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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

I'm working on certificates issuing app. the CSR (certificate signing request) consists of two parts: the info parts (country, locality, common name, email.. etc) this is what I'm interested in, the second part is the Key, which differss according to implementation (I'm using CSP) I don't want to serialize it because It won't be saved to DB.
So I have the base class: SubjectInfo and the derived class , that implements the specific key provider CSR
@CaptainObvious yo I need a serialized EventData, do you have Botler in a debuggable state right now to copy me one?
Decided to first build unit tests for EventData at least
k guess I have to run it then
Just throw Sandy's login into the CLAs and you're good
(and probably a config.json location as the third for good measure)
Yup that's the plan^^
Just gotta find the creds again
@DKDhilip Noma?
That amount of flashing...
i love lyric videos
Green sus
I saw purple vent
there you are !
what are you doing in there
covid is the end of globalization
atleast we get something good out of it
i want a happy cat
lets try this again..
well I guess the cat is happy, the finger is not
Afternoon all
Hello darkness my old friend
Tumbleweed and sadness
So i did resign, got 11 weeks left :(
how'd it go?
fairly well, theyve not tried to offer me stuff to keep me though which is a bit disheartening lol
not that id have accepted but it would have been nice
I think its because it's a health thing, so there's no point offering anything
dropped em in the shit though lol
first time I quit my job, I had already signed the contract for the new job
I didn't even want to be tempted by a counteroffer
im not going anywhere atm
I was getting paid a miserable amount of money, and they always denied my requests for a raise
Ah the usual lol
do you have another job lined up?
not yet
12 weeks notice was killing it for me
haha vegans
had a few interviews, made it to the final 2 at places like Next
Experian had an interview with me which is probably the worst interview ive ever done
you know when you're watching a train crash in slow motion? yeah 2 hours of that
that wasnt directed at you
lol Hans I know its ok :D
@Squirrelkiller hmm strange. I thought casting to a less derived type would lower the memory reserved for that particular variable. This is true in C#'s "primitive" types, but for "object" types, it seems it is not.
good ;)
and yeh, we should laugh at Vegans :p
anyone who doesnt like bacon (unless its religious or allergic) i dont trust
haha true
@Neil But yeh gonna start applying at around 8 weeks remaining
I only eat vegans
I just think that being Vegan is like saying you're not going to vote at the elections and thinking that somehow by some freak event, nobody ends up voting
like pigs
if you don't want people to eat meat, you need to campaign it, like you would an electoral candidate, or you just continue to eat meat
all or nothing imho
But its crap like today that makes me hate this job, Endpoint protection is being migrated, so I have to set up all the custom exceptions on the new software for all the machines, I just want to write c# :(
if you convince 100 people to stop eating meat, then you've done way more than just you, not eating the meat yourself
heck, convince 101, and you can eat the meat of the 100th person
@Squirrelkiller you mean, if I cast string to object and not the other way around? cuz if you cast an object to be a string while it isn't, you'll either get a null or a RTE.
I bought myself vr goggles today
think they will arrive next week
hope my brain can take it otherwise i wasted a lot of money
I try to use an already built tool for my app to not worry about trivial things such as storage, turns out I've just put myself into more work.
@Hans1984 you're always welcome to send it to my address if you don't lyk it ^^,
i dont even want to know how much it would cost me to send them to your place
@Hans1984 It takes about 20 mins to an hour to get used to moving around in VR
@DAustin I see
izz oculus?
I just hope I can take it
All I can suggest is if you can base your direction on the controller and not the headset, do that
and dont get headaches
would be a pitty
especially since money is short
It's fun, BeatSaber is always worth getting if you can
oh okay
I also read you can play star wars squadrons in vr
I just bought the game 1 week ago
probably amazing to play in vr
I tried Elite Dangerous in VR
motion sickness is huge, though i only tried it once at the start, maybe ill be better at it this time around
some people would say, wearing your VR gears is much better while you're driving.
I see
Well with flying, you have 3 axis of rotation, its a lot to adjust to all at once
BeatSaber = 1 degree, you stand still and hit stuff
easy to get used to
then try something you can walk around it, for 2 degrees
then try flying
i should probably try an easy , slow game at first right
Yeh, flying for your first experience will be a bit overwhelming
so I guess I ll play some minesweeper for a start
although explosions might mess me up
nah like I said, Beatsaber is well worth the money, probably the most played VR game in my library between me and the gf
I see
I might give that one a try
easy to play, difficult to master, one of those types lol
If im lucky it will arrive till saturday but probably start of next week
I see
you know how it goes the one time you hope for an delivery to arrive till the weekend
it doesnt
Well if you have trouble and im on, feel free to ask, but ive not used an oculus/google device so I might not know where a certain setting is
@Hans1984 Yeh lol
@DAustin thanks I'll keep that in mind
ah shit brb, someone is making do work
no worries, bbl
in a bit xoxoxox
aaaaand im back
@Wietlol why is Kotlin such an ugly
@mr5 blasphemer!
leaving now
bye guys
I'm puking/vomiting/throwing up while doing the Kotlin
@Hans1984 o/
Well maybe you're just not doing the Kotlin correctly
o/ Hans. don't forget your flamen
I'm looking at the docs lol
izz the recommended way
C#'s LINQ is still the best syntax of all
Later Hans, good luck with the delivery
@mr5 I love me a bit O Lambda Expressions
Actually maybe someone can help me out with a Lambda I hashed together the other day? Got a question on efficiency
Why do other languages named their monads filter/map/flatMap instead of the most popular words like the C# have chosen.
that's your complaint? that they didn't copy C#?
yeah, the name is more intuitive imo
I needed a look up table in order to form my query
So in the below Lambda, using EF, note the related 1-to-0 or many mapping for AccountReceivables running a Ternary Statement to catch when there are no Entries for AccountReceivables, I have to check 4 times within the staterment, it feels wrong but I'm not sure how to avoid it without a second call to the db and enumerating through the result set, which also feels wrong lol

    fcpd.Transactions =
                        fComCustomer.ParentCustomer.Transactions.Where(xx => (xx.Comment.ToLower().StartsWith("(sys) frotcom:") || xx.TransactionEntries.Any(xxx => contractTypeItemIds.Contains(x
I mean by lookup table is me browsing on the docs while doing the code.
Sorry, bad formatting
that xx and xxx is confusing hehe
I use the no. of x's to denote the number of levels down I am
so x => x.[something] = top level
xx => xx.[something] is a select within that top level
and so on
makes it easier to figure out what scope im in
the bit im talking about however is the multiple calls to AccountReceivables.Any()
will that result in 1 additional call to the db, or 1 for each time its stated?
fair enough, but if I were you, I would put a descriptive word on it, but yours is still valid, I'm not forcing it.
fair point, too late though now I have way too much code written like that with the x's lol
not that I'm sure if .Any() would trigger a db transaction, IMO, the .Select already did the query, so what you have in that context is a result of the recent transaction, basically, it's already in the memory, IMO
Its also what I thought
but wasn't sure
well, I'm no ASP dev guy, don't trust me :D
I think it could also be rewritten as xx.AccountReceivables.FirstOrDefault() ?? 0 to avoid the .Any()?
The only alternative for me to avoid a runtime nullreferenceexception is to do the call after the list is populated, and enumerate through, but that would obviously be terribly inefficient for the additional DB call AND enumerating the result set twice
Linq to EF cant convert the ?? in the dbquery, only in memory
are you experiencing a perf issue with that query now?
Should point out this is EF6 and not EF Core
no not really, I was just curious
its a tiny result set
it was more for my own knowledge
@mr5 what? HERESY!
@mr5 C#'s naming is horrific
@DAustin iirc, my former colleague said, you can concatenate queries and it wouldn't trigger a db call until you call the .ToList() or enumerate using loops.
@mr5 The other issue here is that it will throw the null reference error when trying to access AccountReceivables is they are not there, so it doesn't even get to do the FirstOrDefault
map is always correct, because you are performing a mapping operation
filter is always correct, because you are performing a filtering operation
flatMap is a mapping operation combined with a flatten operation
select, where and selectMany are not always correct
@mr5 Sounds about right
@Wietlol Kotlin is ugly 🤢🤮🤮
they are context specific names that make absolutely no sense in some situations
for example, in the context of a collection, SelectMany (mapping each value to a collection) makes sense
@DAustin .FirstOrDefault() would not throw.
but in the context of an optional (or maybe or option or whateve), SelectMany (mapping each value to no value or one value) makes no sense whatsoever
@mr5 LOl let me run it and show you then ;)
you SelectOneOrNone, neither one nor none are to be considered "many"
@Wietlol is more common since people are accustomed on SQL jargons
C# is also the only language that uses their own jargon afaik
and they made the best choice
ew no
can you confirm this wiet, FirstOrDefault() throws?
no, it doesnt throw
@DAustin hoax
the developer does tho
they throw up
yeah, like me while doing the kotlin
izz fugly
> xx.AccountReceivables.Any() && xx.AccountReceivables.FirstOrDefault().Balance == 0 ? true : false
(xx.AccountReceivables.FirstOrDefault()?.Balance ?? 0) == 0
a complete murder
xx.AccountReceivables.Select(it => it.Balance == 0).FirstOrDefault() ?? true
Well shit :P
Aint that a bitch?
I can recommend putting each value into a local variable first
you are derefencing it
an expression like that is extremely annoying to debug
always put question mark after FirstOrDefault() ? whenever you try to access it.
the NRE could come from anywhere
It's the FirstOrDefault() call on account receivables, if it returns null for the collection you get a null reference exception
Except I only changed one line Wiet
FirstOrDefault() returns null, so it doesnt throw
I took out a ternary statement for the BalanceDue property and just tried to return the value
look at the examples I wrote
Well, I changed only one thing, it was working, now its throwing NRE
unfortunately, we are wrong wiet:
A: FirstOrDefault throwing exception instead of null

Thom HubersThis is default behavior, .FirstOrDefault() throws an exception when the source does not exist. Null is returned when the source does, but the specific entity does not exist. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb340482(v=vs.100).aspx

you cant read .Balance from null
@mr5 yes, but that is different
also, that cannot possibly be the cause
because the collection is already asserted to be not-null by earlier calls
So using your example wiet it doesnt thrown but it gives an unhandled exception lol
InvalidOperationException: Nullable object must have a value.
wait no, it really should not
it's an extension after all, so you better check the nullness of the source first.
@DAustin my C# might be a bit rusty tho
especially when Nullable<T> comes into play
the syntax for that part is really unintuitive
.Any(AccountReceivables /* this is probably null though /*)
at least the second example should work
this is how it's get translated
Aye, it can get confusing, but the key thing is that it throws when you try t oaccess a property on the null object, so I need to check if there is a value to get before attempting to get it, hence the original question of asking if it would be making additional db calls
AccountReceivables?.FirstOrDefault() ?? 0
you dont have to check if there is a value though
you can do a conditional access on the property
No i have to check if there is an entity
@Wietlol Example pls
((MyStuff) null)?.Balance == null
?. instead of .
Yeh got it, didnt realise you could do that on the FirstOrDefault() call, thought it had to be on the entity
Works a charm cheers, (after i mucked about with casting)
xx.AccountReceivables.FirstOrDefault()?.Balance ?? (Decimal)0,
That should speed it up a bit then
nice one
at that point, you are doing it on the entity (because you do it on the result of FirstOrDefault())
0m for decimal literal
@mr5 Oh yeh, been a while since i used m
that's what I was saying earlier. Why are you only listening to wiet?
like i said i slapped this together the other day, needed refactoring so ill take the suggestions on board
@mr5 because I am always right :D
and you just said Kotlin is ugly, so you are probably wrong
Team effort guys
also, it will not hurt if you assign those into temporary variables rather than ...ugh
im not sure what type AccountReceivables is, but you probably want to reduce it to one call of FirstOrDefault by putting the result into a local variable (what mr5 said, but this time from a trusted source :p)
I also struggle with this irl
also... I can recommend extracting this out into a separate function... perhaps even a separate class if you feel like it
I'm not sure how I can improve myself
you can embrace the Kotlin :D
if I say a lot of things, they would lose interest, if I say few words, they immediately lost trust in me and ask other people.
Well you should call into a DTO with EF to prevent returning all the data, no point in sending properties over the wire if all you're gonna do is bin them
Kotlin UGLY
well, there you go again
If I made the call without passing it into a DTO you basically get a SELECT * FROM [Table] WHERE X, rather than a SELECT [Properyt1], [Property2] ....
oh yea, I forgot... EF
the #1 clean code defying tool
I assume local variables also aren't allowed
not within the query no
oh the heresy
you can have one out of scope and assign to it
brings back all the... less nice memories
or at least i dont know a way of having a local variable within the SELECT() statement
personally I like Linq to EF
it kinda reverses the SQL order or operations (in my head)
I see, you like to have duplication of effort
i.e. Where().Select() rather than Select().Where()
Nah, I just find the Where condition is usually more important than the select in terms of complexity
but you cant have local variables
having that at the start of the call makes more sense to me
so you have to write FirstOrDefault a lot of times
shouldnt be using TSQL for variables anyway IMO
@DAustin use the other form of LINQ, idk what's called but it lets you define a local variable using let keyword
you cant extract the mapping to a separate function
If you have to write FirstOrDefault a lot its usually a sign of a bad schema on the DB, again imo
so everywhere where you have this mapping, you have to copy'n'paste it
@mr5 not a fan of pure Linq, looks horrible to read
have used it though in the past
Right gtg, im being kicked out
have fun will follow up tomorrow xoxoxox
yeah, a lot of devs really need to put an effort when structuring their data models
is data model structures called schema?
hey this is out of the blue, but does anyone have experience setting up Minecraft servers?
is that thing an online game?
you can play single or multiplayer on it, yes
I wanna see if I can put that powermac to use, but I doubt it's powerful enough
powermac? that costly thing?
I got mine for $10, so 😂
cheese grater
that for $10?
they managed to put the emulator screen inside AS.
@mr5 yea it was at a flea market that my dad's friend owned
like the insect?
what is that mac server doing on that market?
flea markets are just a place where people sell old, used stuff
they got their name because a lot of them historically had a flea problem
but yeah this powermac looks like it can be maxed out at 3gb and I'm wondering if that's good enough
This week I accessed Java objects running in the JVM via a generated .Net 3.5 Proxy.dll ... shiver I feel so dirty I am off to take 50 hot showers and scrub until my skin is raw.
I know right? You had to use .Net
4 hours later…
dat moment when you realize your life sucks
these characters are overlapping :(
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

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