4th 1 XOR 1 = 0
so the result is 0000
Is 29+11 30?
@OndraMorský You mean that anything XOR anything = 0?! :D
@PicrofoEGY Anything XOR by itself is 0
Hi all
No, because
A B =
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
@LewsTherin What if 1 XOR 2?
See my new question and help me to solve it if possible.
Q: Create an Expandable Property in the property grid with its editable field

MRS1367I created a custom control with several properties. I add some expandable property to my custom control. Now, I want that user can edit expandable property field in the property grid and new entered values set for their related properties. My expandable property in the property gird is "Required ...

@PicrofoEGY 1 XOR 2 = 01 XOR 10 = 11 = 3
@RobAngelier You did C++ right? Want to explain to me why they insist it is correct?
@dav_i I will never understand this! :D
@PicrofoEGY You can make XOR only with binary numebrs, So whatever you have, you have to rewrite it to binary and then count
@LewsTherin no, unfortunately i never used c++
will try it some day in the future
when i have time
But you've done binary operation
What the hell I can use google :D
@LewsTherin Where's the fun in that?
yea, i had too
i'm having a design question (architecture)
@dav_i :D
@dav_i Well since you guys are telling me something I believe is wrong..
Binary is dead easy... you just have to get your mind out of counting in 10s and stick it into 2s
Can somone tell me what will this byte array means if converted to char or string please? 53 41 45 49 44 I have no tools to do so now!
what would be your argument for choosing to implement the Repository Pattern or just put the generic methods for saving, deleting etc. on the domain object
oh haah good
So in XOR you never carry over is it?
@dav_i Good. I understand this :D
@LewsTherin As @OndraMorský said, you have to do it bit by bit
That part was obvious :)
@dav_i So, 1 XOR 2 = 2 ?
@RobAngelier I don't know. Looks less complicated :D
@LewsTherin good argument!
@PicrofoEGY 1 XOR 2 = 01 XOR 10 = 11 = 3
Looks like 3
@RobAngelier :D
@LewsTherin Bingo
@LewsTherin 1 XOR 0 -> 1
@LewsTherin @dav_i - How was this generated?
@LewsTherin Right. XOR is similar to OR or AND. You count each bit separately. There are no overflows or bit carring
So 3 XOR 1 = 11 XOR 01 = 10 = 2
@dav_i Is there a general rule to get the output?
@LewsTherin Have a look at the truth table for XOR, as dav_i posted :)
@PicrofoEGY ^
A B =
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
All (il) logical operators follow the truth table
{| style="background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px solid #cccccc;" align="right" |- | |- | Venn diagram of \scriptstyle A \oplus B but not is |- | |- | Venn diagram of \scriptstyle A \oplus B \oplus C ~\oplus~ ~\Leftrightarrow~ |} The logical operation exclusive disjunction, also called exclusive or (symbolized by the prefix operator J, or by the infix operators XOR, EOR, EXOR, ⊻ or ⊕, or ), is a type of logical disjunction on two operands that results in a value of true if the operands, or disjuncts, have opposite truth values. i.e., exactly one of the operands has a value of true. A ...
@tranceporter I understood that. The carrying over threw me.
Hi @tranceporter and @RobAngelier
@MRS1367 hello
@tranceporter Took a look at this, understood nothing :D
plz see my new question and help me to solve it if possible.
don't have time, i'm leaving
Q: How can edit field of an Expandable Property in the property grid?

MRS1367I created a custom control with several properties. I add some expandable property to my custom control. Now, I want that user can edit expandable property field in the property grid and new entered values set for their related properties. My expandable property in the property gird is "Required ...

good luck!
ok @RobAngelier
see ya foks! @LewsTherin have a good one with XORing :-)
@MRS1367 yo
@RobAngelier -> Good Luck and have a nice day
@dav_i Okay, Why is 1 XOR 0 = 1?
Hi @tranceporter
@RobAngelier Lol take care :D
@LewsTherin :-)
@PicrofoEGY because xor truth table says that when opposites meet, they become positive.. much like one night stands
@MRS1367 not well versed with controls mate.. sorry :(
where is the vampire.. he knows everthing!
@tranceporter Bad explanation. Considering there are no "negatives"
It simply means xor an operand by itself yields 0
XOR returns true if A is true or B is true but not both.
1 xor 1 is 0
0 xor 0 is 0
tnx @tranceporter for ur attention. :-)
@tranceporter Frey? :D
@LewsTherin I actually understand this, it is because when both numbers are the same, the output is 0. Right :D ?
Ohh I got it, so I must only use Binary while playing with XOR?
@LewsTherin yup
@PicrofoEGY Yes
For any bitwise operator yes.
Thanks everyone for explaining this to me :D
guys I have 83 in decimal which is S in char...how can I convert 83 to S in C# ??!?!
16 mins ago, by Ondra Morský
@PicrofoEGY You can make XOR only with binary numebrs, So whatever you have, you have to rewrite it to binary and then count
@dav_i I think that I could not notice this. Thank you anyways :D
@Saeid87 (char)83
@PicrofoEGY i can see that you are an emotional person. Hence I chose to explain XOR emotionally
2 XOR 3 = 1. Right?
@PicrofoEGY yep
@tranceporter Thanks! :D
@dav_i Great! :D
@dav_i Would that compile?
@LewsTherin yep
just checked
obviously it's not what you want to do if you're doing it a lot
but if you just need to do 1 character it's sometimes the easiest
@dav_i Dav, I have this byte array `7E 45 00 3F 3F 00 03 09 22 06 00 03 14 3F 53 41 45 49 44 52 3F 7E ` but when I do lile

foreach (var b in _readBuffer)
line += (char) b + " ";
it was sunny a moment ago, and now it's pouring.. where am i?
it just outputs E ~
YaY \o/ Xml Serialization is perfect first time around.
my code never compiles and runs first time around
it's a good feeling
@Saeid87 Sorry, going for lunch before I pass out
oh no :( ok :P get back soon :D
@tranceporter It is still sunny here, so you are probably not anywhere here :)
Isn't there a method to convert a byte array to string
Q: Converting a Byte Array into a delimited string

NicoRiffI´m trying to convert a byte array to a delimited by comma string. I just want the values of de bytes into a string so I cand send a string to another pc via TCP. This is the code that i´m running now and it´s working but it´s too slow (the byte array has 50000 elements). Do you have any better ...

google is your friend bro :)
goggle as well
There you go.
@OndraMorský I am in the UK!
hmm hmmm
@Saeid87 now if you find the answer useful, don't forget to upvote :D
hmm cant see how to do that in my case
any ideas?!
foreach (var b in _readBuffer)
line += string.Format("{0:X2} ", b);

This is my code to show as HEX and it does good
but I cant make it to show as characters
eh? .. you can't doe which? click the upvote arrow or implement the answer in your case?
haha implementing the answer in my cae of course :D
upvote is easy :D
you just want a sapce delimited string right?
no I want each of the bytes in the array

`7E 45 00 3F 3F 00 03 09 22 06 00 03 27 3F 53 41 45 49 44 33 2A 7E `
to be showns as characters
53 41 45 49 44 is SAEID
but in hex , I want ot make it to chars :(
If you have byte[] than there is nothing like HEX
var buffer = new byte[] {0x7E,0x45,0x00,0x3F,0x3F,0x00,0x03,0x09,0x22,0x06,0x00,0x03,0x27,0x3F,0x53,0x41,0x45,0x49,0x44,0x33,0x2A,0x7E};

it is just an array of numbers
assuming you know the encoding is right. The above yields: ~E□??□□ "□□□'?SAEID3*~ as output in linqpad
yeah according the ASCII table for example 53 is dec and equals 83 in hex and equals S in char!
so how can I convert 53 to 83 and then to S thats the question
int num = int.Parse(hex, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
char cnum = (char)num;
something like this
let meh try
var charArray = byteArray.ToList().Foreach( GetCharValue(b));
where GetCharValue contains the code above
or in short hand and more buggy way
var charArray = byteArray.ToList().Foreach( (char) int.Parse(hex, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier));
well if you want to go that route, you may as well just do byteArray.Select(b => (char)b);
...this is a long shot, but does anyone know how to get the 3cinteractive's API to return an error?
I guess the question comes down to: what do you want the output to be? string or a char array?
@Maverik System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereSelectListIterator`2[System.Byte,System.Char]
I want to bash my head against the desk :D
I just pasted my code from linqpad, so it is working
no I want each BYTE to be shown as CHAR or STRING I mean the equivalent ASCII LETTER
var charArray = byteArray.ToList().Foreach(b => (char) int.Parse(b, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier));
I meant
        if (checkBoxShowAscii.Checked)
            line += _readBuffer.Select(b => (char)b) + " ";
bad output!
Why wouldn't a projection (Enumerable.Select) work on a byte array?
oh nvm!! i know why..
byteArray.Select(b => (char)b).ToArray()
does hex &E cast to correct char in linqPad @Maverick
I'm guessing you just did ToString()
but my code is in all hex:

var buffer = new byte[] {0x7E,0x45,0x00,0x3F,0x3F,0x00,0x03,0x09,0x22,0x06,0x00,0x03,0x27,0x3F,0x53,0x41,0x45,0x49,0x44,0x33,0x2A,0x7E};
buffer.Select(b => (char)b).Dump(); //outputs char array
Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer).Dump(); //outputs string
7E on its own won't work.
makes sense.. he will either need to convert 7E to proper hex, and then convert..
7E is start and End byte of packet
7E is 126 in hex I beleive
7E is hex
string hex = string.Format("0x{0:x4}", int(c))
or .. err.. ignore, I think i got confused
0x7E in hex is 126 dec
var hexArray = byteArray.Select(b => string.Format("0x{0:x4}", (int) b);
considering he already has byte array filled up, why do we even need hex conversion?
just jump directly to char
var charArray = hexArray.Select(b => (char) int.Parse(b.Substring(2), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier));
hopefully that should work
that might - but thats a long winded way of doing it
whats wrong with a direct char cast?
it's just coz I am not sure if 7E hex gets converted to correct char equivalent
var charArray = hexArray.Select(b => (char) int.Parse(b.Substring(2), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier)); is this valid C# code?
well one it does.. but we don't have a hex string array to deal with - he already specifies that he has a byte array
b.Substring is not valid imo
Why do you convert to the Hex numbers? For Security reasons?
so just do a cast and you're done
No this is what I receive at SERIAL PORT I have no control over it
I just want to show it as text
aah.. i see
god help me :D
i got confused
i think we're all getting confused!
for some reason i assumed he wanted to start with hex numbers instead of bytes
ignore serial port and stuff
at its core: byte[] buffer; <== its filled somehow, we don't care how
buffer.Select(b => (char)b).ToArray();
and you're done
is that accurate @Saeid87?
@Saeid87 hex array is an array of chars, it should work
Guys, this is the pure bytes I receive

126 69 0 63 63 0 3 9 34 6 0 3 84 63 83 65 69 73 68 63 63 126
exactly what i thought!
so yes just cast it and be done with it
@Saeid87 use this: var str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteArray);
ok lemme try
according to what @Saeid
@OndraMorský he wants char array as output aparently
according to what @Saeid87 said before, he wanted to convert 7E to char equivalent.. which should be decimal 126 , and char tilde (~)
@Maverik He wants to show it as a text
If I understand correctly
@OndraMorský mm ok i must have missed that. it was my first solution before they dived into char arrays
well either way - you have both solutions
@Maverik yes I know, but there is so many answers and questions that it is impossible to find a solution :)
yea i know :D this chat easily gets out of hand even without people waving gifs!
I have this but ouput is baaad

var s = _readBuffer.Select(b => (char)b).ToArray();
foreach (var n in s)
line += s + " ";

Output is

System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[] System.Char[]
see you want the string output then
@Saeid87 You have a typo in line += s + " ";
still shows ~ E ~ E ~ E
use encoding method above
replace s with n
... or go with encoding method :)
I feel @Saeid87 needs a coffee :D
Does serial port offer an array of bytes to you?
@Maverik After this conversation definitelly :)
offers a mocha to @Saeid87
@MRS1367 Yes
Hi @KendallFrey
yeah, as I said I get a `List<byte>` that looks like

126 69 0 63 63 0 3 9 34 6 0 3 84 63 83 65 69 73 68 63 63 126

But I want each byte to show as a human readable character

For Example 83 65 69 73 68 should be ouput as S A E I D according to ASCII table
@Saeid87 Also the reason you can't see the rest is because its printing a \0 terminated C string and thats where you terminate in your byte array :)
you mean 126 is terminate ?!
no no
0x00 is a C string terminator
You can save it to the file
To convert a List<byte> to a string, this is what you do:
I see the entire string when I dump it through encoding. But if you can't see it, I guess you're printing function is using C termination
and use from my method for convert it to human readable text
/// <summary>
/// Decode files with common methods.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strSourceFilePath">Specifies file name and path that want to decode.</param>
/// <returns>Returns decoded contents of file in string format.</returns>
public string DecodeFile(string strSourceFilePath)
string strText = null;
Convertors convertors = new Convertors();
using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(strSourceFilePath, FileMode.Open), Encoding.GetEncoding(convertors.EnumDescriptionToInt(EncodeTypeDefiner))))
public EncodeType EncodeTypeDefiner
return encodeTypeDefiner;
encodeTypeDefiner = value;
private EncodeType encodeTypeDefiner = EncodeType.utf8;
Ok I'm sure you're in good hands here. I'm gonna bash my head against IIS and net.tcp binding >.<
I'm using xmldocument to build some xml. I need my finished product to look like this:
<otherStuff />
How do I make dumbNode?
It needs to not be closed, for some unfathomable reason.
plz check it
It will work
or change my method for read array
oh god I give up...I will post it as a question in SO
@Billdr You can´t do this with XmlDocument neither with XLINQ
@Billdr No can do.
I am outa here for a strong coffee and I come back :D
Thsnk for trying guys!
Ugh. Is there a way to do it without resorting to stringbuilder?
Since you aren't writing XML, but rather a custom format, you need to write your own serializer.
@Billdr So try XmlStreamWriter or build your XML as string and not as XML document
Well, you could use string instead.
Tell me this. Who on earth would be so insane as to require an unclosed XML node?
@Billdr I know then when you use XmlStreamWriter and forget to save the file or app crashes, than you get the format that looks like what you want
Thanks @OndraMorský and @KendallFrey.
@Billdr its impossible according to xml spec
BTW, You're sure it's <dumbNode> and not <dumbNode />?
@KendallFrey A company called 3Cinteractive. They handle sms messaging.
"pre" is never closed.
and they don't want the xml tag.
and pre is actually needed? looks more like an Html tag to paste code?
I can verify that it doesn't work without it. I'm about to copy/paste that block into a string to see if it works any better.
I'm in love
Too bad I don't understand Java.
Q: CodeModel How do i get value at specific index with com.sun.codemodel

Natalia NaumovaI'm using com.sun.codemodel for generating my classes. I need to dynamically get array value depending on index argument. So i have an invocation that suppose to return an array JcodeModel model = new JCodeModel(); JPackage jPackage = codeModel._package(packageName); ..... JType person...

I think the <pre> tag indicates that the lookup is to be done in the Preview system (a wild guess)
I would not be surprised if they check for existence of <pre>, and then direct the lookup query to Preview system
@Billdr This code does what you want. Don´t call wr.Close() StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
var setting = new XmlWriterSettings() {OmitXmlDeclaration = true};
XmlWriter wr = XmlWriter.Create(sb, setting);
wr = null;
Hi all. Am I right that if I'll run that code
static void async gateway_NewData(object sender, IEnumerable<SomeData> data)
// some actions with data...

Task<int> task = command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

it will return before the task is complete?
Hey Maverik you up for some WPF advice ?
Hello nanako
I is no experts but sure shoot
can i have you ropinion ?
blah, doesn't work even with their xml.
@Nanako Probably, yes.
@OndraMorský Thanks for taking the time to write that.
So async/await is preferrable over Threads, EAP etc. nowadays?
@Sisyphe err I've never done that sort of thing - sorry
@Nanako Depends what for.
Both have their uses.
np dude ^^
@Nanako shouldn't you be awaiting that result instead of assigning it to a task? (i'm guessing from your use of async keyword, that was your intent)
@Maverik Not if he doesn't want to.
true. but I can't tell if he doesn't want to or if he missed it out
Oh, I didn't notice the async keyword.
@Nanako Do you await anything in the method? Or why is it marked async?
I got an app that writes telemetry data to the database. As it is a com object I have to make event handlers as fast as I could. Backend is Postgresql. Events are fired every 20-30ms. App is working now, and writes about 400 mb of data per hour. It loads about 2% of CPU, and sometimes, when overall load is about 90% event handlers are not complete before next event fire.
I don't care about the order while writing into database, all data has it's timestamps.
I thought about running two threads, but I guess it's an overkill for the console app
Sounds like he's just spawning background threads and immediately returning. async keyword probably isn't doing anything
@Maverik You are still here?! You were right about `\0`....I managed to solve the problem this way:

        private string GetAscii()
            var text = string.Empty;

            foreach(var b in _readBuffer)
                switch (b)
                    case 0x7E:

                    case 0x00:
                        text += "00" + " ";

                        text += (char) b + " ";
There's no backgournd threads using async
@Nanako If the events are so frequent I would try to create a cache in memory and than upload it to DB from time to time using BulkInsert - let´s say once a minute. Of courxe there would be a possibility of loosing some data in case of app crash. Inserting data into inmemory cache should be fast enought and you can have second thread that would slepp most of the time
I just need to "return" before the writing is complete
@Saeid87 yay. I'm still inclined to throw it into linqy syntax but he as long as it works!
@Nanako Then no need to mark it async.
@Nanako you can also batch calls to the DB with rx
reactive extensions
@Maverik but do you think my code is optimized, I mean in cae of performance ?!

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