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oh wait
that's that weird port... they ported android from java to c#. I don't think apps built to it will work in the Play Store.
$400 license. blarg.
If my app makes $100 before the end of the year I'd be shocked.
What would Brian Boitano do if he were here right now?
Twirl in his tu-tu.
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Do Nothing
@Billdr there's also dalvik. Dunno about the licensing there'
Do you need a tissue?
What's a dalvik.
Lol I dunno -- i just noticed that the mono stuff was being compared to "dalvik" in all of the benchmarks
Might be important to note that the mono port blew dalvik away in every category
Q: What is Dalvik and dalvik-cache?

Android KillerI know this may be a basic question in Android. But what is Dalvik and dalvik-cache?

It's the java vm on android, I guess.
Oh lol...that makes sense
so yes... I probably will use Dalvik.
If I was paying attention, I'd have said that. But I'm busy in my lunch hour antics.
Wow..that says a lot about the c# port then
well, my options are to use a version of the OS that no one has, pay $400 for a license to make my app slower, or just do Java.
those options suck
enjoy java
I do enjoy java. Just not two hours after I enjoyed C#.
java gets a bad rap, probably because it is slower, less featured, behind the curve, lacking in linq, and completely absent of Jon Skeet.
While Jon Skeet is a deal breaker, you forgot "Horribly insecure."
ah yes, sorry, I had to cut the list short.
I would have it installed if not for android. If you're not using java, uninstall that crap.
And to make a small correction, Jon Skeet does actually own at Java. I have seen some of his answers there.
A complete list of the languages in which Jon Skeet has advanced proficiency would be a complete list of all languages, real or imagined, programming languages and spoken languages, as well as dead languages such as Sanskrit.
You forgot dog-speak too.
He's like Doctor Who. He speaks horse, dog, and baby.
@TravisJ Jon Skeet does know Java.
haha I really need to start making my way through that show.
As a java developer primarily, this conversation makes me frown.
The conversation about how awesome Jon Skeet is?
It makes me frown too, for Jon Skeet has never answered one of my questions.
I used to like the answer I got from Jon Skeet, until I realized it worked with POCO but not dynamic proxy :( Then I had to scrap the whole method.
I blame entity framework though, not Jon Skeet.
When Jon Skeet's answer is incorrect, the fault lies with the framework.
I want to publish a list of Jon Skeet jokes.
However, for all of you out there that have also had problems with dynamic proxies, you can get a full fledged POCO from the ObjectContext.
But my only audience would be you cheapskates.
+Jon Skeet, I guess.
There is already a list of Jon Skeet jokes on meta. I am sure @Kendall could link it.
I'm sure I could. Would? Maybe not.
Me either
From Twitter(via Reddit): Order a pizza then act confused when it arrives. "A delivery for Aaron? Aarons DEAD. He DIED ordering a pizza in this house 10 years ago."
That's awful.
There's this guy in my work who's usually pretty grumpy it seems like. Whenever he comes in all happy I ask him who died.
hahaha, the accepted answer if Jon Skeet's
that's priceless.
Well, what did you expect?
@SpencerRuport If you aren't careful, it'll be you :)
Nah, he seems to like me.
I get his dark humor.
dark humor is just humor.
Of course it is Kendall /pat pat
Jon Skeet is the traveling salesman. Only he knows the shortest route.
News flash: Jon Skeet isn't the salesman. He just wrote it.
Where are all these lame jokes coming from?
Most of them were from me, but they were actually duplicates.
As Jon skeet wrote the good ones about himself years ago.
I was talking to myself.
Well don't talk so loud.
"Well I gotta hear what I gotta say!"
...you were typing to yourself.
That's a special skill
Is it in bad taste if I go home because I'm cold? Or should I just set my filing cabinet on fire?
@SpencerCole I left a few times in the summer because they turned the AC off while it was 90+ outside
Wait... was that the right Spencer?
I don't get cold, and I'm freezing. That's not supposed to happen.
If you can work from home, I say go for it.
speaking of being cold, going to smoke. Effing first world.
Unfortunately, I can't. I can't access our SVN from at home. Stupid internal servers and whantot.
Just for the information, can we ask questions on the chat?
Yes you may.
Just this once though.
And maybe one other time.
But no more than twice!
But if it comes to three, we may let it go.
Thrice could be acceptable provided the first two were of acceptance.
anyone up for more nagging about my DoubleBox : TextBox?
@FurqanSafdar Ask Questions you may. Witty and useless responses you may get.
@JohanLarsson Yes. The name sucks. refactor it to AwesomeBox : TextBox
@RyanTernier That refactoring will have to wait :)
@JohanLarsson Didn't you learn anything in school? THe first thing you have to do with any code is make sure it's pretty, fast, and has a good flow. IF it works? Well that's the last thing you should do.
/end sarcasm
My first question:
I made a WPF Custom Control Library with Themes\generic.xaml
How do I inherit the generic style from textbox?
I found a blog that suggested editing a template for a TextBox in blend and copy the contents but that seems overly insane
yup (ish)
<Style TargetType="{x:Type local:DoubleBox}" BasedOn="{x:Type TextBox}">
does not work for me
So tired. :(
Sleep :D
It just came to my attention that one of my bosses is crazy to fire me, while the other doesn't care. I think I won't be in this job for long..
Target type DoubleBox is not convertible to System.Type
Why does he hate you so much?
Need more coffee
@Trickery He have 20 years experience in development, he still uses VB6 and he can't understand what I code because it is "too hard" for him. He doesn't know english and he gets angry when I talk in here.
Ah, he's an idiot then.
@Trickery Yeah, the worse type of idiot. The one who pays my salary.
@TravisJ Haha. I did a BizTalk review for 3 hours on Friday... was long... one of the functions I looked at was:

public string SetAddress(string a, string b, string c, string d, string wtf, string suckItBizTalk)
this.AddressLine1 = a;
this.AddressLIne2 = b;
... and so on

the dev and I had a fun talk :)
thats awesome, but stupid
the outcome was "I don't care how you code your functions or code for your own little projects, but when something can be traced back to you, don't do it like this"!
It takes hours of something not working for me to start using the wtf variable.
<Style TargetType="{x:Type local:DoubleBox}" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type TextBox}}">
no dice
@TravisJ Welcome to BizTalk haha
@AndréSilva Sorry to hear that. Do you have something else lining up?
var wtf = SomeExpectedOutcomeThatIsDoingSomethingElseCompletely();
@JohanLarsson Call for @KendallFrey. He'll come, he always does. Let me show you how to call the WPF God:
@KendallFrey @KendallFrey @KendallFrey
ok maybe demi-god?
@Billdr I started sending emails to companies with my curriculum... Who knows what will show up..
@RyanTernier - Even the definition of BizTalk seems erroneous. "BizTalk Server connects systems inside and across organizations, to exchange data and orchestrate processes requiring multiple systems."
var wtf = (wtf) wpf; // this is my standard approach
resume in the US, C.V. elsewhere
@TravisJ BizTalk is insanely powerful. But it's a beast, and needs a lot to be setup properly
An "Enterprise Service Bus", I like that. It makes heavy use of the adapter pattern which is cool too.
Plug and play ftw
This is the blog suggesting hardcoding the default style copy-paste style (Section 3)
@Billdr I'll try. But there is a lot of problems. Lack of experience, not having a green card, under 21, no college... But I'm sure trying...
oh no.. I was correcting your use of the world "curriculum."
In the US that word implies a schedule or topics for education.
Oh... Did not noticed that.
@Billdr - C.V. is lightly used here too though, and the C in that is curriculum (vitae).
@TravisJ Right. It's rarely used, mostly with multinationals that have a soft US presence. In my experience.
boss here. cya
Wow. First time I've actually needed to use a nested join in a query...
Key emphasis on "needed".
LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSource1 TS ON TS.Key = Other.Key
LEFT OUTER JOIN @tempTable TT ON TT.Key = TS.Key
Wasn't working, because the temp table had to limit the possible join paths of tblSource1.
I still don't grock the difference between an inner and outer join.
Guys... this is important. Castle comes back on tonight.
INNER includes only records that have a match in both tables. OUTER includes each record at least once, and if there is no match in another table, it substitutes a NULL match.
Got you, so outer is inclusive and inner is exclusive?

Error in title it seems
Outer: All of table a gets listed in an outer, and parts of table b are included when a match is found.
Pretty much.
@KendallFrey Not exactly. Outer joins nulls only for records found in table being queried with the joined table. If you want nulls on both sides, you need to do a Full Outer Join
@Billdr Yes.
Inner: Nothing from Table A or Table B is listed unless a match is found.
Neat, that's good to know. Thanks
Joining is different on different DBS... Oracle and SQL behave slightly different on them (yay?)
@Trickery Not sure how that's different than what I said.
:5487772 Lets say we have two tables:
Lets not and say we did.
Lets say we did and then not :P
    t1    t2
  ----- -----
    a     b
    b     c
    c     d
Inner join creates a new result table by combining column values of two tables (A and B) based upon the join-predicate. The query compares each row of A with each row of B to find all pairs of rows which satisfy the join-predicate. When the join-predicate is satisfied, column values for each matched pair of rows of A and B are combined into a result row.
Did @FurqanSafdar ever ask his/her question?
@Trickery :

Inner join will give you B and C
Outer Join will give you ABC, or BCD depending on how you order your select
lol I don't think so @SpencerRuport
inner join t1 to t2 =
b, b
c, c

outer join =
a, null
b, b
c, c

full outer join =
a, null,
lol I feel kind of bad now.
That must have been pretty confusing if they don't speak English very well.
technically they asked 1 question
Was it "Can I ask a question?"
@Trickery Isn't that left outer join and full outer join?
That's my favorite question.
If your first question is "Can I ask a question in here?" please proceed to your second question.
isnt it left by default?
if(question.CompareTo("Can I ask a question?")==0)
I think you need to specify RIGHT joins if you want to get stuff from T2 and not T1, but if its just "outer join" i think it goes Left
@Billdr - It actually was. Although I think it got voted as not a real question because it solicited debate, arguments, and extended discussion.
Extended discussion about duder's ability to ask a question?
Yeah, we are still discussing
It is a pretty philosophical question.
@Trickery I thought it goes full by default. Can't find a reference either way though.
It a touchy-feely metaphysical way, we are all one. Asking a question is the same as thinking, if we're all one mind.
@KendallFrey I guess there's only one way to check. ;)
Lews is here! Again!
Have you rethought your decisions yet, Lews?
Well, you were here before, weren't you?
True, off and on. Hard to be on here while listening to a lecturer :(
@Billdr Still dislike her a bit ;)
Solution: don't listen to the lecturer. We'll teach you everything you need to know.
@LewsTherin Maybe this next episode will fix that.
how do I add another user from my network to acess a local database on my computer
on SQL server?
I hope so. It looks fantastic compared to the previous episodes.
I feel like I'm seeing the general shape of this season from a mile away; like a car speeding toward a concrete wall.
What show?
Dr Who
@Billdr Yeah :'(
Bring RTD back please.
@rogcg - I think you have a shared folder where the db sits and allow access to the other computer
How many Miami PD members know/strongly suspect/quietly consent to Dexter now adays?
@TravisJ where is this folder location?
@Billdr - In the show? Zero.
@LewsTherin Rose Tyler...?
@SpencerRuport I thought his sister kinda-sorta knew?
I take that back, there's one. But that was the end of the last season when that person found out.
@KendallFrey LOL, Microsoft are cheeky bastards. Just tried running some joins on my local SqlServer. It doesn't even let you run an OUTER JOIN without specifying if its LEFT, RIGHT or FULL. Gives a syntax error.
@Billdr Russel Davies
In order to get the outer join working properly, I had to use a nested join:
@Billdr - There was a season where people were starting to close in but through a series of events it got blamed on someone else.
@LewsTherin Is that her full name?
    INNER JOIN @tempTable TT ON TT.Key = TS.Key
    ON TS.Key = Other.Key
@rogcg - The db should sit where you set it in SQL server management studio
@SpencerRuport The visiting killer who wanted to do a team-up or something, ya?
@SpencerRuport The one that wasn't related to him.
@Billdr Russell T Davies, the writer?
The mexican dude?
Stephen Russell Davies, OBE (born 27 April 1963), better known by his pen name Russell T Davies, is a Welsh television producer and screenwriter whose works include Queer as Folk, Bob & Rose, The Second Coming, Casanova, and the 2005 revival of the classic British science fiction series Doctor Who. Born in Swansea, Davies aspired to work as a comic artist in his adult life, until a careers advisor at his school suggested that he study English literature; he consequently focused on a career of play- and screen-writing. After he graduated from Oxford University, Davies ...
Or Cuban. Whatever.
@LewsTherin Oooh. I never really pay attention to the writer credits. I just noticed Douglas Adams wrote for classic Dr. a few weeks ago.
@SpencerRuport Maybe? The one that was sleeping with his sister.
Lol, everyone has slept with deb. :P
@Billdr Yeah.. I'm a freak :(
@Billdr I have to tell you this. I go to the gym with one of my bosses, while the other simply hates me. The other wants to fire me, and I know for sure that I won't stay here long enough, so I decided to end the contract with the gym so I won't have to keep paying while I won't be able to work. The boss that goes to the gym with me asked me if I was going today, and I said that I would not and that I ended the contract and told him the story, he got so mad (...)
Including the actor that who plays Dexter. icky.
I like that they're a couple.
Gives off some strange dynamics in the show I think.
@Billdr (...) and now he is going to a client with the other boss. I could hear him screaming with my other boss about it. So f-cking priceless..
@AndréSilva Nice!
@AndréSilva So maybe you're a bit more secure than you thought?
Multiple bosses never works.
@Billdr I knew that one of them wouldn't allow me to get fired. But now I put wood to the fire and I will let them burn.
It's so annoying.
@rogcg - this might help also: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh403415.aspx
@AndréSilva Why'd he want to fire you?
@TravisJ ok, thanks.
@LewsTherin You're not a freak - the writer credits are the last thing before the episode starts. I should pay attention - I usually read it... I just fail to let it stick.
@AndréSilva Do you have two or three bosses?
@LewsTherin As I told you before. He has 10x more experience than me, and knows about a third about what I know
@Billdr Two
@AndréSilva Alright, got ya.
Oh I did not tell you Lews. I got confused about the names.
Do you like working there?
I need a smoke. brb
I used to like. But then the boss that hates me started screaming with me because I was late with a job, that he did not gave me the time to deliver.
He called me the worst professional he ever worked with, even that I get everyday one hour earlier and leave one hour late.
Unfortunate that you can't tell him to go f*ck himself.
His attitude is actually quite unprofessional.
@AndréSilva sounds like something to bring up with boss of boss
or if your boss buddy can take care of it
@Pheonixblade9 Exactly what I did. But I used psychology. And this week will be fun.
@AndréSilva good on you. hostile work environs suck. you don't want to spend 8 hours a day with that type of person
@LewsTherin Last time he screamed at me, I said that I did not allow him to scream at me, and if he wanted to scream, he should go scream at his children.
This is a small company. There are two sectors, Sector A : Has 9 Employees that take care of 1 client.
And Sector B : Has me as employee and take care of 1 client while developing other 3 systems.
To be cheeky I would demand a higher salary
The boss I had was sound.
Well.. I get 750$ a month while everyone gets about 3k...
Must be the experience gap?
Nope. College..
So a graduate salary then..
Are you still in college?
One of the guys that worked with me, he used to get 3.5k and was finishing college and this was his first job.
@AndréSilva $750/mo? in what country?
@LewsTherin Not even started yet. I'm 19. I finished high school last year.
@Pheonixblade9 Brazil.
@Billdr Why do I need that ? :O
You "tut"ed
@AndréSilva idk how it compares to US, but it seems like a programmer should be getting paid more than that lol
@Billdr "tut"tting is good :)
you mean $750 USD or 750 BRL?
@Pheonixblade9 750$. I actually get 1500 BRL. I just converted it.
tut tut
I'm curious how that compares with USD salaries
@Pheonixblade9 How much do you pay for a macbook pro ?
Poorly. I'm an underpayed Jr and I get around 45k USD.
The 11' costs 1.2k$ in US
@AndréSilva $1199.00 for 13 inch, $1799.00 for 15 inch
While in Brazil it costs 3.3k BRL, converting is 1628 $
I'm a software engineer, this is my first salaried position and I get $75k + bonus
so $6250/mo plus bonus
that seems really low...
but I have a B.S.E., that makes a big difference
Ok, so no notebook. I paid on my car 28k BRL. An engine of 1.0 and from General Motors. Converting is 14k $..
With 14k$ I can but a really nice car compared to mine.
I often run myself through the mental exercise of what would happen if Brazilian companies ran themselves like world class companies. It all falls down at infrastructure/government. Their politicians are craaaaazy corrupt, and their power supply is alarmingly expensive considering how many rivers are available.
Yep. We don't have the infrastructure to run this country like a first world country. For 100 years or more we will stay this way.
There's also weird cultural things that enable unsustainable behavior. For example, they have all of China's respect for intellectual property and all of the US' respect for the environment.
@Billdr problem is, building dams across big rivers would make environmentalists sad
First salaried position was getting $40k.
Now I'm getting $80k two years later.
I get 9k/year
I had a B.CS, didn't matter to them.
@Pheonixblade9 There are environmentally friendly ways to build a dam. Also, they'd probably rather that than chopping down the rain forest for energy.
@SPFiredrake Nice! I got offers for a 10-20% raise after six months here. This seems like a profession where a person can make money after a short period.
@Billdr If you can prove that you're beyond the "competent" level and can actually prove you're a "professional" (even without the experience), you can go far.
Yar. Working on that.
I wanna hit that 75k mark within 5 years.
First raise was to 60k, but I had to fight for it because they were treating me as a junior dev, when I was doing work of a mid- to senior-level dev.
Boss just sent out a mass email to our company telling them of our new app on the google play market...
As soon as I presented my case, they agreed that I had already surpassed my original job title/description, and bumped me up.
hah. When I worked on a help desk those poorly formed company-wide emails were a nightmare. Everyone would call us, then reply all while on hold.
Then I left about 6 months later, because the company was going under.
@SPFiredrake All because of your greed!
The weird thing about my offer is they gave market rates for someone just out of school... but I guess I have the skills to back it up, so it's cool :)
@Billdr Nope, because of the new execs greed and rather misguided notions of what would take the company to the "next level".
Oh, you guys were going to "the next level?" We're still trying to "get to the endzone."
if (assetID == 0)
valid = InsertAsset(true);
valid = InsertAsset(false);

if (valid)
It went from a laid-back environment where the devs WANTED to come in and put in 50+ hours a week, to a strict 9-5 scheme where we were waiting for the end of day to come.
Am I hyper sensitive, or is that the stupidest block ever?
@SPFiredrake hooray bad management!
valid = InsertAsset(assetID == 0)
@Pheonixblade9 Yeah, it ruined the atmosphere, and made everyone realize that we just weren't going to experience the same kind of technological/business wins with those guys around.
Actually, it's not stupid. I wasn't reading it right.
So I was the first to jump ship, then my old boss followed me about 6 months later.
Still pretty redundant.
those methods return a bool based on their success/failure
I got really lucky... the decision making process here is basically "is it part of our objective? does it reduce technical debt/make us money? ok go do it"
and the objective isn't like... "proactively leverage our synergies", it's stuff like "reduce support hours by building a tool to do stuff"
But yea... you could take that if statement out and just handle it in the method by passing the int
How I would simplify:
if (InsertAsset(assetID == 0))
// stuff
InsertAsset is taking that bool to do some conditional handling, which is why it gets a true/false off the bat
It might be more readable to store assetID == 0 in a variable with a meaningful name.
I see
But, yeah, I don't have a clue what it means, so I can't say.
That doesn't save any time at runtime though right? It still has to go through the if
Which if? The second one? Yeah.
assetID==0 expanded would be if assetID=0 return true else return false
Does the same thing, but the second way is in a more roundabout way.
so assetID==0 isn't going to look the same as the other thing at compile time?
I guess not
It will be the same as the expression inside the if, but the if semantics itself will be extra code.
interesting. I've learned so much in this room today.
Would that work for jank string comparisons? myString == "I don't like methods."
I suppose it does, as I've used that in an if statement.
before I learned better.
Let me see if I can find a relevant answer of mine.
A: how to convert a string to a bool

Kendall FreyQuite simple indeed: bool b = str == "1";

More rep for you.
why the hell would I want to use CompareTo?
Other than for sorting
For greater/less than comparisons.
3rd reply all congratulations...
I put a question somewhere a few months after starting with C#, I compared a string with ==... the first response was a brutal evaluation of my skills as a programer for not using compareto.
@Billdr it was probably a bunch of programmers that are scared of low-level languages and sanitizing their own data :P
i.e. .NET zealots that don't know how to use anything else (no offense, guys :P )
@Billdr face.velocity = 0; palm.velocity = int.MaxValue;
sniff after all this time, I was right! I WAS RIGHT!
So... since my website is on wordpress anyway, I'm going to start a programming blog from an amateur-turning-professional perspective. How do I submit it for consideration to the feed?
Blog for a few months, and if we find it a great blog, we can add it.
Sounds fair.
@Billdr If it was Java it would be a problem.
I think it is perfectly valid in C#
@KendallFrey And lol.
I'm pretty sure it was when C# was the only desktop language I knew.
So what is wrong with using == ?
final checkin for something I've been working on for the last 2 weeks === "WIN"
now... for code review
heh... hehehe... hhheeeeeeeee
<Style x:Key="{x:Type TextBox}" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type TextBoxBase}}" TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type local:DoubleBox}" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type TextBox}}">

<Setter Property="MaxLines" Value="1"/>
<Setter Property="TextWrapping" Value="NoWrap"/>
That seems to work, getting a warning that TextBoxBase is not found
<div id="loadingDiv_guid213905F" style="position:absolute;z-index:10;left:45%;top:45%;">
        <img src="@Url.Content("~/Content/Images/world-spinner.gif")" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
            .hide()  // hide it initially
            .ajaxStart(function () {
            .ajaxStop(function () {
Is there a way to configure MaxLines = 1 to be ReadOnly via a style?
Question 2:
<CustomControls:DoubleBox Margin="6" Value="{Binding Path=Value}" Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=Value, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />

Is it possible/good idea to bind Text to Value via a Converter and Value to ViewModel.Value?
Heading home for blogging and android. I am so effing cool.

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