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12:54 AM
I think I was too harsh on this 14-year-old child or not?
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
6:03 AM
Good morning
Vacation over, time for the real world again
@Mr.Squirrel.Downy Yes you were too harsh - you should have helped them. Instead you told them they are stupid and should do something else.
That wasn't very nice
Kid would now be discourage to ask questions again.
6:24 AM
Also what difference does their age make? None.
^^is 15
6:42 AM
No, not harsh.
7:17 AM
@Alex Pretty sure everything in the System namespace is delivered with the mscorlib.dll, which comes with the framework.
7:50 AM
Hello World
8:02 AM
Welcome back, haven't seen you all week!
Where have you been? :o
Visiting Ma and friends back home.
Also for the finishing touch of my vacation, got my second BioNTech shot yesterday :D
How many Jabs do you get in Germany?
Two, except for J&J which only needs one, although it's possible to get a follow-up with BioNTech after J&J I think.
I haven't had my 1st yet. With this lockdown lifted - we are getting so many cases at work.
More than 15% of our employees are off ...
8:17 AM
Damn, what country are you in?
England mate
What I thought you guys had such a high vaccination quota you were like, first in europe or something?!
"Vaccine" doesmt stop them from catching it..
Or do u guys have something we dont
I honestly don't look into it...
3 hours later…
11:23 AM
anyone knows a good website to show formula graphs?
for example, I have this formula:
1 - (1 - B) * (0.99 + (1-B) / 100)^L
and I want to see a graph with various values for B to see how the results evolve
I only know wolfram alpha
those green lines would be this formula
but the website I use does not show numbers when I hover over the lines
nor is it easy to change the formulas
(basic background, I am trying to get a nice formula to alter chances in games based on luck)
the Y axis would be the effective chance and the X axis would be the amount of luck you have
2 hours later…
1:04 PM
1 hour later…
2:15 PM
Hey all, does anyone know how I can install git secret on my windows 10 computer
1 hour later…
3:42 PM
Shiba's back! Extra fluffy too
@Squirrelkiller If that's the case, does it make sense to download the items checked in References > Assemblies from Nuget to get the latest?
2 hours later…
6:19 PM
I keep bloody getting this error: System.ArgumentNullException: 'Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: source'
This is where it happens:
CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(this.Orders).Filter =
    item => (item as OrderModel).Tags.Contains(SelectedTag.TagId);
Because there are Orders with null Tags, I am not sure how to avoid it.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Input;

namespace WpfApp1
    public class VM : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public ObservableCollection<TagModel> Tags { get; private set; } = new ObservableCollection<TagModel>();
        private TagModel _selectedTag;
Like this ? (item as OrderModel).Tags?.Contains(SelectedTag.TagId);
I was thinking the same thing -- using a ? for null check
I have tried the following

CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(this.Orders).Filter =
    item => (bool)((item as OrderModel).Tags?.Contains(SelectedTag.TagId));
But now I get this error

System.InvalidOperationException: 'Nullable object must have a value.'
?? default
6:35 PM
You need to give it something when it's null or it won't be happy
It needs to be null that's the problem
@Wietlol what kinda boring game is this
6:56 PM
that is not the game
that is the mafs behind the game
infinite luck should make any % effect be practically 100%
but it should be a diminishing effect
so the first 10 points of luck are more effective than the second 10 points of luck
also, negative luck should become more and more punishing
so far, I think the formulas work for positive luck, but for negative they are not really nicely in balance
in any case, I now have something to work with, refining the formula can be done later

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