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12:24 AM
My sleeping self trying to communicate back with my awake self.
I got KOd to sleep last night and this is what I've stumbled upon in my phone this morning. Kek.
5 hours later…
5:29 AM
Umm... can we configure Identity support in an MVC app after creating an app? (I forgot to change the authentication option when creating the app from the template)
Also, why is botler down?
6:15 AM
@d4rk4ng31 you mean you forgot to change this?
I'm not sure.
but this is what you can do:
1. Create a new ASP Core project with IUA authentication.
2. Compare each file generated from step 1 with your current project (diff tool).
3. Copy new files to the new project.
how come you created an IdentityServer project with no authentication enabled?
@mr5 I haven't. I want to add the support
Good morning
Yes, you can
Gotta add a login page and something like services.AddAuthentication
@Squirrelkiller It is! My quarantine ends today :)
6:23 AM
you got covid?
@Squirrelkiller Yeah, something like that :)
@mr5 Yep
As I don't know enough Identity though, your best bet is indeed to make a new project and copy over the necessary stuff
@d4rk4ng31 Congratz!
how does it feel?
Is it wrong to feel cool?
@Squirrelkiller :D
Time to not go out because the global pandemic now!
6:23 AM
they said, your lung is lifetime damaged.
can be
@Squirrelkiller I never went out. Don't know where I contracted that
COVID can have effects on several organs
@d4rk4ng31 Maybe just really unlucky in the supermarket or something
in the air
@mr5 They said it depends. If your lung was already weak, its damaged
6:24 AM
it is airborne
For like, 2 meters
@Squirrelkiller Umm... got groceries home delivered
Ha not a bad idea actually, I should try that.
41 secs ago, by d4rk4ng31
@mr5 They said it depends. If your lung was already weak, its damaged
They are stronger than ever
@Squirrelkiller :)
Anyways, back to the project
in our country, we are required to wear face shield + face mask when in public.
6:26 AM
what do I do now?
@mr5 People are fined 500Rs here if caught without a mask
wear a face shield :)
Shield not compulsory
but you're immune now to covid, no?
I think so, yeah
wearing only a shield is actually bad, as it doesn't filter anything. Mask+shield is great.
6:28 AM
The doctor said (I couldn't pay much attention to that after I saw her face; man she was beautiful :D) that you have a very low risk of contracting COVID now. Sadly, not people above 40; for them its the same
@Squirrelkiller Agree
the most guaranteed approach to enable authentication in IS project is to follow my first approach.
Damn, didn't expect the immunity to be that weak
@mr5 Yeah, but that configures some other database too...
I tried that
unless of course you know what you're doing
@d4rk4ng31 I'm wondering how to pick up a doctor
6:30 AM
@Squirrelkiller :D
Lifetime free treatment
Like, I bet many patients say things and they immediately forget those things
@d4rk4ng31 get a gf already dude :D
@mr5 Hmm... hard to find someone of my type
You won't believe me, but my first crush was Gina Carano
You know who she is, don't you?
@Squirrelkiller Anyways, I'll try this again
Also, what does this line do exactly?
services.AddDefaultIdentity<IdentityUser>(options => options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = true)
You there bros?
I think it tells the framework "Use that database to store the login information, which comes in a model like IdentityUser"
IdentityServer and ASP setup is a mess.
It's hard to grasp all those things without a year of experience.
I'm in the same level as you as I was just starting to do IS in my personal project.
6:53 AM
I did that part manually lol
Made a register/login form, when you login you get a guid generated, which is your token sent with each request.
Ohh I gotta re-send the token when the client's SignalR reconncts
7:11 AM
the default login,register,all-that-crap is actually pretty neat.
but there's a confusing part:

exists at the same time.
And the folder structure is awfully confusing as hell.
Meanwhile i have a controller with /login, /logout aswell as a service and a repository
Also the server's SignalR-hub needs to auth too, so basically I have two active adapters that use auth now
8:07 AM
This project let me actually experience how to work with 1) multiple services implementing an interface 2) multiple active adapters using a service
Like, we use the same architecture at work but there it doesn't really...show its strengths.
I thought you're in school?
doing side lines?
I'm doing my bachelor of science in applied informatics and also a working student at the company I was fulltime before
Gotta get dem moneyz
Currently vacation between semesters, so I'm working fulltime for a few weeks
Cuz moneyz
I thought you were older.
Based on the picture I thought mid 30
squirrels dont live that long
8:28 AM
I think the main profile (or at least other networks' profiles) has my usual gravatar
Turns out only the higher-prices supermarkets deliver, the cheaper ones don't.
Well ive been commuting even during the first lock down.
Coe told us we were saving "la france"
8:53 AM
meanwhile, I am going to the supermarket almost daily...
Quite irresponsible
Protect yourself to protect others!
... in a hamsterball
Meanwhile, I go to the supermarket every other week...
9:43 AM
@Squirrelkiller whoa. your company is very kind.
@mr5 And also my team needs me
I wish I can find a company that offers the same thing
So I can have my college degree also
@Wietlol dude. "we have an app for that"
meanwhile, I go to supermarket once a month.
err, make that two
you go to two supermarkets every month?
can be
- visit two supermarkets every month
- visit one supermarket every two months
- visit two supermarkets every two months
3 hours later…
1:08 PM
I been dizzy lately...head feels the same way it did throughout half of my last semester of university 🙃
Trying to learn again?
Btw MS cloud skills challenge lets you do one cert for free again: csc.docs.microsoft.com/ignite/registration/March2021
1:26 PM
@Squirrelkiller nah just the last two days I've been very busy and my stomach's been hurting
when I got home yesterday, the first thing I did was crash on the couch and slept, then woke up at 7 to write a couple hours before going to bed again
1:40 PM
Dumb Question made short/ If I was getting "string to interpolate {variable}" as a normal everyday string. Will it be possible to interpolate it some how ?
not under normal circumstances
if you would change it to indexed variables rather than named variables, you could
for example String.Format("string to interpolate {0}", variable)
however, numbered, ordered, collected variables in strings without a strong context is hardly useful for most of the cases where you want external interpolation
you are probably looking for a lightweight string inline templating engine
which could be as easy as using a regular expression such as "%(?'name'[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)%" and replacing the matches with stuff from a dictionary
or, when you need some more control, a whole new programming language
ofcourse, you can just use a library to start off with github.com/scriban/scriban
Was doing dictionary -> regex thing. But I asked my self perhaps there is a reflexion Methode name "interpolate that thing". but tanks
@Squirrelkiller Any recommendation for someone that wanted to dab a MSCA WEb application . With a strong 70-483 prep.
@Self in that case, you probably should try a library
you could in theory run a roslyn command at runtime to "eval" your string as C# code...
but you could easily mess that up and have generic code injection as a result
@DragandDrop No idea sorry, I'm confused by the system too^^
2:13 PM
Hi all. Replacing PagedList component in an MVC app with X.PagedList. It requires .NET Standard 2. How do you "add" Standard 2 to your app? I have the Core SDKs installed (I think)
Been looking through the References on the app and only see regular MSFT assemblies listed as items we can add
Property> target framework . But what framework are you in right now ? .net standard 2 is old ish. An covers .net5, .Netcore 2, .net Framework 4.7.
I'm on Framework 4.8 but this package needs both 4.8 and .NET Standard 2.x
@Wietlol how are you able to understand the question at first glance.
I can fry eggs with my keyboard
@mr5 I dont
What's even trickier is getting the right version of Standard to work with your version of .NET: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/…
2:23 PM
is that for your laptop?
I dont understand the question, I just know the answer
also: what are you running on that thing?
just had a 1 game dota
That grid is confusing. Does that mean that .NET Framework 4.8 has no accompanying .NET Standard version?
According to that, only 4.6.1 is supported and only on Standard 2.0
I think it does implement a lot of netstandard features ...redundantly.
considering netstandard deviates from netframework.
oh how the turntables
2:28 PM
Now understand why MSFT created .NET 5. To at least reduce the confusion
but you beware
there's also .NET v12
In this page, it says .NET v12
Look up for .net core vs .net framework vs .net standard. Lot of confusion here.
although, it probably is just a typo. Should be Azure Blob v12
2:31 PM
Good grief
abstract class NetStandard
NetCore : NetStandard
NetFramework : NetStandard
So how do you install a .NET Standard version in Visual Studio? This talks about adding NETStandard.Library.NETFramework. But where do you get that?
I think netstandard started as a nuget package.
it should be installed by default in VS
2:33 PM
I don't see it under References > Assemblies
You downloaded a dll of netstandard?
No. Didn't know where to get the darn thing
unless you're using netframework below 4.8, netstandard should not be installed.
or using netcore of any version
or xamarin.*
Okay. Would I need to install Core 3.1 to get Standard?
Yep. It comes with standard.
2:37 PM
Let me try that. Thanks
What are you doing btw?
@mr5 I think V12 sounds good. As enzo Ferarri said: "I won't do it if it's not at least a V12"
I like Covid. I can make stupid joke with italian accent. And make car noise with my mouth and no one can stop me in this office.
oh izz a reference to car thing?
dunno that guy.
@mr5 Me? Working on web app :)
so web app from scratch?
not literally from scratch, but you get the idea.
2:44 PM
Mostly. It's now at the 11th hour. Wish I hadn't used the PagedList in the first place
It's almost done. Now going through and doing tweaks. The old PagedList was out of support. Replaced by X.PagedList. That's where this mess started
dfuq is that
It splits a list into segments to display in a paging mechanism on a Razor pg
"splits a list..."
why not just use LINQ?
Now I know better. 4 yrs ago, not so much
This pkg provides the pager control, which I used to write by hand in the classic ASP days
<< 1 2 3 4 .... >>
use to render that thing?
2:51 PM
Yeah. Didn't know enough MVC then, so went w/ a library. Now I avoid libraries unless absolutely necessary
Android copying iOS
Installed Core 3.1. Now which of these netstandard DLLs should I use? imgur.com/a/Tgf7373
None - core31 implements netstandard
I just got here sorry I have zero context lol
It's okay. I have a Framework 4.8 app that needs .NET Standard
.NET 5 is a thing now why even care about netstandard or core31 for new apps anymore?
You can install .NETStandard via NuGet
3:03 PM
That's the one you want
Great, just found it
I do recommend to go for .NET 5 though
I think they just released a migration helper or something?
Or it's in preview to be released soon
Yo anyone know why on regex101 Hello\n?\.World matches the string with and without newline, but in VSCode it doesn't?
Well, this is a huuuuge MVC app that was started in 4.x and now is about done
The migration helper is for Windows apps only
If it's net framework, it's definitely a windows app, as that doesn't run on linux. AFAIK.
3:09 PM
I mean it's ASP.NET MVC
In VS, after installing the pkg, how do I reference it?
I'm counting on the migration helper big time, as our application was started around 3.5 and has only been growing since then...
The netstandard package?
NuGet doesn't install it in VS, it install it into the project, hence references it for you
Because app still throws this error in the Razor view: Error CS0012 The type 'Object' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'.
That doesn't look like you need a netstandard library
The type object should always be there, even without netstandard
Like, literally net framework 1.0
Correction: error CS0012: The type 'IEnumerable<>' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'.
That came with net framework 2.0
3:13 PM
those basterds lied to me
netstandard is just a collection of interfaces basically that are implemented by certain frameworks.
These are the minimum versions for each netstandard: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/net-standard
it's actually more like an abstract class than an interface though
3:14 PM
Bascially if you write a library targeting netstandard1.0, both net framework and netcore can use it
do you do that 3 finger sign in germany?
We do, although by now you also see some people using the mid three fingers to indicate 3.
btw, how did you convince your employer so that you can work as a student?
Solution to my headaches: stackoverflow.com/a/51743098/177416
3:33 PM
Medi Madelen Gwosdz on March 05, 2021
Welcome to ISSUE #63 of the Overflow! This newsletter is by developers, for developers, written and curated by the Stack Overflow team and Cassidy Williams at Netlify. This week, Part 2 of our Level Up series digs into Python libraries, a passionate article argues Java is great for low latency systems, and the podcast team discusses the security…
@Squirrelkiller do you also see people ordering 3 beers using their thumb, middle finger and pinky?
or thumb, index finger and pinky?
I just remembered color CD-Rs and I want them back
@Wietlol 🤘
2 beers, coming up
oops, wrong ones
the best beers :D
why are you not partying at this time
it's friday night already
3:42 PM
depends on your timezone
it's 11:42PM globally
TIL Pinoy is in the same timezone as SK
I'm so tired, feels like 11:42pm here
what's SK?
yeah because it was actually 11:42pm 5 minutes ago
3:47 PM
I like that
That overflow article's not bad, actually. Skimmed it yesterday. Had some good points.
@Wietlol No, usually thumb, index and middle finger
@mr5 south korea
4:05 PM
improved :)
4:26 PM
if I got used to measurement system and learn another, I must convert it back to the first thing I know to "make sure" I understand it correctly.
this seems to be common for general population.
5:05 PM
I guess I have the privilege to have grown up using the metric system...
there are 2 cases in which distance is not measured in metric...
1, height of airplanes... and as I am not a pilot, I dont care...
2, monitor diameter... but I cant figure out how much a certain amount of inch is, I just care about wether or not the number is less than, equal to or larger than 17
2 hours later…
7:43 PM
Discord not working anymore?

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