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Gentleman, you should take your conflict to a private room. Save this chat room for what it was intended - pictures of time travel. =)
I wouldn't say conflict. We're talking about dumb jokes that get pinned.
^--Kendall and I.
Change that phonebooth in the back to a tardis and you topic becomes totally legit ;)
@Billdr I know a guy whose birth certificate says "Theodore S. Logan"
Is there a concise way to rebind my javascript to an item in the DOM? Like $("#class").reload()? I essentially want to fire the document.ready() event again.
what am i missing!! whenever I flick back to this tab - theres "(removed)" waiting for me to read :(
@SpencerCole EXCELLENT!!!
@Maverik Me too! I came in from smoke break and that was on my screen. :(
@SpencerCole clearly we're missing some privileged information! they don't want us time-travelling with them!
Is there a niche of kids today that would fit for a Bill and Ted remake?
I'm just figuring out what the hell a TARDIS is, so we might get to the time travelling ourselves
@LeClerq Let me know when you figure out the bigger on the inside part.
I am to give my final year project idea to my university. I am looking to do something inside cloud. Any ideas?
I have the options of reverse engineering dropbox, a recipe sharing system and a shared IDE on my list.
@StartupCrazy How to make it rain whenever we want so we don't have to work?
@StartupCrazy A bitcoin mining pool with an API. Allow for third parties to spawn instances for their own teams/sub-steams.
is cache line related to block size? I am trying to implement matrix multiplication using that shit
NxN matrix needs to have k x k blocks, 64 bytes cache line size
cmon u lazy cunts =D
its in C
@Billdr I think i like this idea better than "Make it rain!" except will bitcoin last that long?
@Maverik It's been around for three years, and is growing in popularity.
@Billdr I considered it but the reviews were bad so I backed off. Mostly security issues aparently. Don't know how much truth is to that but considering I've been a victim of fraud before - i'm not sure i wanna try again! >.<
Also, the model used seems to be built to last forever... so.. yea, as long as people want a cash equivalent online, bitcoin will exist.
I wanna switch over from paypal - but i don't see bitcoin option >.<
So we're having a discussion here about someone building a class named Bucket
i tend to switch over to google check out more often than i switch to anything else (over paypal) - but same issue - it isn't as widely accepted
@Maverik Reviews were bad? Maybe for specific sites. Remember, it's like cash. You can't give someone a $50 bill w/out a receipt and expect to be able to get it back if something goes wrong.
Whether or not we want Litre objects or MilliLitre objects in them
And what will happen if the Bucket becomes full: BucketOverflowException
@Billdr There was the issue of security. Bruteforcing so your tokens get used before you actually use them. (this might have been theoratical concern only) but thing that put me off was the value. Felt like I was going into market of shares.
(whatever 'full' means in this context, I have no idea)
@Maverik That said, I've made a few hundred dollars playing the BitCoin market. I may have a bias.
@Maverik Ah yea. I forget what they call that attack; but as the difficulty grows the vulnerability decreases.
@Billdr well thats precisely why I'm staying away. I want a dollar to stay a dollar no matter when I go to use it
So the game my company is releasing is live today as soon as the Android Market updates.
@Maverik 1) That's not the case with any currency. The value of the dollar changes daily. 2) Bitcoins are trending up; like gold.
well yea I realise what you're saying but since i don't exchange dollar for another dollar i don't experience the exchange rates
@Billdr All that glitters is gold, only shooting stars break the mold.
you're welcome for getting that song in your head
@Maverik google.com/search?q=currency+exchange+chart <--take a look at the chart
something i can't avoid with bitcoin and other alternatives that won't deal me in native currency
@SpencerCole That song only lasts until I remember "Walkin on the Sun" which only lasts until I remember "Why Can't We Be Friends"
@Maverik mtgox.com
Switching currencies is pretty easy. Also, there's a bitcoin debit card coming out shortly. You'll be able to use it to buy milk or whatever.
@Billdr that looks interesting. I'll try to remember that next time i spot a bitcoin logo
@Maverik ahaha, fair enough.
hmm... I think I want to sell steam codes for bitcoins. That sounds like a great idea.
brb, tobacco while I day dream.
oooo now I want a smoke
@Billdr i blame you
OMG VS2012 I LOVE YOU! I copied all the controls from the 4.5 project to the fresh 3.5 project and it retained EVERYTHING! names, positions, values, etc.
for some reason I remember 2008 being a PITA about this
VS2012 is great. Except for the ALL CAPITAL MENU OPTIONS
i dont like it
specially on windows 8
what up sharpers!
any cool projects in the works?
How the heck does AuthorizeAttribute work in MVC?
even after you run base.OnAuthorization(filterContext);, filterContext.Result is null
how is it denying authoritzation?
How are these places getting steam keys to sell? I don't see anything on valve's site to do redistribution.
@Billdr People on the internet would do something illegal? I don't believe you.
Well, they're getting the keys somehow.
when you make the game you get some keys you can give out for free.
and they're selling them at insane prices. Maybe they've hacked the key generation.
The first hit I found has boarderlands 2 for $27.
wow thats way to much if the first one is anything to go by
I guess I could sell steam wallet codes. That'd probably be a legit way to go about it.
maybe they walk into a store and open a box and write down the key?
Does that work anymore?
Being a bassist has ruined music for me. I can't hear the song anymore, I just hear the bassline!
@JaeGeeTee I don't think that'd work.
I emailed the steamworks team and cc'ed a contact I made when I was reviewing video games to see if there's an API or something to purchase codes on the fly. Maybe I'll get lucky.
Valve's supposedly a pretty flat company, so hopefully everyone knows who to talk to about that sort of thing.
@SpencerCole instead of humming to the lyrics, you start humming the bassline!
Try to hum the bassline to Seven Nation Army. Please record yourself and upload it to youtube.
@LeClerq Yeah. It really sucks with songs that I know how to play. Like I'm listening to Factory of Faith by Red Hot Chili Peppers right now, and all I can hear is the bassline. I can't listen to the lyrics.
@Billdr What bassline?
I realize it's played on the guitar, but it still fills the role of the bass.
I can actually play that song on guitar.
Today I spent most of the time in the dark corners of the C# language. I expected to meet @TravisJ there but I did not see him. Probably because it was so dark.
BOOOM-bah-buh-buh-buh-bah-bwaaah (x7)
So I don't need the bassline.
haha @Billdr you should go first!
I can also play it on the bass, but it does't feel right.
I don't remember if I asked this: Does anyone have a clean way to refresh jQuery bindings?
now I'm humming 7 nation army and can't stop, thxn
record it.
put it on youtube.
hey - is there any down side to writing code to update/ add a cookie like this ? Sometimes the cookie will already be there , Is there anything wrong with just adding a new one like this everytime ? won't it just replace the old one if it already existst?
HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(New HttpCookie("Lat", dt(0)(1).ToString().Trim()))
I hate you, @Billdr. Now you have me thinking about the White Stripes, and now I'm sad that we'll never get new music from them.
or should I check if it is null , and add if it is , and set value if its not ?
Did Jack go solo, or are we getting another <band name I can't spell> album?
Jack is gone solo
He's solo, plus he's got a myriad of other bands.
well, pft. Drummer lady wasn't really a driving force.
Megan? I don't remember.
Meg White.
anyone ??
@ScottSelby Sorry, I know nothing about cookies. I hardly ever use them.
@ScottSelby I could fit my entire knowledge of cookies in Meg White's post-White Stripes career.
cookies are good though
@Billdr ouch.
@SpencerCole You know it's true.
That's not the point.
It's not personal. She's a better drummer than me. But she won't be in another national-level band.
I think if she wanted to be, she would be.
I'm also positive Jack White's connections and her husband's connections could get her into any supergroup she wanted.
Let alone her connections.
Who's her husband?
Also, I'd like to see her in APC.
Jack Lawrence
Actually, APC's drum section isn't particularly remarkable. She probably could.
I doubt she would join another band, though. She's not as outgoing as Jack is.
wtf is APC? A perfect circle?
It's the closest to a modern super-group that I can think of.
I have never heard a perfect circle as APC
@Billdr Velvet Revolver, but they're disbanded, IIRC...
but I don't know have the accronyms that people use in here
Nope, they're still active.
Check the title of the video. It's not that uncommon.
because nobody answered my cookie question - you get to see it again
Q: adding/setting a cookie vb.net

Scott SelbyI know how to add / set cookies in VB.Net , usually I check if it is null ( or Nothing in VB) if it is nothing I set a new cookie , if it is not then I set the value of the previous cookie. My question is there any thing wrong , or any down side to just adding a cookie every time like this: Htt...

@SpencerCole Wasn't that SoundGarden with the guy from STP?
Yeah, I believe so.
@SpencerCole Or was it RATM with Chris Cornell?
wait... velvet revolver was Guns and Roses with the dude from STP
Well, yeah.
Velvet revolver sucked
Yea, I didn't really care for them.
velvet revolver kicked him out i think
they were a perfect super band , and sucked
I liked the RATM/Chris Cornell thing, but I'll listen to the musicians of RATM play anything.
@ScottSelby Yeah, they kicked out Scott Weiland.
ugh. onions in my food
Although, Scott Weiland was trying to get back into Velvet Revolver
nikki six has a band now too i think
I read Nikki Six and think Stevie Nix.
both pretty bad ass
I dislike Nikki Six.
They kinda look alike too :p
@Billdr I lol'd
I'm so excited for next week... I'm gonna go see Coheed and Cambria.
Stoked as hell.
I've tried so many times to not hate that band, but it's never worked.
I love them.
It's my weakness for concept albums.
Except theirs is a concept career.
Is Radiohead's "OK Computer" a concept album?
I'm the weird one who doesn't like Radiohead...
Last one was ok
Yep, you are weird.
Huzzah! Our game is now available to the public!
I can't think of anyone pushing progressive as hard as Radiohead.
well, pushing it while making it somewhat listenable.
linkme Spencer.
(please say walking dead ep 4)
The last concert I went to was at the end of April.
I went to see Red Hot Chili Peppers.
blah RHCP
My last one was Faith No More :p
Not blah. RHCP is amazing.
and you already have three reviews. Astroturfer!
I'm a bassist and one of my biggest influences is Flea. And my brother is a guitarist, and his biggest influence is John Frusciante.
You're a heroine addicted singer away from a great band.
Mike Patton > *
@Billdr Also a floating drummer till we find one from Detroit.
Do you think we could nail down Jack Irons?
You could probably get Megan White :p
I missed the conversation for a bit , but Mike Patton is awesome , I saw Mr. Bungle live twice
If I were to make a video game, I'd hire Mike Patton to do all the voice acting.
he has a band fantomas too
Half hour left before I leave for the day!
@Billdr And that wouldn't be bad either. She's awesome. And hot. So it's a win win.
@SpencerCole You'll hear no argument from me.
the day just started
Although, that would be weird to be in a band and stop coding. I like seeing what people were doing before they joined a band and hit big. It's odd.
@ScottSelby It's 11:40!
Example: Greg Graffin is a PhD. College professor and lead singer of Bad Religion.
He's like Indiana Jones, but instead of taking long sabbaticals to stop the nazis, he takes them to record kick ass music.
Brian May has a frickin PhD in Astronomy.
@Billdr Queen is a subset of awesome that you can't touch. So yeah.
Alright. I'm off. Have a good day, gents.
quick question,

can we have 2 try and catch blocks in one method ?
I guess so
Kool kl, ta
hello, I'm trying to debug a stored procedure via Visual Studio, but when I right click > Step into Stored Procedure it shows an ouput "canceled by user".

I already installed the remote debugger, but nothing. any idea?
Just got upgraded to 20 rep points so im able to finally chat! What up!!!
@TravisJ I found really good use for a custom attribute today, thanks to you exploring them earlier. I used it to add a constant to a class Unit, the constant is a conversionfactor for converting between units. Really nice code!
[Serializable, GuUnit(Math.PI / 180.0, typeof(AngleUnit))]
public class Degrees : AngleUnit { }
@JohanLarsson - Nice! :)
@JohanLarsson - The code that I editted yesterday allows for the functionality of scriptignore to be used without actually applying the attribute.
above is the entire class thanks to the attribute, it all started with me feeling the need to have an enum implement an interface
An enum implement an interface? I like your style lol
@TravisJ cuz it is similar to your style?
@JohanLarsson - Because it is out of the box :D
@ThePracticalSyde welcome :)
I also never knew you could overload public methods with the new keyword, that helped a lot.
@TravisJ I left the box on the surface when I started digging today. For once the digging resulted in something good
@JohanLarsson - Glad it resulted in something positive :) How did you know to use the new keyword on a method? I had never heard of that.
@TravisJ That new is to be used with caution, should really be wtf instead of new
I will make sure to edit the code into /*wtf*/new public methodname
@TravisJ I do that type of shit 12 hours a day (no holidays)
holidays are for suckers :P
@TravisJ Attributes are super easy to write, kind of intimidationg at first when you think of them as some kind of advanced language feature
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class,AllowMultiple = false,Inherited = false) ]
    public class GuUnitAttribute : Attribute
        /// <summary>
        /// This attribute is to be used for defining units
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conversionFactor">Specifies what a value of current unit must be multiplied with to get the value in corresponding SI unit</param>
        /// <param name="unitType"></param>
        public GuUnitAttribute(double conversionFactor,Type unitType)
@JohanLarsson - Yeah, I like them. Unless third party has hard coded some ass backwards implementation that you can't overload or manage.
        public static IEnumerable<T> GetAttributes<T>(this Type typeWithAttributes) where T : Attribute
            // Try to find the configuration attribute for the default logger if it exists
            object[] configAttributes = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(typeWithAttributes, typeof(T), false);

            if (configAttributes != null)
                foreach (T attribute in configAttributes)
                    yield return attribute;
a few helpers ^^
that is some nice code
I tend to overuse extension methods, the syntax gets so clean with them. Intellisense and maintenance is an issue
hey guys, do you have a link on "how to ask questions" page? Someone posted it here long time ago. it had some sweet accronym
You know what another good one would be to use, would be a datetime converter for different timezones
@AmmarAhmed - Yeah, that is jon skeets, you can usually just google it
@TravisJ Should be ez, how do you want it?
@TravisJ cool thx
@JohanLarsson - I wouldn't use it, just saying that it is a pretty common scenario.
@TravisJ cant you just go to utc and to the offset you want?
Have not tried it but sounds solvable
@JohanLarsson - Sounds right to me, I haven't done much date conversion but I see a lot of questions on it.
@TravisJ I don't think that was it, but it is helpful
I think @KendallFrey was the one who posted it here
I'll put it on the todo/forget list
@TravisJ ?
how dare you question Jon Skeet
@TravisJ lol
@AmmarAhmed 10, 9, 8... this chat will go down. There will be questions
@JohanLarsson - So I wrote my customjs : JavaScriptSerializer class, how much of the extension can I leave to the inherited class?
@TravisJ dont understand
I want to trim some of the methods out, because I think they are inherited. I have them in two places at the moment.
I am trying to refine this class into something that looks less like a monster.
I also added in a subclass to manage the logic that I wanted to inject :)
Maybe it should be the other way around, just write an extension for thhe Serialize method SerializeEx
can anyone help me setting up visual studio to debug SP?
Nah, can't extend it because I changed some of the code in the internal methods
but really hard to say, I have not hhad any time to look into it
@rogcg - I am not very familiar with sp :(
I think this is probably a good time for me to version
Ok, now I can indiscriminately break things
@Maverik Thanks!
@rogcg what is sp?
stored procedures
So, i'm somewhat new to C#. I am building a utility in which i want to use several threads (specifically one thread for the main application and another thread for a spinning animated giff when the app is busy doing work. Could someone suggest a few resources for me to start learning how to multithread in c#? I have visual studio 2012 as my development environment.
posted on October 10, 2012 by Eric Lippert

One of the most basic ways to think about a computer program is that it is a device which takes in integers as inputs and spits out integers as outputs. The C# compiler, for example, takes in source code strings, and those source code strings are essentially nothing more than enormous binary numbers. The output of the compiler is either diagnostic text, or strings of IL and metadata, which are

@KyleTrauberman stored procedures
ok, wasn't sure if you meant sharepoint
@KyleTrauberman so you know how to set it up to debug on visual studio?
So, i'm studying for my OO exam, and he gave us a previous exam to study with, but he didn't give us the answers to the questions
1. Which of the following statements is false?
a) The number of bugs found in a program is a good indicator of the number of bugs remaining in the program.
b) The more one fixes a large software system, the more frequently it will fail.
c) It is always easy to fix a flexible software system.
d) If one begins coding too soon, the project will take longer to complete.
e) The work of the developer continues even after the software is delivered to the client.
I think a,b and c all sound false, what are you opinions?
@ThePracticalSyde - What framework are you using (wpf, mvc, wf)?
well, I am not sure, because that is a lot of nominal bullshit.
you think E is false? isn't maintenance the majority of what programmers do?
oh false, lol
@Steve a,b,d maybe?
that is what I get for just glancing at that
e is most true then a then b
c is meh
d is the opposite
has to be b then
constantly updating large software only results in a more robust system
@TravisJ Multiple options
@TravisJ I'm just using windows forms.
@TravisJ I think there are more than one false statements
i dont know, thats why i'm here, i thought there it a b c
@LewsTherin - This type of trick question crap always annoyed me. Some of those can be argued either way.
if one starts coding without design, the project will take longer, no?
@TravisJ Yeah. There is no right and wrong answer.
for d
Correct, design saves time down the road.
@Steve I would say no, start writing fast and do agile is the way to go
upfront design depends on your experience
Start planning everything is setting yourself up for implementing a lot of unusable features etc.
And, wtf is "easy to fix". Even in perfectly designed systems a fix can be huge pain the ass.
doing it a lot upfront design can also add to the overdesigning
@TravisJ thats what i was thinking, even if its flexible it doesn't mean its easy to fix :/
@DavidDV Or what it is, if it is a std website that you have done 20+ times before upfront design is prolly good
But if there is a lot of development design has to be iterative
it all is "It Depends"
there is no true or false
stupid tests, make me want to kick kittens
If you are looking at making a system to manage the bus transit of a small city and don't do any upfront database design for example, you will take a lot longer than if you had planned out the underlying data model.
e) The work of the developer continues as long as they are paid.

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