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can someone tell me the name of the feature which allows a person to do a using for downcasting instead of using as and comparing to a null pointer?
object obj = GetObject();
if (obj is String str) {...}
that one?
4 hours later…
[mr5] Why is VS suggesting me this?
@Botler This chat?
Ah you pasted a picture into discord didnt you
[Squirrel in Training] GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
[Squirrel in Training] but it wasn>'t friday yesterday <@778203060413399051>
[Squirrel in Training] and yers killerino he idd
[Squirrel in Training] Well intellicode isn't that intelligent so thatswhy most likely
[Squirrel in Training] TIL: .zip is a trhing
@Squirrelintraining which is the scam?
@Squirrelkiller yep.
He's talking about a removed message from someone trying to...advertise probably?
Point is, it's removed. So just because we have the power to see what the message was, doesn't mean we should talk about it.
ohh. but the removed message is not visible in the transcript.
oof. he got suspended.
Probably spammed all over the place
Icarus mr5
@Squirrelkiller It's still tehre in discord 😏
Also have you guys heard the latest trump related news?
[Squirrel in Training] I take taht as a yes
I just think the link is sus
no, I am Wietlol
[Squirrel in Training] No you're a frati frat lion
aye. just so you know, botler can now generate mimis too. I'm still waiting for @CaptainObvious to merge my PRs
I am still waiting for @CaptainObvious to send me a link ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Butler called me, he says here's the link
did u jszut add an 'o' to the link?
[Squirrel in Training] @Wietlol check out the sand-box channel pined
@Squirrelintraining r u familiar with dalink?
nice. click it
[Squirrel in Training] what no, i don't trust links on friday
come on
[Squirrel in Training] post in clear any maybe i will
it's not rebecca
@Squirrelintraining I think you mistake the link I mean with a different link
at least you didn't lie
read the title wiet :D
Did you know, that you can just copy the link w/o clicking?
the link I mean is for Botler's web hook
Trainerino out!
Drops ^ it
> @Wietlol check out the sand-box channel pined
I meant that message
the pinned messages in the sand-box channel are not the correct links
[Captain Obvious] A link to what
[Captain Obvious] Also oh god why
if you create a web service, I can invoke it on SO chat messages
[Captain Obvious] Might have to reject that PR on principle
I already explained everything dang it!
12:56 AM
can someone tell me the name of the feature which allows a person to do a using for downcasting instead of using as and comparing to a null pointer?
half of the language features are now called "Pattern Matching"
when they will introduce an actual pattern matcher, things will be interesting
Can confirm, it's all pattern matching
IDE0019: Use pattern matching to avoid 'as' followed by a 'null' check - .NET
Are you encountering an error when implementing pattern matching?
2 hours later…
Quiet today
[Squirrel in Training] It's quite.. TO quiet
it is quite quiet
are people actually...working??
looks like it
on a Friday of all days!
ikr! I feel like there's a meeting im not invited to :P
[Squirrel in Training] maybe they jsut be chattin in ghe #general-csharp chat in discord
ah that makes sense
except they arent
anyone familiar with azure devops?
a little bit
[Captain Obvious] I use it for botler
[Captain Obvious] (and a bunch of work shit)
what kind of triggers do you use for pipelines?
[Captain Obvious] I just use git commits to trigger it
[Captain Obvious] Build on new commit to master or PRs
do you have multiple stages?
[Captain Obvious] Do you mean steps?
[Captain Obvious] I mean you can just look at the azure-pipelines for botler: github.com/butler1233/stackoverflow-chatbot/blob/master/…
I mean multiple places where it is deployed
like a dev server, test server, staging server and production server
[Captain Obvious] Ohh I only use it for the building, I don't use it for deployment
also... isnt git supposed to be yelling at that file for missing newline at the end?
how do you deploy then?
[Captain Obvious] Using octopus
Is it possible to connect to Azure outside of a web project using WebHost?
I mean obviously it is, but is there some kind of equivalent you can spin up, or other straightforward method?
Still trying to do azure cli but in C#?
Haha, yes
Also powershell
I mean, yes you can there's a nuget package for that, but it's a whole new certification to learn
Seriously though there's a whole cert for literally that
[Captain Obvious] Pssh, certifications
What I'm trying to work out is whether I can turn app settings in Azure on or off as a prelude to running particular tests. Hitting all sorts of issues bc Azure doesn't seem to accept an endpoint as a connection only a config store name, but I can't set up the config store from inside a test project
Can someone please help me on this: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/403188/…
I have simple HTML page with one button. On clicking the button, call to an external API happens and alerts the response. It works in all other browsers, except IE.

Here is the code:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-html -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
> It works in all other browsers, except IE.
I fail to see the problem
@pforpraphul ctrl+k
Also meta is not for programming questions
yaa. I posted there by mistake (rofl)
and C# is not for JS
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />
<link href="toastr.css" rel="stylesheet">
There has to be a website that automatically checks your code for APIs IE doesn't support by now, right?
What exactly doesn't work? Making the call? Sending the alert?
wouldnt that just be a website that says "yes"?
Also Wietlol is right both times, you might wanna listen to him at some point
from time to time, I forget my real quest
@Wietlol In my imagination the website would just return his whole code, as it is supposed to tell him exactly which call doesn't work.
Its not alerting the response in IE. but it does in all other browsers
@Wietlol To be the very best?
Like noone ever was?
Is the alert() using toastr.js or how does it alert?
Or is alert() just a browser api?
actually that api call is not happening.. that why no response. I dont know why its not working in IE alone
if you save the code as html file and run in chrome and IE, you can see the difference ;( ;(
But then I'd have to save the code and run it
Instead I could also just wait for you to answer my questions
You still have not actually answered my question, I'm not sure what you're waiting for
its just a js alert. i removed all css and styles from the html
just to make sure that only the api call is failing
What is "jsut a js alert"? Is it something the browser knows, like window or document or stuff?
I'm not a JS dev (those are in the js room) so I do lack some basics
it wont even work if you just console.log() the response
Also: Have you spammed console.log's everywhere to see what exactly happens and what doesn't?
Like, does hte network call not return?
Or does it not even hapen?
call is not happening.. i am getting a error in the console saying...SCRIPT5009: 'getStockCount' is undefined
are you using a 3rd party JS library?
you are probably missing some dependency.
Have you tried putting it into a .js file and running that?
Also you might wanna ask in the js room
@mr5 but it works in all other browsers except IE
@Squirrelkiller yes.. it didn't work
oh IE. I haven't heard that word for a long time.
it's probably another IE's quirks.
Obligatory why even support IE? It's long out of support.
@Squirrelkiller but it should work in IE. and thats making me sad... ;(
it should not
and it should not make you sad
actually i need to put this in a legacy application... and the application is older than me I guess. (rofl) it only will work in IE>
I hope whoever actually pays for this pays a lot
Like, a LOT
[Ntohl] 💵
[kesarling] Umm guys, what is that warning symbol? Never encountered that before. No red underlines and the project builds successfully
[kesarling] Okay, its gone now
[kesarling] Weird
[Li] Usually means a reference error like it didn't build a project or something.
[Li] Usually goes away by itself
[kesarling] oh! okay
[kesarling] thanks
[kesarling] thought I had done it wrong again
[kesarling] 😅
[Ntohl] in VS you need right click on the solution -> restore nuget packages -> go inside references of the csproj -> click on any reference icon -> wait 2 seconds -> profit
[kesarling] hmm... will keep that in mind. Thanks 🙂
[kesarling] kinda silly after this long, but how do I change the default root page to /Home? (writing @page "/" at the start of Home.cshtml is really not a great solution)
wtf is dis?
Access Token with "Full Access": "Access Denied"
Access Token with only "Packaging - Read & Write": "Success"
"microsoft_logic.exe" has stopped working.
how did you do "Full Access": "Access Denied"
with what tool/IDE's form?
just azure portal
I just make a token using the userSettings/tokens
the one with Full access is rejected
the one with just the Packaging - Read & Write is working
the docs said that it needed the Packaging - Read & Write, but as I am just testing things, I thought maybe Full Access would come in handy more often than just now
guess my expectations of microsoft_logic.exe were too high
@Wietlol lul
Are you making an OAuth service?
well... no
this is just Azure
4 hours later…
In Blazor, what would even be the difference between registering a service scoped vs. singleton? Wouldn't it be the same as it is only one user anyway?
3 hours later…
that depends on the scope
for the client side, the scope could be the lifetime of a page (or route) or indeed the lifetime of the application
you would have to find out how big the scopes are to understand them

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