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6:53 AM
Buenos dias
7:11 AM
‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮said soneuB
Hello, can i call an event like a function?
Yes you can
Although when it has no subscribers, it is null, so you have to null check if there is a chance it has no subscribers
Simple call: myEvent();
Checked call: myEvent?.Invoke();
*Event data omitted for simplicity
7:42 AM
[Squirrel in Training] GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
[Captain Obvious] I believe bot down still
Hello friends!
[Captain Obvious] Yeah but apparently it wasnt bringing them back
[Captain Obvious] Either way I've just restarted him so he's fine now
@Squirrelkiller damn son you've been collectin that rep
8:01 AM
Somebody's gotta! Good to have you back!
@Squirrelkiller Semi
8:59 AM
await (await (await ListObjects()
well... so much for linq with IAsyncEnumerable
[kesarling] Umm guys, am stuck on a simple problem. I want to change a property of the Model class when a button is clicked. How do I do that?
add an event listener to the button click, then update the value of the property
ez pz
[kesarling] umm, noob 😅
[kesarling] you mean something like onclick?
[Squirrel in Training] it depends :evil:
[Ntohl] what is wrong with using the setter of the property in the Action? If the setter have correct notify, it will
change the prop on the UI
[kesarling] err, no I am creating a drop down list using bootstrap. When I select an option, I want the list to display the selected option instead of "select and option"
[Squirrel in Training] So you are asking about a web-project?
[kesarling] Its still .Net Core Razor Pages
[Ntohl] so. There is a DropDownSelected property, which will be the selected item in the drop down?
[Ntohl] because that property's setter can set the "select and option" text something other
[Ntohl] why there is no data-bind or something on the <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton"> div?
[kesarling] what is data-bind? (Bear with me please😅)
[kesarling] I mean, that might even have been an XY-Problem. All I want to do is display the opted choice
[kesarling] instead of select your locality
[Squirrel in Training] k no idea in thios case 😄
[Ntohl] MVC? Blazor<
[kesarling] Razor Pages
[Ntohl] oh. That's a thing...
[kesarling] Yes
[kesarling] It Uses MVVM model
9:26 AM
if only ui frameworks worked well...
you should have a <select name="selectedStuff"> instead of div. After that, you can rewrite the setter of
    public int Number { get; set; }
[Ntohl] ofc your variable name would be SelectedStuff and it would be a string
[Ntohl] IMHO the XY problem leads back to hacked UI with div and button instead of select and option
[kesarling] Umm, no, the Bootstrap docs suggest the UI I created
[Ntohl] I dunno
9:48 AM
10:13 AM
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
10:34 AM
ascii art intensifies
10:49 AM
Seen this on SO
11:05 AM
- AdBlock: nope
- AdBlock Plus: nope
- Privacy Badger: nope
Nah, I intentionally unblock ads in SO
Because <cringey reason>
11:06 AM
I specifically leave sites that ask me to disable AdBlock
but SO doesn't do that, does it?
but some do
especially news sites
fck dem
esp. that ny times
everything else basically assumes that a certain number of visitors has adblockers
and accepts those numbers
so they count them?
1000 out of 1100 visitors has adblocks
11:09 AM
well... maybe not count them
maybe just assume
but yea, they are like "x% of visitors have adblock, so y% do not, which is still a fine amount"
similar to how our supermarkets work
where you can get a lot of stuff and you have to price them, you have to scan them, etc
the supermarket knows that not everyone will be 100% honest and some stuff will get out without being paid for, but it is still cheaper than having personel
[Squirrel in Training] mr5 is p3k a live ?
11:34 AM
p3k is now resting in discord :D
and is less annoying though
12:16 PM
[Squirrel in Training] i miss p3k
[Squirrel in Training] i want my annoy9ong botback
12:54 PM
[Captain Obvious] no you don't
1:26 PM
duz anyone remember I-ninja?
2:19 PM
public class HeNinja : INinja
2:49 PM
3:25 PM
[Squirrel in Training] schönen fgeirabedn
4:02 PM
hi guyzz
@Wietlol@Squirrelkiller@ntohl the most active member of this group,
I know it will be a misplaced question but I need help :(
Have any of you ever used inkscape? >﹏<
stack graphic chat is all dead
oh. The honor... No I haven't used.
Ow sad thanks anyway
3 hours later…
6:43 PM
anyone familiar with OpenFileDialog, CommonOpenFileDialog and FolderBrowserDialog? From what i've been reading i gather that FBD is usually to be avoided, not sure why tho. Any ideas? And also, cant really find any info about the differences between OFD and COFD. Anyone know anything about that?
5 hours later…
11:17 PM

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