@Botler Strings are objects. So they compare based on identity as other objects do: new String("hello") == new String("hello") is usually false. Note the "usually". The more general case of str1 == str2 might be truesometimes. If the strings were interned. Or str1 = str2 or something. But it's not necessarily true for two different strings with the same content.
So, to make it even more fun, the correct way to compare string by value is to do str1.equals("hello"). Which can throw an exception if str1 is null. The safer way to check that is "hello".equals(str1)" which like Yoda sounds but more safe is.
But if you have str1.equals(str2) the safe way to do the comparison (Java8 onwards) is to do Object.equals(str1, str2) which is OK, it just took so long to include this rather basic utility as part of the standard API. Might have been better to get better strings but...that might be too much to wish for.
But Kotlin might pull something from this new project from Jaba
I'm not sure how Kotlin coroutines would work with this upcoming Jaba's project loom
> Project Loom will make coroutines obsolete
There you go
Just as soon coroutines has just been finished, it's already obsolete
> Recently there was a good article about the State of Loom. This article explains why this approach is superior to other approaches like C#'s async/await, Rx or Kotlins coroutines.