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3:09 AM
3 hours later…
5:57 AM
Good morning
2 hours later…
7:34 AM
[Squirrel in Training] GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
[Squirrel in Training] How are studies doing killerino?
We're through with organizing stuff, now the real shit is starting
[Squirrel in Training] This is your 2nd year right?
7:50 AM
I'm done with the basic shit now
\[**[Squirrel in Training](https://discord.gg/PNMq3pBSUe)**] And you lived 😄
1 hour later…
9:19 AM
@Squirrelkiller exams?
also, I finally fixed that stupid issue about NuGet
new icon for console apps
I'm using VS2022 preview
@mr5 Nah, actual new knowledge I haven't learned at school
10:10 AM
[Hans1984] welcome
[ntohl (MR.TaNk)] EF experts: Can I switch on DB type in the OnModelCreating? I mean use .HasDefaultValueSql("nextval(...)") in case of PgSql and ``.HasDefaultValueSql("Next value for ...")` in case of MsSql
[Captain Obvious] I think so
10:55 AM
11:40 AM
12:24 PM
[Hans1984] aua!
hey guys, another EF Core question, let's say I'm using a custom link table class between classes A and B (many to many) called ABLink and I want it to have an Id of its own, then an AId, a BId and AName and BName
[Squirrel in Training] Whatis the question? ^^'
how can I accomplish this using the UsingEntity<ABLink>(link => l.HasOne(l => l.A).WithMany(), link => l.HasOne(l => l.B).WithMany()) method?
[Squirrel in Training] I always did it implicitly,. without setting up the model builder
when I create the database with that UsingEntity method and the ABLink class with get-only properties to A.Name and B.Name, it completely ignores the get-only
I need a manual link table for traceability reasons, so that I can keep track of what happened upon update/delete
12:27 PM
[Squirrel in Training] What about A.Incluede(a => a.linkTable).ThenInclude(l => l.B)
on sec, I'll create a gist for clarity
it's hard to put into words
.Include and .ThenInclude sucks
Include is also for querying, and I think the question here is about setting up the model in the first place
I tried to use the model builder or that model relationship builder and I think I haven't yet made it work.
I'm a bit content with manually typing all the queries
Look at TeamMembers
If you wanna add an ID, just do it like .HasKey(e => e.Id) or something
@Squirrelintraining Kinda sure this is still mostly your design
What is MY dfesign?
@mr5 uz succu
The DB setup
@Squirrelintraining no u
12:42 PM
@Squirrelkiller the columns I want to add aren't necessarily unique, so they wouldn't count as keys
I added LoginTokens at some point because I don't understand identity stuff lol
@JansthcirlU Don't add them as key then, just go .Property(e => e.Id).HasCollumnName("ID") I guess
it's just .Property
12:43 PM
Also ask intellisense if you want to generate a new value
not .HasProperty
holy fuck
thanks that's exactly what I needed
Teambuilder is so overengineered by now, there are examples for everything :D
I read it as login tiktok
@mr5 Well I know whose merge requests I will check extra carefully :P
eh, why use string literals all over the place
12:45 PM
because theyre helpful
could use the nameof though
When I only need them one time, I see no point in making a variable
not a variable
And in case you mean the column names, notice their slightly different naming
something like that is not going to be break from refactor
12:47 PM
@mr5 shüsh u win
12:59 PM
@Squirrelkiller my team is also using Slack and Gitlab now (which sucks)
I learned also that it's called merge request in gitlab instead of pull request
Slack and Gitlab are awesome
kind of confusing actually when you're used in gh
For real why the fuck do others call it pull request when what you wanna do is merge you branch into another branch
I don't wanna pull anything ffs I wanna merge my branch
So I request a merge
Not a pull
1:00 PM
the reason why it's confusing for me I guess is, if you imagine you push your changes to a particular branch, would you expect the "merge request" to happen on the client side?
and it took the other dev from my team to explain that for me
What's the client side in this case? My workstation?
I was thinking I'm going to perform the 'merge request' on client side
the git client
like, there's command to do that with git push
I mean, you can, only some people don't like others pushing into dev
You can locally merge branches too
git doesn't care if you're a server or a client, that's the point
I am deserializing a nested json object document
I deserialize as JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(json)
but the nested objects will be JObject I want them to be dictionaries as well
anyone knows how I can do that?
@Squirrelkiller you request the master (or whatever branch you want to merge into) to pull your changes into it
Why not deserialize it to Dictionar<string, Dictionary<string, object>?
1:04 PM
I mean, like the moment I haven't realized what merge request was, I was thinking to myself: "damn, is there a parameter in git push I haven't discovered yet.", since when you push your changes, it's going to get merged on the remote branch.
that is why it is a pull request and not a IWillPullItMyself
@Squirrelkiller not all values are objects
@Wietlol Different types?
Sounds like you need a class for that
Or like, dynamic
    "foo": "bar",
    "baz": {
        "a": 1,
        "b": true
1:05 PM
Also I don't want the other branch to pull my branch into it, I want the other branch to do git merge <myBranch>
I want to deserialize that baz object to Dictionary
but it currently does it to a JObject
A dictionary maps the values of one type to values of another type, you can't make the values multiple different types.
That is not a dictionary, that is either a real class or dynamic javascript magic.
@Wietlol change the value to dictionary too?
Dictionary of what though?
dictionary of objects
the runtime will decide what to do with those objects
1:07 PM
have you tried that
based on the deserialized type
keep in mind, a Dictionary<String, Object> can still have booleans, integers, lists and dictionaries as values, not only instances of System.Object
And you don't wanna just send them to a second deserializer?
I am not using a deserializer... at least not one I wrote myself
@Squirrelintraining Built that once, I think for that four-in-a-row game?
@Wietlol You're using JsonConvert.DeserializeObject as your deserializer
I suppose
1:10 PM
[Squirrel in Training] why ping meh?
wiet, I think you already know the answer, no?
So after deserializing to Message which holds foo and baz, you can read foo and map that to the type of baz so you can deserialize that too.
@Botler Cuz I remember you solving the problem the Wiet™ is trying to solve
Message type has a property holding an enum or something to switch on so then the switch case deserializes the inner data to the correct type
@mr5 do I?
yes you do
You just have to accept it
1:13 PM
dictionary<x, dictionary<y, obkek>>
what is the answer?
then foo wont fit
@Squirrelkiller no
record Message(string foo, JToken baz/*I'm data*/);
@Wietlol then make the key strings only
1) Deserialize to message
2) Figure out what type baz is
3) Deserialize baz
[Squirrel in Training] yeah i guess
1:14 PM
@mr5 the keys ARE string only
[Squirrel in Training] Message<T> : Message <T, T1> etc.
Also what's wrong with deserialize my spellchecker is fucking with me
[Squirrel in Training] everyhting
or maybe, try the tuples, ...
(x, y, ...)
[Squirrel in Training] Also maybe tuples
1:15 PM
@Botler yeah that's what I'm saying
[Squirrel in Training] yes bananas are good
records are nice
[Squirrel in Training] Actually havn't gotten to use them yet
1:16 PM
They're really handy for DTOs that only really transport data
[Captain Obvious] bobobbob
[Squirrel in Training] PLEASE YES
pls yes
1:17 PM
I guess I will just switch between JObject and Dictionary
Brave, having Patrick there
wiet be like: look what C# need just to mimic a fraction of Kotlin's power
izz reference to c# records ^^
Oh, p3k could be invoked from here huh
Patrick is back??
1:39 PM
[Squirrel in Training] p3k i mastarace
[Squirrel in Training] I hecking missed that bot man
p3k has been civilized a bit now though
[Squirrel in Training] I liked his raw format
the ghetto p3k is gone
the Jack bot, but it's samurai jack
2:07 PM
[Captain Obvious] Ghetto patrick was a pain in the ase
mate there are so many zombies in this project its like a shaun of the dead remake
people just commenting out entire methods
get fucking rid
[Captain Obvious] have you considered the delete key on your keyboard
trust me
im getting rid of them
theres just so much
Nice, deleting code is the best kinda coding
[Captain Obvious] Nah you know what's the best
[Captain Obvious] Sayign something can't be done because MS graph sucks ass
2:19 PM
@Squirrelkiller ive probably deleted 3000 lines of zombie code in the last week
2:54 PM
I got someone here upset that one kid isn't able to see his gf because his grades in school aren't looking so good and he lied to his dad about doing his homework, but doesn't that sound like a fair punishment?
[Captain Obvious] Just had a quick meeting about the item I was working on
[Captain Obvious] It's dead because Microsoft didn't bother finishing the development of Microsoft Delve so I can't integrate properly with it
[Captain Obvious] EZ ITEMS
3:24 PM
[Squirrel in Training] Join us @squirrelkiller
yo what you mans voice call each other?
[Squirrel in Training] Sure, all the time
jack sparrow? wasnt that captains shite bot?
[Squirrel in Training] Nah s/o else
[Squirrel in Training] Look who I just hacked into our convo
not heard from him for aaaaages
he ok?
3:30 PM
[Squirrel in Training] I dont know
[Squirrel in Training] I hacked him into the convo and with HTML magicx
[Squirrel in Training] also i cant join cuz @ work
[Captain Obvious] Why nit
[Captain Obvious] Get in here scrub
I am sorry, I can't join either, I have standards.
[Captain Obvious] omg you're such a liar
@Botler Nah
3:54 PM
i imagine lee has the most scouse of all scouse accents
6 hours later…
9:40 PM
[ntohl (MR.TaNk)] I see him twitter much

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