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4:16 AM
4 hours later…
8:14 AM
posted on November 25, 2021 by Scott Hanselman

I was reading Gabby's blog post about the new TypeScript/JavaScript project experience in Visual Studio 2022. You should read the docs on JavaScript and TypeScript in Visual Studio 2022. If you're used to ASP.NET apps when you think about apps that are JavaScript heavy, "front end apps" or TypeScript focused, it can be confusing as to "where does .NET fit in?" You need to consider the respons

5 hours later…
1:39 PM
[Kesarling He-Him] Hey! um... those of you good at regexes, please help me here
Consider text of the form:
@Html.TextBoxFor(e => e.Name, "", new
    @class = "form-control"
[Kesarling He-Him] What I want is a regex to convert everything between @ & {) to a capture group
[Kesarling He-Him] what do I use?
[Kesarling He-Him] regex101 ain't very helpful
1:56 PM
[Kesarling He-Him] How does this sound?: (@Html.*\n\t{0,}.*\n\t{0,}\}\))
2:17 PM
Hi, I am doing an API programming which is in C#. This is what I am tryuing to define, but I am not sure how to do it. Should I read something about in C#? I am weak in C#, so please let me know what I should read. Thank you:
[Kesarling He-Him] Um... ok, new problem
[Kesarling He-Him] Email = $"{model.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim(' ')}@email.com"
[Kesarling He-Him] returns Employee 1@email.com for "Employee 1" as Name
[Kesarling He-Him] Email = $"{model.Name.ToString().ToLower().Trim(' ')}@email.com" returns Employee 1@email.com for "Employee 1" as Name. What have I done wrong?
[Kesarling He-Him] nvm. got it
2:41 PM
Hi, I am trying to decrypt and verify PKCS#7 response in C#. I tried using EnvelopedCMS but I am not getting appropriate result. I am getting some unexpected ASCII codes along with plain json text and some clients information. Can anyone guide me through it?

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