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@KendallFrey yes
Like what?
you need it in order to generate a .dll from your project
i.e. if you want to reference it anywhere else
What about for an exe?
not sure, but I wouldn't
Along the same line, is there anything wrong with specifying an assembly version that's not a simple major.minor.build.revision?
that's your .NET framework assembly file if I'm not mistaken
you definitely don't wanna mess with that
I'm thinking of using version numbers with only 2 or 3 numbers.
I'm not sure how .NET will react if I don't specify all four.
@KendallFrey I believe that's a bad idea. The CLR may break if a person has more than one version of .NET on their machine (very common)
What does that have to do with .NET versions?
...and fail:
Oh, multi-line. Riiight.
@Billdr Hey, I'm still at work, I'll go home in about an hour.
Kind of busy week. :(
@KendallFrey Stop laughing like us brazilians >.>
@AndréSilva Hey, I'm at home, but I'm still working. I'll be done around 4pm tomorrow.
That too.
we laugh like racists..
kkk kkk kkk kkk..
Lews bailed out a few hours ago. I don't know if we're going to get the three of us into a skype session ever.
wait that sounds bad
Yer a pirate kendall
We will.
We may have to do it over G+ like citizens of the internet.
@KendallFrey Is it laugh like a pirate day?
Now it's laugh like a 12 year old day.
Am I the only one who doesn't want to put a switch statement into their cshtml pages?
running out of ways to laugh
I'm about an hour away from watching all of Firefly in one day.
Too much working at my pc.
                    var itemsToDelete = (from c in context.ScheduleJobChains
                                         where c.ScheduleJobChainID == id
                                     select c).FirstOrDefault();
If no one can answer this at a glance, no worries, I'll make some test data
Billdr I'm rewatching it again myself
Will that return multiple rows from schedule or schedule jobs?
assume many to many links to both of those tables, of course.
@Billdr Heyyyyy
Evening Kinected.
again, I'm dumb. Nevermind that question.
Also, good call Bryan. Firefly is teh awesome.
Like my new face?
Yes, very much so.
I plan to use randoms to make the tentacles move around randomly
Better than your old one. :p
the tenticals are wildly flailing, ya?
Not yet, but I am working on it
gah, itemsToDelete.schedule.count() isn't a thing I can do.
Get Microsoft on the phone. I demand answers for this injustice!
Look at the amount of vertices!
are you going to be able to prevent clipping on that?
I have it enabled on the face right now for convenience, but will probably change that later
Ugh, animation is next :P
The bounty hunger in Objects in Space has the best written dialog that I've ever seen.
The only problem is it's all crammed into 30 minutes, so it feels weird.
He forgets words, mishears things, etc.
Also he repeats words a few times.
Like, he'll use the same word to express an idea after a few minutes, as opposed to coming up with a new one. It's something people do that writers generally don't want to emulate.
For example, he says find instead of search.
Do you think ears are important?
Someone talk to me
Sorry, I banged my finger on a particularly sharp part of my desk, I'm now missing a cubic centimeter of finger and half a pint of blood.
Really that much?
Anyways, do you think ears are important?
Q: Why are trees shining in background?

KinectedCurrently I am creating a forest scene in the dark, and the trees are shining far away, but when I get close they are fine. I have the shaders set to "Nature/Tree Soft Occlusion [bark/leaves]", but they are still rendering strange far away, but close they are fine. I tried placing the trees in...

Ears are only important if you can see where they should be
since you're making a tentical monster, the question is... does he have ears?
nah, who need those when you have tenticals?
Maybe he has frog ears.
Maybe he sees infra-red so he doesn't need ears
Really, the source code is the .sln file?
Um, no?
I hate it when people get a good answer on SO, then ask the same question on another SE site
@KendallFrey Oh, I was just being dumb
Can you make me a developer
Now I just need a windows device with a touch interface. When are they going to make one of those that isn't an alsoran?
MS Surface?
You have a stupid logo
Yey, I'm going home.
Bye bye everyone.
Have a good commute Andre.
Goddamnit, everyone's asleep or afk.
If you want Androids, you can go in the Java channel.
True enough.
I'm learning to use databases for the first time in C#, because I'm trying to port some Foxpro 2.6 legacy applications to C#... now I understand why database-apps were so popular in Foxpro.
OMG it's a pain in the ass.
Yea... I'm wrestling with a similar problem now.
database related.
What's your issue?
Actually, I just solved it.
@Billdr I just checked in an update to the starleaderboard
Man, would I rather be working on that.
Why is enterprise crap so boring?
by definition
Whew, the data shaping is done.
That took 5 hours. :/
SearchService.SearchResponse searchResponse = searchService.Search(searchRequest);
gives errot
At Search()
in bing map WP&
SearchService.SearchResponse searchResponse = searchService.Search(searchRequest); can any bdy here tell me that, why Search gives here error that
Error 1 'MapLocationSearch1.SearchService.SearchServiceClient' does not contain a definition for 'Search' and no extension method 'Search' accepting a first argument of type 'MapLocationSearch1.SearchService.SearchServiceClient' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) D:\WorkSpace\Projects\MapLocationSearch1\MapLocationSearch1\MainPage‌​.xaml.cs 70 77 MapLocationSearch1
Whatever Search() wants isn't whatever searchRequest is.
thank u ...
Sorry, I'm lacking information to be any more specific.
rebooting, brb.
goooood morning!
Hey Rob.
Hey @Billdr
Hi all
i'm happy this morning!
I'm still awake from yesterday morning. My code is crap and I am grumpy as a result.
Sleep is the answer, but I need to get my hour count up. Blarg.
that sucks
Yes, yes it does.
question for you
I think I'm going crash and leave this mess for future me. Future me always pulls through.
you know JSON.NET right?
but maybe I can help you out?
lets say my output looks like this:
"headline":"The Main Timeline Headline Goes here",
        "text":"<p>Intro body text goes here, some HTML is ok</p>",
        "asset": {
            "credit":"Credit Name Goes Here",
            "caption":"Caption text goes here"
I'm willing to say that.
but i need to add another object before the "headline" property, is it possible to interrupt the serialization and add this?
some the end result is this:
@RobAngelier and @Billdr -> Can you see my new question?
And help me to improve it, if it has any problems in grammar.
Q: Error: Inheritance security rules violated by type ItemsCollectionEditor in C#

MRS1367When I want to add my custom control assembly (DLL) file to the Visual Studio Toolbox, I encounter with following error: There was an error loading types from assembly "my assembly file." Inheritance security rules violated by type: ItemsCollectionEditor. Derived types must either match the sec...

        "headline":"The Main Timeline Headline Goes here",
        "text":"<p>Intro body text goes here, some HTML is ok</p>",
        "asset": {
            "credit":"Credit Name Goes Here",
            "caption":"Caption text goes here"
okay, your goal is to add one property to wrap the entire block?
That doesn't seem like it'd be a problem.
Yaaay! First one arriving to the office today, and last one leaving yesterday. I deserve a f-ing medal!
@Stripps good for you! You get the medal of honor!
@MRS1367 I've been awake for over 24 hours. Grammar isn't going to be my cup of tea atm.
Rob, I assume this isn't working for some reason?
Hey does anyone have any idea how I can add an HttpModule which would intercept an HTTP request the moment it hit the web server (IIS) in mvc asp.net /
Awesome :D
@Billdr -> really??? lol (Rob, I assume this isn't working for some reason?)
@MRS1367 you again!
still not working correctly
@RobAngelier -> Do you read my question??
I cant even identify the code :)
i'm reading it. It has something to do with your derived class and public,protected etc.
My question grammar is good??
i think so
@Billdr don't fall a sleep ok?
Is understandable??
@Billdr what is not working?
@MRS1367 yes it is
tnx @RobAngelier
@MRS1367 did you read the articles that i have send?
maybe you can try these options
I check them.
But didn't work for me.
@RobAngelier My brain. I painted myself into an awkward corner. I have to rethink my structure a bit. Then there's a bunch of jquery stuff that I have to sort out. I'm going to see if I can get 5 hours of sleep before I have to make an appearance at the office.
We are in a tiresum area. early @ work --> tierd. Afternoon at work --> tierd. After lunch ---> tierd
good night/morning(as the case may be) room.
@Billdr no problem! sleep well
talk to you later!
1 hour later…
I tired alot to deploy a c# web service using IIS server. Its was working well before but unable to use database of MS Access. After that i made changes in applicationHost.config file... now even the webservice is not working.. I have uninstalled iis and installed it again.. but now the same thing.. not working.. any solution how can i get default configuarition..
@MouseCrasher IIS won't be the problem, so reinstalling it won't fix it
the problem lies with your config file, most likely
hello i need a urgent help
all controls on my windows form are disappeared but they still exists in designer code
form have 30-35 controls and i have to recover my project on deadline
@KyleTrauberman ?
check the visible property of them all and make sure they are true
i that fails, I hope you have source control and can rollback
i m using a custom textbox and the custom textbox code was not in designer
you could also try restarting visual studio
so i think all happen due to textbox?
wait, so you didn't add the controls via the designer?
try to undo what ever you did last
drag and drop from toolbox
also check the position property for the controls
rollback :P
Hello ._.
@folex Is that you PHD subject?
mourning all btw
@tranceporter why PhD?
seems like a broad topic
Hmm, ok.
But there is nothing to explore on that topic. Answer kinda simple: it's just hard to implement because of runtime nature of generics
While in C++ for example templates are evaluated on compilation
Hi!, have anyone of you experienced that the arrow-"control" disappears from Visual Studio 2010 sometimes? (this is in wpf design mode)
Hahah. There is analog of C's (type)(void)pointer
it's kind of annoying since I can't click anywhere on my design without adding a control :/
What if I do var newVar = (type)(object)oldVar; and then newVar.SomeMethod () while there is no such a method in oldVar's class.
Are you assigning type of oldVar to newVar, or the object reference itself?
var oldVar = new FirstType ();
var newVar = (SecondType)(object)oldVar;
newVar.SomeFirstMethod ();
newVar.SomeSecondMethod ();
and there is no SomeSecondMethod in FirstType
what is the purpose of casting firstType to secondType, when you know that secondType cannot get you what you want?
Well, the only way to do that: pastie.org/4906893 in C# is: pastie.org/4906906
@tranceporter I'm just interested in result. But there is some practical point of this question in the links above: if in case blocks we call methods instead of changing field, we could came up with the "oldVar/newVar issue".
Is that really the only way?
I'm sick of it.
@folex That still does not answer you original question though. What if you wanted to assign first.FirstField = (T)(object)second.DecimalField;
where DecimalField did not exist in the second object?
You mean ((T)(object)second).DecimalField ?
have you tried using reflection on an assembly, to see if the particular method/property exists in that class, and if yes, call it?
@folex yup
I don't looking for workaround with "oldVar/newVar issue", I just wanted to know what other thinks about exceptions/errors/results from topic.
Answer is:
System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
Sorry, it isn't an answer for question. My brains are bad today
Well, it's an answer. (type)(object) isn;t analog of C's (type)(void)pointer.
if you want to cast source type of destination type, they should implement the same interface for starters, atleast in c#
can you post your actual problem?
I can give you real function, not this abstraction, but it's kinda long and complex.
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
a = 0;
b = 0;


Parallel.Invoke(delegate { a = 1; if (b == 0) Console.WriteLine("A wins"); },
delegate { b = 1; if (a == 0) Console.WriteLine("B wins"); });

A wins
If I declare a and b as volatile. How is it possible that both wins?
If I declare a and b as volatile static, A always wins as it should.
Not for me...
Well, I'm wrong. A shouldn't always wins. SomeONE always wins
But both
someone here with Timeline.js experience?
i'm getting a headache
test failed
@folex What happens if you declare a simple interface, and have FirstClass and SecondClass both inherit from it?
try casting it after that.. and it should not give you the exception
then you switch case should work
am i starting to understand your problem?
How could I make such an interface for FirstClass <int> and FirstClass <string>?
I think there is no way to do that
@all anyone will please tell me that how can i detect rectangle with tags in C#?
What do you mean by tags?
i have assigned tags to some rectangles now i want to access them throught their tags not their names
is it possible /?
It's about Windows Forms?
about windows phone
Doing this for Windows Phone
But more specifically, it's windows forms tags?
so you think is there anyway ?
that i can do this ?
without thinking about it tomuch coundt you just search all rectangles tags and return the one that matches your search value?
@E.LDunn i will try that ..but is there any way to make it perfectly working
@all how can i detect if the user moves from a image of certain tag ?
in windows phone
@folex basically i want to check if user moves above an image?? if yes then true if no then false
not getting what you mean by moves above?#
@E.LDunn i have some rectangles with some tags ... how can i i check on mouseMove() that whether the user moves above the rect of tag 3 or 4
id say assuming your using a mouse which seems odd on windows phone but anyways , your images must be hosted in some form of control hook an event to the mouseleave and check there
Loo loo loo, I've got some apples, loo loo loo, You've got some too.
yes, i got my timeline working
how can i check how much internet traffic my app is generating ??
now go crash your system
can anyone explain how does the Arraylist.add() method works?. Does it take more time every time we add something to the list?
@tranceporter m actually gonna try that......if anything bad happens, all the sin in the world would be on your hands :P
@user1514077 It allocates memory and each time you exceed the boundaries it allocates new memory times two, meaning that sometimes you get a small performance hit but then it will be able to handle double the amount of items you already had. Add itself is unsorted and therefore is of speed O(1)
I love that movie Sin City. Dark Noir is awesome. L.A. Noire is awesome as well. So am I.
@Samy000rathore The above is reply your above.
is in reply.. sheesh
i get it,
thanxx, you ARE awsum ;)
i would have pinged u with thanxx, but roel would get upset if i did that :P :D
@Samy000rathore we can do the next best thing. Virtual hi-5
hello to all
Someone interessted to write a open source or commercial project with me?
so, can someone please correct my answer, so that I can learn something new?
A: group rows in plain sql

tranceporterSELECT Number, MIN(date) FROM table GROUP BY Number ORDER BY Number You should google for such a simple question really.

Good morning.
yo man, sorry was occupied :|
now how does one solves this
2 types have instances that have been disposed but not GCed.
Investigate the types below for more information.

System.Drawing.Graphics, WindowsFont
@Samy000rathore Hey there, did you get anywhere with your memory issues yesterday? just curious.
not really, m actually now even more confused
oh dear
i can't identify what is the real cause....:(
I think you said something about calling a web-service every second
yeah, what about that O.o
i make a call every 200 milisecond
@Samy000rathore to get real time trading data kinda thing?
i get market data from the web service,
are those calls async?

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