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When declaring a navigation property of a many-end, there are several options: `ICollection`, `List`, `HashSet`, `IList`, etc.

Which one is your recommendation?
navigation property?
Entity Framework terminology.
iirc, an ISet
it it complains, you can just use an ICollection
public class Cinema
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public CinemaOffer CinemaOffer { get; set; }
    public IList<CinemaHall> CinemaHalls { get; set; }
    public class CinemaHall
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public int CinemaId { get; set; }
        public Cinema Cinema { get; set; }
CinemaHalls and Cinema are navigation properties.
3 hours later…
hell. I need to pass an adicional parameter inside <s:Body> of a WCF WS method call. This is not
as those headers go outside the <s:Body> part.
Is there a better way to do it than to intercept the message in a IClientMessageInspector.BeforeSendRequest() implementation?
This seems too not straight away for me. There must be a better way of putting a SOAP header inside the envelope's body
I mean <soap:Body>.
I mean I need to add a XML child to <soap:body> but I can not get the
way to grab it because RequestMessage is still null.
using (OperationContextScope scope = new OperationContextScope(ws.InnerChannel))

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