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01:00 - 14:0017:00 - 23:00

@KyleTrauberman - Is this for Iris?
See that @Billdr Bears have stars!!!!
2 hours later…
@SpencerRuport no, for the star leaderboard
2 hours later…
can any1 direct me how to clear blocked finalizer thread
i am at a total loss here :(
this :gist.github.com/3844184 is all i got on that thread,
god this room is empty on saturdays :/
1 hour later…
any1 here??
its the middle of the night, usa
@Samy000rathore I'm here, but only because of a teething baby
what's up?
hey kyle,
sorry for replyin late, went out for lunch :)
i need to know how adding nodes to treeview effects the memory usage of the application
i just went and got some breakfast
haha....time difference always amuses me
well its 4:30am
i just got up >.>
so i went and made myself some breakfast
why would u wake up so early :/
u have a test??
i love tests
i went to bed at like 3pm yesterday
just couldn't sleep anymore
@Bryan its 1:40 am. I need to go to bed.
@Samy000rathore I don't know off the top of my head
I would suggest trying it out and running some benchmarks. :)
it's like i havee this method to create my treeview
from the data i recieve from a webservice
execution of the code doubles my app's memory usage
from 20,000k to around 40,000k
so either the code is leaking memory
or the treeview is a bi**h
anyone around with multithreading experience?
i have some
not a pro by any means
do you have to stop a thread?
or does it stop itself?
you mean if you start a thread on a method that exits? Yes, the thread should be destroyed I believe.
i don't think so.
I've been looking at some xna threading examples and i don't see a stop
like this for example
ThreadStart threadStarter = delegate
// Do Work Here
Thread loadingThread = new Thread(threadStarter);
u don't really have to do anything special to clean that
yep. thread should get killed when work ends
insert "loadingthread.Stop()" at the end of do work here?
it kills itself?
would this work also:
Thread loadingThread = new Thread();
it will work, but it is not recommended
the thread will exit when the function returns.
If it is a long-running task and you want to be sure it has finished before the program exits, you can use Thread.Join which will block the main thread until the other thread completes
I'm not even sure if Thread has a Stop method
I remember a Suspend()
there is the Abort() method,
thanks for answering my nub questions
goes back to poking and prodding at c#
can ny one here help me in linq query
@all hi
can any one plzz
well we dont know unitl you ask it do we
Q: How can i write a linq query for multiple tables in entity model MVC4?

AnilI have these tables in my entity model dbo.Options [OptionsId] [OptionName] 1 Color 2 Size 3 Fit dbo.ProductAttributes: [ProdcutAttributeId] [SKU] [OptionId] [Value] 3001 Shirt_1001 1 Grey 3002 Shirt...

can u guys see this
@E.LDunn can u see that
nah, he's brailic
convert the link in braille so he can read it
just rereading it
your returning a new ProductItems is that not your model?
thats my model
so what do you mean by "this is waht i am trying to do but i am confused how to bind this to my model"
i have to bind the skus to the productsku class from there
i am confused how to do thatv from there
i could be wrong, but i think linq stilll has to follow the same rules as any query... by the looks of it your trying to return 2 different types of data, by which i mean your returned rows all have to be of the same format i.e ( productID, field1, field2, SKU ), so if you whre to do that you would end up with multiple ProductItems each containing only one sku value. you could make your ProductItems a singleton but i think it would be better to break it into 2 queries with a loop.
so you get the ProductItems details and then the skus for that item
im no export though
samy how are you today btw
still lurking with memory leak problem
m unable to find the exact cause
my boss won't even help me with the issue, he just left the project on me
neway, what about u??
what are u doin here on a saturday?? O.o
lol, wont be on long just while i eat my crumpets
haha....gud for ya, i am stuck in the office for all day.....
well since u r here, u nkow about treeviews in winforms??
how does adding nodess to the tree effects the memory consumption of the app
i have this method to construct the tree for me, but executing it increases the memory consumption drastically
like almost doubles up
as fair as my experience goes it should add that much, but how many nodes are you adding?
there are like 30 root nodes
i.e level 0 nodes
and each have depth upto level 5
i got this problem of changing the pitch of an .m4a file using c# code
with random no of childs from 5 to 30 or so
is data attached to these nodes?
no, just the last node os each branch is a custom node, a value-key pair
well i am using VS2008
with .Net framework 3.5
well it does say it takes values from -1 to 1
so just set it
well its not recognizing the SoundEffect type
are you actually using the XNA framework?
i even imported the microsoft.xna.framework.dll
but it didnt help
no idea how and why
can u pls suggest me a simple way of changing the pitch
soundInstance.Play(); is this working??
samy you may want to open up a new project and just do some basic tree manipulation see how your memory useage goes up without all the web service stuff, if you get the same sort of figures then you know its not a bug
yeah, that's a nice idea el, thanxx pal
samy are u sure soundInstance does have pitch changing methods ??
i'll just go and do that
cause if it doesnt, i wont be of any use ...
@rohanpanchal well, m not sure, but it is mentioned here
// Pitch takes values from -1 to 1
soundInstance.Pitch = pitch;

// Volume only takes values from 0 to 1
soundInstance.Volume = volume;
it's a property
fine thanks..... let me do some R&D on it......
thanks once again
i will get back to u with the outcome of it....
@Samy000rathore do you have a profiler for yopur memory leak problem?
@Johan, yeah, i do, but have never used a profiler before so i couldn't get the best out of that
its lex luthor :O
@Samy000rathore ok Im no expert but the few times I have used profilers I have found them very helpful
But I'm always been tracking cpu
What profiler are you using?
currently i have .net memory profiler
god, my free trial expires in 2 days :O
there are more profilers
You can use trial for another Resharper has dotTrace, ants
Then you really know which one you want to buy in the end
i'll do that, but can u pls help me with some dir'ns plz
there are a lot of figures and columns, i don't know which ones to monitor
I have never used your profiler and never hunted a memory leak
neither did i :|
I'll have a look in the docs
It is this one right? memprofiler.com/tutorials
yeah, it's the same
have you watched the vids?
i wanted to, but my internet is slow :(
my internet connection is bad and my boss should feel bad :(
just a couple of MBs
i'll go through it
thanxx for the reminder
i was chasing loose strings since morning :P
the first vid is painfully slow
gonna grind through it anyway
downloading lesson 2
ok I'm starting number two now
right im off , good luck samy
thankss el, have a good day
What type of application is it?
it's a c# windows form application
but it's consuming a web service
have you done the base snapshot?
i took a snapshot at application load
would that be my base snap?? or is it different
please bear with my noobness for a while
From what I understood they took the base snapshot upon closing the app after the first run
<-- noob here too, dont expect to much
hey...can u also look at this code
gist: 3844612, 2012-10-06 11:01:44Z
private void makeMyTree1(string value)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                string[] match = value.Split('~');
                List<string> mylist = match[5].Split(new string[] { @"\" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                if (mylist.Count > 0)
                    //Add the root node
                    TreeNode root = new TreeNode();
                    root.Name = mylist[0];
                    root.Text = mylist[0];
                    bool bfound = false;

                    foreach (TreeNode subitem in treeView1.Nodes)
                        if (subitem.Name.ToString() == root.Text)
                            bfound = true;
                    if (!bfound)
                        treeView1.Invoke(new AddRoot1(AddRoot), new object[] { root });
                    { TreeNode[] a = treeView1.Nodes.Find(root.Name, false); root = a[0]; }
                    mylist.RemoveAt(0);// remove the node already added

                    //loop on a recursive manner
                    TreeNode temp = root;
                    int list_count = mylist.Count; 
                    int counter = 0;
                    foreach (string s in mylist)
                        //temp = AddNode(temp, s);
                        temp = treeView1.Invoke(new AddNode1(AddNode), new object[] { temp as object, s }) as TreeNode;
                                string bet_mode = match[1];
                                string id = match[0];
                                var time = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Convert.ToDouble(match[4]));
                                string match_date = time.ToString();
                                myTreeNode treenode1 = new myTreeNode(bet_mode, id, match_date);
                                treeView1.Invoke(new AddMyTNode(AddMyTreeNode), new object[] { temp, treenode1 });
                    //if (treeView1.Nodes.IndexOf(root) >= 0)
                    //    treeView1.SelectedNode = treeView1.Nodes[treeView1.Nodes.IndexOf(root)];
                    //}//we select the last node
can u see if anything is leaving unused memory behind??
this View-> Class filter -> Show new or removed instances looks promising
i hte slow internet days, i can't even debug the app properly, it's taking eternity to complete the web service calls
sorry for ur wait
the case in vid 2 is similar to your case?
still downloading :/
but i think there is something different in my case
u know, i have seen app memory size increase to even GBs
but my app throws out of memory exception at a much lower size
do you know when it grows? Does it grow while just being idle or on specific actions?
let me tell you, the second form of my app, is used to call websevice to get latest data
every 200 milisec
so yeah, it's always continuous
and sometimes there are multiple instances of that form running in parrellel
Maybe that makes it easier to find then
take tw snapshot with polling enabled and start comparing
Did you try that filter before?
no i did'nt
i'll try it now, well i was using the profiler in VS only till now
never thought of doing it this way :?
that could be a good way
now how am i to solve such warnings
put a using on that?
post the code where you use the socket
that's the problem, i never used a socket
but be advised, probably I'm just wasting your time, I'm no expert
BFExchangeService.APIRequestHeader header2 = new BetRates_NS.BFExchangeService.APIRequestHeader();
header2.clientStamp = 0;
header2.sessionToken = sessionToken;

GetMarketReq market_req1 = new GetMarketReq();
market_req1.header = header2;
market_req1.marketId = Convert.ToInt32(marketId1);
GetMarketResp market_resp1= bfg2.getMarket(market_req1);
this is how i make web service calls
that's it
do you use resharper?
my gut is telling me that GetMarketReq should implement IDisposable
ahh, never thought of that
or maybe be cached for the entire session is a better option since you use it so much
can u elaborate that caching option pls
never used such an approach before
in the class where you have the code you posted you could new up the marketreq
_marketReqGetter=new GetMarketReq();
and then use the same instance for evrey call
but that depends on how it works, if it has side effects etc
maybe you need a fresh one for every call
no it doesn't needs to be a fresh one
are you polling yahoo finance or something like that?
then caching is an option
something like that, a sport market api
but it shoul still implement IDisposable
and if you cache it the class that has it as a field/property should implement IDisposable too
so i just declare it once in the class
can you post the code for the GetMarketReq?
it's in the web service documentation, let me dig it
by the way the name is more a method name. Name it Market?
[System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("getMarketPricesCompressed", RequestNamespace="http://www.betfair.com/publicapi/v5/BFExchangeService/", ResponseNamespace="http://www.betfair.com/publicapi/v5/BFExchangeService/", Use=System.Web.Services.Description.SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)]
[return: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("Result", IsNullable=true)]
public GetMarketPricesCompressedResp getMarketPricesCompressed(GetMarketPricesCompressedReq request) {
that one is the method which is being called on repeat
ouch, hard to read that code
gist: 3844729, 2012-10-06 11:54:10Z
[System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("getMarketPricesCompressed", RequestNamespace="http://www.betfair.com/publicapi/v5/BFExchangeService/", ResponseNamespace="http://www.betfair.com/publicapi/v5/BFExchangeService/", Use=System.Web.Services.Description.SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)]
        [return: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("Result", IsNullable=true)]
        public GetMarketPricesCompressedResp getMarketPricesCompressed(GetMarketPricesCompressedReq request) {
            object[] results = this.Invoke("getMarketPricesCompressed", new object[] {
            return ((GetMarketPricesCompressedResp)(results[0]));
open the gist in a new tab
it would be easier to read there
hmm, that left me clueless nut I have not done much web
but this looks a bit strange:
return ((GetMarketPricesCompressedResp)(results[0]));
You fetch an entire array of things and only return results[0]
well, it's my first live project,
m learning too :/
do you write unit tests?
nothing officially
i try on my level but it's hard to test alone, sometimes a third person view is very helping
especially when testing is left for the developer to accomplish
I don't know if it is possible but it should be: Write a test that does the polling and run the profiler on that test. {jetbrains.com/profiler} [dotTrace] integrates nicely with Resharpers testrunner
That wouldn't help with memory profiling a lot
@mikalai can u explain pls
I was thinking if he could get that code to run in isolation
oh, they made a memory profiler at last, sorry. For ages dotTrace has been used only for cpu profiling
well anyway - even with dotTrace finding memory leak reason requires some experience
ahh...that's what i was to say
Why don't you dispose web service client as it was suggested?
using trial versions is tiring, it takes a few days to get started, and then when u think u are reaching somewhere, it expires
i was going to do that eventually
if opening a form increases memory, should'nt closing it decrease it back
that is the expected behaviour
in my app, it skips the decrease back part
there are really too many factors
Usually it's impossible to identify memory leak by a mere description
Well, if you are not going to use a profiler, at least there is a simple way, though it can take some time. You'd just disable some parts of your code one by one and check memory behaviour.
i am doing that, and i have several suspects in my code
m trying to check each of them
gist hub, y u expand here :O
I caught manual label creation )
i need to generate a 6xR grid of texboxes and a label infront of each row
Fonts use win32 gdi objects which are to be released immediately after use
how do i release them, can u edit and mark the code snip for what might parts cause problems pls.
I believe all winforms controls are IDiposable too, and should be disposed
If you have disassembler - is there Control.Dispose implementation? Does is call dispose on "this.Controls" collection?
should i implement in form.Closing() event
a foreach loop to dispose them all
i added this line just after the controls.add
i am confused
i need to create the controls dynamically
how do i dispose them
(if i need to)
what are the best practices for the same
pls help me know, and pardon my noobness
well yes - closing event would be fine. If you use dynamic controls you either make standard controls to cleanup them or clean them manually. Actually, I thought that this.Controls.Add(label) should do the job, and form should cleanup children.
Dynamic controls in winforms is used pretty rarely, and always is accompanied with troubles
They consume user and gdi obejcts
i knew that, but i need as manu control rows as tha no. of runnerups per match file
and that no. is dynamic, it changes for each session
so what do i need to do to manually dispose them
How's things?
a lil messy, but nevamind
how bout ya
what'cha doin here on a saturday evening
It is 2pm :D
And I have no life that's why :D
Wbu? On a Saturday evening? Lol
m still stuck on that memory leak issue...
my life has been stolen from me :'(
or better say snatched away from me
Work during the weekend.
Not nice
@Samy000rathore true story of every programmer
:forever a programmer: :')
OMG kakarott :O
can't imagine goku sitting infront of a pc
So true.
warehouse complet karle re kakarott deadline 15 h
@Samy000rathore : yeh some time world needs me :P
ahhh, you 2 are indians
:P haha..bss..on my way bhai :D
yo ;)
sachchi?? me too
jaipur me
kya bat :D
apne bikaner mai
what u guys do??
developers are like mosquitoes.. everywhere :D
@Samy000rathore kya project bana raha hai
web service project hai, Betfair API consume kar raha hun
@JohanLarsson Have you ever done Java?
not much, took a course in school but it is ten years ago
Remember much?
cant say
@LewsTherin whats the prob?
I'm trying to understand why InputStream.read() returns an int
might be a bool?
errormessage sort of?
Yes, it signals the end of file.
But a byte can be used to represent that.
read() returns -1
Q: InputStream reading in Java

user489041Why does InputStream's read() return a int and not a byte?

nice 319k is credible!
I read them, but still don't get it.
What's the difference?
Is a byte in Java signed or unsigned?
it says it need to return from 0 to 255 but byte ends at 127
The docs isn't even clear. Ugh.
@Samy000rathore bhai fb id de
Oh I think I understand.
bytes read from a stream need to represent a value from 0-255. 256 values.
To represent -1 would mean that the byte has to be signed.
So instead the damn thing uses an int.
Ok I think I am wrong.. I can't store 255 in a byte.
Bloody hell, where is Kyle? :P
kyle mght be sleeping right now
he was wake till late
Alright thanks. I will keep trying to figure it out.
where is kindle fray
kindle knows everthing
time difference
kyle nd kindell are in USA
almost a 12 hr difference with our time zone
@Samy000rathore request bahj di h fb p add kar lene bhai
okies :P
i'll accept when i'll get home
office m allow nahi hai kya fb
nahi yr, allow h but admin ko pata chal jata h
screw him X(
comapny name?
01:00 - 14:0017:00 - 23:00

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