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2 hours later…
7:13 AM
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
8:04 AM
[Captain Obvious] Morning
Good morning
1 hour later…
9:27 AM
@Ben are you stucc since 2018?
9:39 AM
help step wietlol, Ben is stuccc
10:01 AM
1 hour later…
11:10 AM
@mr5 I had to go home a few minutes after that....tryna pick up where I left off, but I think I'm getting somewhere now
like httpwebrequest.address is a thing
11:26 AM
now I'm just trying to figure out this "stream was not writable" response
you probably dispose it somewhere else already
are you using a raw HttpClient?
aw wait I found out why it was saying that
        using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(r);
            streamWriter.Write(json); // writes data to request
thas what I'm doing
nvm the "not writable" thing; I'm just blind
now I'm just getting problems at var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()
are you still using the depcrecated WebRequest?
I think there is a JsonConvert.SerializeObject overload that accepts stream as input
guess so
`var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(
so you don't need that StreamWriter
11:40 AM
I"m using that here
@mr5 what do I use if I don't use the streamwriter?
just pass the stream object directly
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request.GetRequestStream());
for disposing the stream, I'm not sure when
shouldn't it be response not request?
oh you are making a request
I wanna get the response after initiating the request
if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) // otherwise throws exception
                    using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                        returnedJSON = result.ToString();
                        tranResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RtgsResult.RoutingResultWrapper>(returnedJSON).Data;
I have a wrapper class that needs to be serialized; that's what the (r) in JsonConvert.SerializeObject(r) is.
so I think I do need the streamwriter
You actually don't
11:53 AM
what am I supposed to put the wrapper in?
Probably if you're using also a deprecated version of Newtonsoft JSON
just pass the stream
remove all this redundant StreamWriter
newtonsoft 13.0.1 is the newest one
it's already implemented in the Newtonsoft library
@Freerey oh my bad
I got confused by HttpClient. You need StreamWriter.
I must be passing the wrapper in wrong if the request address doesn't contain any of the parameters
what Content-Type is the server specifically expecting though?
12:05 PM
I mean the body type. Is it form-data, x-www-form-urlencoded, or raw (StringContent), or binary?
Are you using FormUrlEncodedContent?
it seems you're using a raw there.
but I am not that familiar with WebRequest
If you're using HttpClient, I can help you better
or much better yet, just use this: github.com/restsharp/RestSharp
12:20 PM
I should port Khttp to .net...
then we would finally have a sane http library
I think RestSharp is decent enough
problem is, it resolves everything at compile time
Same for RestEase, same thing basically. Anyone got a good comparison? Haven't used RestSharp yet.
@mr5 it what?
the interface
Like that one on Volley
its an http client...
12:27 PM
(Java library)
Ok then not same for RestEase
Task<T> GetUser([Param]int id);
RestEase is great as it completely encapsulates the HTTP stuff. What you get is something implementing an interface you define, adding routes to the interface methods, and you just call the method.
@mr5 that's for .net core
I'm referring to those http client library like this^
12:29 PM
@Freerey oh, migrate to .netcore then
-throttles finn-
Migration isn't always an option
@Squirrelkiller yeah, that's basically what RestClient does (C#)
Still better use HttpClient it's a nice abstraction
12:31 PM
RestSharp is just a copy of the popular Java lib (forgot it's name)
Also MS has a package with extensions adding json support for your convenience.
"HttpClient" and "nice" shouldnt be used in the same sentence
They absolutely should
Look at this very nice call
not in the way how they handle
- the interfacing
- the method signatures
- headers
- content headers
- base path
- input content
Although I think I added the Deserialize method myself to wrap around a Task without having to put (await (await Call()).Deserialize()))
12:35 PM
I end up always having to write some helper functions for HttpClient
and avoid using any of the bonus "features" it has
See, without avoiding those feature you could probably use it without writing helper functions
Sep 13 '17 at 15:07, by Wietlol
i will most probably write my own
for example, the base address
(imagine that is a real address)
that is a wrong base address because a base address can only be the domain name, not the rest of the path
12:38 PM
It's not Host
BaseAddress is whatever is the base for the call you intent to make
So if you're gonna make calls to a few endpoints where it always starts with "https://stackexchange.com/api/stackoverflow", that is the base for all the following calls
If you make calls to multiple sites, maybe your base doesn't include /stackoverflow
I don't think httpclient is supported by my version of .net
If you wanna get several questions, maybe your base additionally includes /questions
new HttpClient
    BaseAddress = new Uri("https://stackexchange.com/api/stackoverflow/")
// sends request to stackexchange.com/ping
12:41 PM
@Freerey It's a nuget package for older versions
@Wietlol iirc, you have to remove the trailing / for base address for the relative path to append properly
4.5, that's what I got
then you have to figure out what "body type" your WebRequest is forming
Maybe you can check on the server side if you have access?
12:45 PM
We were on 4.5 for quite some time, HttpClient definitely works as a nuget package.
I know i have access because when I put the api through postman, it actually works
I mean, access to debug the server
I always have to write the wrappers to be able to have headers with my request
Because this is too hard to do?
those are default headers
I want the headers only for one request
not for all of them
12:55 PM
@Squirrelkiller MIcrosoft.Extensions.Http?
yyyep looks like that
Interesting, I think we used Microsoft.Net.Http
Extensions probably delivers said json helper functions
@Wietlol that is why I created my own HttpService before
cuz I encounter that necessity a lot before
T1 lost :(
1:32 PM
@Squirrelkiller that's acually pretty bad
DefaultRequestHeaders behaves inconsistently
@mr5 It's actually this now:
my DNS (or probably ISP) is pretty fucked up. imgur.com is blocked apparently
By ISP?!
1:36 PM
dunno lol
so I have to use a proxy to view something from imgur
[Captain Obvious] Try using a different DNS provider like cloudflare ( or googler (
[Captain Obvious] And then if that dont work then yeah your ISP is shit
it's also behaving inconsistently
everything is inconsistent these days
was about to issue a flushdns command but it seems changing my main DNS to fixes it
thanks @CaptainObvious!
[Captain Obvious] Welcome
5 hours later…
6:35 PM
@TravisJ Thanks!
there is about 90x more yelling when I'm programming at home vs in my office
7:12 PM
hey you guys do you know anything about msbuild?
mv /path/to/source.extension /path/to/destination/.
<FilesForPackagingFromProject Include="..\aipackagefiles\*.ini">
something thats what i have but its wrong...its in the publish profile
8:03 PM

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