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@Wietlol prove it
idk about that yet
@Wietlol 😂😁🤣
I have no clue what you meant right there. You can use the listCommands command to see all my commands.
dick pick comming up
wait... that is not a good idea
I'll get there eventually
aw man that would've been hot
@Wietbot evalnode Array(10e100).join('lol ')
@MikeTheLiar RangeError: Invalid array length
@Wietbot evalnode Array(10).join('\u0040MikeTheLiar ')
@Wietlol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
@Wietbot evalnode Array(100e2).join('lol ')
I have no clue what you meant right there. You can use the listCommands command to see all my commands.
2 messages moved to Trash can
@Wietlol why it can't execute eval in evaljs?
@Wietlol @MikeTheLiar @MikeTheLiar @MikeTheLiar @MikeTheLiar @MikeTheLiar @MikeTheLiar @MikeTheLiar @MikeTheLiar @MikeTheLiar
@mr5 iDunno
@Wietbot evaljs eval("'test'")
javax.script.ScriptException(ReferenceError: "test" is not defined in <eval>#1:0<eval> at line number 1)
there, it does work
evaljs just uses a different syntax
just use evalnode
I will rename the command once I have my database management stuff done
which is... quite far from now
@Wietbot evaljs setInterval(() => 'hello', 100);
me.wietlol.aws.lambda.LambdaException(TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
--> starting at object with constructor 'Timeout'
| property '_idlePrev' -> object with constructor 'TimersList'
--- property '_idleNext' closes the circle[])
@Wietbot evalnode
setInterval(() => console.log('hello'), 100);
"done, but not really";
@Wietlol done, but not really
javax.script.ScriptException(<eval>:1:13 Expected an operand but found )
setInterval(() => 'hello', 100);
^ in <eval> at line number 1 at column number 13)
@Wietlol done, but not really
what is this godawful syntax?
you cant wait for the interval to finish, can you?
If you're waiting for setInterval to stop executing I've got some bad news for you
I think I have a good idea...
what if...
You're like 11 years old, you don't have carpal tunnel
my younger brother has carpal tunnel
@mr5 try to evaljs again
@mr5 You are not allowed to use the 'evaljs' command.
@mr5 ReferenceError: a is not defined
@mr5 shit
3 messages moved to Trash can
A q p
A q p
doesnt wërk though
Iraq pizza
lol Wut
`Shaq's in Iraq and this time he's a q p`
` Warner Bros.`
fine I didn't want it to work anyway
anyway, anybody ever heard about BeOS?
@Freerey what are we in the '90s
well clearly Java's heard about it
I wanna see if I can get it on a vm; shouldn't be too hard
can you vm a BeBox?
y'know I only found out today they actually made hardware lmao
if I remember correctly BeOS will only run on BeBox
so basically Be Inc. was NeXT with no charisma, and a name that didn't make any sense
but I could be wrong
I don't think so; the promo video explained that the OS was made for normal computers
Names that don't make sense: Yeah, welcome to the '90s
pls that's today; wtf is Uber supposed to mean?
you're right
those names at least make some sense
Anyways why do you want to use their OS?
"the tube" means TV and "you" is...well, "you are on the tube"
facebook is "faces in a webpage like a book"
idk it looks quirky
and then there's Yahoo! who tf knows why they called it that
but oh, you know what I heard? they have flash games there..
even chatrooms!
I F*CKING LOVE flash games
wtf is Zoom supposed to mean?
Shockwave was awesome...I wish Ic ould still play Lego Worldbuilder
that's what their stock did
it Zoomed
flash sucked
made my fans turns on
"Flash is a dying language!" -- some boomer hipster who got cancer
@JBis you shut your mouth, my childhood was flash gaming
how about Mata Nui Online Game?
the only nice thing was you could downlaod the swf files and play them offline
that's the only way you can play Flash now
chrome still has flash support
*the only safe way
@Freerey I had it on game cube
no you did not
you had Bionicle: the Game lol
you're right
idk why I'm here. I have an app prototype due tomorrow and it's not totally done
wow....WOW that was bad...
Freerey have you heard of shapez.io?
no I have not
it's pretty fun shapez.io
I can't search for this formula: (n+m)!/n!m!
@CupOfJava Any idiomatic C# code I might know is about a year out of date. Pattern matching - sure. Records - missed the boat on that one :)
thank you
you were the first person to come to mind
2 hours later…
@MikeTheLiar haha, that would make a good movie script.
@MikeTheLiar the real answer is Israel. For such a small country they are ahead of the game in things like AI.
Doesn't it break the LSP, that I can't substitute the derivative type RSACryptoServiceProvider with the parent type RSA in the method Encrypt, where the parent has different version for Encrypt?
for example: RSA rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); won't give the desired Encrypt method, so I have to use: RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
2 hours later…
not necessarily
LSP is mostly based on the values
also, mostly based on inheritance
given the code RSA rsa = new RSAThing();
where the encrypt functionality works as expected
changing it to RSA rsa = new SubRSAThing();
shouldnt break the behavior of said usage
where class SubRSAThing : RSAThing
RSA simply having a smaller api as opposed to RSACryptoServiceProvider is not a violation of the Liskov Substitution Principle

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